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Files posted by Gepard

  1. 1 comment


  2. MiG-21F-13 east german LSK style camo

    MiG-21F-13 east german LSK style camo
    This mod is made for SF2.
    I. History
    In the east german airforce LSK (Luftstreitkräfte) each single plane had a unique paint scheme. There was no standard for the form of staines, dots or stripes. So the technicians of the squadrons and repair facilities had free hand for the paintshop.
    Originally it was intended to have a two tone camo. The colors had to be brown and green. But the tone of the paint was not specified, so that lighter and darker greens and browns were possible. It depended a lot on the availability of the paint. On the other hand the brown paint was very fast weathering, so that it appeared soon as a green tone. Nobody knows why the paint changed from brown to green. It simply happend. Perhaps it had something to do with the sun?
    So a very wide range of colors was to find on the planes. In the late 80th a 3 tone camo was used.
    This package contains 40 different camos, connected with the tactical numbers, so that you will find 40 planes each with an other unique camo. The camos are LSK style. They are not historical correct. The reason for this is, that there is no reliable source for the east german MiG-21 camo. All paintschemes, even that in the museums, are LSK style (freestyle)
    . So i decided to make this set as freestyle. A NVA MiG-21 could have looks like that, what you find in this package.
    The tactical numbers are made by PauloPanz for his MiG-21F-13 skin.!
    The skin based on:
    TK's stock skin, modified by me.
    The camo decals are made by me.
    -Unzip the folders into your object folder
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2016




  3. Midway Terrain version 1.1

    Midway terrain is made for "Strike Fighters Project 1" SFP1.
    You can use it in Wings over Vietnam and Wings over Europe too.
    Wings over Israel can handle this terrain too, but the flight modells of prop driven planes shows anomalies in WOI.
    Midway terrain covers a part of the Central Pacific Ocean with the atolls of Kure and Midway.
    It is the place were in 1942 a big Air-Sea-Battle was fought between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy. The japanese Navy was superior in numbers of ships, but the US side had some major advantages. No.1, the japanese communication code was broken, so that the US Navy commanders were able to read the enemy commands. No.2, the US had radar coverage, so that enemy surprise attacks were nearly impossible. No.3, the US had the superior number of airplanes which were deciding during the battle.
    The battle was fought as a pure air to sea combat. No single gunfire exchange between naval vessels took place.
    The result was that the japanese Navy lost 4 carriers and the US Navy lost 1 carrier. It was a impressive victory for the USA in Pacifice war theater. You can compare it with the Battle of Moscow on the Eastern Front or the first british victories in North Africa.
    Midway Terrain following target areas
    this are
    Kure Atoll (Neutral airbase)
    Eastern Island (Midway AB USMC)
    Sand Island (Midway USMC)
    ship formations
    +Midway Occupation Force
    +Midway Support Force
    +Second Fleet Main Force ( 1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Main Force (1 small carrier)
    +First Fleet Carrier Strike Force ( 4 carriers)
    +TF-16 (2 carrier)
    +TF-17 (1 carrier)
    III Known problems
    Up today it is impossible to take off and land from carriers while using single missions which are generated by random single mission screen.
    Thatswhy i added invisible airfields for taking off and landing in the centre of carrier formations. You will also start from the sea. This is not satisfying. Thatswhy it is the best to start the mission in the air to overcome this problem.
    1.)unzip all files into your Terrain folder
    2.)unzip Groundobject.rar into your Objects folder.
    It is neccessary that you download following files from Capuns homepage
    yourself and unzip it into your Objects/Groundobject folder.
    1. Akagi
    2. Brooklyn
    3. CV-5
    4. Fla-MG (you need to download the Browning AAA gunner. From there you need the files BrowningAAA.LOD and BrowningAAA.bmp)
    5. Liberty
    V. Credits
    At this place i want to say thank you to the guys who made the groundobjects and who gave me the permission to use them in Midway terrain.
    Also a big thank you to Hinch for the Zuiho carrier and the japanese Battleship which is a moded Repulse etc.
    Thanks to TK for the great SFP1 sim family.
    And finally thanks to all guys who helped me with hints, advices etc.
    GROUNDOBJECTS are forbitten to share. If you want to do this please contact the makers of this Groundobjects
    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    August 2008
    Q: How i can get Midway Terrain running in WOV, WOI or WOE
    1. Open file Midway.ini
    2. Look for line CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat
    3. Replace this line with:
    for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat
    for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat
    for WOE: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat


       (1 review)



  4. Super Mystere B2 Camo EC2/12 Savigny 1977

    Super Mystere B2 Camo EC2/12 Savigny 1977
    I. This camo is made for TK's stock Super Mystere B2 which is included in WoI and WOI Kadesh
    II. History
    This camo was used in the french fighter squadron EC12 Savigny in 1977
    The skin based on TK's stock silver skin.
    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft/SuperMystereB2 folder.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    November 2014


