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20 files

  1. PLA Navy Modern Ships pack(10s-20s)

    1.What does this mod have?
    (1) Surface Part, it contains 3 classes of ships, Type052D, 054A and 055:
    ① 052D DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 7500 tons ,and is first dedicated multi-role destroyer in PLA also,equip with AESA,BlockIII the stretched variant(aka 052DL) has a flight deck extended by four metres(BlockI 7 ships,BlockII 6 ships,BlockIII 12 ships);
    ② 054A FFG is a class of guided-missile frigate, displacement 3963 tonnes (full load),has medium-range air defense capability,and enhanced anti-submarine warfare capability;(BlockII 12 ships,BlockIII 10 ships,BlockIV 4 ships)
    ③ 055 DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 13000 tonnes (full load),rated as cruisers per NATO/OSD standard parlance,equip with AESA ,has a multi- mission design;(8 ships)

    (2) Weapon Part, it contains a variety of missiles and artillery:
    ① HHQ-9A/B, long-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 120km(9A)/200km(9B);
    ② HHQ-10, short-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 0.5km - 9km;
    ③ HHQ-16A/C, middle-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 40km(16A)/70km(16C);
    ④ YJ-18, anti-ship cruise missile, from subsonic to supersonic mode, operational range 220–540km;
    ⑤ H/PJ-45, 130mm naval artillery;
    ⑥ H/PJ-26, 76mm naval artillery;
    ⑦ H/PJ-12, 7-barrel 30mm CIWS;
    ⑧ H/PJ-11, 11-barrel 30mm CIWS;
    The following are the armaments of the corresponding ships:
    052D BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-12, HHQ-9A, HHQ-10;
    052D BlockII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10;
    052D BlockIII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10;
    054A BlockII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-12, HHQ-16A;
    054A BlockIII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16A; 
    054A BlockIV: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16C; 
    055 BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10;
    (3)All the ships are armed, named and dated correctly,to ensure they are as "historically accurate" as possible;
    Unzip and copy Flight and Objects these 2 folder to where your game is installed;
    (1) I added FLIGHTENGINE.INI into Flight folder,if you already had one, please back up yours in advance,unless you know what it is,if this file is missing, your game would CTD when using this mod;
    (2) It is possible that updates will continue to be made to make more accurate adjustments to the weapon system in the future;

    1.Ice is silent water (off-site user,for model and texture of 052D and 054A);
    2.Mei_Young (off-site user,for model and texture of 055);
    3.BF2_pilot (off-site user,for model and texture of HHQ-10,YJ-18);
    3.Me (for model of HHQ-9/HHQ-16, AND add a lot of detail objects,do a lots of animation and texture works);


       (3 reviews)



  2. Paran_Navy

                      Richo’s Paran Navy for SF2 Desert 2/16/2021
    Paran Navy pack along with some Soviet Navy updates for stock ships.
       This project was inspired by Soviet Navy Vertical Pack and this is available at Combat Ace if you do not already have it.  Other inspirations are from Snailman’s Kiev photo he sent me on a Decaling question.  Also I cannot forget the rest of the Third Wire community at Combat Ace and T.K. for the Strike Fighter series.
      Mues LODViewer is a plus and a must have tool.

        Other inspirations come from myself when working on the Polish Navy for SF2NA and needed a break and went back to the Desert and realized Paran needed a Navy to challenge the USN and USMC. 
       In this Paran Navy pack is Just the Stock Third Wire Soviet ships, Kiev, Kashin, KrivakI and KrivakII up dated for the Paran Navy with Hull Numbers and Names.  Working Torpedo's, RBU Launchers, Cruise missile's.  The Kiev will take some extra pounding and keep on punching but is sinkable.

