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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Yak-130 looks fun, but a crowd-funded Su-34 would be better.
  2. I'm about to get a new computer with a SSD + HDD combo. So wonder what you did @Gavinray
  3. Many thanks for this! A small touch for more realism!
  4. Everyday I hope a) I can find the time to finish Nihon Hitori 202X - hopefully that X becomes a 1. b) For some modern Russian ships c) For a legit Su-57 and J-20 d) For modern shore to ship weapons to go find e) I can find the time for my 10 or so mission Harrier War scenario... that can turn into a Gripen War and F-35B War also.
  5. Good thinking @dtmdragon. Sure hope you can also do the 123rd FS as they'll be the next squadron in line. Here is their tailflash: I'm sure you'll come up with some better serial #s and maybe names! Lots of real-life F-15 images up on my Flickr at https://flic.kr/s/aHsm155jiN - including loads of 123rd FS F-15Cs! Required screenie of a F-15E dropping a full cluster bomb load:
  6. Thanks @dtmdragon, look forward to flying the F-15EX in SF2! Here is a concept for the F-15 that sadly wasn't developed in the F-15SE Silent Eagle...
  7. Can confirm, it's annoying. Any SF3 needs a whole new AI model.
  8. AN-124, big Anna

    One thing SF2 could use is an AN-124...
  9. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Many thanks @torno for your hard work on getting a better Falklands War/Malvinas Islands mod. The paint jobs are amazingly realistic. Promises to be loads of fun. ====== TRADUCCIÓN DE GOOGLE: Muchas gracias @torno por tu arduo trabajo para conseguir un mejor mod de Guerra de las Malvinas / Islas Malvinas. Los trabajos de pintura son increíblemente realistas. Promete ser muy divertido.
  10. Well said. I swear any SW3 needs way better AI for air-to-ground.
  11. I prefer Il:2 for WW2... but I hear DCS is really good also.
  12. Let me guess @Spinners a Luftwaffe F-4 with Sparrows - and the with Sparrows is the What If? With that, required screenshot from long ago:
  13. I prefer to hand-pick my weapons... but presets are nice guides, especially with aircraft foriegn to me.
  14. It'll never work unless somehow, someway the Soviets or Russians captured a F-15. The plane's too iconic... BUT I must say it is public knowledge there are private Su-27s and MiG-29s... and likely USAF and/or USN copies of such still flying. Oh and one last thing, I think you're onto something having eight heat seekers on the F-15. Damn the dogfights that could be had...
  15. I see a 2011 situation where Dhimar has to use their four operational squadrons of Gripen Cs & their training squadron of Gripen Cs & Ds to hold the line against MiG-29s and JF-17s. The latter because Parani Air Force is sick of flying Soviet/Russian equipment. A USMC amphib unit will lend a few Harrier IIs to help. Also a 2021 situation where Dhimar's Gripens and F-35B Marines have to face off against Chinese-supplied FC-31s, JF-17s and possibly J-11s to Paranis trying to get the PRC cheap oil. But that's me thinking out loud when I'm incredibly busy in RL.
  16. Best F/a-18 Sim that isnt DCS?

    I'd say after DCS, the F/A-18E Superbug by Vertical Reality Simulations and then the F/A-18s in SF2.
  17. I don't think they're in SF2 yet!
  18. Thanks for doing this! Might want to add Tarantul-class and Steregushchiy-class if you can.
  19. I bet the range on that is abysmal, but as a point-defense fighter it has potential!
  20. Honored to have beta tested as able. I can promise you the material within is going to be a delight for those who like creating single missions...
  21. All I can say is a) BE PATIENT & b) Sorry this isn't Operation Enduring Constitution where we fight for the soul of the nation & c) See a please & d) expect Dogfights!
  22. Want to respond to multiple posts with screenshots... @Veltro2k is that an A330 there? @russouk2004 Nice to see more militarized 737s in the sim. Desperately need P-8As... @FLOGGER23 Nice FrankenFlanker attempt. But hey if you can have thrust vectoring + the IR ball to the right you can be well on the way to a Su-35... there's a lot of Su-27s and Su-30s already in SF2.
  23. Try the ability to play more than a few missions without the graphics stopping to load. I have a Nvidia card.
  24. A Christmas to Remember

    I sincerely apologize for the times my subscription has lapsed this year...

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