7 files
F-105D nose art "Cherry Girl" and "Menphis Belle II"
By leodagan76
Here are two skins for the stock F-105D (SF2V). They're based on the MOD proposed by Sundowner that you can find here:
I just have add the pin up, and victory marks.
Just copy and paste in your mod folder!
Leodagan76 - april 2014
F-105D Hi res skins
By Sundowner
A complete redraw of the stock TW F-105D models, skins are 2048x2048 with new bump maps.
Please read the readme for full details BEFORE installing.
F-105D/F Thunderchief ANG and AFRES skinpack
This mod extends the in game life of the F-105 to match the real 1981 through 1984 retirements. It
features skins for the early 70's, late 70's, early 80's and a special skin featuring the noseart of the
149th TFS of the Virginia ANG. The markings are as accurate as I can find through several days of searching
the web for photos of the listed units.
- Required: You will need SF2, SF2 Europe or SF2 Vietnam for the stock F-105D_66.
- Included: Skins for 4 ANG and 3 AFRES F-105 operators. I have not included the Georgia ANG as that is
represented in the F-105G mod.
Also Included is an F-105F_66 aircraft. While the majority of F's were
used as Weasels, conversion and proficiency traning still had to take place. Every Thud fighter squadron
had at least 1 F on the books.
Data.ini's have been edited also to reflect proper service years.
- Credits: The Wrench, for his rerelease of ArmourDave's F-105F pack, as well as a few parts of TGAs that I
used from his F-100D ANG skinpack.He even answered a stupid question by yours truly.
TK, for the stock Thuds and ability to mod this game we call SF2.
and me? well i just
//////////////////////////////// THUD ANG AND AFRES UNITS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 119th TFS, New Jersey ANG 1970-1973
- 127th TFS, Kansas ANG 1971-1978 (RTU for F-105s in USAF after 71)
- 128th TFS, Georgia ANG 1979-1983 (only ANG Weasel unit, flew G, not represented in this pack)
- 141st TFS, New Jersey ANG 1964-1981 (actually flew the B model)
- 149th TFS, Virginia ANG 1971-1981
- 457th TFS, AFRES Carswell AFB 1971-1978 (flew the Thunderstick II model)
- 465th TFS, AFRES Tinker AFB 1971-1981 (was originally the 305th TFS for first 13 months. Due to short
timespan, left as 465th)
- 466th TFS, AFRES Hill AFB 1971-1984 (initially flew B models, moved on to D in 1981)
I hope that you enjoy this mod and bring some old school weekend warrior pain to Warsaw Pact or Parani forces!
Kevin Unruh aka
F-105D Hill AFB Skins
Semi Historical Hill AFB F-105D Skins
The 466th TFS, USAF Reserve, was lhe last operator of the F-105 Thunderchief. They flew their last mission before converting to the F-16A in 1984. Due to how
long they flew the 'Thud' and their proximity to Ogden Air Logistics Center, where many aircraft go to be repainted, they flew 3 Thuds in colors other than the traditional SEA camo. Those schemes (SEA Wraparound, European 1, and a one off Desert scheme based on the pattern of the first two) are represented here.
Also provided are black tailcode for the 466th ('HI') and 50 black serial numbers. Sorry only 50 as the Thud was getting rarer by that time. The first 10 serials are
historical with the first 3 being the ones used by the aircraft so painted. the other
40 numbers are redone TW serials spanning FY59-62.
This is not a completely accurate rendition, the pattern is different than T.O. 1-1-4
states for SEA Wraparound and Euro 1. What I did was to wraparound the stock skin, then
swap the colors (as was done IRL). I also did not do the nose art's for the aircraft
due to other commmitments, and lack of time.
Much credit goes to :
ludo.54m for his templates, which allowed me more freedom to color while keeping the
panel lines and rivets
Soulfreak, both for the idea and material support with references
TK for the stock bird and decals
the greater CA community for support and education over the years
Included in the mod are
Desert, Euro 1 and SEA Wraparound skins
my Expanded Squadronlist.ini, which puts 466th TFS as selectable in menu
the Photoshop templates I used to create this mod.
unzip the files, copy and paste to the appropriate folders. Allow merging of
Aircraft and Decal folders. Enjoy
Thank you for downloading this mod!
daddyairplanes aka
Kevin Unruh
16 Jan 2013
F-105D Hill AFB updated skins
By Centurion-1
Updated Hill AFB skins for the SF2 F-105D
This is an update for Daddyairplanes´ Hill Afb Skins (http://combatace.com/files/file/13741-f-105d-hill-afb-skins/) that I did, and are uploaded with DAs permission. The main changes from the previous version are added details and weathering as well as restoring missing rivet and panel lines.
