50 files
Armchair Aces over Italy
By ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Italian Front in WWI.
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the shockingly beautiful CaporettoV2 map by Gterl. You'll have about 25 mini-campaigns and 250 missions per pilot!
The beauty of this approach is that you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Austro-Hungarians did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit.
This mod is intended for FE2. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_170 to AlbatrosD5 or something like that....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course).
So, be ready for a downloading fest.
Before installing this mod it's better you have an Italy only install for your FE2
BlueMax Campaign.rar
By gterl
Fly in the sky with Bruno Stachel!
- Campaign consists of various changes in aircrafts
- No changes made on default Cambrai terrain
- If you choose 'Jasta 4' you'll fly with Willi von Klugerman, Otto Heidemann, and other aces known from the movie
- Aircraft needed (available here on Combatace or on the A-Team website)
-- Default aircraft (Fokker Dr.1, AlbatrosD5a, FokkerD7, Se5a, etc.)
-- PfalzD3
-- PfalzD3a
-- AlbatrosD3
-- DH-4
-- HP400
-- AircoDH9
-- F2B
-- PfalzD8
-- SchuckertD3
-- AlbatrosC3
-- Dfwci
-- LloydC2
-- AviatikC2
-- RumplerC1
-- HannoverCLII
-- Walfisch
-- Gothagiv
-- Staaken
-- HalberstadtCLIV
-- AEG_G4
- As for ground units you should have
-- BritInfantry
-- BritSquad
-- British12pdr
-- GermanInfantry
-- GermanFieldGun
By Nippy
Dogfight version 2.3 for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1 and Series 2)
If you had problems with the previous version not seeing your install this version
is far better at finding the files it needs and will produce a log file to help identify problems
Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and
Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder.
This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products
without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor.
So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few
seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!).
The action begins at a seperation of 2-4 km.
To use you:
1) Start Dogfight.
2) Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc.
3) Press the Red WRITE MISSION button.
4) LEAVE Dogfight running.
5) Start the Thirdwire Simulator.
6) Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu.
7) Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight").
8) When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously.
9) Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red WRITE MISSION button.
10) Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer).
11) ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information.
12) Play the mission!
Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want
This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it.
Unzip Dogfight.zip.
Find the folder called Dogfightv2.3 containing:
templates (folder)
an Options.ini file in this directory as well.
i.e Dogfightv2.3 and Objects are at the same level.
(or wherever you want to launch if from).
DogFight has been tested with:
FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms)
SF1 (chiefly SCW)
WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa).
SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in.
I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets.
Only briefly tried it with more modern types.
The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK.
FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily.
Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program.
Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and
the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming.
I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users.
Gary Ireland
By Nippy
Dogfight version 2.2 for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1 and Series 2)
Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and
Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder.
This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products
without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor.
So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few
seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!).
As a template for the Missions I used a standard 1v1 fighter encounter so the action
begins very close together (2 km seperation for WWI types, slightly further for faster types).
To use you:
1)Start Dogfight.
2)Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc.
3)Press the Red WRITE MISSIONbutton.
4)LEAVE Dogfight running.
5)Start the Thirdwire Simulator.
6)Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu.
7)Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight").
8)When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously.
9)Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red GENERATE button.
10)Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer).
11)ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information.
12)Play the mission!
Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want
This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it.
Unzip Dogfight.zip.
Find the folder called Dogfightv2.2 containing:
templates (folder)
i.e Dogfightv2.2 and Objects are at the same level.
(or wherever you want to launch if from).
DogFight has been tested with:
FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms)
SF1 (chiefly SCW)
WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa).
SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in.
I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets.
Only briefly tried it with more modern types.
The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK.
FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily.
Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program.
Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and
the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming.
I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users.
Armchair Aces over Galicia
By ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This new series is a compilation covering 15 months of air war in Galicia Front in WWI.
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the brand new Galicia 2 terrain by Stephen1918. You'll have about 15 mini-campaigns and 150 missions per pilot!
The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught the war, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit.
This mod is intended for FE2, but I think it works fine in FE with a little text edit (change all SPAD7_150 references for SPAD7 ones).
Armchair Aces Redux
By ojcar
Armchair Aces Redux by Ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI.
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. You'll have about 39 mini-campaigns and 390 missions per pilot!
New in this compilation:
- In 1.5:
-Roland D.II
-Roland D.IIa
-SPAD 11
-SPAD 16
-Fixed some typhos in campaign files
Armchair Aces over Palestine
By ojcar
Welcome WWI buffs! This is a new series of campaings, covering the air war over Palestine Front in WWI
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the fantastic Palestine map. You'll have about 20 mini-campaigns and 200 missions per pilot!
You'll fly as British, Australian, German or Ottoman pilot.
This series is made for FE2, but you also have a FE1 version.
dogfight 1.0.zip
By Nippy
Dogfight for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1)
Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and
Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder.
This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products
without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor.
So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few
seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!).
