17 files
Korean War RF-51D Photo-Recon
By Geary
Korean War RF-51D for SF1
For those of us that still fly SF1, who still enjoy the old Korean War mod and who don't have this photo-recon plane.
(Those round black circular things on the left mid/tail section of the plane are supposed to be there. They are the cameras and they are placed in the generally correct areas.)
(This should work fine in SF2. But Wrench has an SF2 RF-51D for Korea in the download section for those that want one for SF2.)
Credit and Thanks to:
Wolf257 - for the P-51D model.
Diego - for the Korean War era pilot.
ErikGen - for the F-80 seat.
Wrench - for the decals and the original skin I adapted/repainted from his SF2 RF-51D.
? - for the P-51 108 gallon drop tank. (Sorry, I don't know who created this but I think it came in an old weapons pack.)
? - I don't know who created the updated cockpit for this model/.lod but God Bless you.
* - The many who created skins, mods, etc for Wolf257's P-51D that I've borrowed from or was inspired by.
Geary - for the new lines, rivets, paint, cameras, new drop tank skin, etc...
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's work or property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the folders into their corresponding folders in your Korean War install. If you don't already have the weapon information in your weapondata.ini file, add it. Run the SF1 Weapons Editor. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use but please give credit to those due it.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
Royal Danish Air Force F-100D Faded green
By hgbn
Unpack and drop the F-100D_RDAF folder in the AIRCRAFT directory, this will create a seperate RDAF F-100D aircraft
and is nesesary, if you want to use those green droptanks I made. Now comes the "hard" part: the LOD,BMP and Out files
in the Tank_F100D folder SHALL be mowed to the weapons Directory and the following text added to the Weapons DATA ini
FullName=335-gal Drop Tank RDAF
Remember to give this entry the next following number marked by xxxx
I will say thanks to Sundowner for letting me use his EXELLENT High REZ templates and for the help learning me creating
plane specific droptanks.
Also to USAFMTL who done the Numbers decal, which he kindly permitted me to use.
This aircraft comes with two skins, a light one and one I darkened a bit, then you can pick you own favorite.
And if you want, you can pick Turkey as nationalty in the loadout menu, they flew ExDanish F-100's
which they didn't repaint. It will not be in correct numbers but it will be a Turkish bird
This mod is free to use at will, but not never in ANY payware mod. Just credit my work and I will be happy.
Hope you will like my bird
Alias Henrik Nielsen
F-100C Super Sabre
Here is my attempt at filling a gap in the WoV sim. I've modified the stock F-100D to represent the earlier F-100C.
I've tweaked the FM a bit to reflect a slightly better climb rate, higher landing speed, and smaller rudder. Of course, these aren't all, but just a few things.
Included are new high-res skins representing F-100Cs from the 120th TFS, 140th TFW Colorado ANG during their 1968 deployment to Phan Rhang AB, and the 188th TFS, 150th TFW New Mexico ANG at Tuy Hoa AB. I've added 12-14 serials that are accurate for each squadron.
Special thanks to:
Sundowner for the use of his high-res camo for the base
WombRaider for the canopy opening mod
Kout for the Hangar screen
Wrench for the tips on light positioning and pilot
Spillone104 for the new engine sounds (use the J-75-1 sound in this pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5910 )
And TK for this sim
This has only been tested in Wings over Vietnam with the Sept 08 patch. Since it uses the stock F-100D lods, it should work in SFP1, WoV and WoE. However I do not accept any responsibility if something happens to your computer if you use this. It shouldnt, but I'm covering my butt.
Jeff "ST0RM" Stoermer
F-107 'Ultra' Sabre for SFP1/SFG/WOV/WOE
By FastCargo
Version 1.0
Thanks to the following folks:
TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
Bunyap - The original modder who created the F-107 MAX file and released it to Dave.
Dave - For providing the original model to me, decals, texture updates, loading screens
Klavs81 - Original textures
dwcace - For providing me with additional reference material
To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
What you will need first:
Thirdwire Weapons Editor - http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm
Strike Fighters Project 1/Strike Fighters Gold/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe - One of these are needed to provide the wing fuel tanks, some decals, and either the F-104 or F-105 cockpit.
This addon will currently not work properly with Strike Fighters 2 or Wings Over Israel (19 Jan 09).
Aircraft Information:
From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_F-107
The North American F-107, nicknamed "Ultra Sabre", was North American Aviation's entry for a United States Air Force tactical fighter-bomber design competition of the 1950s. The F-107 incorporated many innovations and radical design features, and was based on the F-100 Super Sabre. The competition was eventually won by the F-105 Thunderchief, and the F-107 prototypes ended their lives as test aircraft.
