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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. campaign stuff i don't know about ... the last campaign I played was in 2005 in the original Desert map (cheated with nukes as soon as the 1st weapons pack came out) I was talking about the "paragraph look" you mentioned above
  2. some 'generic' types, sometimes assigned to various countries are sometimes included within terrain mods. So, it'll take a bit more searching. but, most definately, one needs to research what exactly they had, and what will stand in (the correct term) for what's not available. RN would definately still have Tribals on inventory
  3. something with the board's software, on certain formated items. i've had it happen to me too.
  4. I had no idea the A-10 was so versatile.

    hahahah!!! there's a "version" of that in the "Civil Firefighters" mod for SF2. I just thought it was a joke! as to the air ambulance, maybe they'll use the underslung pods we've seen in another thread??? ducks and runs ...........................................................---------->
  5. decals be done ... now the hard part --- and the texture work!! (lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve them panel lines!!!)
  6. <cough> Sukhoi Su-9, 1945 <cough>
  7. also, let's not the aircraft/vehicle userlist inis, and more importantly, each terrains "LimitedNations" statement and list. that should prevent (the operative words, of course) anything that don't belong from appearing where it ain't supposed to. Terrain's also have a "GroundObjectTexture=" statement that (again,the operative word) should prevent desert camo fro showing up in Germany and vice versa.
  8. the winds are all CGI, so they're not "really real" actually, they're supposed to effect bombs, missiles and the aircraft, but I too have never seen it. it maybe as guuruu said.
  9. don't forget the RCS modifier, in the "AircraftData" statements (check the F-117 & B-2)
  10. um, since Day1, 2003 Jordi!!! next time your near an airbase, watch the windsocks, too (or any flags)
  11. Steve Canyon ...

    funny thing is, the RAF W/C is Paul Frees, the "man of a thousand voices". actually kind of nice to SEE him on screen; you usually just hear him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Frees (those that have been to the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland -Anaheim will recognize his voice over from there as well)
  12. Steve Canyon ...

    while looking for something else, I found this on YouTube. I have vague recollections of seeing some episodes as a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry young boy in the early 1960s I'll have to search around, and see if the rest of the series is on YT
  13. remember the missioncontrol ini is a GLOBAL controller. I'm wondering if some of that there stuff might be hard coded in one of the dll. I know manually flying, you can be as low as you want, but wingmates tend to "wander". yes, everything is in metrications
  14. I'm so jealous!! I've never even SEEN the Grand Canyon!! Back to the matter at hand: what about trying to adjust the AI routines by specific, tailored statements in the data ini?? You might have to add the "pilot" experience statements as well. Extract the "AircraftAIData.ini" from the cat 001, and examine it. You can copy/paste various statements (LevelBombAI), and so forth into the data ini, and then adjust the altitudes. You can even adjust the "minimum and maximum" experience of AI flghts/pilots as well (we did this on the KAW Sabres). A LOT of experimentation will probably be needed.
  15. View File SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (GAF) Update Pack SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (GAF) Update Pack 2/26/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is an update pack for the GMG's version of the Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6, when in service with the German Air Force of the 1950s and 60s. This package to be applied to the GAF Sabre Early and GAF Sabre Late mods, available at the following URLs: https://combatace.com/files/file/9456-canadair-cl-13b-mk6-sabre-early-sf2/ https://combatace.com/files/file/9459-canadair-cl-13b-mk6-sabre-late-sf2/ You =MUST= have these 2 mods installed first =BEFORE= applying this Update Pack. This pack consists mostly of inis, with a few other "interestering" bits thrown in for good measure. Many things have been changed/updated/messed with; most importantly they recieved the Fubar512 FM from the KAW Sabres. Plus many other changes, see the Change List below in the "Notes" section. Backups of the original data inis are included, so you don't have to. The loadout inis included are the most recent supplied by RavenClaw_007 on the CA Forums as of 2/23/2021. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! The Full Changelist is in the "Notes" section As this is NOT the full, aircraft, it's been placed in the 'Object Ini Edits" section of the SF2 downloads. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein With many thanks to RavenClaw for allowing me the chance to work on these! Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/04/2021 Category ini File Edits  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (GAF) Update Pack 2/26/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is an update pack for the GMG's version of the Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6, when in service with the German Air Force of the 1950s and 60s. This package to be applied to the GAF Sabre Early and GAF Sabre Late mods, available at the following URLs: https://combatace.com/files/file/9456-canadair-cl-13b-mk6-sabre-early-sf2/ https://combatace.com/files/file/9459-canadair-cl-13b-mk6-sabre-late-sf2/ You =MUST= have these 2 mods installed first =BEFORE= applying this Update Pack. This pack consists mostly of inis, with a few other "interestering" bits thrown in for good measure. Many things have been changed/updated/messed with; most importantly they recieved the Fubar512 FM from the KAW Sabres. Plus many other changes, see the Change List below in the "Notes" section. Backups of the original data inis are included, so you don't have to. The loadout inis included are the most recent supplied by RavenClaw_007 on the CA Forums as of 2/23/2021. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! The Full Changelist is in the "Notes" section As this is NOT the full, aircraft, it's been placed in the 'Object Ini Edits" section of the SF2 downloads. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein With many thanks to RavenClaw for allowing me the chance to work on these!
  17. and always, ALWAYS read the enclosed readme. (unzip to a temp folder or your desktop or somewhere that's easy to find.)
  18. "gave me the rats" !!!! that is hysterical!! I have to remember that, and use it!! I'm glad it back working!!
  19. no, you can't. once you're at the 2013 level, there's no going back. since everything is always withing the various cats, dll, and whatnots, they can't backed to an earlier date. Hence the term "full ***(number of) install" also, SF2v never had a locations.bmp or a briefing ini. Briefing are generated from (iirc) the various mission data cats We have to ask this next question, as there's a lot of pirated/warez installers running around, so don't be offended: Where did you get SF2V? Direct download from 3rdWire??? If so, I'd uninstall the ENTIRE SF2 set up (not just the mods folder), reinstall ALL your SF2s games, and start completely fresh. There is something very wrong going on in your install
  20. Wrong thread, buddy. Create a new one (thread) and ask the question there. This not the right place (thread-wise) for that. Also, when you do that, clairify EXACTLY what you mean. The aircraft are always pre-loaded with what they can carry
  21. Humpday Heavies

    Delivery guaranteed!!
  22. Good for you!! I d/led it last night, but hadn't had a chance to install it. I'd have had to renumber the _types.ini entries, as I was putting it in a stock VNSEA terrrain. I have a whole mods folder for just testing things (mostly the aircraft we build)
  23. did you ADD the new targets to the END of the VietnamSEA_Types.ini??? You have to extract if first from the VNSEA.cat file, then place it INTO the VietnamSEA terrain folder (you DO have a VNSEA terrain sub-folder in you /Terrains folder, yes?) This is just a simple copy and paste, it's kinda hard to mess it up

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