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About Jarhead1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Cordova Maryland
  • Interests
    AIrcraft, Aviation, Military, Thirdwire series gaming, Rodeo, and anything else country..


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About Me

Well, where do I start? I am a FORMER US Marine. I did 3 combat tours to Iraq, OIF 1 back in 2003, Operation Phantom Fury, back in 04-05 in Fallujah, and OIF 5-7 in 2006. I love aviation, history, the military and like to ride horses, rodeo and have a good time. I am getting divorvced and have 4 beautiful children, twin girls and two boys. If anyone has any questions for me just pm me and I will be glad to answer anything u have for me. I just got out of the Corps on October 25th after almost 9 and a half years and now I am in Delaware. Talk to you all later.


Jarhead 1




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