As a template for the Missions I used a standard 1v1 fighter encounter so the action
begins very close together (2 km seperation for WWI types, slightly further for faster types).
To use you:
1)Start Dogfight.
2)Setup mission.
3)Press the Red GENERATE button.
4)LEAVE Dogfight running.
5)Start the Thirdwire Simulator.
6)Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu.
7)Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight").
8)When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously.
9)Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red GENERATE button.
10)Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer).
11)ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information.
12)Play the mission!
Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want
This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it.
DogFight has been tested with FE1 extensively (with virtually all the add on aircraft from
CombatAce, the Skunkworks and Peter01 fms), SFP1 (chiefly SCW) and WOE1 (chiefly WOR and WOA).
I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets (SFP1).
I have only briefly tried it with more modern types (WOE) and though it works I'm not too sure
how useful regular fliers of these types will find it (it's the one period that I never really fly).
I have no access to any Thirdwire Series 2 sims so I really don't know if it will work with them.
The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK.
FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily.
Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program.
Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and
the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming.
I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users.
Gary Ireland
Unsung Heroes
By ojcar
Welcome to a very different WWI campaign experience! This is a semi-fictional Floatplane campaign.
This campaign start in November 1917, in North Sea. A very interesting month, because in October the German High Seas Fleet, operating in the Baltic, assisted in capturing the islands of Oesel, Dagö and Moon (Google for Operation Albion, please). Also, in November 1917 was the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight (Google for it, please).
At the same time Germans kept on sending out their submarines and merchant raiders, Entente forces continued trying to blockade shipments to the German ports. From time to time, German Fleet units ventured out to shell the British coast in an attempt to lure British ships into a trap. And, of course, fishing ships and coastal merchants continue to operate along the German coasts. The German High Seas Fleet remains in the Baltic Sea, and Zeppelins are a menace too...As I said, very interesting times!
This campaign depicts the use of Seaplane Tenders in both sides, trying to spot the enemy ships, hunting down the Zeppelins and attacking enemy ships, submarines, and of course planes.
Thank you to Stephen1918 for all the wonderful planes, ships, airships and the wonderful terrain......And of course all the texts revision and betatesting! Stephen, you rock!
"Battle of Caporetto" Ver 1.0 Part 1
By quack74
This is ONLY Part 1 of the "Battle of Caporetto" Campaign, Version 1.0, made by quack74
Part2 is a necessary download for it carries ALL the ENEMY (Austrian) aircraft files
This Campaign takes place in Northern Italy in the Fall of 1917. Austria vs Italy.
All info is in the readme files
The Vogesen terrain ( by Gepard ) is needed to run this campaign.
I highly recommend Jan Tuma's visual upgrade pack as well.
I would like to thank ***** and the skunworks A team for many of the WWI models
I would like to thank sinbad for allowing me to repost some of his Hanriot HD-1 Italian skins
I also would like to thank Gepard for the terrain and the help he gave me
And thanks to JanTuma for the beautiful terrain upgrade.
Thanks especially to all those guys that took the time to build all the aircraft and ground objects.
Without them this campaign wouldnt have come to mind. Actually Laton's Austrian and Italian planes triggered it.
They needed a place to fly. So thanks Laton.
Enjoy, quack74
Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1916 1.3 for FE1
By Grinseed
Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1916 1.2 for FE1
The second in Ojcar's Armchair Aces Series modified for use with First Eagles 1.
Instalation is straightforward with only one difference in the preparation of the Strutters. Read both readmes to learn how to add three new aircraft to your hangar collection. You will need the practice for the forthcoming 1917 version.
Reverential hat tip to TK. Gratitude to Canadair for the batch file converter (see readme). Many thanks to Sinbad for permission to use and modify his Strutters. Salute to Ojcar for a great series.
Any problems, contact me via the forum. This download wont harm your computer, but it just might devour all your free time as you fly and die in 1916.
Cheers and Happy Landings
21 April 2012 I have uploaded the correct FE1 version to replace the FE2 version originally uploaded in error.
Version 1.3 Corrects airfield names to allow enlistment as Belgian pilot as per Ojcar's edit of orginal version.
The Eastern Front
By Stephen1918
Fighting on the Eastern Front in World War I was much different from the fighting in the west. The Eastern Front was much longer, troops were spread out more, and there were fewer roads and villages than in northern France and Belgium. The front moved back and forth more quickly and more often in Eastern Europe.
In the air, recon, artillery spotting, and ground attack missions were the most common. There weren't as many dogfights, and squadrons rarely went hunting for enemy planes.
The purpose of my campaigns is to capture a sense of the war on the Eastern Front. I am not trying to re-enact any particular battles. I'm just trying to create the correct mix of planes and missions to approximate the way the war was fought.
This download consists of three campaigns in the Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia, near the Russian Ukraine.
1915, takes place in the late spring and roughly corresponds to the German/Austrian Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive in which the Central Powers took back the land they had lost at the start of the war. (Austria on the offensive.)
