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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Alternate Falklands Terrains



    Firstly I strongly advise that you install the Falklands_1982 mod by eburger & team. http://combatace.com/topic/74604-sf2-falklands-mod-redux/ Two new versions of the Falklands/Malvinas terrain. Hopefully most of the issues with the original are now sorted, coast lines have needed to be changed here and there and the terrain itself is much more uneven with more pronounced hills and mountains, two seasonal variations are included. Please read the readme....it really does have some useful stuff in it. Many thanks to eburger & the team that worked on the original mod.
  2. Well, well, well............... Today I gota refponse fwom TK sayin that SF3 wood be out later this yer......wud I like to be a beeta tester...............OUCH!!! X**%**xx!!!! Hi this is Ant's wife..............dont take any notice of him....................he's been having a few beers & they've "reacted" with his medication..................
  3. If you read through the old TW forums archive you can see the pattern of the patch release, from the first few hours of elation from new features and "fixes" then like DA said it was all doom and despair soon after. I think TK's biggest regret was ever making the game with the intention of allowing the end user to "customise" it. He as a game developer already should have known that what ever you give the customer it would never be enough, the more folks you get screwing with stuff the more they'll want and the more they'll break.
  4. A very long shot, but if you are using bump and spec maps try removing them .....I've no idea if it would cure the problem or not but at least you've remove another variable.
  5. Ahhh yes, I missed that bit. it was too early on a Sunday morning for me....
  6. Slimers can be separate parts of the model, no need to use .tga, just paint them on an area of your map as you would any other parts. I usually paint the "off" light straight onto the skin itself and the "on" version is a separate mesh so paint somewhere else. You need to get the game to call for the "On" light by using its mesh name in the data ini.Brightness can be controlled by settings in max. Take a look at some of Ravenclaw's F-4's to see how the data ini's are set up. There are probably other ways too, this is just how I do it & I'm still learning too.
  7. If you need to change any mesh names etc inside a lod for any reason to "correct" issues which have been around since the original author made the model, whether you like it or not is hacking the lod. If you or anybody else needs to do this for their own use is fine by me but if you're the type that wants to do this just to re-upload it and say "hey look what I've done, I'm so clever" well in my book its a pirated lod. The amount of time spent pissing about with this sort of stuff would be better spent learning how to actually make models.......it's fun (sometimes) and very satisfying to produce something with your own hands.......it may not be perfect but neither is the lod you're trying to hack.
  8. Interesting choice of words regarding how people make their models, I seriously think its about time you start to make some "real" models yourself instead of just moaning about not having the means to hack/pirate other folks work. This place seems to be rife with folks that just want the quick fix solution nowadays.....the real mod makers are getting fewer and fewer or just going "underground" so to speak.
  9. So, what you're saying is " can you make us a tool for hacking other folks work?" Why not just get max or blender and make your own.
  10. You just would'nt believe some of the stuff some of us are sitting on......some from way longer than 7 years ago. Anything having Flogger23's name on it will be quality that takes time to perfect. Best thing folks can do is get Max ( or Blender ) and build your own......it really is not that hard, espicially if you just want something for your own use and not chasing the "glory" of having others tell you how nice it is.
  11. I'm pretty sure Jimbib is right, it looks like our old Mirage Factory model........I'd have to check the max file.....where ever that is.
  12. Was somebody waiting for a bus ???
  13. Wow ! what a shock, I had no idea of him even being ill. Another great guy lost, always a pleasure to work with. RIP my friend.
  14. Museum being forced to close.....sad times. https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/cahc-newquay
  15. Anybody fancy a lightning or a Canberra..

    They are being sold to fund the scrapping of other aircraft in the collection.... The local council gave them virtually no notice to quit the site, they've now been given until easter next year to have the site cleared. https://cornwallaviationhc.co.uk/
  16. Real life problem

    My condolences to you and your family, life can be very cruel to us sometimes. Your friends will be here for you as and when needed.
  17. Photo Real UK Terrain V2.



    This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here.... http://combatace.com/topic/89389-kamchatka-250m-version-with-adjusted-tileset-etc/ Thanks Stary. Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!! What's new ? We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right. Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself. Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself. I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small. FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again.
  18. View File Photo Real UK Terrain V2. This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here.... http://combatace.com/topic/89389-kamchatka-250m-version-with-adjusted-tileset-etc/ Thanks Stary. Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!! What's new ? We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right. Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself. Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself. I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small. FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 09/09/2016 Category Full Terrains  
  19. That's exactly what I've done with a lot of my objects, its not too difficult really.
  20. So far I've got nearly 28000 objects placed on my Vietnam map. Da Nang airbase has 500 on the right side alone as I've split the base into 4 separate target areas and everything appears to be showing as it should. There's still a lot more to add so I dont think I've hit the limit yet. I must admit that I've limited my TOD's to about 1400 trees per tile maximum.
  21. New HFD and TFD's awaiting approval. One day I might get round to completely redoing this terrain.........I've learned a lot since it's initial release.
  22. Very nice m8.....I can remember doing a whole lot of these back in the SF1 days.
  23. Come on guys, it's a game, lets not fall out about it. Like DA said it's only taken me 3 years to respond but I will dig it out and give it a look over. I know I made a few improvements since it was released. Eric, I cant really understand why you're having issues with it as it's nothing special compared with other terrains released around that time.

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