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  5. Super Mystere B2 Camo EC.1/12 Cambrai 1974

    Super Mystere B2 Camo EC1/12 Cambrai 1974
    0. update 1.1
    Tailbadge Hornet reworked and badge Tiger included
    I. This camo is made for TK's stock Super Mystere B2 which is included in WoI and WOI Kadesh.
    II. History
    This camo was used in the french fighter squadron EC1/12 Cambrai in 1974.
    The skin based on TK's stock silver skin.
    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft/SuperMystereB2 folder.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    November 2014


       (1 review)



  6. MiG-21K carrierborn fighter family

    MiG-21K, KS, KST and Kbis Soviet Navy carrierborne fighters (What if) v1.0
    This mod is made for SF2NA.
    I. History
    In 1946 the UK had a lot of major problems. It suffered high losses during WW2 and war damages all over the country were significant. The industry layed down and a big amount of war depts pressed the economy further. On the other hand the Royal Navy had a lot of ships which were not neccessary anymore. So it was decided to sell some major ships, including aircraft carriers. The HMS Colossus was sold to France, the HMS Warrior went to Canada. The Netherlands wanted to buy the HMS Venerable and Australia was interessted in the HMS Venegance.
    1946 the Soviet Union showed their wish to buy 3 carriers of the Colossus class and offered a price of 50tons of fine gold. So the last 3 carriers of the Colossus class, the Theseus, Triumph and Perseus were handed over to the Soviet Sea War Fleet and were named as TAKR Odessa, TAKR Kronstadt and TAKR Sewastopol.
    Odessa and Kronstadt were operated by the Northern Fleet, while the Sewastopol served in the Baltic fleet for 6 years. In 1952 all carriers were sent back to Navy wharfs to refit them with an angle deck. The blueprints of this innovative design was stolen by the Cambridge Five espionage group. In 1955 the Odessa became operational again. The Kronstadt followed one year later and the Sewastopol reentered the service in 1957. All 3 carriers were used till mid/end 70th.
    After refit with angle deck the MiG-17 became the core of the Odessa flight group. But in 1961, the Soviet Navy demanded a supersonic interceptor with Mach 2 capabilities. The OKB MiG decided to modify their newest plane, the MiG-21PF, to fit the requirements of carrier operations. The MiG-21K was born.
    The K got a strenghtend landing gear, an arrestor hook and carriertypical avionics. The most obviesly difference was the introduction of canards and an inflight refuel probe. So it was possible to increase the former much to short range of the plane. The K got the new engine R-13-300 which was originally intended for the next MiG-21 generation.
    After nearly one decade of carrier operations a new updated version was needed. It came in 1968 and got the designation MiG-21KS. The KS got the RP-22 radar which increased the detection range by 50% and made new weapons possible. So the R-60 and R-3R were introduced and the air to ground missile Kh-23. The number of weapon stations was doubled. Now were 4 wingpylons available. The new stronger R-13F2-300 engine gave the KS a better handling.
    As nuclear strike plane the MiG-21KST was developed. KST stands for korableniy, safir, toplivo what means carrierborn, saphire radar RP-22, additionally fuel. It got the big back tank of the MiG-21SMT and was prepared to carry nuclear bombs under the wings. It entered the service in 1973.
    1975 the last version MiG-21Kbis came to the squadrons. The external shape was similar to the precessor MiG-21KS, but under the skin the Kbis was a new plane. The structure was mainly build by titanium what made the plane light and strong. The new R-25-300K engine gave more thrust and less fuel consumtion. The RP-22KM radarsystem was able to operate the new medium range air to air missiles of the R-23 and R-24 family over a distance up to 40km.
    All MiG-21K versions had had no internal gun, but where ably to carry the GP-9 gunpod under the central fuselage station.
    While making the MiG-21K family i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The LOD file is made:
    by TK
    The skin based on:
    TK's stock skin, modified by me.
    The flight model is made :
    by TK
    and modded
    by me
    The Cockpit is made
    by Paladrian (Mago)
    The canards, inflight refuel probe and small antennas are made:
    by Alejandro
    The mods for the four wingpylons, engine exhausts, nose antennas and pitot tubes and the big backtank for the KST are all made
    by Spillone104
    The GP-9 gunpod is made
    by Spillone104
    The R-3R and Kh-23M missiles:
    are taken from WeaponsPack_16May06
    -Unzip the folders into your object folder
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    The MiG-21K family planes are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!
    The additionally parts are NOT FREEWARE. Please check the readme of that files.
    VI. Known issues
    Because i use the MiG-21PF stock LOD file there is no visible tailhook available.
    The plane is prepared for the file RED5201 which is taken from Red_Pilots_Part1 pack. This pack you find in the download area for first generation SF.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    August 2014


