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About Jarhead1

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    Cordova Maryland
  • Interests
    AIrcraft, Aviation, Military, Thirdwire series gaming, Rodeo, and anything else country..


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  1. USN Korean War CVs

  2. Did this project up and die? Was really looking forward to this bomber.
  3. Words to the wise...

    lol nice
  4. All china is doing is creating more targets for us if we go to war.
  5. Top Gun Stories - Tower flyby

    yeah even with a pilots license they wouldn't let him fly it lol
  6. Top Gun Stories - Tower flyby

    He didn't fly the tomcat, closest he got to the stick was in a simulator. The US Navy is NOT going to allow an actor with NO flight school training to fly a fighter jet lol
  7. Membership Drive 2015

    Dave I was just trying to do my part that's all what I gave isn't near enough for all the info and advice and mods n friends from this site over the years, cant put a price tag on that.
  8. Membership Drive 2015

    Kinda cant afford it right now or I would donate.
  9. what a bastard that guy should be hung up by his balls

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