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38 files

  1. Sabre Dogs - Japan Air Self-Defense Force

    F-86D 月光 -  Gekko of Japan Air Self-Defense Force
    Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
    Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
    A fake pilot is required to run this mod.
    This is a new model of F-86D. 
    In the game, you will find it under a prefix .JASDF. * 
    * Japan Air Self-Defense Force

    I fixed data files a little - collision points and hitboxes..as the previous ones were quite weird. However, I believe that the flight model could be improved for this aircraft. But this is not my cup of tea or coffee. 
    All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize as needed.
    Decals represent historically correct serial numbers assigned to aircraft during their service in the JASDF in a particular year. More or less
    The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench.
    Yours truly  -  model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research...
    Weapons Mk4 Might Mouse and AIM-9 by Ravenclaw. 
    TACAN is made as a "weapon" that will load automatically after a certain year. 
    Have fun.
    Report bugs. *
    Expect the unexpected.
    Live long and prosper.
    Jarek Hereda
    * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  


       (0 reviews)



  2. Sabre Dogs - Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo

    F-86D Sabre Dog
    Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
    Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
    Make a backup copy of your files if you have a similar mod already on your PC, you might not like this one. 
    A fake pilot is required to run this mod.

    A new model of F-86D and IF-86D as used by the Yugoslav Air Force
    In the game, you will find it under the prefix  JRV 
    All skins are in 3072x3072 format. You can easily resize as needed. If needed I can provide it in 4096 format. 
    Decals represent historically correct serial numbers assigned to aircraft during their service in the YugoslavAir Force. There is one issue that I do not like and that might bother someone too, but I will attempt to fix this as soon as I have more available references.
    The issue is that amid 130 delivered F-86D around 30 (32) were converted into reconnaissance version. And around 30 were designated for spare parts upon delivery.  Serial numbers that cover "spare parts airframes" are easy to determine, and those serial numbers were removed from whole serials /decals/numbers. Unfortunately finding which of the 98 operational airframes were converted into a recon version is nearly impossible (I was able to find two numbers among 32).
    So in the game, you will have 98 airframe serial numbers for F-86D (a little less for the 1968 camouflaged skin set) and 32 for IF-86D... while those 32 serials of IF-86D should be subtracted from those 98. 
    This mod is no longer using a fake rocket tray gun. Now thanks to sudden enlightenment it works as stock Lightning F.1
    The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench.
    Yours truly  -  model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research...
    strahi - help with skins and research.
    Weapons Mk4 Might Mouse by Ravenclaw. 
    additional SAB-100 illumination bomb but made as free falling parachuted rocket.

    Have fun.
    Report bugs. *
    Expect the unexpected.
    Live long and prosper.
    Jarek Hereda
    * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  It's not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..


       (1 review)



  3. Sabre Dogs - Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet

    Royal Danish Air Force F-86D Sabre Dog
    Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
    Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
    Make a backup copy of your previous files, you might not like this one. 
    But if you downloaded my previous version of Danish F-86D - just simply delete all old files, as this mod is entirely new. 
    A fake pilot is required to run this mod.

    A new model of F-86D as used by the Royal Danish Air Force
    In the game, you will find it under a prefix .KDF. * 
    * Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet
    Some time ago I uploaded the first version of this model. Now after some suggestions, I fixed mistakes, and some bugs. 
    I fixed data files a little - collision points and hitboxes..as the previous ones were quite weird. But I believe that the flight model could be improved for this aircraft. But this is not my cup of tea or coffee. 
    All skins are in 3072x3072 format. You can easily resize as needed. If needed I can provide it in 4096 format. 
    Decals represent historically correct serial numbers assigned to aircraft during their service in the Danish Air Force.
    This mod is no longer using a fake rocket tray gun. Now thanks to sudden enlightenment it works as stock Lightning F.1
    The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench.
    Yours truly  -  model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research...
    Weapons Mk4 Might Mouse and AIM-9 by Ravenclaw. 
    TACAN is made as a "weapon" so it will appear automatically after a certain year. 
    Have fun.
    Report bugs. *
    Expect the unexpected.
    Live long and prosper.
    Jarek Hereda
    * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..