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  7. MiG-21DF

    I. This mod is written for SF2
    II. History:
    The combat experiences in Vietnam showed, that the RP-21 radar of the MiG-21PF generation was not really satisfying. Very often the pilots detected the target with their eyes earlier than with the radar. The new RP-22 for the next MiG-21 generation was on paper 30% better, but in reality a target in the size of a MiG-21 could be only detected at a range of 7km. So some frontline pilots believed, that the RP-22 radar was only worthless additionally weight and demanded to replace it by the simple radar rangefinder Kvant. So the plane should become lighter and more agile. Further it should get a stronger engine. The MiG-OKB decided to try to use an uprated version of the R-13 which was originaly developed for the Su-15M. This engine was the R-13F2-300 with the same dry thrust like the old R-13-300, but an increased afterburner thrust of 70.2 kN.
    In 1969 one (other sources say 2) MiG-21SM were taken from the production line and were refitted to the DF standard. Flighttest were held in 1970 and spring 1971 with satisfying results. But it was decided to cancel this project in favor of the more advanced MiG-21bis.
    The cockpit i had choosen for the MiG-21DF is the great Yak-38 cockpit made by Stary.
    All other files are modified from TK's stock MiG-21MF
    -Unzip all files into your objects\aircraft folder.
    The plane is prepared for the pilot file Red5201. This pilot is included in Troopers Red Pilots pack. You will find it here:
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    July 2014


       (2 reviews)



  8. MiG-21SMF

    I. This mod is written for SF2
    II. History:
    End of the 60th it became obviesly that the MiG-21S needed more thrust. The implementation of the R-13-300 engine and other
    improvements made the MiG-21SM. But even this plane was underpowered a little bit. So the MiG-OKB decided to try an uprated
    version of the R-13 engine which was originaly developed for the Su-15M. This engine was the R-13F2-300 with the same dry thrust
    like the old R-13-300, but an increased afterburner thrust of 70.2 kN.
    In 1970 one (other sources say 2) MiG-21SM were taken from the production line and were refitted to the SMF standard. Flighttest
    were held in 1970 and 1971 with satisfying results. But it was decided to cancel this project in favor to the more advanced
    The great MiG-21SM cockpit is made by Paladrian.
    All other files are modified from TK's stock MiG-21MF
    -Unzip all files into your aircraft folder.
    The plane is prepared for the pilot file Red5201. This pilot is included in Troopers Red Pilots pack. You will find it here:
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    July 2014


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  9. MiG-17K and KP carrier borne fighters

    MiG-17K and MiG-17KP Soviet Navy carrierborne fighters (What if) v1.1
    This mod is made for SF2NA.
    I. History
    In 1946 the UK had a lot of major problems. It suffered high losses during WW2 and war damages all over the country were significant. The industry layed down and a lot of war depts pressed the economy further. On the other hand the Royal Navy had a lot of ships which were not neccessary anymore. So it was decided to sell some major ships, including aircraft carriers. So the HMS Colossus was sold to France, the HMS Warrior went to Canada. The Netherlands wanted to buy the Venerable and Australia was interessted in the Venegance.
    1946 the Soviet Union showed their wish to buy 3 carriers of the Colossus class and offered a price of 50tons of fine gold. So the last 3 carriers of the Colossus class, the Theseus, Triumph and Perseus were handed over to the Soviet Sea War Fleet and became the names TAKR Odessa, TAKR Kronstadt and TAKR Sewastopol.
    Odessa and Kronstadt were operated by the Northern Fleet, while the Sewastopol was operated by the Baltic fleet for 6 years. In 1952 all carriers were sent back to Navy wharfs to refit them with an angle deck. the blueprints of this innovative design was stolen by the Cambridge Five. In 1955 the Odessa became operational again The Kronstadt followed one year later and the Sewastopol reentered the service in 1957. All 3 carriers were used till mid 70th.
    After refit with angle deck the MiG-17 became the core of the Odessa flight group. The MiG-17K was developed from the MiG-17F and was used for daylight operations and in the air to ground role. For bad weather and night operations the MiG-17KP was developed from the MiG-17PF. In 1967 both types were updated to carry the AA-2 Atoll (R-3S) missile.
    While making the MiG-17K and KP i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The LOD file is made:
    by TK
    The skin based:
    TK's stock skin, modified by me.
    The flight model is made :
    by TK
    and modded
    by me
    The Cockpit is made
    by Stary
    Who made the MiG-17 pylon i have forgotten. Sorry. Please contact me, that i can give you the proper credit.
    -Unzip the folders into your object folder
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    VI. Changelog
    - removed the Early_MiG pilot as Old Diego demanded
    - problem of not appearing soviet Navy Flag on plane is solved
    -missing loading screens for MiG-17KP and MiG-17KP_67 included
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    June 2014


