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22 files

  1. F-5C_Skoshi Tiger_Ver1.0.7z

    August 2022
    United States Air Force F-5C Skoshi Tiger Volume III VERSION 1.0
    We are proud to present the F-5C Skoshi Tiger, a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and one of the most enduring American military aircraft designs ever produced during the Cold War period. This third Volume depicts the following variants; the USAF F-5C and the VNAF F-5C. It has been our goal to provide to the simmer a highly detailed model and texture base which preserve the beautiful lines of this aircraft; and to engineer flight model files and a cockpit/gauge file-set that are authentic and add to the immersion of the flying experience within the Strike Fighters 2 series.

    1. Copy the contents of the "To Mods Folder(s)" to your  SF2 Mod directory.
    Allow directory merging and overwrites, provided the overwrites pertain to "fake pilot" entries, as well as weapons made by ravenclaw_007, which are included in this and many other releases.
    2. Add the entries of "ADD_TO_SOUNDLIST.txt" to your SOUNDLIST.INI (located in the "user\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight" folder).If one does not exist, then you will need to extract it using the 3rdWire CAT extract utility.  You are simply required to substitute the "XXX"s  with the next sequential number in the sound file section of the file.
      NOTE    1:
    Both Regular and Higher resolution cockpit textures are included in their own distinct folders in the package. 
    The user may alternate between the two by "commenting out"
    the relevant line in the F-5C_COCKPIT.INI

    Directory=cockpit           <---This is the default

    In order to "activate" the higher resolution textures
    you would decomment the previous line and comment out
    the next line, thus:

    Directory=cockpit_Lo-Fi   <---This is now Low-Res 

      NOTE    2:
    Another frame-rate friendly option for those with older hardware is to use the Next level of Detail Model as the primary external model. This simply involves changing the first line in the F-5A_HAF.ini  from this..
    to this..
    Much effort was made to provide those with lower end systems an alternative lower poly-model to be able to enjoy the F-5a,  so please take advantage of this _002.LOD model should you experience frame-rate issues.  While not as "rounded" as the Higher poly version, it is nonetheless just as detailed and extensive.
     NOTE    3:
    For those who may find loading times excessive, the .jpg files in the texture folders can be reduced to 50% of their size without sacrificing too much surface detail.
    SHIFT+0 -> canopy open
    -/= (Default thrust vector Keys) -> elevator trim

    Sophocles     - 3D Model, Cockpit, textures
    Ravenclaw_007 - Project "God-Father" 3D Modeling,
                    Animations, Weapons, Research,
                    Beta testing
    Baffmeister   - Flight model, weapons edits, Avionics,
                    Beta testing

    Crusader      - Avionics and data tweaks, Beta testing
    Guuruu        -    Sounds and Afterburner effects, Beta
    Guest contributors:
    Gkabs         - pilot figure
    Cliff7600     -    Avionics tweaks, functioning horizontal
                    trim indicator

    Special Thanks to the staff and members of Combatace.com whose passion and efforts have enabled this game to endure, and to provide so much fun and excitement!
    Additionally, many thanks to the following Combat-Ace Modders, who either actively contributed to the project over the years, or who invested their time either providing much needed hints and help, or researching various aspects of the model.
    Brain-32    - Modeling advice, initial cockpit.cfg + more
    NeverEnough    - Initial work on the Flight model
    Russouk2004    - Always answering questions when I
                       needed help..Cheers!!
    Derk            - Many, many references!!!
    Blade            - Excellent mini-tutorial on damage
    Finally, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating such a fantastic game.
    * A highly detailed external 3d model, including all features specific to the F-5C including...Aerial refueling probe and external armor plates under the cockpit and engine areas
    * Specular color and Normal (bump) maps.
    * Seven Level of Detail models (LODs), providing an almost seamless transition from distance to distance; and perhaps more importantly, ensuring that the frame-rate "impact" of the aircraft is as low as possible.
    * Two sets of highly detailed external Fuel Tanks by ravenclaw_007; both the 150 gallon Factory tanks and the 275 gallon variants; the NF-5A being the only F-5a variant to carry them.
    * Extensively fine-tuned flight parameters in the aircraft data configuration files, emphasizing the F-5A's agile and highly maneuverable characteristics - courtesy of  Baffmeister.
    * 3 high resolution texture sets; thoroughly researched historic depictions of the Aircraft fielded by both the USAF and VNAF Squadrons.
    *Accurate serial numbers and pilot name decals for both the 4503rd Tactical Fighter Squadron and 110th commando squadron.
    * Quality sound-set included. Base sounds, by Guuruu, were sourced from existing recordings of various aircraft at air-shows and were modified  to match the prominent characteristics of the F-5A General Electric turbojets, the "buzz" of the M39 Pontiac 20mm machinegun, and the flap/Air-brake, undercarriage deployment and retraction sequences of the Freedom Fighter.
    * Super detailed  dedicated F-5C 'Virtual Cockpit'  with animated throttle control, rudder pedals, control stick,  landing gear lever, canopy, canopy lever, drag-chute lever, weapons selectors and weapon station arming flick switches, flap position indicator..and more.
    * A full complement of highly (or should I say "insanely" detailed  weapons carried by the USAF  F-5C, all by ravenclaw_007.
    * Comprehensive F-5C Skoshi Tiger Loadouts  representing the weapons carriage evolution of the F-5C in USAF service from 1965 to the 1967 by Sophocles.
    * Complex animation of canopy opening mechanism, and animated Turbine blades; both thanks to ravenclaw_007.
    * GKAB's superb highly detailed crew figure with authentically modeled oxygen mask and flight helmet.
    * All new afterburner, emitter, and engine smoke effects by Guuruu.
    * Functioning elevator trim controls and gauge, using the Thrust Vector Controls; courtesy of Cliff7600.

    F-5C Limit and Reference Speeds. [Indicated Airspeeds]
    FLAPS (FULL DEFLECTION): 300kts for both leading and trailing edge.
    FLAPS (MANOUEVERING):    450kts for both leading and trailing edge
    NOTE: The F-5A uses full flaps for take off but due to a game bug you must manually select full flaps for take off when player flown. The        AI will use full flaps although you can hear the flap sound cycling between flap 1 and flap 2.
    LANDING GEAR: 240kts
    DRAG CHUTE: 165kts
    CANOPY: 50kts
    MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED: 710kts [redline] 
    MAXIMUM MACH: 1.72 Mach design limit but thrust/drag limited to about mach 1.50 in a 60deg dive from 50,000ft.
        13500lbs: 155kts [full internal fuel and two sidewinders]
        20500lbs: 195kts [about the maximum weight possible with included stores]
        NOTE: Use full flaps for take off! Adding 6kts for every 1000lbs above 13500lbs should give good aft stick/rotation speeds.
    Military Power
        13500lbs: 375kts with a transition to mach 0.89 
        20500lbs: 310kts with a transition to mach 0.74 
    Maximum Power
        13500lbs: 595kts with a transition to mach 0.93 
        20500lbs: 480kts with a transition to mach 0.85
        With 500lbs fuel remaining and some empty racks use 160kts. Add 5kts for every additional 500lbs of fuel.
        NOTE: Target touch down speed is 20kts less than final approach speed.
                           The Gun Sight
    The designers of the F-5A elected the simplest and most reliable gunsight conceivable. The low-cost, optical-mechanical reticle display was manually adjustable from 0 to 200 mils depression. It was collimated to avoid sighting errors. The gunsight was acceptable for aiming AIM-9B missiles, guns, rockets and bombs.
    It was possible to "replicate" this simple, mechanical operation within Strike Fighters 2 series parameters, and thanks to Crusader's cockpit.ini entries, we have the following functionality: The site itself is animated so that the Mils lever and thecombining glass of the site move according to the Mills selected (activated when
    cycling through air to air weapons ; and more importantly, air to ground weapons with "Backspace" and "\" Backslash accordingly).
    August 2022


