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FalconC45 last won the day on June 4 2014

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About FalconC45

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  1. Nuclear Option

    Wow. Seriously? fine.
  2. Nuclear Option

    I've been watching Youtube videoes on a new sim lite called Nuclear Option. It is like SF2 but with fictional (not really, there's a fighter that looks like F-23 Black widow) aircraft and tonight I finally bought it on Steam (17.99). There's no third person view, and IMHO its FM is more phyics based. The dm is insane, its like IL2's dm with inner dm. The dev will have modding capabilities soon and the lead dev wants to see real aircraft flying with and against his fictional aircraft. And yes, there's nuclear weapons from tactical and thermonuclear weapons. They recently put naval ships and an ECM aircraft. Right now I'm having lil trouble of calibrating my throttle. Its a bit sensitive for taixing. I think NO is the SF replacement we are looking for with updated graphics and FM and DM. Have a look on youtube.
  3. @PJB TK screwed modders here when he locked up the .lods AND .vfx files because of an CIV3 asshole stole Thirdwire .lods by claiming they're his. Since then TK hated modders as a whole. Before all of that, TK was in favor of modding.
  4. The old Jane's sims used the diamond HUD symbol for all huds if i remember correctly... Can you modify the SF2 NA avoinics?
  5. Dude, what about the old school "lock on" diamond? Make it "shake" when growling, then make it "soild" when its locked on... Falcon
  6. You need to put the sight on the target. the harder you pull Gs the sight will pull away.. Use gentle turns or let the plane naturally turn then pull your flight stick gently to have the sight stay on the target. Falcon
  7. I saw the viper vid eariler today and immediately subbed to his channel Falcon
  8. Need help of re-calibrating my Saitek Evo stick

    Oh that, I misunderstood. Yeah but last night it couldn't recalibrate for some reason. I ran the DIView again before logging onto CA tonight and it recalibrated my stick. Weird. Thanks for helping :) Falcon
  9. Need help of re-calibrating my Saitek Evo stick

    Tried that and its gone. since WIN10 I think. Thats why I need a third party software. Falcon
  10. Need to re-calibrate my stick again. I have the DView software and it worked before but it stopped working. I have another software named Joystick Gremlin but I get errors since I first runned it about few years ago. Is there another third party software to calibrate my stick? Falcon
  11. Eurotrip or a non Official CA Getaround

    Dude, you need to head to Ohio and I'll give my tour of the USAF Museum :)
  12. FE2 Updates

    SF2 july update locked few .CAT files if I remember correctly due to fews bad actors who stole few .LODs for a Civ game and took credit for the models. TK locked few .CAT files the .LOD files were in including the EFX files. So be lucky the FE2 CAT are true open structured. Since then TK didn't trust modders. Falcon

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