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  10. Open Atlantic terrain HFD

    Open AtlanticTerrain HFD v.1.1
    This terrain is written for SF2NA
    I. Short description:
    The terrain covers the open Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland. It is a mod of the Open Ocean Carrier Battle
    Map terrain.
    It is made for slower computers, thatswhy it use no LOD based terrain, but the old HFD.
    Changes to previous version:
    - starting positions of the carriers are variable now
    - 2 more recon points
    - changed the sides on the map. Soviets starts west, NATO starts east (to simulate a carrier duell NW of Scottland)
    Unzip all files into your Wings StrikeFighters2 /terrain folder.
    Thats it.
    III. Credits. I want to say thank you to JonathanRL who made the original Open Ocean Carrier Battle
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    02 June 2014


       (4 reviews)



  11. MiG-21bisD1-3

    MiG-21bisD1-3 german updateprogram (What if)
    I. This mod is written for SF2
    (a special WoE version is available in the download section)
    II. History:
    In January 1991 the Bundesverteidigungsministerium (ministery of defence of the Federal Republic Germany) decided to phase out all MiG-21 which were handed over after the reunification of Germany and scrap them.
    Two mounth later ingenieurs of the german DASA company (became later part of EADS) wrote a letter of memorandum to the chairmen of their company. In their memo they stated, that an updateprogram for the MiG-21 would be a profitable cashcow for the DASA company. As reasons for their statement they gave some points:
    1. Repair and updatefacilities are already existing with the Flugzeugwerft Dresden
    2. Skilled personal is available
    3. Good connections to eastern Europe contries are given, because a lot of WP MiG's were repaired and overhauled in Dresden in the past.
    4. The eastern european states are attempting to leave the zone of influence of the Sovietunion and will try to become closer to the western alliance.
    5. The economic situation of the former WP states is so weak, that it is unlikely, that they will be able to purchase modern western equipment in the next decade. What means, that they will use the weapons they already have for a while.
    6. The backbone of the fighter fleet of states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania is still the MiG-21. Its an easy and cheap to operate plane and it is believed, that this plane will held in operational status till the year 2000.
    Conclusion: For states which are willing to become members of the NATO and still operating the MiG-21 is an offer of a german made MiG-21 update program a welcome gift. It brings the MiG-21 to NATO standard and helps the economic weak states to operate a significant fighter fleet.To support our selling attempts is is neccessary, that the Luftwaffe must operate the updated MiG-21 in significant numbers over a periode of 5 years minimum.
    In March 1991 the chairmen of the DASA decided to start a MiG-21 update program. Close informal connections to the Bundeskanzleramt and the MOD changed the fate of the MiG-21 in german service. The former east german Jagdgeschwader 8, based in Preschen, was relaunched under the new name "Erprobungsgeschwader 8". As operating aircraft only the MiG-21bis was choosen.
    In April 1991, the DASA offered 3 update levels for the MiG-21 with the task to improve the combat capabilities of the plane by minimal changes in original design. The project name was MiG-21bisD. The D stands for Deutschland, the german name for Germany.
    MiG-21bisD1, electronic update. It consist of the replacement of the RP-22 radar with the italian Grifo-7M, the implementation of an avionics container at the tailfin root, which contains an internal jammer SPS-142, a chaff - flare dispenser and parts of the NATO compatible radio equipment. The weapon system was modified to operate Sidewinder missiles, side by side with soviet made weapons. Only the R-3R missile was withdrawn, because the radar was unable to guide this weapon. The first MiG-21bisD1 was ready in November 1991 and entered the german service in spring 1992. In August 1992 the first MiG-21bisD1 was sold to Poland.
    MiG-21bisD2, agility update. With this update the MiG-21bis got a pair of canards to improve the agility of the plane, an inflight refuel probe, new NATO compatible radio and a new french made IFF system. The radar RP-22 was slightly improved by better computers, so that the range was increased by 10% and the target quisition time reduced by 50%. The weapon system changes consist only of the Sidewinder implementation. The first D2 was completed in December 1991 and entered german service in summer 1992. First costumer was the Hungary in spring 1993, followed by Croatia in summer 1993.
    A subversion was the MiG-21bisD2Cz for the Czech Republic which based on the MiG-21MF-75 and was delivered in mid 1993. This planes got the updated RP-22DM radars taken from the former east german MiG-21bis, but still had the old R-13-300 engines.
    MiG-21bisD3, full NATO compatibility. This modification included the MiG-21bisD1 avionic update and the D2 agility update. Additionally the plane plane got a new engine. The old R-25-300 was replaced by the RB-199 Mk.105 which was developed for the Tornado ECR. It was ~ 5% stronger than the R-25 and a good piece shorter. The now existing space was used for a bigger internal fuel volume. In Spring 1992 the first MiG-21bisD3 started for maiden flight, but the program came to a temporary stop, when the british company GEC Marconi Avionics offered their Blue Hawk and Blue Vixen radars to the program. In summer 1992 the implementation of the Blue Vixen was finished and in spring 1993 the plane became able to operate the new american AIM-120A AMRAAM missile. The first MiG-21bisD3 entered the german service in November 1993. It proofed as a reliable, capable and cheap to operate aircraft. In 1993 the "Erprobungsgeschwader 8" was renamed in JG75 "Erich Hartmann". It operated the MiG-21bisD3 and a later D4 update till it was replaced by the first Eurofighter Typhoon in 2004.
    Poland got the D3 in 1995, Romania in 1996. India showed an increased interesse for a licence production of the D3, but when the USA denied the AMRAAM capability India retreated from program and purchased the MiG-21BISON from Russia.
    I want to say thank you to Alejandro from Argentina who made the aditionally parts which i used to create this plane.
    The great MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian
    -Unzip all files into your objects folder.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    May 2014