       (4 reviews)



  2. NF-5A_RNLAF_Ver1.0.7z

    July 2021
    Royal Netherlands Air Force NF-5A Freedom Fighter Volume II VERSION 1.0
    We are proud to present the NF-5A  RNLAF, the Canadair variant of the Northrop F-5a, one of the most enduring American military aircraft designs ever produced during the Cold War period. The Canadair NF-5A was essentially similar to the Canadian AF CF-5 but introduced several modifications, the most important being the more powerful J-85Can-15 engines, Doppler radar navigation system, arrestor hook, two large split air intake doors aft of the main wing trailing edge on both sides of the fuselage to provide extra air to the engines (later also used for F-5E type),  and provision to carry the larger 275 gallon under-wing fuel tanks.  The aircraft also featured maneuvering  leading edge flaps,  a strengthened windscreen, and was the  only F-5a to operate a two position nose gear.
    It has been our goal to provide to the simmer a highly detailed model and texture base which preserve the beautiful lines of this aircraft; and to engineer flight model files and a cockpit/gauge file-set that are authentic and add to the immersion of the flying experience within the Strike Fighters 2 series.
    1. Copy the contents of the "To Mods Folder(s)" to your  SF2 Mod directory.
    Allow directory merging and overwrites, provided the overwrites pertain to "fake pilot" entries, as well as weapons made by ravenclaw_007, which are included in this and many other releases.
    2. Add the entries of "ADD_TO_SOUNDLIST.txt" to your SOUNDLIST.INI (located in the "user\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight" folder).If one does not exist, then you will need to extract it using the 3rdWire CAT extract utility.  You are simply required to substitute the "XXX"s  with the next sequential number in the sound file section of the file.
      NOTE    1:
    Both Regular and Higher resolution cockpit textures are included in their own distinct folders in the package.
    The user may alternate between the two by "commenting out"
    the relevant line in the NF-5A_COCKPIT.INI

    Directory=cockpit           <---This is the default

    In order to "activate" the higher resolution textures
    you would decomment the previous line and comment out
    the next line, thus:

    Directory=cockpit_Lo-Fi   <---This is now Low-Res

      NOTE    2:
    Another frame-rate friendly option for those with older hardware is to use the Next level of Detail Model as the primary external model. This simply involves changing the first line in the F-5A_HAF.ini  from this..
    to this..
    Much effort was made to provide those with lower end systems an alternative lower poly-model to be able to enjoy the F-5a,  so please take advantage of this _002.LOD model should you experience frame-rate issues.  While not as "rounded" as the Higher poly version, it is nonetheless just as detailed and extensive.
     NOTE    3:
    For those who may find loading times excessive, the .jpg files in the texture folders can be reduced to 50% of their size without sacrificing too much surface detail.
    SHIFT+0 -> canopy open
    -/= (Default thrust vector Keys) -> elevator trim

    Sophocles          - 3D Model, Cockpit, textures
    Ravenclaw_007 - Project "God-Father" 3D Modeling,
                                   Animations, Weapons, Research,
                                   Beta testing
    Baffmeister       - Flight model, weapons edits, Avionics,
                                  Beta testing
    Soulfreak           - Decals, Research, 2 F-16 Camo scheme
                                  skins and 2 NATO scheme skins
    Crusader           - Avionics and data tweaks, Beta testing
    Guuruu               -Sounds and Afterburner effects, Beta
    Guest contributors:
    Gkabs               - pilot figure
    Logan4             - Avionics tweaks, radar ranging gunsight.
    Cliff7600          -Avionics tweaks, functioning horizontal
                                trim indicator

    Special Thanks to the staff and members of Combatace.com whose passion and efforts have enabled this game to endure, and to provide so much fun and excitement!
    Additionally, many thanks to the following Combat-Ace Modders, who either actively contributed to the project over the years, or who invested their time either providing much needed hints and help, or researching various aspects of the model.
    Brain-32           - Modeling advice, initial cockpit.cfg + more
    NeverEnough  - Initial work on the Flight model
    Russouk2004  - Always answering questions when I
                                 needed help..Cheers!!
    Derk                   - Many, many references!!!
    Blade                 - Excellent mini-tutorial on damage
    Finally, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating such a fantastic game.
    * A highly detailed external 3d model, including all features specific to the NF-5A including "F-5E"  type Nose gear, animated auxiliary engine doors, arrestor hook, underside air intakes for the more powerful engines, external chaff and flare dispensers, and 275 gallon external wing tanks.
    * Specular color and Normal (bump) maps.
    * Seven Level of Detail models (LODs), providing an almost seamless transition from distance to distance; and perhaps more importantly, ensuring that the frame-rate "impact" of the aircraft is as low as possible.
    * Two sets of highly detailed external Fuel Tanks by ravenclaw_007; both the 150 gallon Factory tanks and the 275 gallon variants; the NF-5A being the only F-5a variant to carry them.
    *Functioning AN/ALE-40  Chaff and Flare dispensers exclusive to the RNLAF NF-5A
    * Extensively fine-tuned flight parameters in the aircraft data configuration files, emphasizing the NF-5A's agile and highly maneuverable characteristics - courtesy of  Baffmeister.
    * Functioning maneuvering flaps deployable up to 450 knots, which allow for tighter sustained turns .. also credited to Baffmeister.
    * 5 high resolution texture sets; thoroughly researched historic depictions of the Aircraft fielded by many RNLAF  Squadrons.
    * Quality sound-set included. Base sounds, by Guuruu, were sourced from existing recordings of various aircraft at air-shows and were modified  to match the prominent characteristics of the F-5A General Electric turbojets, the "buzz" of the M39 Pontiac 20mm machinegun, and the flap/Air-brake, undercarriage deployment and retraction sequences of the Freedom Fighter.
    * Super detailed  dedicated NF-5A 'Virtual Cockpit'  with animated throttle control, rudder pedals, control stick,  landing gear lever, canopy, canopy lever, drag-chute lever, weapons selectors and weapon station arming flick switches, ..and more.
    *Accurate and functional representation of the Saab RGS2 lead computing  gun sight, with accurate aiming mark (Mechanics by Crusader and Logan4).
    * A full complement of highly (or should I say "insanely" detailed  weapons carried by the RNLAF  NF-5A, all by ravenclaw_007.
    * Comprehensive RNLAF  Loadouts  representing the weapons carriage evolution of the NF-5A in Dutch service from 1972 to the 1991 by ravenclaw_007.
    * Complex animation of canopy opening mechanism, and animated Turbine blades; both thanks to ravenclaw_007.
    * GKAB's superb highly detailed crew figure with authentically modeled oxygen mask and flight helmet.
    * All new afterburner, emitter, and engine smoke effects by Guuruu.
    *  Saab RGS2 lead computing gun sight with both Air to Air and Air to Ground modes.
    * Functioning elevator trim controls and gauge, using the Thrust Vector Controls; courtesy of Cliff7600.