         Included is the Soviet updated Hull Numbers and Names.  I am still working on them and I have not finished.  But the Updated Names List and Hull Numbers are correct.  Just working on the correct years and testing this out when I get time to play:)
      Weapons are added and modified due to limitations I had to compromise on the actual Missiles and Rockets.  I could not find them anywhere?   I will have to wait until new versions of these weapons are available.   Photos are in Weapons/ 1A_Weapons info.   Weapons are from various weapons packs available for free ware.  Thanks for the hard work on those weapons:)
    Also included is a stock Yak 38 modified for action and updated Stary yak38 cockpit.  Also from “Soviet Navy Vertical pack” and the Readme’s are included.
          Also needed is an updated Skin as well for the Paran Yak 38.  The one available does not look right but will have to do the trick.  If someone can make one that would be great!!!  I am just learning to make Decals.
      Always looking for 


       (0 reviews)



  3. Osa II missile boat

    Janyary 2021
    Osa II class missile boat
    Famous Russian missile boat.
    Copy files to your MODS folder.
    Delete older SS-N-2C in your weapons folder before install.

    yakarov79 - testing
    guuruu - ALL BUGS

    This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
    The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Have fun


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  4. SF 2 E/NA Amsterdam class Oiler Fleet

    HNLMS Amsterdam (A836)_CLASS AO / AOR / ESPS /
    15-16/07/2017 SF2 E / NA
    -HNLMS Amsterdam / BAP Tacna oiler
    -HNLMS Amsterdam was the last replenishment ship serving with the Royal Netherlands Navy.
    Amsterdam entered service on 2 September 1995.
    On 4 December 2014 it was decommissioned and sold to the Peruvian Navy where it was renamed BAP Tacna.
    -The design of the ship is similar to Patino class /HNLMS Amsterdam of the Royal Netherlands Navy/, the vessels were developed in cooperation.
    The vessel is 170 metres (560 ft) and measures 17,045 tons but displaces 7,780 tons.
    Royal Netherlands Navy
    HNLMS Amsterdam in 2004
    Amsterdam deployed to the Middle East as part of Operation Enduring Freedom during 2005/2006 and provided assistance to two US naval vessels
    after a battle they had fought with pirates on 18 March 2006.
    Amsterdam was assigned in December 2010 to the coast of C?te d'Ivoire in order to assist in a possible evacuation of European Union citizens
    from the country in the wake of unrest after the 2010 presidential election.
    Amsterdam was decommissioned on 4 December 2014 and is transferred to the Peruvian Navy.
    The RNLN will not have an operational tanker until the new Joint Logistic Support Ship Karel Doorman was scheduled to be commissioned sometime
    in 2015.
    Peruvian Navy
    Amsterdam was acquired by the Peruvian Navy in July 2014.
    It was delivered to the navy on 4 December 2014 and commissioned as Tacna, for the border city Tacna, with the number ARL-158.
    The vessel was part of the revamp of the navy.
    -S F 2
    The ships were designed as .....Fleet Oiler TANKER for the Squadron escorts ....and Carrier's in SF2 .
    There is a Deck...to Land and Take_off.....and a 2 parking places.The Hangar Door is Open.
    ( change the .inis if you want to be as a Carrier)
    ATTENTION THE SHIP WILL NOT SHOW UP if the dates are Before 1995 ....!!!!
    ( change the dates in the .inis)
    To Install:
    For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
    =For SF2 Series Users:
    These are the simple instructions ...
    Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
    Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
    It's all set up for nearly instant use.
    3D Model: AceSfakia
    The Model is new.They are also a payment Model in the Turbosquid site ...if you want a better Looking Ship of Pattino Class.!!
    Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc : COMBATACE, T W Modder's
    -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... ! Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
    All copyrights reserved.
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Internet pic's