       (1 review)



  12. MiG-21bisD pack

    MiG-21bisD german updateprogram (What if)
    I. This mod is written for WoX
    (a SF2 version will follow later)
    II. History:
    In January 1991 the Bundesverteidigungsministerium (ministery of defence of the Federal Republic Germany) decided to phase out all MiG-21 which were handed over after the reunification of Germany and scrap them.
    Two mounth later ingenieurs of the german DASA company (became later part of EADS) wrote a letter of memorandum to the chairmen of their company. In their memo they stated, that an updateprogram for the MiG-21 would be a profitable cashcow for the DASA company. As reasons for their statement they gave some points:
    1. Repair and updatefacilities are already existing with the Flugzeugwerft Dresden
    2. Skilled personal is available
    3. Good connections to eastern Europe contries are given, because a lot of WP MiG's were repaired and overhauled in Dresden in the past.
    4. The eastern european states are attempting to leave the zone of influence of the Sovietunion and will try to become closer to the western alliance.
    5. The economic situation of the former WP states is so weak, that it is unlikely, that they will be able to purchase modern western equipment in the next decade. What means, that they will use the weapons they already have for a while.
    6. The backbone of the fighter fleet of states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania is still the MiG-21. Its an easy and cheap to operate plane and it is believed, that this plane will held in operational status till the year 2000.
    Conclusion: For states which are willing to become members of the NATO and still operating the MiG-21 is an offer of a german made MiG-21 update program a welcome gift. It brings the MiG-21 to NATO standard and helps the economic weak states to operate a significant fighter fleet.To support our selling attempts is is neccessary, that the Luftwaffe must operate the updated MiG-21 in significant numbers over a periode of 5 years minimum.
    In March 1991 the chairmen of the DASA decided to start a MiG-21 update program. Close informal connections to the Bundeskanzleramt and the MOD changed the fate of the MiG-21 in german service. The former east german Jagdgeschwader 8, based in Preschen, was relaunched under the new name "Erprobungsgeschwader 8". As operating aircraft only the MiG-21bis was choosen.
    In April 1991, the DASA offered 3 update levels for the MiG-21 with the task to improve the combat capabilities of the plane by minimal changes in original design. The project name was MiG-21bisD. The D stands for Deutschland, the german name for Germany.
    MiG-21bisD1, electronic update. It consist of the replacement of the RP-22 radar with the italian Grifo-7M, the implementation of an avionics container at the tailfin root, which contains an internal jammer SPS-142, a chaff - flare dispenser and parts of the NATO compatible radio equipment. The weapon system was modified to operate Sidewinder missiles, side by side with soviet made weapons. Only the R-3R missile was withdrawn, because the radar was unable to guide this weapon. The first MiG-21bisD1 was ready in November 1991 and entered the german service in spring 1992. In August 1992 the first MiG-21bisD1 was sold to Poland.
    MiG-21bisD2, agility update. With this update the MiG-21bis got a pair of canards to improve the agility of the plane, an inflight refuel probe, new NATO compatible radio and a new french made IFF system. The radar RP-22 was slightly improved by better computers, so that the range was increased by 10% and the target quisition time reduced by 50%. The weapon system changes consist only of the Sidewinder implementation. The first D2 was completed in December 1991 and entered german service in summer 1992. First costumer was the Czech Republic in spring 1993, followed by Hungary in summer 1993.
    MiG-21bisD3, full NATO compatibility. This modification included the MiG-21bisD1 avionic update and the D2 agility update. Additionally the plane plane got a new engine. The old R-25-300 was replaced by the RB-199 Mk.105 which was developed for the Tornado ECR. It was ~ 5% stronger than the R-25 and a good piece shorter. The now existing space was used for a bigger internal fuel volume. In Spring 1992 the first MiG-21bisD3 started for maiden flight, but the program came to a temporary stop, when the british company GEC Marconi Avionics offered their Blue Hawk and Blue Vixen radars to the program. In summer 1992 the implementation of the Blue Vixen was finished and in spring 1993 the plane became able to operate the new american AIM-120A AMRAAM missile. The first MiG-21bisD3 entered the german service in November 1993. It proofed as a reliable, capable and cheap to operate aircraft. In 1993 the "Erprobungsgeschwader 8" was renamed in JG75 "Erich Hartmann". It operated the MiG-21bisD3 and a later D4 update till it was replaced by the first Eurofighter Typhoon in 2004.
    Poland got the D3 in 1995, Romania in 1996. India showed an increased interesse for a licence production of the D3, but when the USA denied the AMRAAM capability India retreated from program and purchased the MiG-21BISON from Russia.
    I want to say thank you to Alejandro from Argentina who made the aditionally parts which i used to create this plane.
    The great MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian
    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    May 2014