    NF-5A Limit and Reference Speeds. [Indicated Airspeeds]
    FLAPS (FULL DEFLECTION): 300kts for both leading and trailing edge.
    FLAPS (MANOUEVERING):    450kts for both leading and trailing edge
    NOTE: The F-5A uses full flaps for take off but due to a game bug you must manually select full flaps for take off when player flown. The        AI will use full flaps although you can hear the flap sound cycling between flap 1 and flap 2.
    LANDING GEAR: 240kts
    DRAG CHUTE: 165kts
    CANOPY: 50kts
    MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED: 710kts [redline]
    MAXIMUM MACH: 1.72 Mach design limit but thrust/drag limited to about mach 1.50 in a 60deg dive from 50,000ft.
        13500lbs: 155kts [full internal fuel and two sidewinders]
        20500lbs: 195kts [about the maximum weight possible with included stores]
        NOTE: Use full flaps for take off! Adding 6kts for every 1000lbs above 13500lbs should give good aft stick/rotation speeds.
    Military Power
        13500lbs: 375kts with a transition to mach 0.89
        20500lbs: 310kts with a transition to mach 0.74
    Maximum Power
        13500lbs: 595kts with a transition to mach 0.93
        20500lbs: 480kts with a transition to mach 0.85
        With 500lbs fuel remaining and some empty racks use 160kts. Add 5kts for every additional 500lbs of fuel.
        NOTE: Target touch down speed is 20kts less than final approach speed.
                         RGS2 Gunsight
    We have simulated the two main modes of the sight, one for Air to Ground, and one for Air to Air.  The Air to Ground reticle assumes 3 different levels of depression according to the air to ground ordnance selected; bombs, rockets or guns. Due to game limitations, the Air to Air aiming mark is set up for lead computing of a target at 213meters (or 700 feet).
    We have included another gun sight option, whereby lead is calculated for targets all the way out to 4000ft.  This has involved adding a ranging radar (which the NF-5A didn't have) but this solution allows lead computing for targets further out than 700 feet - something the RGS2 was capable of.
    The radar ranging option is the default but the user can copy the files from the "Standard"  subfolder of the Avionics_Alt  folder (located in the Aircraft folder) and switch out the ini files.  If you're unhappy with either of the two options you can simply copy paste the files from the folder you prefer.

    July 2021


       (9 reviews)



  3. ODS Warbirds: F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the Bahraini & Saudi F-5E aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Sources: 
    * Included Jets: 
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Credits: F-5E For Strike Fighters 2
    Bpao and Mirage Factory crew: Orginal F-5E model and templates
    FastCargo for original F-5F model
    EricJ and pappychecksix for original F-5F templates and textures
    Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
    Crusader for his ini file magic, really makes the cockpit and plane come alive.
    Paulo for his mammoth decaling work which he allowed me to use. and even helped me by reworking some of it.
    Me for cobbling all this together (=texturing and modeling work)
    The rest of the Combat Ace community. Without you guys I would never have bothered to make it this far. Mats "Centurion" Liljeroos


       (1 review)



  4. Mirage Factory F-5E for SF2

    Adaptation of the original Add-on to work on SF2, Thirdwire second generation.
    Includes all the original files by Mirage Factory, adapted weapons, and skins, along with several aggresor skins by wpnssgt
    Readme included


       (4 reviews)



  5. F-5GN(Soviets)

    F-5GN(Soviets)  (What if)
    This mod is made for SF2.
    I. History (fiction)
    In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won.
    A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West.
    WHAT IF, the other side had won?
    What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany?
    And so it starts.
    In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West
     started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consiting of 3 carriers.
    The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga).
    The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann.
    The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter.
    At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane.
    Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school.
    1973 the government of South Vietnam demanded more F-5E Tigers to fight the communist forces. Because there was a shortage of F-5E the american leaders decided to send the first batch, which was intended for the Marines, to the Republic of Vietnam. So 40 F-5GN were handed over.
    On May 1st 1975 Saigon was taken by the communist forces. the war was over. 36 surviving F-5GN were captured by the north vietnamese. To pay war depts  Vietnam handed all 36 F-5GN and 12 F-5E to the soviets.
    In the USSR the planes were tested very hard. Finaly the decision was made to use the F-5GN in the Soviet Navy. The canceled carrier project Oriol was revitalized and in 1976 the first soviet carrier squadron was formed. The soviets modified only the RWR and the air to air missiles. Air to ground weapons were taken from captured stores in Vietnam.
    The US Navy realized very soon that the soviets had a new plane. Analysts believed, that the soviets copied the F-5GN and gave her the designation MiG-28.
    The F-5GN alias MiG-28 had only a short service time in the Soviet Navy.
    1982 the F-5GN was withdrawn from service. The reason was missing spare parts.
    Afterwards the planes were sold to Iran.
    The F-5GN(Marines) based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package.
    A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files!
    The skin:

    The camo skins are mods of skins available in Centurions Package
    The blue skin is a modification of a grey skin available in Centurions package.

    The flight model :
    The  FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK.

    -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    The F-5GN(Soviet) and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    December 2020


       (0 reviews)



  6. Hellenic Air Force F-5A Volume I

    July 2020
    Hellenic Air Force F-5A Freedom Fighter Volume I VERSION 1.0
    F-5A variants included in the Package:
    HAF F-5A standard version (1965 - 1974)
    HAF F-5A with Martin Baker IRQ-7a ejection seat  (1975 - 1999)
    HAF Rf-5A reconnaissance variant with 4 K-92a cameras
    We are proud to present the F-5A HAF Volume I, the first of many to come, focusing on one of the most enduring American military aircraft designs ever produced during the Cold War period. This first Volume depicts the following Hellenic Air Force variants; the HAF F-5A standard, the HAF F-5A with the Martin Baker IRQ-7a ejection seat, and the HAF RF-5A reconnaissance variant. It has been our goal to provide to the simmer a highly detailed model and texture base which preserve the beautiful lines of this aircraft; and to engineer flight files and a cockpit/gauge file-set that are authentic and add to the immersion of the flying experience within the Strike Fighters 2 series.