       (0 reviews)



  4. SF2 F-86H "Sabre Hog" Pack by Zur, Yakarov79 & Wrench

    SF2 F-86H "Sabre Hog" Pack by Zur, Yakarov79 & Wrench          8/29/2022
    -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)-
    The final culmination of a project that started 'way back in 2012 by Zur. Somewhere along the line, I recieved his max files and couldn't find anyone to finish the job. Fortunately for the SF community, Yakarov stepped up and took the challenge in the spring of this year (2022). That final result you see here!
    We present to you the North American F-86H Sabre; the last of the Hot Rods!!!
    You have a good selection of skins for various time frames in it's service life:
    USAF "Front Line" Units"
    50th FBW, USAFE (1953-57) Hahn AB, Germany
    10th FBS
    81st FBS
    417th FBS 
    533rd FDS, 83rd FBW (56-58) Seymour Johnson AFB NC
    A generic NMF skin to build other units from. It carries the TAC badge on the tail fin. The decal ini is easily edited.
    As the squadron markings are decals, there is one set of NMF skins used by all.
    Air National Guard:
    There are 2 versions of each of the following skins; one with "regular" markings presentation, the others with tail codes and Vietnam era serial presentations. The later VN style skin is as seen during the Pueblo Crisis when these ANG units were Federalized, and Based at Cannon AFB, NM from 5/68 through 12/68. All 4 skins are in SEA 3-tone camo.
    104th TFS, Maryland ANG
    138th TFS New York ANG
    While national markings are 'painted on', all others are decals. All serial numbers are 100% historicley correct for the units shown, with only 1 exception -- for the 104th, I couldn't find the full 26, so the last 4 are marked with a (+) plus sign; consider these 'generic'. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. The SF2 date switch is active on pretty much all the skins. For those squadrons listed in the game's SquadronList ini, their displayed name has been activated by my "Fake SqTail decal" (patent pending)
    To diferentiate =THIS= Sabre Hog from the other one (if you're able to obtain it), you'll see the following on the Aircraft selection drop-down listing:
    F-86H Sabre Hog (Y)
    The (Y) is for Yakarov, as he finished off the model.
    All other necessary parts are included; sounds, drop tanks (built into the LOD), pilot figure, hangar and loading screens. All weapons use stock 3W items.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! 
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6 SAAF

    34 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 were sold  
    to the South African Air Force and
    served from 1956 in no.1 and No. 2
    Squadrons. In 1980 they were transfered
    to 85th Advanced Flyng School and
    were retired in 1984.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 2 planes (due Tanks/Fake pilot camo paint)
    - 6 High Rez brand new skins (5 silver and 1 camo)
    - serial numbers, hangars, sounds
    - Zur: model
    - Ravenclaw: templates
    - Wrench: previous version
    - paulopanz: skins, decals etc
    - all in your main mod folder



       (2 reviews)



  6. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6

    The Canadair Sabre Mk.6 was the final variant and was considered to be the "best" production Sabre ever built.
    It was equipped with a two-stage Orenda engine developing 7,275 lb (3,302 kg.) of static thrust. Its altitude
    performance and climb rate was enhanced over the Mk 5 and the reinstatement of the wing leading edge slat gave
    it excellent low-speed characteristics.        The first production model was completed on 2 November 1954 and
    ultimately 655 were built with production terminating on 9 October 1958. A total of 390 Mk 6s went to the RCAF
    with the majority replacing the existing Canadair Sabre Mk 5s at the Air Division squadrons in West Germany and
    France. The main air threats to NATO in the 1950s in Central Europe were the early variants of the Soviet MiG
    the MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21. Based on the Korean War experience, the selection of the Mk 6 Sabre to
    provide an effective opposition to the MiG threat proved to be a logical one. Canada’s commitment to NATO was
    to provide 12 squadrons located at four bases – two in France (Marville and Grostenquin) and two in West Germany
    (Zweibrücken and Baden Soellingen). Initially, the contribution consisted of only Sabre aircraft; however, later
    it was decided to include the Avro Canada CF-100 aircraft in the defense package to provide a night and all-weather
    fighter capability.
    In addition to the RCAF deliveries, 225 Canadair Mk 6 Sabres were exported to the West German Luftwaffe, six were
    delivered to the Colombian Air Force, and 34 went to the South African Air Force.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a plane
    - 20 High Rez new/upgraded/fixed skins
    - Zur: model
    - Ravenclaw: templates
    - Wrench: previous version
    - paulopanz: skins, decals etc
    - all in your main mod folder
    - Here ALL Canadian Sabre Squadrons in Europe