1916, takes place in the summer and roughly corresponds to the Russian Brusilov Offensive in which Russian forces took back a lot of what they had lost in 1915. (Russia on the offensive.)
1917, takes place in the fall, after the Kerensky offensive and before the October Revolution and represents the closing months of the war in the east.
Everything in these campaigns is available at the CombatAce site.
Installation instructions are in a separate file. Please read the notes for special information about some of the planes.
Many people have made this project possible. Some of them worked directly with me, and others have made things which found their way into this campaign. In particular, I wish to thank:
ojcar for his continued support, for making all the FMs for all my planes, and for providing the inspiration for this project.
sinbad, who made some planes and several skins for the Russian planes and who beta-tested the whole thing.
quack74, for making skins, providing resource materials, and for beta testing the campaigns.
whiteknight06604, for making skins and providing resource materials for the Eastern Front.
Monty CZ and EmlD, for letting me make skins and mods for their planes.
Laton, Bortdafarm, p10ppy, christian59, and geo for their planes and ground objects.
von Deutschmark, gumpy, Saltfiskur, and gambit168 for their skins.
Peter01 for his FMs.
And thanks to everyone at Combat Ace for their support, suggestions, and inspiration.
Changes in Version 2:
I have corrected the way Squadrons are named and eliminated duplicates so all aircraft should display correctly in the menu screen.
I have replaced some planes and included new planes, skins, and ground objects.
I have adjusted all the Strategic Nodes to get ground units positioned correctly. There should be no more AA guns or troops inside buildings anymore.
I have made changes to the mission parameters for many of the planes.
I have made new start screens for the campaigns which display while the campaign is loading.
Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1918 for FE1
By Grinseed
This is the FE1 version of Ojcar's last instalment of his great Armchair Aces series.
I add my thanks to all those Ojcar has named as contributors in his readme, to Canadair for his batch converter and to Ojcar himself for his work and dedication in providing such a detailed and comprehensive WW1 campaign for First Eagles.
Nothing complicated about this download which only involved a straightforward conversion of all the ini files from Unicode to Ansi, but read the readmes, both mine and Ojcar's.
In future, I will do my best to maintain FE1 versions of any FE2 updates from Ojcar.
Cheers Grinseed
Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1917 1.2 for FE1
By Grinseed
The third in Ojcar's great Armchair Aces series.
Included are four new variants of the Albatros D series fighters as found in the FE2 stock aircraft.
You will need Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 and 1916 1.2 already loaded.
Read the readmes.
Cheers and Happy Landings
Version 1.2 Corrections to airfield names to allow enlistment as Belgian pilot as per Ojcar's edit to the original.
Armchair Aces 1918
By ojcar
The last chapter in the series. This one finishes the war. Thank you all the modders an community!
Armchair Aces 1917
By ojcar
This is the third chapter of Armchair Aces, covering air ops in Western Front, 1917. About 120 missions per pilot. You can fly as Australian as well now!
You must have install Armchair Aces 1915 and 1916 before this!
Armchair aces 1916
By ojcar
This is the second chapter of the series, covering 1916 ops. About 120 missions per pilot.
You can fly as a Belgian pilot too.
You'll need to have Armchair aces 1915 installed
Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 for FE1
By Grinseed
Acting on Ojcar's invitation and personal encouragement, I have modified his Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 for use with FE1.
Installation is the same as his original readme, but I have included my own readme explaining how the mod was achieved.
I have almost completed the 1916.1 version and have started looking over the 1917 version.
As mentioned in my readme, I will provide the stock FE2 aircraft variants not already included with FE1, i.e. the Alb DIII and DV5 variants etc that are required for 1917 and 1918. Sinbad has kindly given permission to modify his Strutters for 1916 1.1.
I have not had any problems with this modification and have been enjoying the campaigns immensely.
Thanks again to Ojcar. And special thanks to Canadair for his Unicode->Ansi batch converter and to Sinbad.
Cheers and Happy Landings
Armchair aces 1915
By ojcar
From the Readme and installation notes:
Welcome WWI buffs! This is the first chapter in a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI. Next chapters coming in the standard two weeks!
The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. This first chapter starts in August 1915, so until end of 1915 you'll have 50 missions per pilot! (and be in mind this is the shortest chapter)
The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught all maps, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. You can start as a RNAS pilot, and be in the RAF at the proper time, you can start in Escadrille 124 (the La Fayette escadrille) in French Army and end the war ir a USAS unit......A lot of possibilities.
This mod is intended for FE2, because in 1917 and 1918 you'll need the different Albatros, Strutters, SPADS et al with different engines that FE2 has. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_180 to AlbatrosD5....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course).
So, be ready for a downloading fest.
Very important!!!! Read the Readme!!!!
"Battle of Caporetto" Version 2.0
By quack74
********* The Battle of Caporetto **********
*Version 2.0*
By quack74
November 2010
This download contains a new campaign data.ini and Config.ini for the "Battle of Caporetto" campaign made by quack74.