    1. Copy the contents of the "To Mods Folder(S)" to your SF2 Mod directory.
    Allow directory merging and overwrites, provided the overwrites pertain to "fake pilot" entries, as well as weapons made by ravenclaw_007, which are included in this and many other releases.
    2. Add the entries of "ADD_TO_SOUNDLIST.txt" to your SOUNDLIST.INI (located in the "user\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight" folder).If one does not exist, then you will need to extract it using the 3rdWire CAT extract utility.  You are simply required to substitute the "XXX"s  with the next sequential number in the sound file section of the file.
      NOTE    1:
    Both Regular and Higher resolution cockpit textures are included in their own distinct folders in the package.
    The user may alternate between the two by "commenting out"
    the relevant line in the F-5A_STANDARD_COCKPIT.ini

    Directory=cockpit_Lo-Fi    <---This is the default

    In order to "activate" the higher resolution textures
    you would decomment the previous line and comment out
    the next line, thus:

    Directory=cockpit          <---This is now Hi-Res

      NOTE    2:
    Another frame-rate friendly option for those with older hardware is to use the Next level of Detail Model as the primary external model. This simply involves changing the first line in the F-5A_HAF.ini  from this..
    to this..
    Much effort was made to provide those with lower end systems an alternative lower poly-model to be able to enjoy the F-5a,  so please take advantage of this _002.LOD model should you experience frame-rate issues.  While not as "rounded" as the Higher poly version, it is nonetheless just as detailed and extensive.
     NOTE    3:
    For those who may find loading times excessive, the .jpg files in the texture folders can be reduced to 50% of their size without sacrificing too much surface detail.
    SHIFT+0 -> canopy open
    sophocles          - 3D Model, Cockpit, textures
    ravenclaw_007  - 3D Modeling, Animations, Weapons,textures
    baffmeister        - Flight model, testing
    crusader             - Avionics and data tweaks, Beta testing
    Guuruu                - Sounds and Afterburner effects, Beta testing
    Guest contributors:
    Alfa2                  - Loadouts and a wealth of info on the HAF variants.
    gkabs                 - pilot figure

    Special Thanks to the staff and members of Combatace.com whose passion and efforts have enabled this game to endure, and to provide so much fun and excitement!
    Additionally, many thanks to the following Combat-Ace Modders, who either actively contributed to the project over the years, or who invested their time either providing much needed hints and help, or researching various aspects of the model.
    Brain-32             - Modeling advice, initial cockpit.cfg + more
    NeverEnough    - Initial work on the Flight model
    Russouk2004    - Always answering questions when I needed help..Cheers!!
    Dag                      - RoNAF textures and research (to be included in a dedicated  future RoNAF F-5a module)
    Derk                     - Many, many references!!!
    Blade                   - Excellent mini-tutorial on damage textures
    Finally, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating such a fantastic game.
    * Three model set including the HAF F-5A standard version (1965 - 1974), the  HAF F-5A with Martin Baker IRQ-7a ejection seat  (1975 - 1999), and the  HAF RF-5A reconnaissance variant with 4 K-92a cameras; each with their own custom loadouts.
    * Three, highly detailed external 3d models, including the RF-5A, whose nose was graciously modeled by ravenclaw_007.
    * Specular color and Normal (bump) maps on all models
    * Seven Level of Detail models (LODs) for each model, providing an almost seamless transition from distance to distance; and perhaps more importantly, ensuring that the frame-rate "impact" of the aircraft is as low as possible.
    * Two sets of highly detailed external Fuel Tanks by ravenclaw_007; both the Factory variety and the Sargent Fletcher variants.
    * Fine-tuned flight parameters in three distinct aircraft data configuration files  for all 3-D models, emphasizing the F-5A's agile and highly maneuverable characteristics - courtesy of  Baffmeister.
    * 8 high resolution texture sets; thoroughly researched historic depictions of the Aircraft fielded by many HAF Wings and Squadrons.
    * Quality sound-set included. Base sounds, by Guuruu, were sourced from existing recordings of various aircraft at air-shows and were modified  to match the prominent characteristics of the F-5A General Electric turbojets, the "buzz" of the M39 Pontiac 20mm machinegun, and the flap/Air-brake, undercarriage deployment and retraction sequences of the Freedom Fighter.
    * Super detailed  'Virtual Cockpit'  with animated throttle control, rudder pedals, control stick,  landing gear lever, canopy, canopy lever, drag-chute lever, weapons selectors and weapon station arming flick switches.
    *Accurate and functional representation of the Norair F-5A gun sight, with animated Mils selector and accompanying animated combining glass. (Mechanics by Crusader)
    * A full complement of highly (or should I say "insanely" detailed  HAF weapons carried by the HAF F-5A, all by ravenclaw_007.
    * Complex animation of canopy opening mechanism, and animated Turbine blades; both thanks to ravenclaw_007
    * GKAB's superb highly detailed crew figure with authentically modeled oxygen mask and flight helmet.
    * All new afterburner, emitter, and engine smoke effects by Guuruu.


    F-5A Limit and Reference Speeds. [Indicated Airspeeds]
    FLAPS: 300kts for both leading and trailing edge.
           NOTE: The F-5A uses full flaps for take off but due to a game bug you must manually select full flaps for take off when player flown. The        AI will use full flaps although you can hear the flap sound cycling between flap 1 and flap 2.
    LANDING GEAR: 240kts
    DRAG CHUTE: 165kts
    CANOPY: 50kts
    MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED: 710kts [redline]
    MAXIMUM MACH: 1.72 Mach design limit but thrust/drag limited to about mach 1.50 in a 60deg dive from 50,000ft.
        13500lbs: 155kts [full internal fuel and two sidewinders]
        20500lbs: 195kts [about the maximum weight possible with included stores]
        NOTE: Use full flaps for take off! Adding 6kts for every 1000lbs above 13500lbs should give good aft stick/rotation speeds.
    Military Power
        13500lbs: 375kts with a transition to mach 0.89
        20500lbs: 310kts with a transition to mach 0.74
    Maximum Power
        13500lbs: 595kts with a transition to mach 0.93
        20500lbs: 480kts with a transition to mach 0.85
        With 500lbs fuel remaining and some empty racks use 160kts. Add 5kts for every additional 500lbs of fuel.
        NOTE: Target touch down speed is 20kts less than final approach speed.
    July 2020


       (16 reviews)



  7. F-5GN

    F-5GN Sea Tiger (What if)
    This mod is made for SF2.
    I. History (fiction)
    In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won.
    A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West.
    WHAT IF, the other side had won?
    What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany?
    And so it starts.
    In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West
     started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consisting of 3 carriers.
    The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga).
    The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann.
    The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter.
    At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane.
    Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school.
    The F-5GN stayed in west german service till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II.
    The F-5GN based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package.
    A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files!
    The skin:
    The blue skin is a modification of a grey skin available in Centurions package
    The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package

    The flight model :
    There are 2 flightmodels. One is a modified FM from package. I made the plane able to land on a carrier.
    The other FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK.

