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Trotski last won the day on June 14 2024

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939 +750 Reputation


About Trotski

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    Republic of Elbonia
  • Interests
    Scale models, Aircraft, Historical arms and armour, Reading, Sci-fi , and doing a bit of skinning.


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  1. severe problem to access CA

    Same here for the past 2 days, a site not secure popup, and then, today it just takes a long time to load in and to access anything.
  2. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    I agree, a worthy successor to Cold Waters, which is still great anyhow.
  3. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    A good few hopefully excellent releases coming this month, Farming Sim 25 today, Naval Combat also today, then Planet Coaster 2, Microsoft Flight Sim 2025, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Heart of Chernobyl later this month as well, I can feel my wallet groaning already !!
  4. What to play?

    My respected collegues in infamy, ommitted to mention Wings over Fladners field, and First Eagles 2 if you would like to try the wings and wrapping paper flying experiece, IL2 Forgotten Battles series is also very good.
  5. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Well what would be encouraging there, would be the fact that the former "CNC widow" has not disposed of said CNC apparatus, and therefore may even be a closet model maker/Flight sim affectionado....................In the words of a famous Vukcan, Fascinating.
  6. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

  7. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Well the divorce part is easy to deal with at least, as I am a reclusive hermit, so no female interactions to deal with !!! A 3d printer is on my "Must Buy" list, as for the CNC machine....errrrm.
  8. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    hehehehehe.....GIT !!!!
  9. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Oh and just a quick disclaimer, that previous comment was aimed squarely at my good and beloved mate Ron, before any of you oh so helpful bloody lot get yer knickers in a twist
  10. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    GRRRRR !!!!!...................You bloody lot are about as helpful as a dose of the Clap !!! hahahahahahaha
  11. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Well, I am overwhelemed with the amount of "help" I have been given here.............( OOPS was that sarcasm ? ) I have decieded to ignore EVERYONES comments, and have gone with VKB Throttle, Stick, and Rudder.
  12. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    I did play with that idea, however, it is a plastic gimbal based system, for the stick at least, and for what it is, ie first gen "advanced" Hotas, is still rather expensive, so that is a no I fear. I am aware that the stick can be modified etc, but I cnnot be messing around with fixing the issues with the gimbal on a stick. Thanks for the input though.
  13. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    I find myself in a situation, of having too many choices, and no conclusions. I want to splash out on a new HOTAS setup, and I have settled on 2 options out of 3, the 3 being, VKB, Winwing, and Virpil respectivley. I have pretty much binned the Virpils, as I believe that the Winwing/VKB choices are much better ( Of course I could in fact be misguided here ) So it is down to a choice between VKB, the ridiculously expensive option, and Winwing, the les ridiculously expensive option, I like the look of both these HOTAS setups, except for the VKB rudder, which I do not like at all, and it would also add a fair old price hike if I went with VKB, as I would still have to order the Winwing rudders, ofr the Virpil one. I would be interested in anyones input on this matter, if any one has experience on these 3 setups, I would enjoy your input. I am currently rocking the X52 pro Hotas, and Saitek rudders. I feel it maybe time to upgrade my sorry arse to something more.....Professional but I find myself in somewhat of a quandry HELP !!!
  14. No, it is good that you ask questions, if you do not ask them, you remain unaware of things, never stop learning I say !!! Happy Flying mate.
  15. That is because a lot of WWI aircraft were inherrently Tail Heavy, and as there was no trim at the time, they were not EVER flown hands off, becaause of the need for forward pressure on the stick. The DR1 was definately one of these, so is modelled correctly. It is the same in WOFF as well by the way.

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