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    13-15/07/2017 SF2 E / NA
    Spanish oiler Pati?o
    Pati?o is a replenishment oiler of the Spanish Navy.
    It was named after the Spanish navy minister Jos? Pati?o Rosales, who reorganized the fleet on the orders of Philip V of Spain.
    The ship was ordered in December 1991 from Navantia. It was launched on 22 June 1994 and completed in June 1995.
    Pati?o was commissioned in June 1995 with the pennant number A14. The vessel's homeport is at Naval Station Rota.
    The design of the ship is similar to HNLMS Amsterdam of the Royal Netherlands Navy, the vessels were developed in cooperation.
    Pati?o was mostly a civilian design. The vessel is 170 metres (560 ft) and measures 17,045 tons but displaces 7,780 tons.
    The oiler has a crew of 148 plus 20 extra berths. Pati?o is designed to carry up to five - 5 - helicopters.
    It has a normal complement of only three -3- Sikorsky SH-3 Sea Kings with 19 air crew provided.
    Pati?o participated in =
    -Operation Sharp Guard, 1996
    -Operation Allied Action, 1998
    -Operation Enduring Freedom
    -Somalia, 2010 to 2015
    -12 January Piracy Incident / Pati?o was attacked by Somali pirates..carrying food aid to Somalia for the World Food Programme
    -Canada, 2016
    -S F 2
    The ships were designed as .....Fleet Oiler TANKER for the Squadron escorts ....and Carrier's in SF2 .
    There is a Deck...to Land and Take_off.....and a 2 parking places.The Hangar Door is Open.
    ( change the .inis if you want to be as a Carrier)
    ATTENTION THE SHIP WILL NOT SHOW UP if the dates are Before 1995 ....!!!!
    ( change the dates in the .inis)
    To Install:
    For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
    =For SF2 Series Users:
    These are the simple instructions ...
    Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
    Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
    It's all set up for nearly instant use.
    3D Model: AceSfakia
    The Model is new.They are also a payment Model in the Turbosquid site ...if you want a better Looking Ship of Pattino Class.!!
    Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc : COMBATACE, T W Modder's
    -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... ! Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
    All copyrights reserved.
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Internet pic's


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    SF2 E/NA
    Sail SHIP
    General Sail SHIP for the Game !!!!!!!
    Ok this is a General Sail Ship...for the terrain's.......and special for the Anatolia ...!!
    I hope to enjoy it......
    is also incude a 3d Max file......TO MAKE /REMAKE The Model......but it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces ........etc
    and up load it again in the modder's place....max file's
    To Install:
    For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
    =For SF2 Series Users:
    These are the simple instructions ...
    Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
    Skins: AceSfakia
    3D Model: AceSfakia
    Data.ini: Acesfakia
    Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W
    -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
    All copyrights reserved.
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


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  7. Taiwan Navy ship pack

    This package includes the Cheng Kung class frigate, Chi Yang class frigate, and Chien Yang class destroyer of the Republic of China Navy. I extracted and converted the stock USN versions of the O.H. Perry, Knox, and Gearing to create these Taiwanese variants.
    They are by no means perfect representations of the actual thing, since many of the ships were refitted with additional and/or indigenous weapons after being acquired by the ROCN. However, these should be "close enough" to facilitate some naval battles over the Taiwan strait.
    Note: You will require a capital ship to create a proper task group in game, such as the Kee Lung class (Taiwan's most powerful warship), available here.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


       (2 reviews)



  8. LCS-1 Freedom class Littoral Combat Ship

    This model represents the first Littoral Combat Ship, USS Freedom, in commission with the US Navy since 2008. These vessels are designed to be fast, stealthy, and highly modular.
    This package includes decal sets for all current and future ships of the class, plus all necessary sounds, guns, and weapons such as the exclusive RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile. The ship can support two helicopters. See the readme file for full details.
    A SRBOC countermeasures system has been installed to help defend against anti-ship missiles. This system is still in the beta stages, but if well-received, will be added to my other models as appropriate.
    The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly.
    When setting up a task force, using the USNgrey texture will allow hull decals based on the ship number. This is bugged in single missions (as the ship number apparently defaults to 90 and can't be changed), so select a specific texture set with the hull number you want.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


       (4 reviews)



  9. SF2:NA US Ship Update FIX Pack

    This is a fix pack for my "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update 1.0" located at the link below.
    When I uploaded the US Stock Ships Data File Update pack I accidentally packed up some of my second to last file versions instead of the final variants I intended to upload.
    This Fix Pack contains the adjustments that I overlooked when I first uploaded the pack.
    Just copy and paste into the mod folder that you placed the "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update 1.0" into and overwrite when ask.
    I am also updating the pack to include the changes this pack adds so you don’t need this Fix Pack if you downloaded the "SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update" after 2/9/2014.


