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Status Replies posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Bouncing Spits and bouncing breasts, I know the ones that I like bests!

  2. After a bad few months looks like life is getting more interesting and for the better...

    1. Slartibartfast


      As to the bad months primarily illness following an operation but I will say this the bad always gets better with time did for me after 9 years and then moving it got much better...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum was really cool!

    1. Slartibartfast


      Must admit it did look good when I was there back in 99... that was the one on the Mall...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I no longer give a f***.. go play yourself, don't expect modding on my part in next months...If we modders are to be scapegoat of TK, be it. Out

    1. Slartibartfast


      Stary your work is definitely underappreciated by the creator of Strike Fighters but I for one appreciate all the work you do in your own time and release to everyone and I thank you for it...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

  6. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

    1. Slartibartfast


      ooo... it's all in the Antici........ pation....

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Patience it is said is a virtue. it just isnt one of mine.

    1. Slartibartfast


      Patience is normally justified if there is a .338 round being fired and back to the bar for a beer or 3...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. I can barely run a mile. I have a feeling I'm gonna get messed up during Basic Training

    1. Slartibartfast


      its all about learning to pace yourself... don't go hell for leather to start just take it easy...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hands are all cut up from working in the Chinook's heater closet

    1. Slartibartfast


      Ouch on the Wokka Wokka Bird... only been driven around in one must be a pain to maintain...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. aircraft,games and women not in maybe not in this order

    1. Slartibartfast


      Personally for me its good food good wine and good company... oh and Motorcycles Airplanes and anything that goes boom... and as to the ladies... point me in their general direction...

  11. Well thats it for the next few days 5 days spent in a Vienna Hospital getting my knee Microfractured... thats going to be fun!!! Especially as my Austrian/German isn't that great...

    1. Slartibartfast


      Cheers DA I am out now and they switched as you stated to English to stop me butchering it but here in Vienna they speak a lot of English most of the time...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. isittwoweeksyet?isittwoweeksyet?isittwoweeksyet?isittwoweeksyet?

    1. Slartibartfast


      Yes it is 2 weeks but which 2 weeks...


  13. Whoever steals my weekends I am going to hunt you down and give you flying lessons off a large building but I am not going to teach you how to land...

    1. Slartibartfast


      That is true JM but the trick is learning how to miss the ground on your first go...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I just found what the last patch broke. Aint good.

    1. Slartibartfast


      Glad I am still running the April Patch... then as I all I hear is this is busted that is busted etc...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. 5 hours 30 minutes from Innsbruck to Vienna in the pouring rain... not a great way to spend a Saturday...

    1. Slartibartfast


      I currently own 2 bikes a 2000 Triumph Sprint RS 955i and a Kwak ZX-6R 1997 model...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. switched to verizon to save cellphone bill yesterday. i tell my wife to wait till next week to get a cover for her touch screen Droid phone. i really DID NOT think she would drop and shatter it less than 24 hours after getting it!!!!

    1. Slartibartfast


      At least with a Smart phone DA will not have to replace the house and everything underneath it for 5 miles because them Nokia's are the Chuck Norris of phones...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. switched to verizon to save cellphone bill yesterday. i tell my wife to wait till next week to get a cover for her touch screen Droid phone. i really DID NOT think she would drop and shatter it less than 24 hours after getting it!!!!

  18. Hope there are more Battlestations series :(

    1. Slartibartfast


      And now the Horse Chestnut...

  19. 5 hours 30 minutes from Innsbruck to Vienna in the pouring rain... not a great way to spend a Saturday...

  20. 5 hours 30 minutes from Innsbruck to Vienna in the pouring rain... not a great way to spend a Saturday...

    1. Slartibartfast


      Not the worst I have done but it was a lot crazy doing 150Kmh's across Austria... thankfully my Trumpet is designed for that sort of thing...


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. 5 hours 30 minutes from Innsbruck to Vienna in the pouring rain... not a great way to spend a Saturday...

  22. dumped some 40 Gb of Thirdwire installs, need to make space. Yes it hurts, but need keep my installs organized and user-friendly

    1. Slartibartfast


      Well I do now after a rebuild I replaced both 500gb's HD's with Terrabyte Drives and then have 4 500gb's drives for back up... though I generally only use 2 the others are setup to run as spares as and when required...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. dumped some 40 Gb of Thirdwire installs, need to make space. Yes it hurts, but need keep my installs organized and user-friendly

    1. Slartibartfast


      Must admit apart from a modded SF2 I am pretty much the same though my plans are to reload the Wonderful Nato IV and the Vietnam mod... dumping 40Gigs though is impressive...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  24. My great grandmother passed away tonight. Just glad I got to see her one final time beforehand

    1. Slartibartfast


      My Condolences for you loss... that is one thing I never managed to do...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


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