    You find both FM in the folder "Goodies". You may change them as you want.
    -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    The F-5GN and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    April 2020


       (1 review)



  8. F-5GN (Marines)

    F-5GN(Marines) Sea Tiger (What if)
    This mod is made for SF2.
    I. History (fiction)
    In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won.
    A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West.
    WHAT IF, the other side had won?
    What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany?
    And so it starts.
    In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West
     started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consiting of 3 carriers.
    The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga).
    The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann.
    The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter.
    At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane.
    Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school.
    In west german service the F-5GN stayed till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II.
    The F-5GN(Marines) based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package.
    A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files!
    The skin:

    The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package

    The flight model :
    The  FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK.

    -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    The F-5GN(Marines) and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    May 2020


       (0 reviews)



  9. NF-5B Freedom Fighter

    NF-5B Freedom Fighter for SF2
    This is the Canadair NF-5B

    WHAT´S IN:
    1 aircraft with 20 brand new skins (only KLU)

    - FastCargo - 3D modeler of the original F-5B
    - yakarov79 - heavy 3D work on the specific NF-5B (Thank you so much mate!)
    - 331killerbee - sea camo template
    - Soulfreak - paintwork, decals, ini dance, screens etc.
    - Pilot is a reworked one from Volker´s German Pilot
    Special thanks to: Luuk Boerman from www.dutchdecal.nl who provided me great references.
    - extract NF-5B.7z into your mod folder
    if asked, let overwrite old files.
    Schapen, March 7th 2020
    Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi


       (3 reviews)



  10. Schweizer Luftwaffe F-5/F Tiger II

    This is a remod of original F-5E/F-5E Sharknose by Mirage Factory and BPAO made for SF1
    and my previous SF-2 skins and F-5F by FastCargo
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 3 planes
    - 17 skins
    - 100 + historical serial numbers
    - original models F-5E (Mirage Factory, BPAO: see original readme) F-5F (Fastcargo)
    - RWR parts for F-5E 79 (Spillone104)
    - skins, decals, screens etc. (paulopanz)
    - key 10 canopy open / autoclosing at take off

    PS: Fake Pilot needed, as Fake News not included!


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  11. F-5N Tiger II Aggressor SF2

    F-5N Tiger II v1
    USN/USMC Aggressor aircraft
    by Mod Mafia /The Mirage Factory and paulopanz (skin texture+decal updates)

    Old model, not up to latest SF2 standard.
    Should work in SF1 series with minor ini tweaks.


       (3 reviews)



  12. F-5F and F-5FM Brazilian Air Force

    The Northrop F-5A/B Freedom Fighter and the F-5E/F Tiger II are part of a family of supersonic Light fighter, initially designed in the late 1950s by Northrop Corporation. Being smaller and simpler than contemporaries such as the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, the F-5 cost less to both procure and operate, making it a popular export aircraft. The F-5 started life as a privately funded light fighter program by Northrop in the 1950s. The design team wrapped a small, highly aerodynamic fighter around two compact and high-thrust General Electric J85 engines, focusing on performance and low cost of maintenance. Though primarily designed for the day air superiority role, the aircraft is also a capable ground-attack platform. The F-5A entered service in the early 1960s. During the Cold War, over 800 were produced through 1972 for U.S. allies. Though the USAF had no acknowledged need for a light fighter, it did procure roughly 1,200 Northrop T-38 Talon trainer aircraft, which were directly based on the F-5A.
    After winning the International Fighter Aircraft competition in 1970, a program aimed at providing effective low-cost fighters to American allies, Northrop introduced the second-generation F-5E Tiger II in 1972. This upgrade included more powerful engines, higher fuel capacity, greater wing area and improved leading edge extensions for a better turn rate, optional air-to-air refueling, and improved avionics including air-to-air radar. Primarily used by American allies, it was also used in US training exercises. A total of 1,400 Tiger IIs were built before production ended in 1987. More than 3,800 F-5 and T-38 aircraft were produced in Hawthorne, California.
    The F-5 was also developed into a dedicated reconnaissance version, the RF-5 Tigereye. The F-5 also served as a starting point for a series of design studies which resulted in the Northrop YF-17 and the F/A-18 navalized fighter aircraft. The Northrop F-20 Tigershark was an advanced variant to succeed the F-5E which was ultimately canceled when export customers did not emerge. The F-5N/F variants are in service with the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps as an adversary trainer. Approximately 500 aircraft are still in service as of 2014.
    In October 1974, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) ordered 36 F-5E and 6 F-5B aircraft from Northrop for $72 million. The first three aircraft arrived on 12 March 1975. In 1988, FAB acquired 22 F-5E and four F-5EF second-hand USAF "agressor" fighters. A total of 15 of these aircraft were part of the initial batch of 30 aircraft produced by Northrop. In 1990, FAB retired all remaining five F-5Bs; later, they were sent to Brazilian museums around the country.
    In 2001, Elbit Systems and Embraer started work on a $230 million Brazilian F-5 modernization program, performed over an eight-year period, upgrading 46 F-5E/F aircraft, re-designated as F-5EM and F-5FM. The modernization centered on several areas: new electronic warfare systems, the Grifo F radar, an air-to-air refueling system, INS/GPS-based navigation, support for new weapons, targeting and self-defense systems, HOTAS, LCD displays, helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), Radar Warning Receiver, encrypted communications, cockpit compatibility for night vision goggles, On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS) and various new onboard computer upgrades. One important capability is the secure communication with R-99 airborne early warning platforms and ground stations.
    Externally, the new aircraft features a larger nose cone that accommodates the larger radar equipment. The first F-5EM was handed over on 21 September 2005. On 7 July 2003, four Rafael Litening III targeting pods were ordered at a cost of USD 13 million, to be used on F-5M together with three Rafael Sky Shield jamming pods ordered in 5 July 2006 at a cost of USD 42 million.
    In 2009, FAB bought eight single-seat and three twin-seat F-5F used aircraft from Jordan in a US$21 million deal. These aircraft were built between 1975 and 1980. On 14 April 2011, a contract of $153 million was signed with Embraer and Elbit to modernize the additional F-5s bought from Jordan, and to supply one more flight simulator as a continuation of the contract signed in 2000. These F-5s will receive the same configuration as those from the initial 46 F-5s currently completing the upgrade process. The first delivery of this second batch of upgraded jet fighters is scheduled for 2013 with expected use to 2030.
    - FastCargo – 3D modelling
    - F/A-18A Cockpit-Brain32
    - F/A-18A Avionics-Crusader e CrazyhorseB34
    - Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
    - 3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    - Decals - Denis Oliveira
    - Texture - Denis Oliveira


       (8 reviews)



