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About PeacePuma

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  1. Possibly to someone this post will seem unnecessary, but that's the way things are... who lives in an economic paradise to share with us the tip and we change the issue by massive purchase of airline tickets... Certainly the world has been in an economic crisis for a long time and it is not strange that the crisis hits even our beloved meeting point, my proposal is that we put aside the differences and contribute ideas that sustain the site beyond the economic capabilities to afford or not to afford a subscription. My proposal focuses on 3 points: Rates Contribution Diffusion Fees: I see that the real problem of the 10 dollars (for example) is not simply if I don't have it to pay now, but if I do I can't assure you 10 dollars every month... while the monthly fee if it could be reconsidered a value less we could many access to a more lasting fee to contribute over time. Contribution: The contribution of material could be an alternative way out for members who contributed or contribute to the site, whether we like it or not without new material the site loses interest, and thanks to the material new subscriptions will be encouraged. Diffusion: The diffusion of the site will be key to attract new subscriptions. Every member can support the diffusion of the site in social networks or related communities, this could have incentives such as prizes either in subscription quotas or access to exclusive material. Alternatively, you can also make a space of exclusive material for subscriber customers, which can eventually be released over time but guaranteeing early access in exchange for subscription. You can also grant free access to certain material on the site, in an effort to be promotional and allow new users to get to know and promote the site based on their experience. Extended accounts can be raffled among subscribers of the same more economical accounts. You can raffle courses or tutorials of modifications so that new users are encouraged to collaborate with new material and eventually get savings based on contributions. It would be good if Erik could make transparent the approximate expenses required by the site just to estimate a goal to achieve with all the actions. I have many things in my mind, but according to the time change I am getting sleepy, according to your comments I will be unlocking and remembering other ideas as well, I remain very attentive to other proposals or suggestions or constructive criticism.
  2. Simon will make his Onlyfans and after a few days you will see that it is unnecessary to spend money on a simulator when you can enjoy life...
  3. I put this in case someone is useful, in the F-16 team viper I can put 7 decals to get to that detail in the same mesh: 4 on the left side and 3 on the right side .... I guess the round number would be 8 per mesh.
  4. I don't have much knowledge about the F-18 so I wonder what is the difference between the F and G variant? I played the 10 differences and only detected some antennas on the dorsal? are they upgrades like the iphone ones? edit... forgot the most important thing, congratulations guys for the mod!
  5. Indeed GK here you have 2 videos in action (the good YT always omnipresent)
  6. I am afraid that this time I disagree not entirely but with the context that has been given to what the guys are proposing (@allenjb42 and @simonmiller416) , I will explain my reasons; The famous AI let's see it for what it really is, one more simple tool that we can resort to to reduce times or be precise in areas where we cannot be, but in no case will it replace anyone's talent, to see this as a detriment is to make oneself replaceable, like you guys too I hate auto tune, Canva, web design templates, and the invasion of deepfakes on social media, but this "is not the fault of the pig but of the one who feeds it" we are the users who make excessive use of these solutions, I started using graphic applications at the dawn of this century and many things have changed with filters and automations and I will not fall into purism because another guy saves time. "The AI art" does not supplant anything, art itself is an expression that evokes sensations in the spectator, only you know if you are satiated with a hotdog or a crème brulee, technique and talent is part of the pack of the artist that I love, ai is the one that like the boy who makes a living on the street painting similar landscapes with spray and stencils, I will not judge him as an artist but like AI I will say that he has technique and nothing else. Let's go back to the original topic, let's be honest, it has nothing to do to depend on a tool, with the fact of making art in a language pack where we know it is very complex to get someone to do the voices in different languages, it's like judging you for using a translator... hey this same forum has lowered the enthusiasm to those who propose to buy the source code of the game for underestimating costs and now we are going to discourage people who do not have money to pay speakers to do an eternal work.. have you seen the amount of audios the game has? let's consider that repeating “Red Crown” or “bandits at 3” in different accents or languages will not give me a great special talent (maybe learn some language) but I would hardly learn the accent of a language that I don't speak natively... I prefer to leave that to an AI that will not do it brilliantly but much better than oneself... In my opinion, if you can do it, do it cowboy, it's better than waiting for nothing... and what I can contribute is that the ChatGPT mobile app has an advanced voice mode (paid) that imitates the most characteristic accents of the languages, if you must solve zone limitations that surely if you are from china you must know how to solve (sorry Simon, I really don't know if you are from china) XD Greetings!
  7. It is not so strange, the same thing already happened with the F-5 that comes with YAP (SOH) I work on a small mod and I encountered the same problem, too bad I do not own the editable to correct it. It looks like something related to the texture application overlapping the transparency, surely the mapping settings above are related to the problem.
  8. Ukrainian Air Force skin for F-16AM(Viper Team)

    I would include the warning marks (low viz) because as you speculate the ground training viper may not have them but surely the ones with teeth are with all their markings as you can just see in the picture.
  9. Once I increased so much the scale of a zero that the eye (counter) was in the center of the mesh, it was at least 2 hours that I did not understand where the decal was, I had not understood that it was giant and it was around... the search for perfection took quite a long time, in which many times I fell asleep waiting to start the game and overcome that 45% load to only see that the serial number was finally well placed... Mue's tools have been a relief to that hard process... when they invent the Combatace awards, I'll give my vote to give you a well deserved trophy!
  10. it's a good time to remember the heroic jobs that were done without Mue's LOD viewer... a real challenge to the mind, calculate the coordinates, scales, discover the blessed meshes, annotate on paper, edit the file and start the game again and again just to say.... D'oh !
  11. If we think about it, this is the use we give to our files similar to the web publication since we visualize the models on screen... there are works so exquisitely detailed that they are published with high quality printing standards, which is not taken advantage of and sacrifices resources in many pc. I must confess that many great models I run them through optimization to ensure good fps especially if you give full throttle to all the parameters of the game.
  12. I also think the problem must be the software, I have worked skins of that size on an i3 laptop with 6 gb of ram and the hdd about to collapse. My recommendation is that you can get an old Photoshop, maybe 7 to cs6 to meet the requirements of an modest pc, PS behaves quite well with documents of that size, you can configure virtual memory taking the free space of your HDD, another recommendation is not to go crazy creating layers and layers, you can make test layers that do not compromise the editing of other elements but once achieved the goal, you group them with related elements to go down the memory usage ... ... and something that I commented several years ago, a 4k texture does not have to weigh 20 mb ... nor 10 ... nor 6 there is an output in ps that is called “save for web” you give 90% or 80% quality (imperceptible detail loss) and you can leave textures in 2 or 3 mb what users with more modest pc hardware will be grateful.
  13. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Me parece genial que el talento que le pones a los modelos te este generando ingresos, te vendria bien una tiendita tipo razbam para comenzar... supongo el comprador viene que de la nacion europea de las novelas jajaja a lo mejor le acierto! ...na, ....bromas!
  14. I was never quite clear about the F-16 CJ or CM designations as I read on reddit that it had to do with the CCIP upgrade but didn't know if they were factory designations or MLU type modifications. About the upgrades, I don't know if everyone knows that Argentina bought 24 vipers from Denmark, the issue is that in local forums today is being discussed which tape is better between the 6.6 from neighboring Chile which is being upgraded by Lockheed Martin or the 6.6 from the Danes applied in European workshops, it is speculated that they have different ratings depending on the supplier that implements it... in Europe it was discussed at the time who had the best viper???? @ravenclaw_007 Pd I do not want to ask for anything but if you ever have the disposition to add or remove things to the block 50 I made some changes that in some future could be included in the lod instead of doing it with false pilot.

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