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Status Replies posted by Slartibartfast

  1. I havent been here since 2002! lol

  2. finally reinstalling OFF Phase 3... time for some WW1 flying... and shooting... and going down in plumes

  3. Wondering how many posts regarding the B-1 and B-2 for the first gen games are going to be made this month by folks to LAZY to use the search engine.

  4. Why does it cost over 50buck for dinner with the wife and I get less action afterwards than when we were dating?

  5. April 29th - More than ever, proud to be British! God save the Queen!

  6. Been to an opening of an exhibition depicting the (big) Polish effort in liberating The Netherlands in WW2. Finally some proper respect for them!

  7. Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't take them up in the backseat of your SE5 and drop them out the side, there is no backseat.

  8. man...i'm pissed, how can i turn my SF2 into SF2 Europe or vietnam or israel i can't find the MOD files on CombatAce

  9. I do have standards, as low as they are, even have a limit as to what I'm seen in public with.

  10. Currently in a propeller mood....

  11. Applied to Martin Baker, now to play the waiting game.

  12. Acquired a tin of original RAL6014 army paint for my LW. The real (non-environment friendly and probably toxic) matte olive green color.

  13. RIPSilverbolt's Xbox 360 2008-2011 3RL...Microsoft - YOU SUCK i'm moving to linux lol.

  14. We work 5 days to get 2 days off... Who thought of that because its a stupid idea...

  15. i love the smell of napalm in the morning...

  16. Hates hearing Fleetwood Mac every hour.

  17. Who can tell me why my SF2 game freezes at 70% ??

  18. People are strange when you're a stranger.

  19. If anyone wants me I am Asleep...

  20. If anyone wants me I am Asleep...

  21. GR.3 vs. Oerlikan cannon. I lost...

  22. when the pin is pulled, Mr Grenade is not our friend!

  23. when the pin is pulled, Mr Grenade is not our friend!

  24. is back from the Deid


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