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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Status Updates posted by Stary

  1. Oh well. Time to move on. Not talking about SF2 and the likes. Got engaged.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JediMaster


      Sorry to see you go, but happy you were here. My 20th is next year, happy days and good luck!

    3. MigBuster


      Many belated congrats Stary - Hope it is going well

    4. Stary


      still alive mate :P so I think it is going well

  2. Greetings from Royal Air Force Museum, London. Day two of touring it as there is soo much to see

    1. Menrva


      Wow, it must be great! Any chance for photos, Stary?

    2. Stary


      of course, just returned, gimme some time to select the postworthy ones and make album here

    3. Menrva


      Thanks man!

  3. GTX 970 plugged in, time for some sweet sweet SF2-ing. Then few days totally off the internet :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coupi


      I think it is time for me to improve my PC I've a GTX 670 but

      i don't know if I can choose the GTX 970... I must study the question!!!

    3. Stary


      it's a bit longer than usual but if you have bigger case then no issues there


    4. Coupi


      Ok! Many thanks Stary! :)

  4. bought myself World Composer... would love to use it as SF2 LOD format tool IF I FUCKING HAD A CLUE from the grumpy TK

  5. reading FC3 threat just realised I own it but never played :O


  7. You'd be suprised how many instruments in SF2 can be faked using good old clock

  8. beeepobeeep

    1. JediMaster


      R2? R2-D2 it is you, it IS you!

    2. Stary


      beeeep bop bop

  9. busy busy busy.... no time for modding these days :(

  10. just a heads up, busy in RL and with modworks for others so no more requests and favours for a while guys, sorry

    1. daddyairplanes


      So no Red Ryder BB gun?

    2. Stary
    3. daddyairplanes


      Watch a christmas story....


  11. A decade here... ohh the time flies

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stary


      ha! Beated me to it Brain! Good to see all the old faces around still

    3. JediMaster


      Just checked, it'll be 11 years for me in a couple of months!

    4. Eole


      12 days after you Magnificent Bastard


  12. note to self: nice less is better than ugly more in modelling

  13. away due to RL workload, will be back in September or so... with goodies :D

    1. whiteknight06604


      awe yeah......


    2. Stary


      in fact I started releasing mods :)

  14. any "The Hunter: Primal" fans of hunting Dinos around?

  15. ATTENTION! for the interested MS FSX at 4.99 for one more day at Steam!!!

  16. it just occured to me -DCS is like porn: arousing to watch but not where the real fun is

  17. soo, they did finally banned me from A-Team's site... funny guys

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      3 year member of the club, although for the mortal sin of downloading both parts of Wings over Africa in the same night.

    3. Viggen


      Hey me too!

    4. Stary


      nope, site issues, still there


  18. I might have just thought up some game changing ideas

  19. me? slow pace, busy in work, having some cockpits to work on though

  20. Ok.. have to say this: I have BIG problem with the fact that all new flight simulators that came in few years are more or less russian in origin. Different approach of their developers and market is the culprit of the state we have today.

    1. daddyairplanes


      what if.... they are taking a cue from the movies and the sims actually control real Migs? explains why you only get to fly over the ukraine in DCS....


    2. JediMaster


      Yeah, it's a shame no western developer has any intent on making a sim again.

    3. Gothkrieger


      Its all about money and risk and who is willing to take it.

  21. cautiously looking around... been a while since my last visit here :/

    1. whiteknight06604


      welcome back. mo need to be nervous I have your back. ;)

    2. daddyairplanes


      b...s..t quit peekin and get back to work you! lmao

    3. Stary
  22. Nothing of importance. And cockpits

  23. Estranged act 1

  24. sometimes you hear something from old time CA buddy that makes you wanna cease modding and go playing somewhere else. Jesus people need to learn some manners

  25. so Wings Over Flanders Fields has been released... 59.99$? As owner of OFF+Expansion pfft, not interested (but Korea sim on CFS3 engine would be a nice addition for me)

    1. Stary


      to be fair amount of work put into models and scenery is jaw dropping

    2. JediMaster


      I played a Korean War mod for CFS3 years ago, it even had terrain. Very rough, but promising. I forget who did it...

    3. Stary


      Groundcrew I think, but that was very beta


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