So 90% of the credit goes to Daddyairplanes, I only did a visual tuneup.
Happy flying,
Centurion aka
Mats Liljeroos
31. May 2013
Semi Historical Hill AFB F-105D Skins
The 466th TFS, USAF Reserve, was lhe last operator of the F-105 Thunderchief.
They flew their last mission before converting to the F-16A in 1983. Due to how
long they flew the 'Thud' and their proximity to Ogden Air Logistics Center,
where many aircraft go to be repainted, they flew 3 Thuds in colors other than
the traditional SEA camo. Those schemes (SEA Wraparound, European 1, and a one
off Desert scheme based on the pattern of the first two) are represented here.
Also provided are black tailcode for the 466th ('HI') and 50 black serial numbers.
Sorry only 50 as the Thud was getting rarer by that time. The first 10 serials are
historical with the first 3 being the ones used by the aircraft so painted. the other
40 numbers are redone TW serials spanning FY59-62.
This is not a completely accurate rendition, the pattern is different than T.O. 1-1-4
states for SEA Wraparound and Euro 1. What I did was to wraparound the stock skin, then
swap the colors (as was done IRL). I also did not do the nose art's for the aircraft
due to other commmitments, and lack of time.
Much credit goes to :
ludo.54m for his templates, which allowed me more freedom to color while keeping the
panel lines and rivets
Soulfreak, both for the idea and material support with references
TK for the stock bird and decals
the greater CA community for support and education over the years
Included in the mod are
Desert, Euro 1 and SEA Wraparound skins
my Expanded Squadronlist.ini, which puts 466th TFS as selectable in menu
the Photoshop templates I used to create this mod.
unzip the files, copy and paste to the appropriate folders. Allow merging of
Aircraft and Decal folders. Enjoy
Thank you for downloading this mod!
daddyairplanes aka
Kevin Unruh
16 Jan 2013
F-105 Early Tail Numbers
By streakeagle
This mod is a quick fix to revise the default camouflage skin to have the early tail codes.
I have used the stock silver skin tail numbers and added the "USAF" above them using a stock Third Wire "USAF" decal.
I have included an Excel spreadsheet listing the tailnumbers included and documenting as much as I know about that tail number.
I have also inlcuded jpg files from the internet that show what quite a few of them really looked like.
There are three basic variations: all white, black "USAF" with white number, and all black.
This is a completely separate skin so it does not overwrite any of the stock skins.
It is a copy of the default camo skin with ini edits to use the new tail codes.
To install this, simply copy the "Objects" folder extracted from this download to the "Objects" folder of the desired install's mod folder.
This pastes in the new skin for the F-105D and F-105D_66 as well as a new folder for the F-105 tail number decals.
This mod may be used by anyone to do anything as long as it does not involve payware.
The base decals were stock Third Wire decals, so they definitely should not end up being reused in any form of payware.
Ed Rasimus's "Bat Bird" for SF2V
By Fubar512
Bat Bird Texture pack
by: Fubar512
This texture-set represents Ed Rasimus's F-105D, "The Bat Bird", as it would have appeared in its heyday.
The USAF had not fully implemented the two-letter tail code in those days, so birds from the 421st TFS flew with their vertical stabs unadorned, save for an abbreviated code. And that code consisted of the last digit of the fiscal year in which a particular bird was ordered, followed by its 4-digit serial number.
"Nose Art" was not officially authorized, so the Bat Bird insignia was present for only two weeks during Ed Rasimus's tour with the 421st.
I've also taken the liberty of tweaking a few values in the F-105D-66 flight dynamics file, including its power plant's thrust values and altitude tables. The former was corrected to the proper values for a J75-P-19W mill, the latter simply an expanded table to more accurately reflect performance at altitude.
Engine, gear, and flap sounds have also been provided.
Simply extract the contents of the zip archive into your SF2V mod folder. It will overwrite only one file (the F-105D_66.ini file), and that will no effect it in any other way, other than changing the displayed model's name to it's correct one, and adding the necessary lines of code for the new texture-set.
It will also create sounds folder, if you did not have one, already.
If you're unsure of the location of your mod folders (it's location depends on which flavor of Windows you're running), simply go to the SF2 knowledge base at www.combatace.com, where you'll find all the help you need, and then some : )
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