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About Abhi

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    new delhi,india
  • Interests
    sketching,painting and many more.


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  1. iaf 5 no sqn

  2. hmm high speed pass i will try, dont have nuke falcons as i am using stock weapons.
  3. Greetings fellow virtual flyers, There is this thing I noticed and is bugging me. I have SF2: Israel and SF2NA, while the graphics in SF2I are what they were in earlier games, with SF2NA the gfx have improved drastically especially the lighting and bloom effects, but this only happens in Iceland map, why is this so?
  4. I have been playing sf2 NA and one thing that irritates me is BOMBERS, yeah f***ing bombers !! I shoot down around 7-8 of them with missiles but a gun kill is nearly impossible with the protective gun emplacements around them, also they tend to stick together making the gun fire more dense, please suggest what to do?
  5. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    this site shaped my life.

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