       (0 reviews)



  7. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.4

    In mid-1952, the Sabre Mk.4 went into production with the first one flown on 28 August 1952.
    Apart from some minor structural and systems changes, including improved air-conditioning
    and gun sight, the Mk 2 and the Mk 4 were identical. Of 438 Mk 4s built, approximately 70
    were used temporarily by the RCAF, all surviving examples being passed to the RAF.
    The other Sabre 4s went directly to the RAF under a mutual aid program, equipping 11 RAF
    squadrons. The majority served in West Germany with NATO, with two squadrons being based
    in the UK as part of RAF Fighter Command. The Sabre Mk.4 served with the RAF until mid-1956
    when they were replaced by Hawker Hunters. The survivors were overhauled in the UK, fitted
    with '6-3' wing modifications and handed to the USAF (which had funded these aircraft) which
    in turn passed them on to other NATO members, with the majority going to Italy and Yugoslavia.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 2 new planes
    - 23 high rez skins
    - decals, sounds, weapons etc.
    - Zur model
    - Ravenclaw temps
    - Wrench first SF-2 edition
    - paulopanz skins, decals, ini edits
    - all in main mod folder and overwrite

    PS: Canadair Sabre n°2 pack, to be continued soon.



       (0 reviews)



  8. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.5

    On 30 July 1953, the first Sabre Mk.5 flew with the Orenda 10 engine,
    which gave it a clear rate of climb and ceiling advantage over earlier
    variants. Other Mk 5 improvements included a new oxygen system and
    improved maneuverability and low-speed characteristics achieved by
    increasing the wing chord by six in (15.2 cm) at the root and three
    in. (7.2 cm) at the wing tip along with fitting a small vertical wing
    fence. This modification, originated by North American on the F-86F,
    dramatically improved maneuverability, though the loss of the slatted
    leading edge increased landing speed and degraded low speed handling
    considerably. Canadair built 370 Mk 5s with the majority designated
    for use in the RCAF's Air Division squadrons in Europe to replace
    the Mk.2s. A total of 75 RCAF Sabre 5s were transferred to the German
    Luftwaffe during 1957.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 2 new planes
    - 34 high rez skins
    - decals, sounds, weapons etc.
    - Zur model
    - Ravenclaw temps
    - paulopanz skins, decals, ini edits
    - all in main mod folder and overwrite



    PS: Canadair Sabre n°3 pack, to be continued soon.


       (0 reviews)



  9. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.2

    The second generation of Canadair Sabre aircraft, and first to be built in quantity,
    was the Mk 2, with 350 produced from 1952–1953. The RCAF received 290 of these improved
    aircraft. During the first half of 1952, the remaining 60 Mk.2s were supplied to the
    U.S. Air Force for use in the Korean War. Most RCAF Mk.2 Sabres were utilized in the air
    defence role with NATO's No. 1 Air Division in Europe, proving itself to be an outstanding
    dogfighter. Others were assigned to the training role at bases in Canada. After replacement
    by the Sabre 5 in RCAF service from 1954, just over 210 surviving Sabre 2s were overhauled
    and modified in the UK and supplied in roughly equal numbers to the Greek Air Force and
    Turkish Air Forces.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a new plane
    - 11 high rez skins
    - decals, sounds, weapons etc.
    - Zur model
    - Ravenclaw temps
    - paulopanz skins, decals, ini edits
    - all in main mod folder and overwrite
    - maybe a better FM (this one is from old Sabre 4) should be needed



    PS: Canadair Sabre n°1 pack, to be continued soon.