  13. F-5E Tigre Brazilian Air Force

    F-5E Tigre Brazilian Air Force (v.2.0)
    required F-5E Early Versions Pack 1.0 (cockipt and decals) to keep the original files and credits.
    I had problem with afterburner, so this using the stock files.
    F-5 Tigre Brazilian Air Force
    The Tiger in Brazil
    In Brazil, the history of the F-5 started in practice in March 1975, however, he was quoted to equip the FAB since 1965, in its version F-5A / B. In 1967, he was again contemplated, this time as a design vector SISDACTA. The preference was for the F-4 Phantom, but this was vetoed by the Americans, who in turn offered the F-5C (version proposed by Northrop with improvements based on the evaluation report made in Vietnam).
    The impasse U.S. favored the French, having acquired the FAB 16 Dassault Mirage III. A new international contest held in 1971 to replace the AT-33A, attended the Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 and A-4F, won by Northrop fighter now in his version F-5E. Began a long and successful history of the Tiger II in FAB, which still continues today and is expected to last until 2018. The FAB received six F-5B (FAB 4800-4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806-4809) and 58 F-5E (FAB 4820-4877) that were acquired in two separate batches. The first batch in 1973, factory direct (06 F + 36 F-5B-5D), the value of $ 115 million and the second batch in 1988, former USAF (04 F-22 F-5F and 5E), the total cost of $ 13.1 million. The first aircraft of "Operation Tiger", became known as the transfer of the first batch were delivered from February 28, 1975 in Palmdale. Were three F-5B, which arrived in Brazil on 06 March of the same year, followed by another three F-5B on 13 May. On June 12, 1975, came the first 4 F-5E to BAGL, starting an airlift that ended on February 12 of the following year, totaling 36 aircraft.
    In 1985, after much searching, we reached an agreement with the Reagan administration, which agreed to negotiate 4 F-5F and 22 F-5E, which would come from the ranks of the USAF, at a cost of $ 13.1 million, a trifle. Around September 2006, it was speculated acquisition of 9 aircraft F-5E Tiger II, used in Saudi Arabia, 6 F-5E and F-5F 3. This purchase, however, went no further, come to the Brazilian Air Force to acquire a lot of aircraft of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. In total 11 aircraft were purchased, and 8 single-seat F-5E and F-5F 3 seaters. The first aircraft coming from Jordan arrived in Brazil on August 19, 2008 and were sent to the Air Force Material Park of São Paulo (PAMA-SP). All the F-5 ex-Jordan should be converted to the standard F-and F-5FM 5EM.
    Bpao and Mirage Factory crew: Orginal F-5E model and templates
    FastCargo for original F-5F model
    EricJ and pappychecksix for original F-5F templates and textures
    Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
    Crusader for his ini file magic, really makes the cockpit and plane come alive.
    Paulo for his mammoth decaling work which he allowed me to use. and even helped me by reworking some of it.
    Me for cobbling all this together (=texturing and modeling work)
    The rest of the Combat Ace community. Without you guys I would never have bothered to make it this far.
    Denis: update Skins and mod (fuelProbe)


       (5 reviews)



  14. F-5E Early Versions Pack

    F-5E For Strike Fighters 2

    "Early versions pack"

    Version History:
    v.1.0: First public release. Early versions without later refinements like RWR.
    This addon can thank its release to the work of two talented individuals, FastCargo and BPao. FastCargo created the F-5F two seaters and BPao was the man behind the original Mirage Factory F-5E model. I was fortunate enough to get permission to work on these source models, with the goals of marrying the F-5E front section to the F-5F engine and wings which were quite a lot more detailed. It was supposed to be a quick project.
    One year later:
    I have completely reworked the F-5E nose, added a lot of stuff on the original fuselage and detailed both original templates to have higher detail textures. Meanwhile Sophocles graciously allowed me to use his superb F-5A cockpit as a basis to build my F-5E cockpit, in which I have also used parts based on FastCargos unfinished T-38 cockpit.
    Included is two versions of the earlier production F-5E: a basic version dubbed '72 and an export specific version with a larger vertical stabilizator and spine antenna. This version is dubbed '74L (L for large vertical stablizator).
    Happy flying!
    Mats "Centurion" Liljeroos
    SF2 standard external model
    2048^2 textures with normal maps
    Realistic cockpit with avionics courtesy of Crusader
    FM from original MirageFactory F-5E which flies really good.
    USAF Agressor
    USN Agressor
    South Korea
    Saudi Arabia
    South Vietnam
    North Vietnam (captured from VNAF)
    Bpao and Mirage Factory crew: Orginal F-5E model and templates
    FastCargo for original F-5F model
    EricJ and pappychecksix for original F-5F templates and textures
    Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
    Crusader for his ini file magic, really makes the cockpit and plane come alive.
    Paulo for his mammoth decaling work which he allowed me to use. and even helped me by reworking some of it.
    Me for cobbling all this together (=texturing and modeling work)
    The rest of the Combat Ace community. Without you guys I would never have bothered to make it this far.
    Extract into mod folder of choice.
    This by and large replaces the old F-5E by TMF, so you can go ahead and delete the F-5E aircraft folder if you have it installed.
    The _74L version references the _72 versions cockpit folder, so if you aim to use the 74L standalone in some installation, copy the cockpit folder and F-5E_72_cockpit.ini file from the _72 folder to the _74L folder. Overwrite.
    Stay tuned for more Tigers!
    This falls under the Combatace Freeware License Agreement.


       (29 reviews)



  15. SF2_CASA SF-5A

    SF-5A de las FFAA Españolas
    Basado en el NF-5A, disponible aqui: http://combatace.com/files/file/9484-nf-5a-for-sf2-ver102/
    3 Esquemas de color: "Metal", "Lagarto" y "Gris" con numerales históricos del escuadrón 211, 212 y 464 (Metal y Lagarto) y ALA 23 (Gris)
    2 Armas incluidas BR-250 y BR-500
    Skin del Piloto creado por Diego Lozano y modificado por mi.
    Breve historia, Archivos modificados, instrucciones de instalación, reconocimientos y créditos en el LEEME
    SF-5A of Spanish Armed Forces
    Based on NF-5A, available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9484-nf-5a-for-sf2-ver102/
    3 colour schemes: "Metal", "Lizard" and "Gray", with historic numerals from 211,212 y 464 Sqn (Metal & Lizard) and ALA 23 (Gray)
    2 Weapons included, BR-250 & BR-500
    Pilot Skin created by Diego Lozano, modified by me.
    A little bit of history, modified files, Instalation and acknowledgments and credits on README
    ¡¡¡Espero que lo disfruteis!!! --------- I hope that you enjoy it!!
    Thanks to ravenclaw_007 for the plane & Diego Lozano for the Pilot!!!!


