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Israeli Origin

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11 files

  1. Super Mystere Sa'ar, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force)

    Super Mystere Sa'ar, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force)
    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or any combination -WITH- SF2:I --
    This mod =REQUIRES= a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, SF2:I for the various and sundry bits used herein (to, wit, the Mystere IVA cockpit from SF2:I). If you do NOT have the minimum required game installs, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you won't be able to use it.
    This is a mod of the SF2:I Super Mystere Sa'ar into those as used by the Honduran Air Force. This depicts the aircraft as originally delivered to the FAH in 1976, still wearing the 3-tone IDF desert camo.
    As the Sa'ar is not player flyable "out of the box", this pak will make it so, using the Mystere IVA cockpit (also from SF2I -hence, it's requirement!!). This package can be used in one of 2 ways:
    1) As an add-on skin for the Sa'ar (with the included, adjusted userlist ini) or
    2) As a stand-alone, nationalized aircraft.
    All the various inis, skin and decals are provided for either choice. Instructions are in the "To Install" section. 100% historicaly correct FAH serial number decals are included.
    The canopy has been activated; use Shift/0 to open and close.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Have fun with it!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. Israeli Mig-21F-13 "007" stock

    During Operation Diamond an iraqi pilot has decided to defect from iraq with his family, and so he had landed his Mig-21 F-13 in israel. This acquisition of the new and advanced soviet fighter has given israel alot of insight on its capabilities, and how to fight againts it. During it's service with the israeli airforce (and the US airforce), it has took on several paint schemes, this being the final and most used one.
    To install simply follow this steps:
    1) Drop "007 camo" into Objects->Aircraft->Mig--21F.
    2) Drop "Mig-21F" into Objects->Decals.
    Spinners- Providing the stock tw mig-21F-13 template


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  3. Kurnass Early Skin Pack

    Kurnass_Early F-4E TW For SF2I Credits:
    Kurnass HiRes Skin by NeverEnough
    Hangar and Loading Screen by NeverEnough
    F-4E Template by Sundowner
    Mk7 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007
    IsAF50s Pilot by Diego
    Improved Afterburner Effects by Spillone104
    These skins are for the TW Kurnass included in StrikeFighters2 Israel. Simply extract the contents of the Kurnass_Early.zip to your desktop or a temporary folder.  Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel folder.  If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes.
    Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. Israel had first expressed an interest in acquiring the Phantom in 1965, but the U.S. was not yet willing to sell the fighter to Israel. In December 1968 the "Peace Echo" deal was signed for the provision of 44 F-4Es and 6 RF-4Es to the IAF, and on Friday, September 5th, the first Israeli Phantoms landed at Hazor AFB. The four planes, wearing an IAF color scheme but still carrying their American markings, joined the new 201st "Ha'ahat" (The One) squadron, commanded by Shmuel Hetz. Delieveries continued at a rate of 4 a month and on October 23rd the 69th "Patishim" (Hammers) squadron was reformed at Ramat-David, headed by Avihu Ben-Nun. The type entered service as the "Kurnass" (Sledgehammer), the last aircraft arriving in May 1971.  The skins are for the The One (201st) and Hammers (69th) squadrons. Thank Sundowner for the insanely detailed templates, and ravenclaw_007 for the droptank details and the two sharks mouths.  The artistry and craftmenship in their contributions to our community never ceases to amaze me.
    To ensure you realize the whole nine yards, be sure to add the ravenclaw_007 Weapon Packs to your install! I hope you enjoy!


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  4. IDF/AF "Anak" skin for Veltro's C-97

    This mod represents the Israeli Air Force's Stratofreighter tankers. It has several historically accurate serials based on available photographs
    and a decal sheet set. For simplicity I chose to release this as a skin for the C-97G rather than ini editing the radomes off for a proper B377.
    One skin for the aircraft and one folder for the decals
    Veltro2k and Wrench's C-97G Stratofreighter mod : http://combatace.com/files/file/15862-sf2-boeing-c-97-cargo-hc-97-ars-pak/
    download, unzip, allow merging. should not need overwrite permission.
    Research material: Google image search, IsraDecal 1:72 IDF B377 Stratofrieghter decal set

    Veltro original model and skin
    Wrench general layout of decal.ini and tga, skin psd (extra thanks, saved alot of time Sir!)
    daddyairplanes fine tune of decals, Anak skin and decal.ini edits
    Wrench and NEILS checking that i didn't do too bad a job on this project
    yes very similar credits to another mod!
    i hope that you enjoy this mod.
    Kevin Unruh
    aka daddyairplanes
    2 Nov 2015


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  5. Argentina Delta Pack

    Pack with IAI finger, Mirage V mara anda IAI dagger B of Argentina Air Force
    Strike Fighters Israel needed


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  6. IAI Kfir C.10 Fuerza Aerea Argentina