       (0 reviews)



  10. North American F-86K Sabre Complete

    NATO version of F-86D; MG-4 fire control system; four 20 mm M24A1 cannon with 132 rounds per gun; APG-37 radar. 120 were built by North American, 221 were assembled by FIAT.
    WHAT'S IN:
    The F-86K aka "Kappone" 
    all old pack skins now in JPG, new ones and several tweaks and upgrades made in these long years.
    A.M.I.: 1^-4^-51^ Aerobrigata; 5°-36°-51° Stormo (5 skins)
                (All numbers,serials & matricole historical, thanks to X-Ray for references)
    Luftwaffe: JG-74 JG-75 Silver & Camo (4 skins)
         (All historical numbers by squadron plus "kubik" & M.Lenz bonus planes)
    Armée de l'Air: 13 EC Alpes, Artois & Auvergne (10 skins all)
         (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron, thanks to Ludo, who made them, too)
    Koninklijke Luchtmacht: 700-701-702 Squadrons (10 skins)
         (All historical numbers)
    Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret: 332, 334, 337, 339 Skvadron (4 skins)
         (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron)
    Fuerza Aerea Venezoelana (1 skin)
           (All historical numbers)
    Fuerza Aérea Hundureña   (1 skin)
          (All historical numbers)
    Thanks to "Bobrock" for temps, to "Soulfreak" for his constant friendy help and to Baffmeister for usual, great FM tweaks.
    Sounds by Spillone104.
    Original credits in original readme.
    To install: as usual all in main mod folder.




       (3 reviews)



  11. SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack

    SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack    6/9/2020
    "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
    = For SF2 (Any & All) =
    This package is designed to replace the original F-86L from the pack available from the folowing URL:
    by suhjake from 2009
    It is =NOT= necessary to have the original mod pack, as this =WILL= replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. If you do have the original installed, you will probably wish to remove, move, or delete it. Overwriting may cause conflicts.
    As the Lima's were mostly used by USAF Air National Guard units, that is what's covered here. The following units are depicted herein:
    146th FIS PA ANG (57-60)
    190th FIS ID ANG (59-64)
    194th FIS, CA ANG (58-64)
    199th FIS, HI ANG (58-61)
    3550th CCTW, Moody AFB, GA (late 50s/early 60s)
    3555th CCTW, Perin AFB, TX (late 50s/early/60s)
    and a
    USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use. It does have the 'day glo' panels on the wings, fuselage and tail.
    As only the 194th is listed in the stock squadron list ini, it uses a level=1 decal to activate the displayed squadron name on the Loading/Skin selection screen.
    All of the Original Skins (PA ANG, 3550 & 3555 CCTWs) have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. All other skins are brand new for this package. 26 all new serial and buzz numbers, where used, have been created. While correct for this aircraft; all numbers are from the late-production Ds that were converted to Ls, they should be considered 'generic' in nature. State name identifiers and squadron markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. 
    All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as this new one has many modifications and adjustments. 
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
    Happy Landing!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  12. SF2 F-86D Sabre Dog Revamp Pack

    SF2 F-86D Sarbre Dog Revamp Pack    5/19/2020
    "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
    = For SF2 (Any & All) =
    This package is designed to replace the original F-86D/L pack available from the folowing URL:
    by suhjake from 2009
    It is NOT necessary to have the original mod pack, as this WILL replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. On a side note, the F-86L "Lima" Sabre will be covered in a a seperate release. Even though the folder is named "F-86D-45" it represents =ALL= production blocks of the Sabre Dog, for those users included in the mod package.
    The following units are depicted herein:
    101st Hikotai (56-68) - JASDF
    16th FIS (51-59) - PACAF, Misawa Japan
    37th FIS (53-58) - Ethan Allen AFB, VT
    97th FIS (51-55) - Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    431st FIS "Red Devils" (55-58) - Wheelus AFB, Lybia
    469th FIS (53-58) - McGhee Tyson AFB, TN
    520th FIS (54-55) - Geiger Field, Spokane WA
    146th FIS Pa ANG (57-60) -they used the F-86L congruently with the F-86D
    and a
    USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use.
    All of the Original Skins have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. Several of the orignal decals have been reused, but modified from level 2 to level 0 (tail squadron markings). 26 all new serial and buzz numbers have been created. The 101 Hikotai and the 97th FIS & 431st do NOT use this same pool of numbers. They needed they're own for reasons that will become apparent during game play. The 431st is the ONLY unit in the pack that is listed on the stick squadronlist ini, and is tagged accordingly.
    Most marking are decals; in some cases wing and squadron marking had to be painted on due to mesh issues (tail). Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. On the individual number lists, any number marked with a star (*) is 100% correct for that unit.
     All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as the new one has many modifications and adjustments. 
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
    Happy Landing!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  13. RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2

    RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2.0-
    For SF2 (any and all)
    Note: this version REPLACES any earlier ones in it's entirety!! You should delete your original, if you have it already. As the skins have been changed to jpg, the original bmp format will cause a conflict.
    Some ini modifications and 2 new skins for Zur's Avon-powered Sabre, as used by the RAAF in the 50s-60s.
    The skins are:
    3 Squadron
    77 Squadron
    Serial numbers are historically accurate; with the sources I used I've tried to match aircraft with the squadron served with ... I've come within about 98%; pretty much as far as possible.
    Decal Randomization is set to TRUE for both skins
    For End Users ™ with the Oz Mirage DLC, I've activated the squadron display on the Loadout Screen via my 'fake' sqtail decal.
    Other ini mods added the radar-ranging gunsight, landing lights, etc. Loadouts, however are =NOT= historically correct, due to some LOD issues. (More on that in the "Notes" section). A rather 'generic' SF2 style Sabre hangar screen is included.
    Weapons are =NOT= included - all excepting the drop tank reference stock, in-game items. You can obtain the drop tank in any of the other Sabre Paks or from the Gunny's Weapons Pak.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me.
    Changes for Ver 2.0:
    new large format jpg skins
    new SF2 compliant FM
    new sounds
    dds damage textures
    fixed shadow issue
    Happy Landings!!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  14. RF-86A Korean War Project Ashtray

    Korean War RF-86A for SF2 and SF1
    RF-86A Sabre of the Korean War Poject Ashtray.
    There is one zipped file for SF2 and one for SF1 in this download package.
    Information on this project is and it's predecessor, Project Honeybucket, is schetchy. As gun removal seems to have been personal choice and changed throughout these projects I chose to leave the top four guns inplace as described at one of the few sites with information. Remove any or all guns as you desire.
    Credit and Thanks to:
    Zur - for the F-86 model and drop tanks.
    yakarov79 - for the fake pilot 3D cameras, photos and project info.
    Diego - for Korean War era pilot.
    Wrench - for the decals, original skin I adapted/repainted and cockpit mod for the F-86A.
    ravenclaw007 - for his F-86 template I borrowed text and other details from.
    regula50 - for the correct plane numbers and project info.
    FastCargo - for the Fake Pilot.
    Geary - for new panel lines, rivets, paint, ini modifications, etc...
    The cameras on the SF2 model are 3D .lods using .jpg format texture.
    As the .lod's and .jpg's aren't recognized by SF1, those cameras are painted on.
    If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's work or property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
    INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the folders into their corresponding folders in your Korean War install. If you don't already have the weapon information in your weapondata.ini file, add it. Run the SF1 Weapons Editor. Fly.
    I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use but please give credit to those due it.
    If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.


