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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and the real beauty is, we can (re)use all the stock 3W decals!!!! (yeah, even I get lazy!)
  2. man, don't think I wouldn't have killed to have that one on the Mid West USA map -- well, hell, these days McDs is everywhere ... theyr'e the AK-47 of fast food!!!
  3. B-47E

    thing is, i know I have it somewhere; i just cant find the archive CDs. don't remember where I put them
  4. B-47E

    the one at C5's site is/WAS capuns. it was created before The Great Schism
  5. you put it directly into the terrain folder itself, yes??? yo can open the bmp, and see it, right?? I've zipped it up' see if this one works. the pits should look like the image below Pit1.7z
  6. I believe so. At least, that's what the "visual" evidence over the last several hundred years seems to support <gr>
  7. Cause I"m pretty sure I did that for the K3 terrain (I recognize my own work -- the large sun shelters were a dead giveaway that one ain't mine) use the attached bmp. just drop it into the terrain folder. Be advised, it will change ALL the arming pits, for all time Pit1.BMP
  8. Best Answer: They heard you were in the neighborhood, and ran away. Probable Real Answer: you don't need Dhimar and Paran listed; it's automatic on the desert terrain. By deleting the unused aircraft (which are all exported, including western birds ExportedToEnemy=TRUE), you removed the possibility of their random generation for Bad Guy (tm) usage. You'll have to reinstate them if you want E/As to show up
  9. Not only a terrain with locked year, how about the ENTIRE game???? Lets not forget THIS most important tweek
  10. Something else I'd like to say about GKABS. How many of you have noticed this first line in every one of the announcements for his uploads: There's something special about that simple statement. Even some of us that have been doing this for nearly 20 years don't see that sort of thing very often, yes?? THAT kind of courtesy is hardly seen these days, anywhere. I wanted to bring that to you all's attention. carry on, gents.
  11. is that my CenUS terrain??? I disremember the Sears Tower .... ========== required screenshot French Dakota in Indochina
  12. Whoever said sanity was a requirement??? We're all complete nut jobs!! You just keep right on going, brother!
  13. Those almost like the alien war machines in the War of the Worlds series (the newest one on cable). they would be good as fixed defenses around airbases and industrial centers. Set as "AAA"??? or "Static_SAM" ???
  14. iirc, those slimers are self illuminating meshes? if so, no; not without the MAX files. if it were a regular light, no problem //tail & backup lights// [TailLightRed] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.0,-5.44,0.15 <---------- LightSrcOffset=0.00,-0.10,0.00 Color=0.98,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.2 CanFlash=FALSE [TailLightWhite] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.0,-5.86,2.17 LightSrcOffset=0.00,-0.10,0.00 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.2 CanFlash=FALSE that's the easy stuff!!
  15. no each gun has it's own box. i mean, just look at the data ini statements
  16. Departing Tyndall for a nice cruise over the Keys
  17. when i uploaded the KA-6 pack, it dosen't come with a cockpit. you need the WoV A-6A's pit (iirc -- you know us old guys, always forgetting!!! )
  18. ?? albeit somewhat old ... it still works
  19. commando raids??? seeing the 111 screenshots above, I can't help but hear Ron Goodwin's score from the move!!
  20. In all my years, I never realized the Lock-Mart built Phantoms. The things you learn at CombatAce.
  21. yes. as was stated before, the date of upload is a dead giveaway as to "what happened when"
  22. be the same as SEA. BTW, don't forget that F & G models are Wild Weasels. Only. High Value Assets (tm)
  23. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Sunk it many times in Silent Hunter 4!! so, now we need Judys and Jills ....

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