    [Ficticio] Kfir C.10 Fuerza Aerea Argentina V1.1
    Modelo modificado del original posteado por DenissOliveira
    *Skin del grupo 6 de caza
    *Configuracion de los pilones para armas argentinas
    *Pod Litening III en el pilon correcto
    *Cabina de A4AR con dos pantallas (hasta crear la original)
    *Bombas 'tontas' argentinas
    *Elbit LGB Lizard
    *Python 4
    *Python 5
    *Derby AR
    *FAS 850 Dardo II
    Avion orignal: DenissOliveira
    Textura FAA : Juancho Gomez
    Data ini : Juan Manuel Kachoroski
    Armas : A quien corresponda
    Instalacion: pegar la carpeta Object en la carpeta de su Strike Fighters 2
    Level X Game Developers
    [Fictitious] Argentine Air Force Kfir C.10 v 1.1
    Modified model of the original posted by DenissOliveira
    *Grupo 6 de caza Skin
    *New configuration of pylon for Argentine's weapons
    *Pod Litening III in right place
    *Change the old Cockpit for A4Ar Cockpit whit two LED screen (until make the original Cockpit)
    *Argentine 'dumb'bombs
    *Elbit LGB Lizard
    *Python 4
    *Python 5
    *Derby AR
    *FAS 850 Dardo II
    orignal aircraft: DenissOliveira
    FAA Textures : Juancho Gomez
    Data ini : Juan Manuel Kachoroski
    Weapons : To whom it may concern
    Install: just drop the object folder in your Strike Fighters 2 folder
    Level X Game Developers


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  7. Argentine Air Force Kfir C10 Skin

    Skin grupo 6 de caza Fuerza Aerea Argentina
    Textura para el avion Kfir C10 del usuario denissoliveira, modificado del original posteado por este usuario
    Descarga del avion


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  8. Kfir C2 Sri Lanka Skins

    Strike fighters 2 Israel or Full Merge Skins Texture Kfir C2 Sri Lanka Air Force


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  9. Dassault Sambad & IAI Sa'ar (1958-1975)

    Dassault Sambad & IAI Sa'ar (1958-1975)
    This skin pack for Thirdwire's stock Super Mystère B2 (Sambad, from the acronym SMBD) and Sa'ar (Tempest) covers every Sambad and Sa'ar in Israeli service from 1958 to 1975. It includes several skins for each type that reflect changed paintschemes, attrition, losses, replenishments and upgrades. The serial numbers are as real as it gets, but due to lack of reliable and/or complete information, some service dates might be wrong.
    The Sambad was the IAF's first supersonic fighter and also its first aircraft with an afterburning engine. On December 4th 1958, the first Israeli Super Mystères arrived at Hatzor's No. 105 Scorpion Squadron. When the J52-P-8A engine became available with the introduction of the A-4 Ayit in late 1967, IAF engineers suggested it replacing the Sambad's unreliable Atar 101G-3 engine. While not afterburning, the J52 was lighter and more powerful than the original engine, allowing for more ordnance and an extended range. Other modifications to the original airframe included an extended rear fuselage to accomodate the new engine (also anticipating and inspiring the 'barrel mod' on the Ayits) and two new hardpoints for the Shafrir 2 air-to-air missile. The first upgraded Sambad - now called IAI Sa'ar - entered service in 1969 and conversion was complete in early 1973. Only two years later, in March 1975, the Sa'ars of No. 105 Squadron were replaced with the F-4E Kurnass. The remaining Sa'ars were sold to Honduras in 1976.
    Original skins and decals - Thirdwire
    Silver skin repaint - ekek
    Decals and inis - ekek & wilco
    Testing - Team Flying Dragon
    Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)
    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.
    If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.


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  10. IAI Nesher for SF2I

    IAI Nesher for SF2I
    This package includes all known single seat Neshers of the IAF. The Nesher was in service from 1971 to 1981 in four different squadrons, three of them before and during the Yom Kippur War, in which the type was used with great success.
    By the end of the Yom Kippur War Nesher 510 had shot down 13 enemy aircraft, equalising the record for the highest number of kills for a single Israeli plane, previously held by the Shahaks 58 and 59.
    No. 101 First Fighter Squadron - 1971-1975
    No. 113 Hornet Squadron - 1972-1976
    No. 144 Arava Guardians Squadron - 1972-1978
    No. 253 The Negev Squadron - 1976-1981
    A note on the serial numbers: The historical correct serial numbers in this package include two digit numbers as well as three digit serial numbers. All Neshers were numbered at first with the two digit serial numbers,
    but with the arrival of the two seater, the single seat model's serial numbers where changed to 5XX while the two seaters were numbered 6XX.
    Extract the content of the archive and put the Objects folder into your SF2I mod folder.
    In case you can't see the full names of each skin in the loadout menu (lower screen resolution), navigate to the the folder named "optional" and copy the Objects folder to your SF2I mod folder. Let overwrite when asked.
    Original skins - Thirdwire
    Decals and inis - wilco
    Testing - guyran
    Have fun!
    Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)
    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.
    If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.


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  11. MF KFir C7 for SF2 merged install

    | |
    | IAI Kfir C7 |
    | |
    The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you :
    The IAI Kfir C7
    SFP1 model
    ***Adapted for SF2 merged install by TFlash on 4 oct 2009 ; added ALR-69.***
    Took part in this project :
    3D : LoloGramme, BPAo
    Skin : Sundowner
    FM : TK, Column5, Kreelin
    Cockpit 3D legs : Kesselbrut
    Effects : Sony Tuckson with work based on Deuces effects
    Texture : Flying V
    External tanks
    3D : Crab_02, BPAo
    skins : Oxitom, BPao
    Test team
    Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, USAFMTL, Moonjumper, UF Josse
    Weapons add
    the best way is use the WeaponPack.
    if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import
    Kfir_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory)
    in your weapondata.ini.
    Should I have forgotten you.. get in touch with me quick .. this will be corrected soon
    The content of this file may not be used in a commercial product or any other.
    Any use requires my authorization


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