       (1 review)



  15. Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre late -SF2-

    German Air Force Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre late
    version 1.0
    for SF2/SF2V/SF2E
    included are
    - Parts added on fuselage to change from F-86 to CL-13B
    - Parts in cockpit area replaced
    - Hydraulic parts in airbrake housing added
    - Landing lights added
    - Martin Baker Mk5 Gw
    - new Aero 3B sidewinder launcher
    - MK40 FFAR Rocket Pod
    - Mk40 FFAR Rocket
    - new F-86 Bomb Rack
    - new F-86 HVAR Launcher
    - new F-86 455 Liter Drop Tank silver
    - new F-86 455 Liter Drop Tank camo
    - new F-86 455 Liter Drop Tank JG73 Red/White
    - new F-86 755 Liter Drop Tank camo
    - new F-86 755 Liter Drop Tank JG73 Red/White
    - new F-86 120Gal Drop Tank silver ________________for F-86A / F / E / D / K / L
    - new F-86 200Gal Drop Tank silver ________________for F-86A / F / E / D / K / L
    - new High Res skins 2048 x 2048 !!!
    - optional Skins 512x512 ( just in case you have problems with the high res one )

    Thanks to
    - Zurawski for his great canadair and F-86 Cockpit and allowing me to use it
    - Wrench for the excellent holes.tga
    - AmokFloo for his help in teaching me the animation in 3ds-max
    - the GMG for testing the mod
    - Dave for rescale the skins to 512x512
    Thank you and have fun


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. F-86E Sabre - US Red Star Vol. 2

    A complete SF-2 plane made using current Zur's F-86 model, following
    last Wrench edits. (original readme included)
    Sound by Spillone104 (who else?)
    - Silver skins (4) are made using edited Wrench ones.
    - Camo Skins (3) are made using edited Dave ones.
    - Acro Team Skin is all new.
    I have to thank my very friend Starfighter2 for his kindly reference help.
    This is the second of US planes with red stars on I made (more to come).


       (4 reviews)



  17. F-86D Sabre Dog - US Red Star Vol. 3

    F-86D / IF-86D Sabre dog
    Two complete SF-2 plane made using current Zur's F-86 model, following last Wrench/Eburger edits.
    Sound by Spillone104 (who else?)
    F-86D & IF-86D (special recon version)
    4 (2 camo + 2 silver) + 2 (Silver) skins made using fantastic Bobrock temps.
    Take-off tweaked following Baffmeister hints.

    This is the third of US planes with red stars on I made.


       (2 reviews)



  18. CAC Sabre Mk. 31 / 32

    In 1951, CAC obtained a licence agreement to build the F-86. It was decided to power the aircraft using a licence-built version of the Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.7. This involved a re-design of the fuselage as the Avon was shorter, wider and lighter than the General Electric J47 that powered the North American-built aircraft. Because of the engine change the type is often referred to as the Avon Sabre. To accommodate the Avon, over 60% of the fuselage was redesigned along with a 25% increase in the size of the air intake. Another major revision was in replacing the F-86F's six machine guns with two 30mm Aden cannons, while other changes were also made to the cockpit and to provide an increased fuel capacity.
    The RAAF operated the CA-27 from 1956 to 1971.
    In 1958–60, CAC Sabres completed numerous ground attack sorties against communist insurgents in Malaya, during the Malayan Emergency, with No. 3 Squadron RAAF and No. 77 Squadron RAAF. Following the Emergency, they remained in Malaysia at RAAF Butterworth. From August 1964 onwards these aircraft responded several times to incursions by Indonesian MiG-21 fighters. However, the Indonesian aircraft always turned back before crossing the international boundary.
    In 1962, a detachment of eight CA-27s, which was later expanded and designated No. 79 Squadron RAAF (79 Sqn), was sent from Butterworth to RAAF Ubon, Ubon, Thailand, to assist the Thai and Laotian governments in actions against communist insurgents. Australia and Thailand were allies of South Vietnam and the United States during the Vietnam War, and 79 Sqn performed air defence for United States Air Force attack and bomber aircraft based at Ubon. The squadron never engaged North Vietnamese aircraft or ground forces and was withdrawn in 1968.
    Former RAAF CAC Sabres were operated by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) between 1969 and 1972. Following the establishment of better relations with Indonesia, 23 CAC Sabres were donated to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) between 1973 and 1975; five of these were former Malaysian aircraft.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - CAC Sabre Mk. 31 RAAF
    - CAC Sabre Mk. 32 RAAF, RMAF, AURI with IRM install (1964)
    A plenty of Skins (16) and all historical decal numbers by plane.