The upgrade to 2.0 contains German air units that participated in the great battle. Along with a few aces.
Most of the markings are not historically accurate due to lack of detailed information and photographs. The names of the aces are accurate. All the units that I have included are accurate.
**You MUST have "The Battle of Caporetto" Version 1.0 (the original download, part1 and part2) for this to work properly**
These German units were sent to reinforce the Austrian campaign against the Italians soon after the collapse of the Eastern (Russian) Front. These units would start to appear in September of 1917 and last till the end of February 1918.
Jagdstaffeln (fighters):
Jasta 1 - Albatros D.V
Jasta 31 - Albatros D.III
Jasta 39 - Albatros D.IIIOAW
FeldFleigerAbteilung (ground attack):
FFA.14 - All DFWC5
FFA.17 -
Kampfgeschwader 4 units (bombers):
Kagohl 19
Kagohl 20 - All AEG G.IV
Kagohl 21
Also included are one more French air unit and one more Italian air unit.
French: Escadrille N392 (N24bis) standard markings
Italian: Squadriglia 79a (N27) Camouflage pattern with four known aces, including one ace skin.
Enjoy everyone, quack74
"Battle of Caporetto" Ver 1.0 Part 2
By quack74
This is Part2 of the "Battle of Caporetto" campaign, Version 1.0, done by quack74
Part2 contains all the ENEMY (Austrian and German) aircraft files. Except for the Decal folders. They are all in Part1 download.
These files could not be included with Part1 only because of size.
After dowloading both Part1 and Part2 you should merge the two together to keep it all organized before installing. It could be confusing if you dont. Just copy all the aircraft files in the /Objects/ Aircraft/ folder from Part2 and paste them into the / Objects/ Aircraft/ folder in Part1. It's that easy.
Enjoy, quack74
FE Campaigns and Zeppelin FM for Nov 2008 Patch
By peter01
Whats in it
An FM for Hinchinbrooke's L63 Zeppelin. Mainly for AI, but flyable.
Two 1916 campaigns by me. Simple, mainly so you can fly a number of planes in the 1916 period in a campaign. Update to previous ones I did for Oct 2007 version. These campaigns include Zeppelins (as AI), tanks (yeah, I know, but there is a shortage of targets), infantry.
Two great 1917 campaigns by Charles of the A-team - Bloody April and Cambrai. Modded to include newer models, quite a few heavy bombers and some other things.
Mobile AAA guns by Gr.Viper.
Armed balloons by warlordATF.
MGs based on work by Tailspin in Cambrai terrain.
37mm guns based on work by Tailspin and P10ppy, and models by A-team and P10ppy, in Cambrai and Flanders terrains.
Modded balloons to be somewhat tougher to bring down, and modded some structures so they easier to destroy - Warehouses and bridges, these are seconadry target for the Cambrai Campaigns. AAA is more effective.
There are also modded weaponsdata and gundata files to make it all work.
Trying to make this as easy as possible, by linking other downloads and eliminating any need to mod files. But you do need to download work done by modellers such as terrain and guns and infantry from the original downloads. And install these in the following order, but skip the steps not needed if you already have the files.
First backup your current copy of the game, and make sure its patched to Nov 2008 (Lower RHS of main screen in game).
1) Download and install current FMs and other files ("Game Files") from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8064 as per instructions. Note that although you do not need all the planes generally, you do need nearly all for the campaigns. You must have the "Game Files" included in that download.
2) Download and install Hinchinbrookes L63 Zeppelin here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3617
3) Download and install Edwards Flanders Terrain. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4424. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
4) Download and install Tailspins Machine Gunners. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6202. You only need to place the ParabellumAAA and VickersAAA in the GroundObjects folder, other changes are done in this download.
5) Download and install Tailspins/P10ppy's/A-Teams 37mm models. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6165. Just install files, do not mod any files such as sound files or gundata files as described in Readme - this is done for you in this download.
6) Download and install Charles Cambrai and Bloody Appril campaigns. They are here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4888 and here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4860. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
7) Install this download LAST. Four main folders in zip file. Just drop these into your main First Eagles directory, and when prompted allow to overwrite. Note it will change gundata and weapondata files as well as other things, and that is essential.
Sounds a lot. But once you have done this not only will you have several campaigns flying most of the available aircraft, you will also have many mods that will part of your game, missions as well as Campaigns, eg, infantry from the Bloody April/cambrai campaigns, machine gunners and 37mm guns that will be present for all missions as well as these campaigns etc, Mobile AAA and Armed balloons. Makes the groundwar and balloon hunting much more interesting.
37mm Guns including data.inis, sound, tracers, models and testing by Tailspin, P10ppy, B Bandy RFC, the A-Team.
Flanders Terrain by Edward.
Machine Gunners by Tailspin using models by the A-Team.
Armed Balloons are by warlordATF.
MobileAAA are by Gr.Viper.
Cambrai and Bloody April Campaigns are by Charles, minor mods by me.
