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Everything posted by FANATIC MODDER

  1. RT-33A Reduxe

    Excellent rework, a nice surprise.
  2. ALARM missile

    This is ravenclaw level work.
  3. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    Finally a proper UH-1!
  4. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    I feel really sorry about this person that does not appreciate the really hard work that you did on this. Be assured that I am fully aware that the amount of work that you did is amazing...and I really hope that you won't abandon this forever! You did all the difficult part.... It's a pity.
  5. RAAF Pilatus PC-21 for SF2 Ver

    It's really excellent, thanks!
  6. SF2_USN_F-4B_J_MissileStatus_v1

    Are you sure that the F-4J could fire AIM-7 from the wing stations ? In general, this mod is an excellent idea.
  7. A-1H Skin Pack

    These skins are really excellent
  8. Su-32 34 Skin Packs

    It's a pity that many people cannot enjoy these!
  9. Mirage IIIO SEA Camouflage

    Thank you. This skin is good as a stock one. There was also a 2-gray camo applied in the Mirage IIIO late in their operational life with the RAAF. Can you also make this please?
  10. RF-101 Camo

    I hope that they are more to come!
  11. Mirage F1CT standard T1

    This is excellent, i am looking for the F.1EQ also...
  12. SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack

    This is very good, an excellent template.
  13. F-2H Banshee (Razbam) Updated data pack

    No, in this release there are only ini files. Thanks, I HAD TO do this, F-2 was an excellent design, the one that established McDonell as a major US manufacturer. Very modern in its systems for its day, pleasant to fly, also very fast for a straight wing plane. I 'll correct the credits if you feel that it's necessary.
  14. View File F-2H Banshee (Razbam) Updated data pack F-2 Banshee Updated data pack v1.1 This is a further update of the DATA.inis of the RAZBAM F-2 Banshee. In this updated data pack, there are changes in the data.ini, trying to achieve realistic performance specs. So changes are done in almost every aspect of the specs (weight, flightdata, engine thrust etc) for being as close to the real thing as possible. For using this pack you need to have downloaded first - the original RAZBAM Banshee (Go to RAZBAM website for more details) - the Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees of Wrench https://combatace.com/files/file/14889-sf2-kaw-f2h-2-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ https://combatace.com/files/file/15415-sf2-f2h-3-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ https://combatace.com/files/file/15417-sf2-f2h-4-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ Credis should go to - RAZBAM for the original release - Wrench for making this really usable in missions/campaings - Ravenclaw_007 for the AN-M30 bomb - Spillone for - at least - some of the sounds Thoughts for further upgrades - The AltitudeTableNumData & DryMachTableNumData are really very limited and are restricting realism. Please give me help to correct them. DONE - The F2H-3 (F-2C) is without wingtip tanks but in reality all the -2,-3,-4 models had the capability of carrying wingtip tanks. I am planning to substitute the LOD of the -3 with the -4 model (since these two were identical externally) but for doing so I am waiting your feedback.DONE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - Overwrite everything above v1.0. Place the banshee f2h4.LOD (which you can purchase from the RAZBAM website) in your F-2H3 folder. What's new in v1.1 - The Destroyed Model now it's the stock F-84F one. - The F3H-3 (F-2C) now uses the F3H-4 LOD. Indeed, the -3 also used more the wing tip tanks than not, since they had a minimal effect on overall performance. - Further updated engine data. - Corrected ground clearence for the F3H-2. - Corrected loadouts. Now the wing pylon can be loaded with bombs (historical). - Small touches here & there for better overall result. Issues - The -4 used a different radar than the -3 model that had also a different radar screen with different symbology (not a successful one, as it often mentioned). However, it seems that we have the -3 style radar screen for the - 4 model too. - In some sources it's stated that the -4 had 20% more range than the -3 model. I am not convinced for that. Most likely it had to do with the need for full throttle/max power more often than the -4 model in combat conditions, something which indeed reduced endurance. Therefore I kept the same radius for the -3 & -4 models. - The Canadians seldom used their wing tip tanks. I had a hard time to spot canadian F-2s with wing tip tanks when in actual service. The most likely explanation is that with the small canadian aircraft was too much to handle the take off of the approx. extra 1 ton of weight with the wingtips on the weak -3 model. If someone wants a tank-less RCN F-2, I can update the pack. However the final solution will be to add the tanks as loadouts. *** sQUADRONS [SquadronXXX] Name=VF73 DisplayName=VF-73 Jesters Nation=USN [SquadronXXX] Name=VF193 DisplayName=VF-193 Ghostriders Nation=USN [SquadronXXX] Name=VF870 DisplayName=VF-870 of Royal Canadian Navy Nation=CANADA Remember this is a freeware! Submitter FANATIC MODDER Submitted 02/18/2018 Category ini File Edits  
  15. This is one of the very early ones that in photos they were loaded with AIM-9Ns and AIM-7Es!
  16. F-15A Hi-Rez with Lo-Viz Stencil

    Excellent as the hi-rez!
  17. F/A-18A made by TMF (TheMirageFactory)

    It's so nice to have, I dowloaded it because it was the beginning of an excellent series of F/A-18s. As it usually happens you always want to have the initial version, when it all started...
  18. Thirdwire F-15A Eagle Hi-Rez

    This skin is fantastic, with incredible detail. Also, excellent pilot (not included, as seen in photos) Is this an escapac seat?
  19. SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack 

    I check now and the stock VA-52 is good enough, please skip the request.
  20. SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack 

    I 'll be grateful if you offer us a VA-52 skin sometime in the future. Both RAZBAM & Monty versions of the A-6 have as their main A-6A skins a VA-52 skin. Especially for Monty this is the only Hi-Res available for the USN (There is also a hi-rez VMA-242).
  21. SF2 A-6A Intruder, VA-95 Skin/Decals Pack 

    The decals are really good.
  22. de Havilland Sea Venom FAW.21-22-ECM

    All the series of the new sea venoms is an excellent addition in a plane that is generally rather neglected and forgotten. I found that is not drastically slower or less agile than the single seater venom, but it was already very slow in the early '60s to be effective in air-to-air combat.
  23. The Scandinavian Front 2: Final Release

    I checked it and it is indeed an excellent work.
  24. RHAF SF2 WW2 Fieseler Fi 156 'Storch

    Many Thanks, this skin was a nice surpise.
  25. SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak  

    Very nice skins.

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