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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I don't have that terrain, so can't really help in this instance. It does sound like a bug, but I"ll have to check my SF2I install to test. However, I'll only be using the stock IsrealME map, as that mods folder is strictly middle east/israel only
  2. these are what is meant by generic tags. the game, based upon year dates, user lists and availability, will populate the region with (approximately) appropriate units. That's pretty much all there is to know!! :)
  3. yah, I removed the node name, as it's just "stuck" between the left nacelle's 2 intakes. Does anybody remember the "SRC" bits actually stand for?? It's been years since I've see the defination (might have been on the now closed and vanished 3W boards) I'll make some experimental changes and we'll see what happens! thanks folks!
  4. remember, there's 3 rudders: 2 outer fins, and the right inner fin. Don't ask me why!!
  5. don't bother adding them to terrains, just let the game engine populate them itself. If you place a SAM, ERW or SAM Radar DIRECTLY CALLED OUT BY NAME on a terrain, it goes into "stealth mode". It will never show on your RWR. (yet another fuck up created by one the later patches) Just let the game generate them in already specificed generic listings. (ie: "SAMLauncher", or "AAA"). Seriously, don't mess with terrain editing.
  6. as has been stated before, one of the patches fucked over the AI routines. This is a continuing problem expecially with guided munitons. There is no fix
  7. not quite correct... only those aircraft with the TEWS type of RWR need to have their RWR list edited. All other types (3 ring and vector) do not require that, as they don't use specific symbology for their displays. irrc, the edited ini goes in the aircraft's MAIN folder (ie: Aircfaft/F-16A)
  8. that just might work... leaving "ExportedToEnemy=TRUE" (in the case of Lebanon, fer instance)
  9. So, that's Alex Rogan and Grig??? ------ would have thought they might have bought re-furbished 104S from Italy and Turkey, to replace the G (H) as their airframes timed out
  10. yah! on the ov-10a, the tractor beams are coming form the elevator mass balance horns, which is why i removed them from the revamp.
  11. as stated: my guess would be, just them 2 places!! You might have to use the mission editor to change 'start location' when flying a single mission to see them. Or, if close enough, use the free camera view to wander over and have a look see
  12. well, Kev, I'll send you the 707, and you can see for yourself! I just didn't want to undo any of your hard work!!! BTW, we do have some Red Airliners, thanks to Veltro, in the D/L section. I revamped them a few years back
  13. I can tell you for a fact, it's coming from the nose gear strut. I did the "hide nodes" trick, and that made it go away. It also had the side effect off removing the nose gear!! (which didn't seem to hinder operations!!!!) That model is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frakking old, and has so many flaws (mesh-wise). It's like most of the 1stGens imported to SF2. The newer engine exposed all the shortcomings
  14. No. Unfortunately, the way daddyairplanes has set them up (because all the markings are level 2 decals), as a seperate "Airlines" nation that is friendly. The only why to do it is to assign each airline to it's nation of origin. Which means have individual skins, with correct reistration numbers. Then, Exported=TRUE and ExportedToEnemy=TRUE. This is what I did in a revamp of TMFs B-707. (just to original 4 skins). I haven't released it, because it'll totally fuck up DA's work. See below: with those is was easy, as the skins already existed requiring minimal repainting to remove any painted on bits. To REALLY do it right, we'd need the templates, or someone has to build them, the user list (that part's REAL easy) and create the individual national airlines or other carriers, assigned to their nation's air force. There are only 2 sides in all the 3W games -- Red and Blue. Even target areas marked as Neutral, are assigned Red coloration on the maps. As to Mac's Skytrains, take a look at them in-game closely -- ID the national markings, then look at the data ini and userlist
  15. Some Folks Found An Aerial Target Drone on a Beach

    by, was i WRONG!!! (you'd think I'd remember FL has a west coast, after doing the OTC map!!)
  16. Some Folks Found An Aerial Target Drone on a Beach

    judging by the sunset, I'd say west coast. whereabouts??
  17. not without the max files, as it has to be added to the LOD.
  18. Have you checked the SF2 Knowledge Base?? The reason it exists!! Hope this helps!!
  19. https://www.bulletpicker.com/index.html bombs, guns, rockets !! LOTS of manuals and such on PDF
  20. delete everything in the mods folder or just rename it. run the exes again, to rebuild new one. DO NOT ADD ANY MODS. Restart the game, play as normal. See if the issue returns. If it does, then there's something majorly screwed in your game installs (the exes), which there is no repairing of. If it returns to normal, then it 's something you added. That's all we can do, as you've really not stated the issue clearly. Terrains (should) have nothing to do orders to AI wingmates.
  21. and I've like 6 - 8 squadrons worth of decals already done for A-3 in most of it's versions (-1, -2, KA), as they were for angelp's version. cockpit, etc (even a backwards facing pilot for the EWO/Gunner thanks to kjakker --irrc!)
  22. I gave up all Hope a long time ago. I'm a much happier person now

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