Zeppelin L63 by Hinchinbrooke.
L63 FM and minor mods to all the rest by me.
Any problems, please contact me on Forum or via PM. Peter01 23rd June 2009
Plane Fest II - Edge of Insanity - Verdun
By Firecage
Release 1.1
Nov-2008 Patch required
This release does not have the added terrain mods, Balloon sets, or MG bunkers. I am waiting on a reply from the orig. designers of those mods to make sure they are good with including them in the Fest.
Take all folders (1915,1916,1917,1918) and add them to your campaign folders.
They will appear as 4 different campaigns in your drop down menu.
I tried to get accurate release dates and hopefully each lane will show up on the dates around the time of actual release.
All of the testing has been with Peter01's FM plane mods on all the planes that he has done. There are also some planes in these campaigns that peter has not done an FM for but, they worked just fine and alot of them are AI and have been tested as much as I could.
There are some planes that are not included at this time and I am looking at releasing a new version soon that may have more planes included. As it stands right now I have around 60 planes in the 4 campaigns. I usualy have some spelling errors and such so a new update should be along very soon to correct those.
Plane List:
The planes can be found at:
Flight Models from Peter01:
Other add on aircraft:
IF you have problems finding certain planes leave me a priv msg at combatace.com and I will try and address any questions.
'21/4/18: The Rittmeister Falls'
A mission for First Eagles + Expansion Pack 1 + Nov 08 patch.
Bucky's Quick Mission No.10: '21/04/18: THE RITTMEISTER FALLS'
Released 21/4/09. The 91st anniversary of the action depicted in this mission.
I created this mission, a re-enactment of an actual aerial combat that took place at
approximately 10:40am (Allied time), on Sunday, 21st April, 1918, to commemorate the 91st
anniversary of Manfred von Richthofen's death.
Brown, Buie, Evans, Emery or Popkin? These are the names that all have a valid claim for the
honour of shooting down the legendary 80 victory German ace, Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr
von Richthofen.
For over eighty years it was generally accepted that von Richthofen fell to the guns of
Captain A.R. Brown, DSC, of 209 Sqn RAF. Now though, although far from being conclusive,
investigative research made in the 1990's would suggest that the Baron was most likely hit
by the ground fire of Sgt. Cedric Basset Popkin, Machine Gunner 1st Class, of the 24th
Machine Gun Company, 11th Brigade, 4th Australian Division.
For Capt. Roy Brown however, the story related that during a large dogfight with German
fighters over Le Hamel, and a subsequent fast dive from 5,000 feet to evade two enemy
aircraft on his tail, Brown, flying Sopwith Camel, B7270, spotted a red Fokker Dr.I Triplane
chasing another Camel at very low level. He dived down onto the Triplane's tail and after a
short chase, fired a long burst into Richthofen's plane...
The following is part of the brief combat report submitted by Capt. Brown on the afternoon of
21st April, 1918:
"...Dived on large formation of 15-20 Albatross scouts D5 (sic) and Fokker Triplanes, two of
which got on my tail and I came out.
Went back again and dived on pure red triplane which was firing on Lieut. May. I got a long
burst into him and he went down vertical and was observed to crash by Lieut. Mellersh and
Lieut. May.
I fired on two more but did not get them."
As von Richthofen pursued Lt. May, his Dr.I was being targeted by small arms fire from
numerous Australian troops situated in various positions in the Vaux-Sur-Somme/Corbie
area, Buie, Emery, Evans and Popkin among them. At this point in the chase, things were
not looking good for the inexperienced Lt. Wilfred May, in his 209 Sqn Camel, D3326. Von
Richthofen, in his all red Fokker Triplane, serial number 425/17 was gaining on him fast and
it was only a matter of time until he brought his guns to bear on the British machine.
However, as experienced and careful a pilot as von Richthofen was, he made two fatal
errors of judgement that April morning: First, he seemingly disregarded his perilous position
by flying so low over allied lines. He then also became target fixated in the quest for his 81st
victory...It was the undoing of him.
An eye witness described what happened next:
" ...(I) heard a burst of gunfire and the Fokker stopped in its stride and did the first half of
the loop, then straightened out and fluttered down out of our sight as if doing a pancake
Richthofen had been killed by a single .303 bullet.
We will never know with absolute certainty who it was that fired the fatal shot, but the
controversy has raged on ever since...
At this time, Jasta 11 were based at Cappy airfield, about 20 miles east of Amiens. The
weather on the morning of the 21st had been misty and windy, which delayed the early
morning patrol. But by approximately 9:30am (Allied time) the mist had cleared sufficiently
to allow von Richthofen and five of his Jasta 11 wingmen to set off and patrol the lines.
At almost precisely the same time at Bertangles, north of Amiens, 209 Squadron were taking
to the air on a routine High Offensive Patrol.
