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About one4five

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  1. SF3 got many titans to go up against, DCS, Falcon 5 and what else? epic hypothetical campaign scenarios could give it an edge
  2. you guys are LEGENDS Thank you all
  3. we`ll talk again for sure, great work on your website brother
  4. it is the programming clearly, detection range is a full sphere container, no FOV limitations
  5. speaking of the radar, good point, turned off all the way, no loadout jus the gun, going on comms with the tactical going solo, no wingman, just a lone wolf
  6. no INI edits though? like detection FOV or something similar i come in tree top, hide in the hills or behind a ridge, turn/climb 6oclock, as i get into 2 miles away the SOB jinks hard! like WTH!
  7. wussup guys what a brother gotta do to prevent the AI from spottin you sneaking in from a blind spot?
  8. PBR-MK-II riverboat

  9. thank you for the response it all works well now, i have got all the installs for loooooong time, it has always been working like a streak something really weird has happened no idea what it was, it`s gone mad at the Vietnam terrain for no obvious reason, did fresh reinstalls twice, gave me the rats. the idea sparked to install sf2v (alone) a separate folder, gone through the updates up to 2011, there it is, back to downtown!
  10. a separate Vietnam install worked, did a fresh all merged install earlier was the same problem, strangely it has always worked, anyways i could live with a separate install at 2011 update
  11. extracted the cat archive, found out location map and briefing files missing!
  12. no worries, it must be something on my end
  13. thanks for your help i`m totally clueless, as if the engine is mad at this terrain in particular!
  14. all installs merged, 2013 update + hotfix the VietnamSEA file size is 103 Mb
  15. the file VietnamSEA.cat is where it has to be, just like the others which are working fine

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