       (3 reviews)



  13. Mirage 2000C1

    Mirage2000C1 France
    In the first version the ammo capability of my Mirage2000C1 was a little bit overrated. Sorry, my fault. Now i have corrected the loadout of this bird.
    The Matra Super530 semi active missiles are not longer available for the fuselage weapon stations. Now you can load 2 of them under the inner wing stations. Laser guided Bombs now can be carried under the wing and under the fuselage. 2 AS-30L laser guided missiles can be armed under the wings. One Martel Anti Radar Missile is possible at the centerline station.
    Also i have reduced the gun ammo from 150 to 125 rounds per gun.
    This is a mod of Erwin_Hans Taiwanese Mirage2000-5.
    When the Mirage 2000 came to the squadrons the first 37 jets still had the weaker engine M53-5, the originally only for export intended radar RDM and no air refuel probe. From the 38. jet they got the more powerfull RDI radar and the M53-P2 engine. This mod represent the first version of the french Mirage-2000C, called Mirage 2000C1
    Changes: - weaker engine to represent the M53-5
    - other Radar and weaker avionics
    - i use the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the Mirage2000 cockpit
    - new skin
    - changes in the Flightmodel to overcome the tendency to overroll and by using the autopilot to overpitch while landing approach
    I want to say thank you to Erwin_Hans for the permission to mod his Mirage2000-5.
    The original 3D Model was made by aleks
    The flight Model was done by IAFmars and YEYEYE and Erwin_hans
    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
    -For the case that you have no weaponpack you will find all Mirage2000C1 weapons in the included Weapons folder. To install follow the instructions in the readme there.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    January 2010


       (1 review)



  14. J-35 Draken german silver yellow skin

    J-35 Draken german silver yellow skin
    This skin is fiction. It is made for a fictional neutral Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) which was neither member of the NATO nor member of the WP.
    As part of the neutral corridor in the mid of Europe consisting of Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the neutral Germany decided to buy swedish fighter planes to defend the neutrality.
    Have fun!
    J-35 Draken skin credits
    The skin based on the silver Draken skin of Matthew Ouellette
    I created a new insignia for the neutral Germany. To make this insignia usable i moded the Nations.ini and replaced the Dominican Republic with the new neutral Germany.
    1. unzip into your J-35F folder
    2. move the files Finflash197.tga and Insignia197.tga into your aircraft folder
    3. move the file nations.ini into your Flight folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2013


       (0 reviews)



  15. J-35 Draken german silver red skin

    J-35 Draken german silver red Skin
    This skin is fiction. It is made for a fictional neutral Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) which was neither member of the NATO nor member of the WP.
    As part of the neutral corridor in the mid of Europe consisting of Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the neutral Germany decided to buy swedish fighter planes to defend the neutrality.
    Have fun!
    J-35 Draken skin credits
    The skin based on the silver Draken skin of Matthew Ouellette
    I created a new insignia for the neutral Germany. To make this insignia usable i moded the Nations.ini and replaced the Dominican Republic with the new neutral Germany.
    1. unzip into your J-35F folder
    2. move the files Finflash197.tga and Insignia197.tga into your aircraft folder
    3. move the file nations.ini into your Flight folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2013


       (1 review)