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. F-5E and F-5EM Tigre Brazilian Air Force (Pack)

    F-5 Tigre Brazilian Air Force (Pack)
    The Tiger in Brazil
    In Brazil, the history of the F-5 started in practice in March 1975, however, he was quoted to equip the FAB since 1965, in its version F-5A / B. In 1967, he was again contemplated, this time as a design vector SISDACTA. The preference was for the F-4 Phantom, but this was vetoed by the Americans, who in turn offered the F-5C (version proposed by Northrop with improvements based on the evaluation report made in Vietnam).
    The impasse U.S. favored the French, having acquired the FAB 16 Dassault Mirage III. A new international contest held in 1971 to replace the AT-33A, attended the Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 and A-4F, won by Northrop fighter now in his version F-5E. Began a long and successful history of the Tiger II in FAB, which still continues today and is expected to last until 2018. The FAB received six F-5B (FAB 4800-4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806-4809) and 58 F-5E (FAB 4820-4877) that were acquired in two separate batches. The first batch in 1973, factory direct (06 F + 36 F-5B-5D), the value of $ 115 million and the second batch in 1988, former USAF (04 F-22 F-5F and 5E), the total cost of $ 13.1 million. The first aircraft of "Operation Tiger", became known as the transfer of the first batch were delivered from February 28, 1975 in Palmdale. Were three F-5B, which arrived in Brazil on 06 March of the same year, followed by another three F-5B on 13 May. On June 12, 1975, came the first 4 F-5E to BAGL, starting an airlift that ended on February 12 of the following year, totaling 36 aircraft.
    In 1985, after much searching, we reached an agreement with the Reagan administration, which agreed to negotiate 4 F-5F and 22 F-5E, which would come from the ranks of the USAF, at a cost of $ 13.1 million, a trifle. Around September 2006, it was speculated acquisition of 9 aircraft F-5E Tiger II, used in Saudi Arabia, 6 F-5E and F-5F 3. This purchase, however, went no further, come to the Brazilian Air Force to acquire a lot of aircraft of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. In total 11 aircraft were purchased, and 8 single-seat F-5E and F-5F 3 seaters. The first aircraft coming from Jordan arrived in Brazil on August 19, 2008 and were sent to the Air Force Material Park of São Paulo (PAMA-SP). All the F-5 ex-Jordan should be converted to the standard F-and F-5FM 5EM.
    4 Planes, 3 models and 3 Skins
    - F-5E Tigre II
    - F-5E Tigre II "Ex-Aggressor"
    - F-5EM Tigre II "Ex-Aggressor"
    - F-5EM Tigre II
    (Included but the Old F-5E "F-5EM 4856 Ex-Aggressor")
    O Tigre no Brasil
    No Brasil, a história do F-5 iniciou na prática em março de 1975, porém, ele esteve cotado para equipar a FAB desde 1965, em sua versão F-5A/B. Em 1967, ele foi novamente cogitado, desta vez como vetor do projeto SISDACTA. A preferência era para o F-4 Phantom, mas este foi vetado pelos americanos, que em contrapartida ofereceram o F-5C (versão proposta pela Northrop com melhorias baseadas no relatório de avaliação feito no Vietnã).
    O impasse norte-americano favoreceu os franceses, tendo a FAB adquirido 16 Dassault Mirage III. Numa nova disputa internacional, realizada a partir de 1971 para substituir os AT-33A, na qual participaram o Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 e A-4F, saiu vencedor o caça da Northrop, agora em sua versão F-5E. Começava a longa história de sucesso do Tiger II na FAB, que continua até hoje e ainda deve durar até 2018. A FAB recebeu 6 F-5B (FAB 4800 a 4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806 a 4809) e 58 F-5E (FAB 4820 a 4877) que foram adquiridos em dois lotes distintos. O primeiro lote em 1973, direto da fábrica (06 F-5B + 36 F-5E), ao valor de US$ 115 milhões e o segundo lote, em 1988, ex-USAF (04 F-5F e 22 F-5E), ao custo total de US$ 13,1 milhões. As primeiras aeronaves da "Operação Tigre", como ficou conhecido o translado do primeiro lote, foram entregues a partir de 28 de fevereiro de 1975 em Palmdale. Eram 3 F-5B, que chegaram ao Brasil no dia 06 de março do mesmo ano, sendo seguidos de outros 3 F-5B em 13 de maio. Em 12 de junho de 1975, chegavam os primeiros 4 F-5E à BAGL, dando início a uma ponte aérea que só terminaria em 12 de fevereiro do ano seguinte, totalizando 36 aeronaves.
    Em 1985, depois de muito procurar, chegou-se a um acordo com o governo Reagan, que aceitou negociar 4 F-5F e 22 F-5E, que sairiam das fileiras da USAF, a um custo de US$ 13,1 milhões, uma bagatela. Por volta de Setembro de 2006, especulava-se a aquisição de 9 aeronaves F-5E Tiger II, usadas da Arábia Saudita, sendo 6 F-5E e 3 F-5F. Esta compra, entretanto, não foi adiante, vindo a Força Aérea Brasileira a adquirir um lote de aeronaves pertencentes à Real Força Aérea da Jordânia. No total foram compradas 11 aeronaves, sendo 8 F-5E monoplaces e 3 F-5F biplaces. As primeiras aeronaves vindas da Jordânia chegaram no Brasil em 19 agosto de 2008 e foram enviadas ao Parque de Material da Aeronáutica de São Paulo (PAMA-SP). Todas os F-5 ex-Jordânia deverão ser convertidos para o padrão F-5EM e F-5FM.
    4 Planes, 3 models and 3 Skins (Incluido o mas Antigo F-5E "F-5EM 4856 ex-Aggressor")
    - Texture - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
    - 3D mod - Denis Oliveira
    - Decals - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
    - Data ini - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
    - Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi
    - F/A-18A Cockpit-Brain32
    - F/A-18A Avionics-Crusader e CrazyhorseB34
    - Boz for temps
    - Mike 1 for original SF-1 great skins.
    - Soulfreak for FAB Grey one
    - The Mirage Factory for the plane (original readmes in proper folder)
    - Sony Tucson & Boz for temps (mixed and edited)
    - Mike 1 for original NVAF & VPAF skins
    - Eburger 68 for data.ini edits in Viet pack


       (4 reviews)



  17. F-5E Tiger II Sharknose

    F-5E Tiger II Sharknose v1 by Mod Mafia /The Mirage Factory
    1982 and later variant of the F-5E with flat shark-nose and big LERX
    Old model, not up to latest SF2 standard.
    Should work in SF1 series with minor ini tweaks.
    3d - BPAo , Northrop Seat by FastCargo
    skins(*) - Sony Tuckson, Dave edited by Paulopanz
    data ini FM - Column5, kreelin, Eburger68, Paulopanz
    further work,testing etc - all of The Mirage Factory back in the days..
    (*) 2 Austrian (new); 7 Swiss, 9 Rocaf, 5 Rocaf, 4 Aggressors (edited/upgraded from basic F-5E) Enjoy. @ paulopanz
    Manual animations:
    Key #10 = open canopy
    contact: Crusader on CombatAce forums
    This is a free mod , it can not be used in payware/commercial products or ported over into other games/applications without permission from Mod Mafia/ The Mirage Factory.


