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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Well something is wrong as it's not showing the briefing map, so that's something obvious that the map is wrong. Is this a downloaded map or the default Vietnam map?
  2. Besides the terrain what are you selecting, aircraft, time, etc.?
  3. Could be the nation that's doing that, check the pylon and the weapon and adjust it accordingly
  4. Ever wondered how a Sidewinder works?

    Lol wut did I watch...
  5. NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars!

    Here's another released panoramic image. You can pause the video and pan around by dragging your mouse around, pretty neat:
  6. Maybe you're missing files in your Effects folder? I've seen a few screenies with clouds so that could be the culprit.
  7. NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars!

    Here's a newly released video of the landing:
  8. You will which is why I mentioned it. It'll look odd on some planes that's for sure
  9. Good luck! Also you will probably have to edit the weight and diameter and length of the weapon for it to fit on various pylons, but that's in the _data.ini as well.
  10. You go into the Users/Your Name/saved Games/Thirdwire/strike fighters 2 install and edit the weapons. The base weapons you can't modify (least I don't think) but modded weapons you edit the _data.ini of each weapon for Nationname to whatever you want. Same with other aircraft but it seems kinda weird to do that.
  11. You'd have to edit all the weapons with one service nation to accomplish that.
  12. I tend to use preset loadouts for various missions, such as strikes in Afghanistan I use premade loadouts most of the time. Other times I just modify a loadout using the dropdown menus to get what I want.
  13. I don't know then as it looks good to me as well if your gun folder looks like that. Unfortunately I don't have an A-10 installed anymore to further help.
  14. Did you put the folder in the Objects/Gun folder? That can be the issue with why it's not making a sound, and probably not doing any damage anyways when you fire. OR if you did put the gun folder in the Objects/Gun folder maybe it's not listing the sound. If so then open the 30MM_GAU8_data.ini file and go to GunFireSound= and put the name of the sound after the = sign, so it should look like this: GunFireSound=GAU8
  15. I'll second that, as when I did use a wingman I would give him Mavericks as I know he would hit with those instead of bombs, in which he'd miss or whatever when executing an attack run
  16. That's why I don't fly with AI wingmen, they're just a hassle to manage and you eventually complete the mission yourself anyways.
  17. I think you should leave it false as setting it to TRUE may cause a problem, or simply not work. There is no FAC in the game (SF2) so it may not matter either way.
  18. It might but then again you're probably better off finding updated software or getting a new one.
  19. I've used a tablet before (forgot, think it was a Wacom) and found it a different way to do texture work, but I do most of my stuff on mouse now. Pros for me was it was another way to do skinning (didn't do much but it worked out fine), mainly weathering. Cons it was a USB tablet so it took up a USB slot on my laptop. Other con is you might lose the pen (had some velcro put on it to attach it to the tablet). But that was years ago. I don't say it's a bad investment, just that I was capable using my trackball mouse better.
  20. The game will use the mods folder for Strike Fighters 2 Europe (for your example) and if you have any other game you will be able to use the content from the other games as well.

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