       (2 reviews)



  10. SF2:NA US Stock Ships Data File Mod/Update

    This is a US counterpart my previously uploaded Soviet ship updates.
    This pack has updated data files for the stock Third Wire SF2:NA United States Navy surface combatants and amphibious ships.
    The changes are primarily centered around adjustments to the Elevation and Train of the guns with regard to both the Maximum and Minimum position and rate of movement.
    A number of other adjustments have also been made related to gunners and guns.
    The "Alt1" variant of the data files uses stock guns.
    The "Alt2" version is set to use alternate guns which should improve the effectiveness of the guns in the AA and CIWS role.
    The alternate Guns have been included.
    This file has been tested in SF2:NA.
    1.1 includes some minor adjustments that I missed including in the original release.


       (3 reviews)



  11. Visby class corvette

    This model represents the Visby class, a series of 600 ton corvettes developed for the Swedish Navy. The Visby has been in development and testing for years, and finally entered service in 2009.
    The Visby has received international attention due to its groundbreaking stealth features. The vast majority of its systems are hidden within the hull, giving it a low radar cross section and a very sleek hull.
    All necessary sounds, guns, and weapons are included in this package, as well as hull decals for each ship of the class. See the readme for more details. Please remember that this model is designed for the SF2 series and updated for SF2:NA, so it probably won't work correctly with earlier versions of the game.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


       (3 reviews)



  12. Modern Royal Navy ship update pack

    This package includes the Invincible class carrier, Type 42 Shefflield class destroyer, and Type 23 Duke class frigate updated to SF2:NA standards. These include updated weapon and data entries, ship names and numbers, collision meshes, radar frequencies, carrier decals and aircraft parking spots, and so on.
    Make sure to update your Harriers, RN helicopters, and other models with the relevant data if you want them to show up on the Invincible's deck. Enjoy!
    Thanks to:
    -Gepard for pointing out flight deck problem
    -Hinchinbrooke for original Invincible and Type 42 models
    -SUICIDAL for original Type 23 model
    -Bobrock for the additional Invincible skin


       (7 reviews)



  13. Nanuchka I & II class corvettes

    This model represents the Nanuchka class corvette, a Cold War era missile boat used by the Soviet Union and several export customers.
    Three different versions of the ship are provided:
    Nanuchka I class corvette (Soviet version; classified as a frigate in game so that it can appear in Soviet task forces)
    Nanuchka I class missile boat (Soviet version; classified as a patrol boat)
    Nanuchka II class missile boat (export version for India, Algeria, and Libya; classified as a patrol boat)

    All three versions may be installed together with no conflicts or other issues.
    The Nanuchka series are quite heavily armed for their size, with a 57mm twin gun, SA-N-4 Gecko launcher, and either six SS-N-9 Siren missiles (Nanuchka I) or four SS-N-2C Styx missiles (Nanuchka II). Naturally, all of these weapons are fully functional on the models.
    See the readme for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


       (7 reviews)



  14. Naval Units for Inda-Pakistan Terrain

    Naval Units for Inda-Pakistan Terrain
    = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! =
    -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
    *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA to gain access to several ship lods this mod requires. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
    This package is designed for use =ONLY= in a seperate India-Pakistan Game mods folder. There is a possiblity that it WILL work in an 'all-is-everything mods folder', but this is highly discouraged. You do so at your own risk; so expect little to no support in that respect.
    This package includes the work of many fine people, and they are listed in the credits. A good number have been 'nationalized' from WBS "RN Frigate Pak". A good number of others are modified
    from various other sources (read: WW2) This package includes the following ships:
    INS Delhi CL (ex HMS Achilles -yes, THAT one)
    INS Viraat CV
    INS Vikrant CV
    INS Talwar FF
    INS Nilgiri FF
    INS Rajput DD (based on SF2NA Kashin)
    INS Talwar2 DD (base on SF2NA Krivak*)
    PNS Taimur DD (ex-RN "C" class)
    PNS Tariq FF (Type21 from 1993 onwards)
    Weapons and guns have been supplied. Radar specs have been adjusted as best as possible to SF2/NA standards.
    For those not having added the 2 ship sounds, a new Soundlist.in is provided. For those wishing toadd just the sounds, and already have modified Soundlist.ini in their installs, it's a simple copy/paste of the relevant lines into your existing ini.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of these folks. this mod wouldn't be possible.
    *Krivak II used; INS uses modified Krivak III, but we use what we gots*
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  15. French Naval Units (SI)