  16. J-35 Draken german bottlegreen camo Skin

    J-35 Draken german bottlegreen camo Skin
    This skin is fiction. It is made for a fictional neutral Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) which was neither member of the NATO nor member of the WP.
    As part of the neutral corridor in the mid of Europe consisting of Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the neutral Germany decided to buy swedish fighter planes to defend the neutrality.
    Have fun!
    J-35 Draken skin credits
    The skin based on the silver Draken skin of Matthew Ouellette
    I created a new insignia for the neutral Germany. To make this insignia usable i moded the Nations.ini and replaced the Dominican Republic with the new neutral Germany.
    1. unzip into your J-35F folder
    2. move the files Finflash197.tga and Insignia197.tga into your aircraft folder
    3. move the file nations.ini into your Flight folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2013


       (1 review)



  17. J-29TE german bottlegreen camo skin

    J-29TE german bottlegreen camo skin
    This skin is fiction. It is made for a fictional neutral Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) which was neither member of the NATO nor member of the WP.
    As part of the neutral corridor in the mid of Europe consisting of Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the neutral Germany decided to buy swedish fighter planes to defend the neutrality.
    Have fun!
    J-29TE silver credits
    The skin based on the silver Tunnan skin which was contained in Paulopanz "Tunnanpack"
    I created a new insignia for the neutral Germany. To make this insignia useable i modded the Nations.ini and replaced the Dominican Republic with the new neutral Germany.
    1. unzip into your J-29 folder
    2. move the files Finflash197.tga and Insignia197.tga into your aircraft folder
    3. move the file nations.ini into your Flight folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2013


       (0 reviews)



  18. J-29 Tunnan german silver skin

    J-29TE Tunnan silver skin
    This skin is fiction. It is made for a fictional neutral Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) which was neither member of the NATO nor member of the WP.
    As part of the neutral corridor in the mid of Europe consisting of Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the neutral Germany decided to buy swedish fighter planes to defend the neutrality.
    Have fun!
    J-29TE silver credits
    The skin based on the silver Tunnan skin which was contained in Paulopanz "Tunnanpack"
    I created a new insignia for the neutral Germany. To make this insignia usable i moded the Nations.ini and replaced the Dominican Republic with the new neutral Germany.
    1. unzip into your J-29 folder
    2. move the files Finflash197.tga and Insignia197.tga into your aircraft folder
    3. move the file nations.ini into your Flight folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Dezember 2013


       (0 reviews)



  19. Fast Squadron Take Off

    Fast Squadron Take Off
    This mod is written for SFP1,WOE, WOI and WOV.
    I. Short description:
    With this mod a Squadron will need less then 1 minute to take off, instead the long time in stock game. It is a mass take off to bring as many planes as possible into the air in the shortest possible time.
    I used it first in my Baltic Entrance terrain and made it now working with all other terrains of First Generation which use stock airfield files.
    Unzip all files into your desired terrain folder.
    For instance Wings Over Israel/Terrain/IsraelME
    Thats it.
    III. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    31 October 2013


       (2 reviews)



  20. MiG-17F pure fighter version

    MiG-17F Fighter Version (Vietnam)
    I .Credits
    This is a mod of TK's stock MiG-17F.
    The Pilot is a mod of one of Troopers Red_Pilots_Part1 pilots.
    The cockpit is taken from Zurawskis F-86.
    Thanks to all whos files i have used to make this MiG-17PF.
    II. MiG-17F Fighter version
    TK's MiG-17F based more on the fighter bomber versions which the polish or east germans used in the late 70th and early 80th. In this mod i made the pure fighter version the soviets delivered to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the 60th.
    This version had no wiring for using air to ground weapons in their wings. So they were unable to drop bombs or fire missiles or use rocket pods. On the other hand the soviet delivered MiG-17F had a radio range finder, a radar warning reciever and a 5 shot flare dispenser in the right side of the tail fin.
    Later the vietnamese got chinese J-5A (MiG-17F copies) which had not such devices.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    subfolders will be automatically created
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    March 2010


       (2 reviews)



  21. Saab J-35 Draken with changed Flightmodel for oct2008 patch

    Saab J-35F Draken
    This is a mod of the Draken of the Mirage Factory with the aim to fit the flightmodel to the October2008 patch and include minor changes. Sony, thanks for your permission.
    -The original FM was under the Oct2008 patch oversensitive. I made some little changes so that the Draken is again a pleasure to fly
    -This mod is using the F-4E cockpit instead the F-104 cockpit.
    - I made changes on the radar and included a fake IR sensor.
    - i modded the original skin a little bit and included a modded version of Hoarmurath green danish Draken skin
    I want to say thank you to Sony of TMF for the permission to mod the original Draken (the original readme you find in the Draken folder)
    Then i want to say thank you to Hoarmurath for the permission to mod his green Draken skin.
    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    April 2010