The F-107A was originally designed as a tactical fighter-bomber version of the F-100, and was entered into a competition sponsored by the Air Force. Originally designated F-100B, the aircraft featured a recessed weapons bay under the fuselage, as well as an all-moving vertical fin and a control system which permitted the plane to roll at supersonic speeds.
The aircraft's most distinguishing feature is its Variable Area Inlet Duct, mounted in an unconventional position directly above and just behind the cockpit, which automatically controlled the amount of air fed to the jet engine. The air intake was moved from the chin position (an arrangement later adopted for the F-16) to the unusual dorsal location as the USAF had required the carriage of an underbelly semi-conformal nuclear weapon. The original chin intake caused a shockwave that interferred in launching this weapon. The implications this had for the survivability of the pilot during ejection were troubling. It also severely limited view to the rear, although this was not considered terribly important for a bomber aircraft, it is notable during an era when it was assumed air combat would be via guided missile exchanges outside visual range.
Extensive design changes resulted in its redesignation from F-100B to F-107A before the first prototype flew.
The F-107 was never given an official name, but was sometimes informally called the "Ultra Sabre," referring to North American's earlier fighter designs, the F-86 Sabre and the F-100 Super Sabre. The flight crews referred to it as the "Man Eater," in reference to the position of the air intake directly above the cockpit.
The designation "F-107A" was the only one assigned to the aircraft, though "YF-107A" is often used in publications.
Notes and Limitations:
Part of the SWOTUSAF series of aircraft.
Because the real aircraft never proceeded beyond the prototype stage, loadouts, mission capabilities and operational paint schemes are projections only.
3 skins are provided - The original prototype scheme, a natural metal scheme, and a Vietnam era scheme.
Because this aircraft was in competition with the F-105, we projected that it would have taken over the Thud's role in Vietnam, in addition to the air superiority/interceptor role the original F-100 was designed for. So loadouts reflect this.
The aircraft refers to some decals, visual effects, sounds, ejection seat and fuel tanks from the F-100D. The cockpit is based on a single engine fighter with a radar using the J75...either the F-104 or F-105 works fine...it defaults to the F-104 cockpit. You will have to install any other cockpit yourself.
The FM is mainly based on the F-100D, and so shares that FMs limitations. The real test article reached 2.35 Mach...this model has gone up to 2.2 Mach in level flight.
Animations for the canopy and air refueling probe use Animation control keys 1 and 2. Check your Controls page to figure out what keys you need to hit.
This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
19 Jan 09
F-51D Mustang
By Dave
F-51D Mod by USAFMTL
Original plane by Wolf257 and modded with his permission.
Skins by USAFMTL
Original Templates by Wolf257 and Sundowner.
Just unzip and drop into your main aircraft directory.
Drop the Merlin5 sound into your sound directory.
F-100A "Rehab" of the ROCAF.
By Dave
F-100A "Rehab"
This is an F-100A brought to D standards. i.e. AN/APR-26(v)/AN/APS-54 tail-warning radar rearward radar warning antenna.(You will have a audible only RWR in the pit) GAR-8/AIM-9B capability. However it still lacked flaps and the refuel probe of the D model.
Skins JSF Aggie based on Boscoe's old work from 4 years ago. Original high res temps by Sundonwer. Thanks for the assist Brian. Had more Hun's to skin than I could keep up with. Thanks to Ant for the excellent temps. Thanks to Sag and MJ for the know how to remove the probe, fix the flaps and the RWR. I did a lot of updating the ini to A standards. And finally you cant have a Hun without Galanti's pit. Drop into you aircraft folder and go fly.
She flies like a wet noddle. But hey, its an A model.
Skins are 2048x2048, not for wimpy crates.
Version 1.1
Updated ini's by MJ and starfighter. With wing fences removed, LAU-105 pylons used to hold the Winders. FM tweaks. A much more complete Taiwan F-100A Rehab. Thanks you two for your help.
F-89H Scorpion
By Wrench
F-89H Scropion For SF/WoV/WoE:
This package is a modification of MontyCZ's F-89D into the later H model (with wing-tip rocket pods and 'internal' Falcon missiles)
It is a semi-complete package, including everything needed, -excepting the aircraft LOD files. You will have to transfer them over from your F-89D's.
Included are all the needed inis necessary to create the new aircraft. The skins included are for the 437th FIS based at Oxnard CA, circa 1957-ish, a repeat of the 75th FIS skin from Pesque Island, and a generic USAF natural metal.
All the skin bmps have been repainted, using new templates created by me, based off Volkjager's original skins. I've duplicated his original work, so all credit goes to him for skin creation...I've basically just redone them to make use of the new panel, rivet lines and new decals created by me for the serial and buzz numbers.
Included also is a brand new WoE-style Hangar screen, only available with this mod. Damage tgas are here as well.