    French Naval Forces Pak
    =For SF2, Full-5 Merged and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!!- =
    AKA: "Faux French Naval Units", the "SI" means 'Stand-In'
    *Note: You =MUST= have SF2NA installed somwhere for this mod to work, as 2 ships reference LODs that are only available with SF2NA or a Full-5 Merged install. If you don't meat this minimum requirement, do NOT download this pak, as you'll be unable to use it*
    **Notex2: ALL of the vessels depicted herein are 'stand-ins' for the Real Life ™ naval vessels they depict. I've chosen to use the "best, closest shapes". In this regard, they DO have a physical approximation to the real boats.*
    This pack contains 3 "Stand In" ships representing French Naval vessels:
    Clemencau Class CV (uses SCB125 Essex)
    Duperre Class DD (using Hinch's Cavailer)
    Leygues Class DDG (using the SF2NA Spruance)
    Included are sounds, and instrucitons for editing the soundlist.ini to add them. Also included is the 100mm ACAS gun.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
    At the very least, this WILL give the DLC French Crusader and Super Etendards a home. Please accept them in the spirit intended!
    Happy Landings!


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  16. SF2(NA) WW2 PTO Naval Units

    WW2 PTO Naval Units
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (ONLY) =
    *Note: in particular, these are designed for use in a WW2 PTO mods folder built =FROM= the SF2NA.exe. No others seem to have whatever coding is needed (at least in my testing) for proper CVBG formation. Be advised, it will absolutely =NOT= work in 1stGens.*
    Most of these ships are mods of Hinchbrooks's or Geo's, reflagged and slightly tweeked. Some you may have already, as they've been used on several terrain mods of mine for The Pacific War ™. These will replace them.
    Also included is Grinch's original Fletcher DD, that causes NO seizures in SF2/SF2NA.
    I'm no Naval Archetiect, so "those that know", please make any needed corrections and upload!
    When discoverable, armor values reflect Real Life ™. Names lists have been created for all.
    REMINDER: if you have these ships already, you may want to back up the originals, as this pack WILL completly replace/overwrite them!!!!
    REMEMBER: For the most part, these are "stand in" ships!!! and may not reflect the full capabilities of their Real Life ™ counterparts. (Or, in some cases, even look like them) Unless otherwise indicated, all ships were originally created by Hinchbrook a loooooooong time ago.
    This pack contains naval units for the US Navy, Royal Navy (BPF) and Imperial Japanese Navy.
    Essex Class CV (SCB-125) - by 3W; stock carrier. Yes, I know it's the wrong deck shape. This Modded data.ini allows for WW2 usage -IT HAS NO DEFENSIVE ARMAMENTS!!!-and -THAT- needs fixing!!!
    Akakazie class DD - total stand in! based on Geo' Kriegsmarine DD
    Nagara Class CL - mod of Hinch' Foch
    Unryu Class CV - mod of HMS Eagle
    Zuiho Class CV - tweeked version of Hinch's orginal
    Ise class BB - from HInch
    Fuso class BB - from Hinch
    Nagato Class BB - HInch
    Fletcher Classs DD - Grinch's original release, with some SF2NA tweeks. Does =NOT= cause game to lock/crash. Useable in all eras.
    Cleveland Class CA - "CL-83" from KAW mod, by YeYe (iirc)
    Atlanta Class CL - from KAW mod, by YeYe (iirc)
    New Orleans CA (aka 'Astoria')
    Enterprise6 - ???? (aka: Yorktown Class CV) from the original PTO WW2 terrains releases
    Indepencence Class CVL (mod of Zuhio)
    Casablanca Class CVE (Hinchs' MAC)
    Benson class DD (USN_DD)
    New York Class (Texas)
    Nevada Class BB
    Tenessee Class BB
    HMS Victorious CV
    Renown Class BB (aka: "Repulse")
    Tribal Class DD (rebuilt from Daring)
    Leander/Dido class CL - rebuilt from Foch
    Make sure you have the WW2 Nations ini that includes the IJN. It's available at the following URL:
    It should be noted at this time, I am NOT a Naval Archeitect, and pretty much all these ships need SOMEBODY to go through them and add the 2ndary and Tertiary AAA batteries - expecially the Cruisers, Battleships, and stand-in Destroyers.
    Included are the ships sounds wavs, and my SoundList.ini. If you have an extracted soundlist, just edit your existing one to add the 2 sounds.
    It's also advisable to have the WW2 Guns pak, as it includes the Naval Artillery. It's available at the following URL:
    However, some new guns ARE included for the RN boats (by YeYe).
    Some terrain mods that allow for CVBG usage will be released as soon as I finish testing, and making sure all the original defects (unflattened airfields, etc) are corrected.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, and if I still had them, original readmes are included.
    Reminder: a lot of these vessels are really old (2004/05), and therefore do NOT have multiple main gun installations or secondary/tertiary batteries; those that do, have been jiggered into being, and =DO= need further tweeking. Due to their age, "they are as they are". Of course, if someone wants to build new ones.....<grin>
    Calm Winds, and Following Seas!
    With thanks to ALL our Shipbuilders!!
    kevin stein