       (1 review)



  22. MiG-21M Fishbed-G

    MiG-21M Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
    In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun.
    For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23.
    On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform.
    Later in service the MiG-21M was updated some times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF.
    The bird in this package is the basic MiG-21M without protection plates and periscope on the canopy, as it was used in the Warshaw Pact and Syria. It represents an early eastgerman LSK/LV MiG-21M before major upgrates.
    MiG-21M for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
    While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The plane itself:
    Model and skin by TK
    The Cockpit
    Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
    The tactical numbers.
    basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz
    And finally my little share
    I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes.
    I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    The subfolder MiG-21M will be created
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Juni 2010


       (0 reviews)



  23. MiG-21M Fishbed-G (1980)

    MiG-21M Fishbed-G (1980) for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
    In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun.
    For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23.
    On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform.
    Later in service the MiG-21M was updated a couple of times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF. The MiG-21M got the ability to carry twin rail launchers and was updated to carry the missile R-60.
    The bird in this package is the updated MiG-21M with protection plates, and MiG-21MF engine, but without periscope on the canopy.
    MiG-21M (1980) for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
    While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The plane itself:
    Model by TK
    The skin
    I'm not sure, because no readme was included. I think it could be done by MarcFighters.
    The Cockpit
    Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
    The tactical numbers.
    basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz
    And finally my little share
    I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes.
    I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    The subfolder MiG-21M (1980)will be created
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Juli 2010


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. MiG-23FI non swing wing Flogger

    MiG-23FI non swing wing Flogger for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
    In the 60th the MiG-23 was developed as counterpart to the american F-111 fighters. In both superpowers the specialists had the strong belief, that the time of dogfight was over. The major task, so they thought, would be the high speed intercept mission. For that kind of warfare the MiG-23 was optimized.
    In the local wars in late 60th it was proof, that the days of dogfight were far away to be over. In cotrary, the dogfight was still the major task of a fighter plane and for that kind of warfare the MiG-23 was not suited. So the MiG OKB started a development line to make the plane more agil, which finally led to the MiG-23ML, which was much better than the first MiG-23, but was also no born dogfighter. So in 1971 the MiG-OKB started to develope a high agile future frontline fighter (Project 9), which had its maidenflight in 1977 under the designation MiG-29.
    One of the first studies of the project 9 showed a plane in size and shape of the MiG-23ML with F-15 like air intakes, two engines and non swing wings.
    My MiG-23FI is fiction. It is one step back, a MiG-23ML look alike with non swing wings and dogfight optimized wings with aditionally hardpoints.
    FI stands for "frontowoi istrebitjel" what means: Frontline fighter.
    MiG-23FI for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
    While making the MiG-23FI i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The plane itself:
    Model by Mirage Factory. Sony, thanks a lot for the permission to use it.
    The Cockpit
    Cockpit by Paladrian
    Added objects.
    The pylons are taken from Lindr2's MiG-29 package
    Then i used CIACHOs AKU-58 file to create the chaff flare dispensers
    And finally my little share
    I edited the Data file a littel bit and puzzled the parts together. Then i modified the original skin to make a blue MiG.
    I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    The subfolder MiG-23FI will be created
    2. make sure that the following files are placed in aircraft folder, NOT in MiG-23FI folder:
    MiG-23 Pylon.LOD and bmp
    MiG-23IRWerfer.LOD and bmp
    WPact_Pilot.LOD and bmp
    otherwise you will see pilots sitting on the wings and on the back of the bird.
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Juli 2010


       (1 review)



  25. MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K

    MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
    In the late 60th the soviet frontline aviation demanded a longer range MiG-21 for primary use as carrier for tactical nuclear weapons to the central european war theatre.
    The MiG-OKB choosed the MiG-21SM as basic for the development and simply enlarged the backfueltank, so that now the internal fuel amount climbed to 2.950 litres (2.400 lbs). The new bird was called MiG-21SMT. The T stands for "topliwo", what means "fuel".
    All SMT were prepared for the nuclear strike role.
    Only a relative small number of SMT's were built. They served mostly as dedicated nuc carriers at airfields in the GDR (east germany)
    MiG-21SMT for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
    While making the MiG-21SMT i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The plane itself:
    Model and skin by TK
    The backfueltank
    Model is by TK
    The Cockpit
    Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
    And finally my little share
    I edited the Data file to fit the SMT. Further i made the skin for the backfueltank.
    I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    The subfolder MiG-21SMT will be created
    2. make sure that the files MiG-21SMTBack.lod and MiG-21SMTBack.bmp were placed into your Aircraft folder, not into the MiG-21SMT folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    Juli 2010


       (2 reviews)




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