At about 10:25 the two units clashed over Le Hamel and a large dogfight commenced,
involving some thirty plus aircraft. As a novice to aerial combat, Lt. May had been instructed
to steer clear of any trouble. This he did by heading west and diving earthward. Von
Richthofen, ever watchful, and sensing an easy kill, went after him, towards his date with
Immediately the mission begins, you'll be a little over 5000 feet, with the two Fokker
Triplanes that Roy Brown mentioned in his combat report, on your tail and firing relentlessly
at you. Take quick evasive action by diving to earth, but at the same time, keep a keen
lookout for Lt. May's Camel, who meantime is being chased by the Baron...Can you reach
May in time to save him from being von Richthofen's 81st victim?
Now's your chance, flying as Capt A.R. Brown, to dispell all doubts over who killed the Red
Be aware though, that Brown had spent most of his ammunition during the combat over Le
Hamel...So how much ammo do you have left?
Unfortunately, the Flanders Terrain doesn't include the requisite towns and villages
(Vaux-Sur-Somme, Corbie, etc), so I've had to move the action about thirty miles north to
more closely replicate the real life action.
I could have used the Cambrai terrain, which does include those places but in my opinion,
the Flanders terrain is much more realistic, graphically.
There are no machine gun ground units to add to the historical authenticity either. But then,
at least there can be no arguments over who fires the fatal shot this time...
Before I decided to upload this mission, I asked myself; is this one challenging enough? After
all, if I can succesfully dodge those two chasing Fokkers, find Lt. May, then get on the Baron's
six and take him out, all in about two minutes flat, then anybody can! Thinking about it further
though, I didn't really put this one together with the "challenge", or difficulty factor in mind...
What I really wanted to do was create as accurate an historical re-enactment of the events of
21st April 1918 as it was possible to achieve, as reported by the combatants involved, and by
latter day historians and investigators.
I have to say, that although it's very "scripted", I'm really quite pleased with the result. For
example: While the player (Roy Brown) is diving down from 5000ft, dodging fire from the
chasing Dr.I's, Lt. May will actually be pursued by von Richthofen over the village of Vaux-
Sur-Somme (well most of the time, anyway), and they'll come very close to hitting the church
tower, just as it really happened on that April morning in 1918...
What I'm trying to say here, is that in spite of its apparent simplicity, this mission has taken
me longer to get right, and caused me more problems and frustration than just about all the
others put together!
To fly this mission as intended, you'll need the following mods and skins:
Flanders Terrain.
By Edward.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Maps/Terrains' section.
209 Sqn, RAF Squadron skin set, which includes Roy Brown's B7270, for the Expansion Pack
Sopwith Camel.
By Quack74.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
PLEASE NOTE: You'll need to place these skins in the 110 hp Camel folder.
MvR's Fokker Dr.I, 425/17 ('MvR Last Plane') skin, for the Expansion Pack Fokker Dr.I.
By Quack74.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
'J11 Lt. von Linsingen' skin, for the Expansion Pack Fokker Dr.I.
By Quack74.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
'J11 Scholtz' skin, for the Expansion Pack Fokker Dr.I.
By Quack74.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
Many thanks to the above artists for their most excellent contributions to this great game.
Although not essential, for extra realism and immersion I would also recommend the
following mods, available at the Combat Ace, Downloads site:
'Thicker, Fuller Clouds'.
By ShrikeHawk.
Found in 'Maps/Terrains'. 'Environmental Mods'.
Excellent mod that greatly improves the "cotton wool ball" clouds effect.
'FE Sounds V.2'.
By yours truly.
Found in 'Sound Mods'.
'First Eagles Tracer With Smoke'
By Jan Tuma.
Found in 'FE Weapons Mods'
In order to replicate the low level chase between von Richthofen and May, I found it
necessary to amend two files which govern the altitude of AI planes. Without this change
the AI planes will not fly below 100 feet or so. IMHO, this change improves the overall
game and not just this mission.
Here's how to do it:
Using the 'SFP1 CAT file Extract Utility', extract the 'MISSIONCONTROL' ini (found in the
'Mission Data.CAT) to the 'Flight' folder, open, then scroll down to [Altitude] and re-set;
'VeryLow=' to '05'.
Then extract the 'AIRCRAFTOBJECT' ini (found in the ObjectData.CAT) to the 'Objects' folder,
scroll down to [Dogfight-----] and re-set; 'SafeAltitude=' to '05'. (Make sure to change all
four entries: Dogfight; Green, Regular, Veteran & Ace.
I would also recommend using Peter01's Fokker Dr.I Flight model DATA.INI, which improves
the Triplane's manoeuvrability and aggressiveness. This FM is in the 'FM Update 3rd
September' pack, found at the Combat Ace 'WWI, Add-On Aircraft/Flight Models' section.
For maximum realism I would also recommend that this mission be played with all gameplay
settings set to 'Hard'.
Install the mission by unzipping the downloaded file to the following path:
C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/WW1/Missions
Alternatively, you can drag and drop the unzipped MSN file directly into your 'Missions' folder.