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  17. WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units

    WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units
    -- Something for the ETO/MTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: in particular, these are designed for use in a WW2 ETO/MTO mods folders built =FROM= the
    SF2NA.exe. No others seem to have whatever coding is needed (at least in my testing) for proper
    CVBG formation. Be advised, it will absolutely =NOT= work in 1stGens. Please also note, that
    the WW2 EAW ETO map, even the (as yet) unfinshed rebuild will NOT contain NA style ship-specific zones,
    as it lacks enough 'sea room' for maunvering.*
    Most of these ships are mods of Hinchbrooks's or Geo's, reflagged and slightly tweeked. Some
    you may have already, and have transfered over to you ETO & MTO games, as they've been used on
    several terrain mods of mine for The Pacific War ™, MTO or etc.. These will replace them.
    I'm no Naval Archetiect, so "those that know", please make any needed corrections and upload!
    When discoverable, armor values reflect Real Life ™. Names lists have been created for all.
    REMINDER: if you have these ships already, you may want to back up the originals, as this pack
    WILL completly replace/overwrite them!!!!
    REMEMBER: For the most part, these are "stand in" ships!!! and may not reflect the full
    capabilities of their Real Life ™ counterparts. (Or, in some cases, even look like them)
    Unless otherwise indicated, all ships were originally created by Hinchbrook a loooooooong time
    This pack contains naval units for the Royal Navy and German Kriegsmarine, and a few French Navy ships thrown in for good measure. Some of these are repeats from the PTO Naval Units pak; no US Navy ships are included. You can transfer them from the PTO, if necessary.
    HMS Attacker Class CVE
    HMS Eagle CV
    HMS Formidable CV
    HMS Nelson Class BB
    HMS Victorious CV
    Renown Class BB (aka: "Repulse")
    Tribal Class DD (rebuilt from Daring)
    Leander/Dido class CL - rebuilt from Foch
    Suffren Class CA (French, aka "Foch")
    Malin Class DD
    KriegCruiser (includes cruisers and "pocket battleships")
    In another subfolder, called "z-MTO sepcific", are the Italian Regia Marina ships:
    Conte di Cavour Class BB
    Condottieri Class CL/CA
    Navigatori Class DD
    a 'generic' MTB, and...
    a KM Graf Zepplin Class CV, a "what If.." rebuild from the Formidable lod. This is slightly
    beter than the original I'd done some years back, based off EAGLE. Of course, we lack Lufwaffe
    carrier capable aircraft...but, what the heck, right? Still working a FN Bearn stand-in....
    All ships include a full "Names.lst". These are JUST the surface combatants; there are no
    support/supply ships included, other than a 'generic' minesweeper.
    Make sure you have the WW2 Nations ini that includes the Nazi Germany and WW2 Italy. It's
    available at the following URL:
    It should be noted at this time, I am NOT a Naval Archeitect, and pretty much all these ships
    need SOMEBODY to go through them and add the 2ndary and Tertiary AAA batteries - expecially the
    Cruisers, Battleships, and stand-in Destroyers.
    Included are the ships sounds wavs, and my SoundList.ini. If you have an extracted soundlist,
    just edit your existing one to add the 2 sounds.
    It's also advisable to have the WW2 Guns pak, as it includes the Naval Artillery. It's
    available at the following URL:
    However, some new guns ARE included for the RN boats.
    NOTE: WW2 Gunpack Updated 4/23/2013 to include some missing naval guns.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read
    them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, and if I still had them,
    original readmes are included.
    Reminder: a lot of these vessels are really old (2004/05), and therefore do NOT have multiple
    main gun installations or secondary/tertiary batteries; those that do, have been jiggered into
    being, and =DO= need further tweeking. Due to their age, "they are as they is". Of course, if
    someone wants to build new ones.....<grin>
    Remember, they are all pretty much 'stand ins', but do work relatively well.
    With thanks to ALL our Shipbuilders!!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  18. [What If] HRM Norskehavet and Task Force