       (6 reviews)



  18. Northop F-5E Tiger II

    This is part of a bigger project the complete restore of all the great material we have for the Tiger.
    So this is the basic pack with the plane and USAF, Swiss, NVAF & VPAF skins.
    Many other add on (or DLC ...) will follow.
    What's in:
    - the plane is fitted for SF-2
    - the data.ini is tweaked (but some specialist could enhance the job)
    - the lights are in place
    - the gear wheels are on the ground
    - the engine intakes are painted
    - the IRM rails too
    - Gerwin's damage files
    - new screens
    PS: I left the original Swiss nation entry so You will have NVAF, RoCAF etc. in each proper scenario.
    But You are free to change in in USAF if You prefer.
    - 2 USAF
    - 9 Swiss
    - 1 NVAF
    - 1 VPAF
    About Skins:
    - Swiss skin pack is remade in high res and higly enhanced
    - Usaf Silver by Gerwin is in, lights edited and with 118 historical serial numbers
    - Usaf old bare metal was redone
    - NVAF & VPAF are restored, the last have own decalset now
    - all included: put only sounds, effects and objects folder in your main mod folder.
    - The Mirage Factory for the plane (original readmes in proper folder)
    - Sony Tucson & Boz for temps (mixed and edited)
    - Gerwin for USAF Silver skin & damage files
    - Soulfreak for Swiss decals & consulting
    - Evro for original Patrouille Swiss skin
    - Mike 1 for original NVAF & VPAF skins
    - Eburger 68 for data.ini edits in Viet pack
    @ paulopanz


       (10 reviews)



  19. RoCAF F-5A

    F-5A de la Fuerza Aérea de la República China (RoCAF)
    Basado en el NF-5A, disponible aqui: http://combatace.com...for-sf2-ver102/
    3 Esquemas de color: 1er Escuadrón (Rojo), 3er Escuadrón (Amarillo) y 9º Escuadrón (Azul)
    Con respecto a los numerales....algunos son históricos...otros los he asignado sin confirmación (Fuentes: Diversas fotografias y http://home.eblcom.ch/f5enthusiast/ )
    Archivos modificados, instrucciones de instalación, reconocimientos y créditos en el LEEME
    Republic of China Air Force (RoCAF) F-5A
    Based on NF-5A, available here: http://combatace.com...for-sf2-ver102/
    3 colour schemes: 1st Sqn (Red), 3rd Sqn (Yellow) & 9th Sqn (Blue)
    Numbers: Some of them are historical .... some are assigned by me without confirmation (Sources: Various photographs & http://home.eblcom.ch/f5enthusiast/ )
    Modified files, Installation and acknowledgments and credits in README
    Thanks to paulopanz, who gave me the idea !!
    ¡¡¡Espero que lo disfruteis!!! --------- I hope that you enjoy it!!


       (3 reviews)



  20. CF-5A Freedom Fighter

    2 planes and 9 skins for a super classic model
    CF-5A & CF-5A_72 (fitted with fuel probe)
    419, 433, 434 Escadrons in several camo and Wraparound dressings
    All historical serials / numbers done.
    References included
    - tail lights fixed / updated;
    - fuel probe in place and visible from cockpit;
    - engines intakes painted;
    - some minor camo fixed;
    - new bottom grey skins;
    CREDITS (original readmes included):
    The Mirage Factory & DAVE (Skins)
    All in main mod folder as usual.
    @ paulopanz


       (2 reviews)



  21. Northrop 2 seaters for SF2 (Version 2.0)

    Readme for the Northrop 2 seater aircraft.
    ********************************* Version 2.0 Release ********************************
    This release combines all previous Northrop 2 seaters into one package and updates them to Jun 2010 standards. Only aircraft not included is T-38C due to lack of a suitable cockpit. Several enhancements to all aircraft have been added, including available bump mapping, new F-5A cockpit enhancements, various other tweaks and fixes.
    Thanks to the following folks:
    331KillerBee - For the skins, additional information and hanger/loadout/loading screens, SF2 weapons pack.
    ChampionsVA56 - For his early T-38A paint scheme.
    Deigo - For his very nice MODusaf pilot skin!
    EricJ - Textures, loading screens, readme construction.
    JAT81500 - For most of the avionics work on which the Saeqeh avionics are based.
    JSF_Aggie - Range addition for the NATIONS.INI.
    Jug - Flight evaluation and assistance.
    Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
    PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the models were remapped.
    Soulfreak - Reference materials.
    Sundowner - Tips, advice and help.
    The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A and F-5E FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A and F-5E.
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
    Vampyre - Technical assistance.
    Wrench - Reference materials.
    To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    What you will need first:
    Strike Fighters 2/Vietnam/Europe/Israel patched to Jun 2010 standards. This is not for Generation 1 ThirdWire sims.
    JSF_Aggie's SF2 Series Range Terrain for the AT-38B single missions. http://combatace.com/files/file/11067-sf2-series-range/
    What is in this archive:
    1. This readme (duh!) and the Readme folder.
    2. Effects, Objects, Sounds, Flight folder.
    3. Alternate Hanger/Loading screens in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens folder.
    4. AT-38B missions in the Missions folder.
    1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
    2. Copy the Effects, Objects, Missions, and Sounds folders to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me, is part of the SF2 Weapons Pack or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
    3. Optional step: Copy the 2 files located in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens directory to your mods/Objects/Aircraft/F-5B directory and overwrite.
    4. Optional step: Copy the Flight folder to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Contains a NATIONS.INI file that changes Iran from Friendly to Enemy and adds the Range nation. If you have a modded NATIONS.INI already, you may want to insert the proper entry by hand. You will NOT need the Range NATIONS.INI.
    5. Optional step: Download and install the SF2 Series Range.
    6. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
    Aircraft Information:
    Consult the various readmes included here for specific variant information.
    Notes and Limitations:
    This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled for the F-5F. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
    Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the main aircraft ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat.
    The gunsight is new and part of the aircraft. You will not have a gunsight if you fly without a cockpit. Also, the gunsight has an ability not normally available to ThirdWire aircraft...use your thrust vectoring control to activate it (make sure your thrust vectoring control is in the neutral position before you start the mission).
    The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. It gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
    This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
    Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
    Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
    10 Jul 10


       (3 reviews)



  22. NF-5A for -SF2- ver1.02

    this is the NF-5A from the Royal Netherland Air Force included are high res Skin-sets (2048x2048) for the 313Sqn/314Sqn/315Sqn/316sqn for each Squadron is a set of four different camos available , each camo has its own drop-tanks and chaff/flare dispenser
    Thanks to :
    - TK for the ThirdWire series of sims.
    - Bpao for allowing me to use the F-5A for this mod
    - Derk for his info on the NF-5A and the Squadrons
    - to all others who contributed to this project
    - if something does not work please give me a mail
    just copy the content from the main folder , Sounds/Effects/Aircraft/Decals/Pilots/Weapons/Guns in to the namesake of your Games mod folder , OVERWRITE IF ASK TO
    ver. 1.02
    corrected data.ini for the Chaff and Flare dispenser so they will show up now , thanks to AGOSTINO for his info
    thats it have fun


       (5 reviews)



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