I hope you enjoy flying this mission and find it both challenging and enjoyable enough to play
it more than once. I've tried to make it as historically accurate and authentic as the game will
Feel free to change any of the parameters as you wish.
I would welcome any suggestions or general feedback, good, bad or indifferent, via any one
of the FE forums.
Bucky. 21/4/09.
'The Red Baron's Last Flight'...N. Franks & A. Bennett.
'Under the Guns of the Red Baron'...N. Franks & H. Giblin.
'In the Footsteps of the Red Baron'...M. O'Connor & N. Franks.
'Who Downed the Aces in WWI'...N. Franks.
'The Red Baron Combat Wing'...P. Kilduff.
'The Illustrated Red Baron'...P. Kilduff.
'Red Baron. The Life and Death of an Ace'...P. Kilduff.
'The Sky their Battlefield'...T. Henshaw.
'Richthofen'...A.E. Ferko.
'Voss vs 56'
A mission for First Eagles + Expansion Pack 1 + either; Nov 08 patch or Peter01 FM's pack
without patch.
Bucky's Quick Mission No.9: 'Voss vs 56'.
Released 23/9/08. The 91st anniversary of the action depicted in this mission.
This Mission is a re-enactment of an actual aerial combat that took place at about 6:30pm,
on Sunday, 23rd September, 1917, in the skies above Poelcapelle and Westroosebeke,
about 7-8 miles NE of Ypres, in Belgium.
The action involved seven SE5a's of 56 Sqn, the RFC's premier fighter unit, and Lt. Werner
Voss, a 48 victory ace and a holder of the coveted Ordre Pour Le Merite (Blue Max).
This epic encounter, arguably the most famous dogfight in history, has been the subject of
much speculation and controversy for ninety odd years now, and shows no signs of abating
any time soon. This is evidenced by the fact that even though the combat reports of all the
allied pilots involved (and other aircrew that witnessed it) still exist, there are some
historians and enthusiasts that think Voss had run out of fuel and/or ammunition, and even
that he was trying to surrender(!) before he was killed.
Whatever the truth of the matter, the allied pilots combat reports are all of the opinion that
the Fokker Triplane's excellent climb capability would have allowed Voss to withdraw from
the combat at any time with relative ease. Yet he chose to fight to the end... Maybe he just
had a little too much confidence in his own ability?
Werner Voss' life story in general, and his final combat in particular, make very interesting
reading. I highly recommend the book 'September Evening', by Barry Diggens' to anyone
who would like to read further on the subject. Apart from containing a detailed blow by blow
account of the combat, it also includes the complete combat reports of all the allied pilots
To set the scene:
At this time Voss was Staffelfuhrer of Jasta 10, based at Heule, near Courtrai. He had
achieved his 48th victory that morning (23rd Sept) by shooting down a DH4. It was his first
day back on the front line since going on leave on 11th of September. Probably eager to
rack up his victory tally, he fatefully decided to fly one last patrol...
Voss took off at approximately 17:05, in the pre-production Fokker Triplane, serial No.
FI. 103/17 which he had been using since late August, and in which he had achieved his last
10 victories. At about the same time, thirty or so miles away at Estree Blanche, 56 Sqn
were leaving the ground for their final patrol of the day.
At 18:25, Voss encountered two SE's of 60 Sqn. The ensuing combat which lasted all of two
minutes, ended with both British fighters disengaging after being severely damaged.
Unfortunately for Voss, The flight of SE5a's from 56 Sqn, led by Cpt. James McCudden VC,
had witnessed the brief furball and were not slow in coming to the aid of their two stricken
The infamous ten minute dogfight that followed is excellently summed up in this excerpt
from James McCudden's book; 'Flying Fury':
"The German pilot (Voss) saw us and turned in a most disconcertingly quick manner, not a
climbing nor Immelmann turn, but a sort of flat half spin. By now the German triplane was
in the middle of our formation, and its handling was wonderful to behold. The pilot seemed
to be firing at all of us simultaneously, and although I got behind him a second time, I
could hardly stay there for a second. His movements were so quick and uncertain that none
of us could hold him in sight at all for any decisive time."
Inevitably though, odds of seven to one were too great, even for a pilot of Voss' prowess.
And especially considering the high calibre fighter pilots he was up against. It was 2/Lt.
Arthur Rhys-Davids who eventually got Voss in his sights long enough to deliver the coup
de grace. Voss fell to earth just inside the British lines, NW of Frezenberg, at a place called
Plum Farm. He was 20 years old.
In homage to Voss, McCudden stated in his book:
"I shall never forget my admiration for that German pilot, who single-handed fought seven
of us for ten minutes, and also put some bullets through all of our machines. His flying was
wonderful, his courage magnificent, and in my opinion he is the bravest German airman
whom it has been my privilege to see fight."
High praise indeed.
The battle hardened 56 Sqn pilots that Voss faced that evening were all aces except for
Cronyn. Indeed, by the end of the war they had amassed 172 victories between them.