    This pack contains the fictional Norwegian Carrier HRM Norskehavet, escorts and aircraft.
    Everything you need to make her combat capable and add her own little task force !
    Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for this mod.
    Unzip into your mod folder. If you wish to use the Carrier in the 1979 Campaign, unzip the Campaigns.zip file into the mod folder.
    Full Story:
    Independence Class Carrier:
    Model by YEYEYE & Wrench (?)
    ini Edits by Wrench
    Parking Slots by Paulopanz
    Arrestor Cables by eburger
    3D Model: Fleet-Defender
    Texture Mapping: BPAO
    Additional 3D: Crab_02
    Flight Model: Column5
    Special thanks to: Sony Tuckson
    Skins, Ini Edits by JonathanRL
    S-3A Viking:
    3D model by Fox the Man Hunter
    Skins, ini Edits by JonathanRL
    C Class Destroyer:
    Model by Hinchinbroke
    Updated by Paulopanz
    Oslo Class FF:
    Model by Hinchinbroke
    Updates by WhiteBoySamurai


       (1 review)



  19. [What If] HMS Gustav II Adolf & Task Force

    This pack contains the fictional Swedish Carrier HMS Gustav II Adolf, escorts and aircraft.
    Everything you need to make her combat capable and add her own little task force !
    Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam is REQUIRED for this mod. Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
    Unzip into your mod folder. If you install into a TSF Folder, or folder where TSF is installed, you can also install updated campaigns that adds the
    carrier to Operation Isbjörn & The Catalina Affair if you choose. This is however not mandatory, but recommended.
    Water Map & Terrain adjustments for Carrier / SF2: NA use with the Sweden Terrain can also be found in the For TSF Campaigns.7z
    Full Story:
    Independence Class Carrier:
    Model by YEYEYE & Wrench (?)
    ini Edits by Wrench
    Parking Slots by Paulopanz
    Arrestor Cables by eburger
    J-24F Sjökatten:
    Model by Pasko
    Ini Edits & Skins by Wrench
    Decalwork by JonathanRL
    Torpedflygplan 3:
    Templates by Wrench
    Model by Thirdwire.
    Skins by JonathanRL
    Landskapsklass (Cavalier)
    Model by Hinchinbrooke,
    Updates by Wrench
    Swedish Conversion & NA Edits by JonathanRL
    Sverige Class Battleship (Foch)
    Model by Hinchinbrooke,
    Swedish Conversion & NA Edits by JonathanRL


       (1 review)



  20. Spanish Navy Surface ships pack 1.0

    This packs includes the main surface ships from the Spanish Navy
    at the time of Operation Northern Sabre (1979), including:
    -Lepanto Class (Fletcher destroyers)
    -Churruca Class (Gearing FRAM destroyers)
    -Baleares Class (AAW Frigates, modified Knox design, Knox model used as stand-in)
    The Lepanto (Fletcher) class were no longer first line ships,
    however, they were still being used for fisheries and patrol
    duties. Would have joined a (the) carrier group if needed. The
    model included is Grinch´s late 2WW Fletcher class, and lacks the
    FRAMish improvements of the ships in service with the spanish navy
    The Baleares (Knox) class frigates were different from the
    original Knox class, their role being AAW. The stock model
    has been tweaked and acts as an stand-in as no other is
    Improved skins including number decals are to follow. Please note
    that this pack is intended for SF2NA, alone or merged
    Thanks to Grinch for his model, Wrench for fixes, and WhiteBoySamurai
    for his much needed lessons on ship inis.
    If anything is wrong, i adapted and touched all ships, so i´m in
    fault, please report
    To install, drop in mod folder


       (4 reviews)

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