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Everything posted by GKABS

  1. I Will start next the Al Sanbouk (German TNC-45) as I have found good side and top view. so I was thinking if anyone has these three things before I start modeling. sort of to save time, otherwise I will do them. Exocet 40MM missile 76/62 Compact front cannon 40 mm double-barrel ait aircraft. Link to the boat full data: https://luerssen-defence.com/english-luerssen-tnc-45/
  2. I think it's about completed, I have used a lot from my two previous models (brown navy boats) that I model so that made this one faster. soon the UVs and the data making.
  3. After that, I will maker the 2 Kuwaiti Navy fast patrol boats. The P 5702 Istiqlal (German FPB-57) More information and the Al Sanbouk (German TNC-45) and may be the Um Al Maradim (Combattante P37-BRL) I think I like modeling ship lol
  4. I think it would be nice to have the full riverboat so I am thinking of making the last of these boats the Patrol Craft Fast also known as Swift Boats
  5. The new boat is ready anyone interested in working on the texture please let me know.
  6. You should try it? start with something simple and try to falow a tutorial. There are alot in the net. I am sure you will do well.
  7. Thank you Crusader I understand my mistake now. Fixed and it's working.
  8. Okay let me understand this: for the FWD cannon this is the node name is FWD_Cannon and I have it as the falowing: [FWD_Cannon] <----- node name in the model SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=1 TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND MinExtentPosition=-0.5271,2.756,0.1272 MaxExtentPosition=0.5255,3.809,0.7731 GunRange=12500 GunMinAltitude=0.0 GunMaxAltitude=800.0 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-5.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=65 MinYaw=-150 MaxYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=0 YawModelNodeName=FWD_Cannon <---- node name and to mode the yaw left to the wright PitchModelNodeName=FWD_Gun_Barrel <----- for teh barrel to mode up and down. GunStabilization=TRUE GunRadarTracking=TRUE DataLink=FALSE ReloadGunAtAngle=FALSE RangeFinder=6 BallisticComputer=5 VisualSearchTime=2.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0, 10 IndependentSearchChance=100 LookAroundChance=15 GunnerFireChance=100 GunnerFireTime=1.5 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=20 ArmorThickness=20 ArmorThickness=20 Armor[REAR].Thickness=20 Armor[TOP].Thickness=20 Armor[BOTTOM].Thickness=0 and for the gun to refer to the gun in the guns derectery as the falowing: [FWD_gun_1] <------ this is a name to differentiate between the guns I can be any name or should it be the same as the node for the barrel (FWD_Gun_Barrel) SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=40MM_L70 GunnerID=1 MuzzlePosition=-0.00556461,8.53918,2.80102 MaxAmmo=400 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=6 EjectShells=FALSE
  9. Not working, can someone please download the file and test it and let me know what I am doing wrong. Removed attached file
  10. I will try that later today, thanks again gentlemen for your feedback and help.
  11. Just did another test run with the a new Gun Range set to 12500 but NO gun fire 🔥
  12. I thinkI found it, it's the range is set too short GunRange=1600 1600 in metres correct?
  13. Thank you Gepard, I have added the line and there is tracking by the guns but not firing. This is my data file GK-COM-Boat_DATA.INI
  14. Boat in water first test. but I have one question the boat doesn't shot at my jet?
  15. Thanks guuruu, this is really good as this is my first attempt to study the data file structure.
  16. Hello gentlemen; I was wondering if perhaps someone would be willing to direct me to information pertaining to the DATA.INI files structure and functions. If none exists; would anyone be willing to create a short text-based tutorial or a video that explains how these functions are meant to used to create the data.ini for a model and what the values and titles mean specifically within the game. A few such text lines that elude my understanding are as mentioned below: EffectSize=1.0 (Is there a list of the different sizes and what they do?) MinExtentPosition= (What does it mean, precisely? I am aware that you get this information from the LODViewer) MaxExtentPosition= (What does it mean, precisely? I am aware that you get this information from the LODViewer) ArmorMaterial=STEEL (Where and what are the other materials listed or available?) Armor[FRONT].Thickness=2 (What are the differences between the thickness values?) [Gunner1]? SystemType=GUNNER? GunnerID=1? TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND? RangeFinder=10? And so on. Is there a database of the information that is required for these text functions that are required within DATA.INI files? Something that accurately explains how these lines are meant to be used to create the model data structure. Thanks
  17. Another question gentlemen. I have 2 guns in the back on the boat and I am setting the data for them and I need some clarification if I understood the data correctly. this is number 3 [REAR_LEFT_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=2 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=-1.719,-5.689,2.936 MaxExtentPosition=-0.675,-4.645,3.888 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=220 MaxYaw=325 DefaultYawAngle=270 I need it to start at 270 angels but I would like to limit it to 325 to 220 is that correct? Number 2 [REAR_Center_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=3 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=-0.541,-5.689,3.523 MaxExtentPosition=0.503,-4.645,4.476 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=150 MaxYaw=210 DefaultYawAngle=180 I need it to start at 180 angels but I would like to limit it to 150 to 210 is that correct as well? Last number 1 REAR_Right_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=4 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=0.675,-5.689,2.936 MaxExtentPosition=1.719,-4.645,3.888 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45.0 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=35 MaxYaw=140 DefaultYawAngle=90 Start at 90 and limited to 35 to 140. Thanks
  18. Sorry I don't have the game
  19. This is the patch https://www.moddb.com/games/janes-united-states-air-force/downloads/janes-united-states-air-force-v102-patch This is the Tackleberry’s Patch https://www.moddb.com/downloads/tackleberrys-patches-for-usaf-iaf-and-fa

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