They are listed below with their total end of war victory numbers, the serial number, and
identification letter of the SE5a they were actually flying on 23rd Sept 1917.
Cpt. J.B. McCudden. (58) flew B4863 marked 'G'
Cpt. G.H. Bowman. (32) flew B2 marked 'M'
Lt. R.T.C. Hoidge. (27) flew B506 marked 'N'?
2/Lt. A.P.F. Rhys-Davids. (22) flew B525 marked 'I'
Lt. R.S. Maybery. (21) flew B1 marked 'K'
Lt. K.K. Muspratt. (8) flew A8944 marked 'H'
Lt. V.P. Cronyn. (4) flew A4563 marked 'L'
Mission guidlines:
It has to be said that it's almost impossible to survive this mission, (well, for me anyway!)
and for that reason I hesitated to upload it at all. But with the 91st anniversary of Voss'
demise approaching, I decided to go for it.
I created it using the latest 'Peter01 FM's pack', 'Very Hard AircraftObject.ini', and
'70% GunData.ini files'. Consequently, I haven't lasted more than a minute during the
mission testing! I'm no great flyer though, so with a bit more ability, or without those
When the mission begins, you'll be flying at approximately 6,500ft. We'll assume that the
encounter with the two 60 Sqn SE's has just ended, and the 56 Sqn flight is winging its way
towards you...Utilise your height advantage, and don't fly straight and level for more than a
few seconds!
The 56 Sqn pilots were all amazed at Voss' aerobatics...You'll have to be equally agile to
have even the slightest glimmer of a chance!
Compromises and game limitations:
I had a go at including the legendary 'red nose Albatros' that featured briefly in the furball
that fateful evening. However, it only distracted the SE's from giving you (Voss) their full
attention. And seeing as it only played a very small part in the combat, I decided not to
use it.
The 56 Sqn SE5a identification letters used are all correct for the pilots involved in the
combat (See above for pilot/ID list). However, on 23/9/17, 56 Sqn were still using a dumbell
marking on the rear fuselage. This was changed to the more familiar white rear fuselage
band on 25/9/17.
The actual combat between Voss and 56 Sqn commenced at about 6:30pm, but I've had to
set the mission time at 5:30, otherwise you'd be flying in the dark.
I've also used a bit of artistic license regarding height advantage and the order of events,
but essentially it's you (Voss) against seven enemy planes, just as it was for him.
Mission requirements:
To fly this mission as intended, you'll need the following mods and skins:
Flanders terrain.
By Edward.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Maps/Terrains' section.
Werner Voss skin for the Expansion Pack Fokker Dr.I.
By Gumpy.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
SE5a 56 Sqn, RFC, 1917 Squadron Markings.
Two versions by dhasdell.
To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'WWI Aircraft Skins' section.
Make sure to use the 'letters' version.
Many thanks to all the above artists for their most excellent contributions to this great game.
Although not essential, for extra realism and immersion I would recommend the following
mods, available from the Combat Ace, Downloads site:
'Thicker, Fuller Clouds'.
By ShrikeHawk.
Found in: 'Maps/Terrains'. 'Environmental Mods'.
Excellent mod that greatly improves the "cotton wool ball" clouds effect.
'FE Sounds'.
By yours truly.
Found in: 'Sound Mods'.
For maximum realism I would also recommend that this mission be played with all gameplay
settings set to 'Hard'.
Installation instructions:
Install the mission by unzipping the downloaded file to the following path:
C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/WW1/Missions
Alternatively, you can drag and drop the unzipped MSN file directly into your 'Missions' folder.
I hope you enjoy flying this mission and find it both challenging and enjoyable enough to play
it more than once. I've tried to make it as historically accurate and authentic as the game
will allow.
Feel free to change any of the parameters as you wish.
I would welcome any suggestions or general feedback, good, bad or indifferent, via any one
of the FE forums.
Viel Glueck!
Bucky. 23/9/08.
References used in creating this mission:
'September Evening'... B. Diggens.
'Werner Voss'... D. Hylands.
'Flying Fury: Five Years In The Royal Flying Corps'... J. McCudden VC.
'High In The Empty Blue'...A. Revell.
'Under The Guns Of The German Aces'... N. Franks & H. Giblin.
'Who Downed The Aces In WWI'... N. Franks.
'Above The Lines'... N. Franks. F.W. Bailey & R. Guest.
'Above The Trenches'...C. Shores. N. Franks. R. Guest.
'The Jasta War Chronology'... N. Franks. F. Bailey & R. Duiven.
'The Sky Their Battlefield'... T. Henshaw.
'Royal Flying Corps Communiques 1917-18'... C. Bowyer.
'The Fokker Triplane'... A. Imrie.
'Fokker Dr.I Triplane: A WWI Legend'... P. Leaman.
'Fokker Dr.I Aces Of WWI'... N. Franks & G. VanWyngarden.
'British Aviation Squadron Markings Of WWI'... L.A. Rogers.
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