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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. And said 3rd Wire decal tutorial is in the downloads section, iirc, under Utilities. Essential Reading (tm)
  2. Wanna bet? I've been moderator and then an admin at this site for going on 15 years. People are constantly trying upload ripped and pirated models. Lets just say they get stomped on pretty hard. We may not be the DAT site, but we can be brutal when needed.
  3. Ok, so what we're seeing here is a pirated mod??? That someone, somehow extracted the LOD before they were locked and uploaded it??? Further investigation of the mod will be necessary. We don't allow that here. And who give a fuck about the order? Those of us that have been doing this for 17+ years know where to look for we want.
  4. The weapons editor is NOT needed in SF2. All you need are the inis, if cloning an existing unit, or all the bits if using an older converted one. And in the C7's main ini, what lod is called for?? Bet it's the stock 3W C2's.
  5. Indeed I did. But you're using the wrong one. Both SF2V and SF2I lack many of the mission type allowed. You need to use plane jane SF2, as everything is allowed. Create a "Test" install from the SF2 exe, and do all the work in there. That leave all the others 'free' for "theatre specific" use.
  6. is the aircraft's main ini pointing to the avionics70.dll?? Are all the inis (avionics most expecially) SF2 compliant? Since I don't have the aircraft ... I can't check. Also, for shits and grins, try pointing it to the F-15A_avionics.ini, which we know works, and see if the radar & missile do what they're supposed to Primary diagnostic procedure: common to one or common to all?
  7. Considering how new to SF2 you are, and only have the one game, that's not surprising!!! I've only encountered it once, and it never recurred. So, the "rebuild mods folder" is pretty mucn the only option
  8. 98.6% of all SF2 aircraft have the drop tanks built into the aircraft's LOD Use the LOD Viewer. And we DO NOT ask for the sharing or the sharing of, stock 3W lods (even if they were available -- they're locked away in Cat2-. That violates the site's anti-piracy policy. 3rd Party is ok, as long as permission form the original builder is a "known thing"-
  9. "2 weeks" I mean, hell, SOMEBODY had to say it!!
  10. Version


    SF2 WW2 F4F-3/4 Wildcat, SBD-3/5 Dauntless -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a compilation of all my work for Wolf's SBD Dauntless and Pasko's F4F Wildcat. It is designed to replace ALL the previously released versions. So, be advised. There are 5 aircraft in this pak: F4F-3 (pre- and early war) F4F-4 (early war to mid-43 FM-2 (mid to late war -this is a stand in aircraft, based on the -4) SBD-3 (pre and early war, to mid-43 -includes RNZAF skin) SBD-5 (mid war, tri-color) and ???? a surprise! All have semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they REALLLLLLY do need further fine tuning by experts. All lighting on all aircraft is 100% historically correct. All are carrier capable, with the SF2NA statments for those (ok, 2) aircraft with folding wings Use Shift/0 to open the window, and Shift/9 to fold the wings -Wilcat ONLY! All skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. I've tried, as best as possible, to use the 'StartDefaultDate' on all skins to limit the availability for pre-War markings from those that came into being post-January, 1942. The -4 'cats have skins that start 1/42, and the Dauntless has the same pre and post 1/42 starts. Hopefully, they will work as they should. Userlists are included for all aircraft, as being 'exported' means USN, USMC, and in the SBD-3's case, RNZAF.SF2 versions of the old 'box art' Hangars are included for those that had them. Sounds, weapons are included. Also, for you enjoyment, a never-before-released-to-the-public "Surprise" aircraft. Yes, its a total stand-in, and dosen't really even look like what it represents, but ... you can have to fun with it (flying for the Red Side, that is, attacking it.) As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All readmes from the original releases, and re-releases, are included where discoverable from the archives. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  11. never heard of that one, never had it happen. The only time I've lost files is from a system restore; had hundreds (thousands? given the size of some mods folders) of skin folder that were emptied -- nothing but the textureset ini and decals ini. But that has to be Windows issue, not a game one.
  12. There should be a buttload of them in the 1stGen downloads section. I should know. They'll need folderization for SF2, but that's an easy job. Just follow the pattern on the later style pilot figures. *pilot-name-of.ini* lods bmp/jpg skin folder has to be the name of the pilot ini
  13. You can also specify nation-specific loadouts too. For those aircraft exported=true As newer weapons become available, they're added to the inventory. Look at the A-7E_74 and and A-6E_79 loadouts. You'll see they evolution of the weapons.
  14. Nope. It's how the game engine works, espeically with AI units converted to Player Flyable. Covered in the SF2 KNowledge Base
  15. Yes, they work. Leave them alone.
  16. We're gonna get us a Wedgie!!! (sorry Ed, I just HAD too!!)
  17. No need to post the same response 3 times.
  18. yawn Indeed, let's NOT give us system specs, in as much detail as possible, to assess the situation and render aid
  19. moved to the correct Forum.
  20. JosefK: You need more help, I'll do what I can!! I seem to remember writing a small "place an object" tutorial in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base. It might still be there, buried under tons of rubble (think "The Mummy") With Mue's TAE, it almost become too easy. One of the things it doesn't do is "replace" an object already listed. That has to be done by hand, via the _targets ini. And you still have to add the new object to the _types ini manually. It's pretty easy though (ok, I been doing it for 13+ years, so I'm instinctive)

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