    - plane (fixed for SF-2) by Zur
    - sabre temps by Ravenclaw
    - original mod & screens by Wrench
    - Skins, decals, ini edits by Paulopanz
    - ini tweakings & professional testings by Spillone104
    - all in main mod folder and overwrite
    I realy liked this job. The plane is fantastic and remaking it with Mike and Alex a real pleasure,
    @ paulopanz


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  19. F-86D-31 Flyvevåbnet (SF-2 Upgrade)

    The North American Aviation F-86D Sabre (sometimes called the "Sabre Dog" or "Dog Sabre") was a transonic jet all-weather interceptor.
    Based on North American's F-86 Sabre day fighter, the F-86D had only 25 percent commonality with other Sabre variants, with a larger fuselage, larger afterburning engine, and a distinctive nose radome.
    What's in:
    - 6 new/redone Skins/decal numbers by squadron:
    Esk 723/ 723 '60
    Esk 726/ 726 '60
    Esk 728 '60/ 728 '66
    - Mighty Mouse rockets new standard
    - New Hangar/loadout screens
    - original F-86D team (see readme)
    - Bobrock for his temps
    - Eburger68 for AA rockets (Nato 5)
    - Hgbn for SF-1 plane & 726 old skin; help and hints (Thank You very much Henrik)
    To install:
    - all in main mod folder
    - overwrite
    @ paulopanz


       (1 review)



  20. Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre early -SF2-

    German Air Force Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre early
    version 1.0
    for SF2/SF2V/SF2E
    included are
    - Parts added on fuselage to change from F-86 to CL-13B
    - Parts in cockpit area replaced
    - Hydraulic parts in airbrake housing added
    - Landing lights added
    - MK40 FFAR Rocket Pod
    - Mk40 FFAR Rocket
    - new F-86 Bomb Rack
    - new F-86 HVAR Launcher
    - new F-86 455 Liter Drop Tank silver
    - new High Res skins 2048 x 2048 !!!
    - optional Skins 512x512 ( just in case you have problems with the high res one )

    Thanks to
    - Zurawski for his great canadair and F-86 Cockpit and allowing me to use it
    - Wrench for the excellent holes.tga
    - AmokFloo for his help in teaching me the animation in 3ds-max
    - the GMG for testing the mod
    - Dave for rescale the skins to 512x512
    Thank you and have fun


       (5 reviews)



  21. SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6, RCAF and AMI

    Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Pack, RCAF/AMI
    = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
    - version 2.0, updated 2/13/2016 -
    This package contains new or rebuilt Canadair Mk.6 Sabres, as used by the RCAF and Italian AMI in the mid-late 50s and 60s.
    Contained within are skin/decals for the following squadrons:
    442 Squadron (new)
    444 Squadron (new skin rebuild, based on Tim Canada work)

    2 Aerobrigata
    4 Aerobrigata (new skin rebuilds, based off spitwulf's originals)
    and a "Generic" Euro camo (called, oddly enough "Euro" skin for any other NATO/European users (except South Africa). All the included skins are in the Euro camo pattern.
    New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder RCAF unit IDs. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included.
    A new camo drop tank is supplied, but all rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak. The sounds included are the same ones as used on the RAF and RAAF Sabre Pak, recently released.
    An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A new userlist ini is also included.
    Sharp eyes will note that "WGermany" is =NOT= included in the Userlist; the BLW aircraft were excellently handled by the GMG Group, and are downloadable here at CA.
    This one is slightly diferentiated; when in-game, you'll see "Canadair Sabre Mk.6" in the aircraft drop-down selection window
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included, as is one of Spitwulf's for the AMI skins.