== You MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the needed missiles ==
--You should also have already installed the F-89D Update, which includes the new version of the Mk.4 Mighty Mouse FFAR -- the weapons data for this rocket is NOT included with this package!!! --
PLEASE read the readme for install instructions, important notes from General Explainations (a really nice guy), mostly concerning the Falcon missiles and other weapons.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
F-89J (Late) Scorpion
By Wrench
F-89J (Late) Scropion For SF/WoV/WoE:
This package is a modification of MontyCZ's F-89C into the late-model J (those without wing-tip rocket pods)
It is a semi-complete package, including everything needed, -excepting the aircraft LOD files. They are NOT included, as I consider it 'wrong' to do so, without permission from the original author. (and it's against CA policy to do so)
Included are all the needed inis necessary to create the new aircraft. 2 skin folders are included, complete with decals, representing the 178th FIS, NDANG 'The Happy Hooligans', and a generic USAF natural metal.
All the skin bmps have been repainted, using new templates created by me, based off Volkjager's original skins. I've duplicated his original work, so all credit goes to him for skin creation...I've basically just redone them to make use of the new panel, rivet lines and new decals created by me for the serial and buzz numbers.
Included also is a brand new Hangar screen for the Late J, only available with this mod. Damage tgas are here as well.
== You MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the needed missiles ==
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detail install instructions!!!
Happy Hunting, you Hooligans!!!
Kevin Stein
(I know, I'm reusing the same screenie, but I just don't get tired of looking at it!! )
F-89D Scoprion by MontyCZ
By Wrench
F-89D Scorpion
for Strike Fighters Project 1
build 03-02-2004 BETA 1
This is the original version of the F-89D, as created by MontyCZ ohh so long ago.
I'm uploading this, as to make the entire aircraft available, as there'd been a few problems in acquiring it.
Monty's original readme is included in the zip.
Kevin Stein
F-100 Camo
By Sundowner
OK ....by popular request I'm re-uploading my mod of the stock TW F-100D, all this mod does is create a seperate plane in the aircraft selection dropdown that only uses camo schemes, it uses camo droptanks [in the current wep pack .....I think] made for me by Russo, so many thanks to Russ too.
Read the readme please.
Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star
The Shooting Star was the first USAF aircraft to exceed 500 mph in level flight, the first American jet airplane to be manufactured in large quantities and the first USAF jet to be used in combat. Designed in 1943, the XP-80 made its maiden flight on Jan. 8, 1944. Several early P-80s were sent to Europe for demonstration, but WW II ended before the aircraft could be employed in combat. (The aircraft was redesignated in 1948 when "P" for "Pursuit" was changed to "F" for "Fighter.") Of 1,731 F-80s built, 798 were F-80Cs.
Although it was designed as a high-altitude interceptor, the F-80C was used extensively as a fighter-bomber in the Korean Conflict, primarily for low-level rocket, bomb and napalm attacks against ground targets.
U-2A Addon for Strike Fighters
By Guest
The most famous spy-plane of the Cold War era was a product of the Lockheed Skunk Works. The U-2 was designed to fly at altitudes that put it beyond the reach of interceptors. The advent of surface-to-air missiles brought U-2 over flights of the Soviet Union to halt in 1960 after an aircraft flown by Gary Powers was downed by an SA-2.
Pasko's F-82
By Heck
As per a request from Buff, this is a .rar of Pasko's F-82 from my Korean War aircraft folder. It contains his original readme, and weapons zip, which (the weapons zip) you probably don't need to use if you have the latest weapons pack working. I have not been able to contact Pasko to get his permission to upload this, so if he sees it and wants it down, down it comes. All I did was squeeze it into a .rar. It is solely the work of Pasko, Gramps, Starfighter, and Wolf257, the people mentioned in the readme. It is their work. I am uploading this solely as a favor to people I consider friends, because we all miss Pasko's site and his wonderful work, but if Pasko, Gramps, Starfighter, or Wolf257 have a problem with this upload, then it will go the way of my last wingman, and disappear into a smoking hole in the ground. Enjoy.
BQM-34 Drone for Strike Fighters
By Guest
BQM-34 target drone made by RussoUK2002 for use with Strike Fighters: Project 1.
F-89 C Scorpion Addon
By Guest
One of the most heavily armed fighter aircraft, the F-89 was the backbone of
the North American Air Defense Command for more than 17 years.
The F-89 was the first multi-seat, all-weather jet interceptor. It was the first
aircraft designed to carry an all-rocket armament and the first to carry the Hughes Falcon
air-to-air guided missile.Northrop was awarded a contract May 3, 1946, to build two
prototypes designated XP-89. The XP-89 rolled out of its California plant in the summer of 1948.
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