    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Changes for Version 2:
    updated hit boxes
    new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel
    new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)


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  22. Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, for SF2

    Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, Royal Air Force/Royal Canadian Air Force
    = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
    Version 2.0, updated 2/13/2106 -- see change log
    This package contains a complete revamp, for SF2, of my RAF Sabre Mk.4, originally released for SF/Wo* in 2006.
    Contained within are skin/decals for the following RAF Squadrons, and one RCAF squadron, from the 2nd TAF based in Germany in the 1950s. These 3 are in "standard" period Euro Camo:
    3 Squadron
    92 Squadron
    112 Squadron (Sharkmouths)
    and a revamped 1stGen RCAF skin:
    414 Squadron, RCAF "Black Knights" (natural metal)
    New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's beyond superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included, as is an all new SF2 version of my "Box Art" Hangar Screen. No weapons are supplied; drop tanks, rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak.
    National insignia, finflash and 1 set of tail numbers reference stock items. Make sure you are current in your SF2 install! (read: I'm using RAF Hunter letters)
    An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A userlist ini is also included.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein

    Changes for V.2:
    updated hit boxes
    adjusted loadouts
    new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
    new "CL-13 bits"
    changed _001.lod for one with bomb pylons -all other lods the same


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  23. SF2:E F-86A Sabre, USAFE, Pack

    SF2:E F-86A Sabre, USAFE, Pack 2/11/16
    -- For SF-2E, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
    This mod is a full aircraft package, containing the F-86A Sabre as used by the USAFE during the early-to mid 1950s. This pack contains only those aircraft as used in Europe.
    Like the KAW Sabre pak (albeit this containing only 1 airplane), all needed bits (Effects, Sounds, Pilot, etc) are included.
    Again, as a reminder, this is a European-centric aircraft package only (SF2:E)!!
    In this package are F-86A Sabres from the 81st FIW, USAFE, as based in the UK ...
    116th FIS
    91st FIS
    92nd FIS
    Almost all markings are decals, with the exceptions of the tail fin color bands. A "fake SqTail" decal is included and will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen for those units listed in the game's SquadronList.ini (91st & 92nd). The 116th is not, but if you wish to add it, feel free to do so. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. 24 Serials and Buzz Numbers are included for all 3 skins, and are accuate for A Model Sabres, but just not for the squadrons represented. Consider them 'generic' for this purpose. The Hangar & Loading screen remain their "KAW" versions.
    The Data and Loadout ini have been tweeked as per the recently released F-86F-40 USAFE pak, and Ground Attack (CAS, Strike) mission tasking has been activated. Operational service dates remain the same, even though the F-86A did not arrive in the UK before 1951.
    REMINDER -- the mission tasking and loadouts are =ONLY= for use by American Sabres (this version) as used in the SF2:E mods folder!!! Don't use it anywhere else! See "Notes" for more information, if wishing to use the modified data ini in your KAW mods folder.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install, PLEASE read the "Notes" section for important information.
    It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game.
    Just so we're clear on everything, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  24. SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak UPDATE

    SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak 12/14/2012
    - new gunsights added (A-1CM and A-4 types, with rocket sight where applicable)
    - 16x HVAR loadout enabled and weapon positions adjusted
    - Cockpit fixes:
    + CGCockpitOffset=TRUE added
    + cockpit POV height offset set to 0
    + cockpit height position synchronized with pilot position
    Notes on A/G rocket/bomb sight usage:
    - bombing , use pipper (center dot) to aim
    - rocketing, use bottom diamond for aiming rockets (pipper with F-86A)
    Have fun
    The KAW Mod Team


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  25. SF2 Korean War Era F-86F GunVal Sabre Pak UPDATE

    Small adjustments:
    - ammo capacity increased to 115 rpg
    - new T-160 gun with correct muzzle velocity and ROF of 1500 rpm and no entry for tracer tga *
    - shell ejection set to TRUE (only the links were retained inside)
    - aircraft weight increased by 76 kg
    - Cockpit fixes:
    + CGCockpitOffset=TRUE added
    + cockpit POV height offset set to 0
    + cockpit height position synchronized with pilot height position
    * M39 cannon V0 and ROF are different . There was no 20-mm tracer ammo in Korea (only had API, HEI and a
    practice round)
    but they tipped API rounds into beeswax which gave a smoke trail when fired - wasnt perfect since the
    smoke trail was short ranged.
    Removing the tracer tga entry from the gun makes it a easy lookalike effect.
    Have fun
    The KAW Mod Team


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