11 files
Thunderjets - Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet
By yakarov79
Royal Danish Air Force Thunderjets.
Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.)
Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
Mod requires new fuel tanks that are added to the mod - generally RF version uses new fuel tanks and recon wing tip pods.
In the game under a prefix. KDF. * you will find F-84E , F-84G and RF-84G
* Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet
F-84E served very shortly for testing purposes, and F-84G ended active service in 1961. RF-84G was a European poor-man recon aircraft, using modified fuel tanks for a camera pod. Several countries used a similar concept for interim recon flight in the case of Denmark they were waiting for RF-84F. Two different recon pod setups are added, also counterbalance fuel tank and additional Fletcher fuel tanks.
RF-84G - KA-F and KA-G never received 'RF mod' but served in 729 Esk FR flight, during these years.
This is a very old model with some flaws....but as long as we do not have a new one I made new skins.
All skins are in 4096x4096 format based on new templates. You can easily resize as needed.
During service years, after maintenance, airframes were not always returned to the previous original squadron - resulting in a mess of squadron colors (until someone in the squadron repainted again) - but I believe I have the correct squadron colors for those years represented in a mod.
All serial numbers are historically correct for specific squadrons/years of service in the Danish Air Force.
Check weapon names in loadout.ini and sounds to match your files.
Model - russoUK.
Yours truly - mambo jumbo like skins, decals, Fletcher fuel tanks and recon pod mods, research...
Who made this cockpit? Also russoUK?
No animal was harmed during the creation of this mod.
Only Italian coffee was used, mod may contain cookie crumbs and nuts.
I have added Ravenclaw's HVAR rockets as the data file is correct only for Ravenclaw's HVARs/
Have fun.
Report bugs. *
Expect the unexpected.
Live long and prosper.
Jarek Hereda
* report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..
SF2 F-84B Thunderjet, 49th FIS, 14th FG Pack
By Wrench
SF2 F-84B Thunderjet, 49th FIS, 14th FG Pack 7/7/2019
-For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended)
This is a NEW aircraft, the Republic F-84B Thunderjet, depicted as when it first became operational in 1947. It it based on (one of) RussoUK's F-84s. It represents aircraft of the 49th FS (JP), 14th FG from 1947 through 1949. The 49th was the first USAF squadron to recieve and deploy the Thunderjet into active service (along with it's sister squadrons the 37th and 48th).They served in the "day and good weather" Air Defense role of the Eastern United states from Dow AFB, Maine.
The skin is in jpg format, and 26 serial and Buzz numbers decals were created. Decal Randomization is TRUE. On the number list (individual aircraft serial) drop down, any serials marked with a star (*) has been positively identified as having served in the 49th. The others, while some DID serve in other squadrons of the 14th FG, they could not be identified to any of the 3 squadrons. Others, for the B model, are generic in nature.
A NEW late 1940s pilot figure is included, as is the "f84" jet sound. Drop tanks, WW2 era bombs, rockets, etc are NOT. You should have these already.
On the Aircraft selection dropdown menu you'll see:
F-84B ThunderJet (RUK)
(This is to differentiate Russ's T-Jet from the as yet uncompleted FastCargo version; if it every gets done!).
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-84F Thunderstreak by The Mirage Factory
By Wrench
SF2 F-84F Thunderstreak by The Mirage Factory 5/12/2019
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
This is a rebuild for SF2 of The Mirage Factory's F-84F "Thunderstreak" (swept wing version). It goes again my grain to see such a well done aircraft, albeit originally built for SF/W0* 1st Gens, and many associated skin/decal set languish in obscurity simply due to age and the existence of one from 3rd Wire, albeit in a purchasable DLC. THIS one is free, and won't need any hoop-jumping to keep player flyable.
I've scavanged most of the existing skin sets, did various tweaking to make them a bit more SF2 ready. The aircraft FM has been slightly adjusted for SF2, a destroyed model attached, decals randomized, and when necessary, decals and new skins created from the revised TMF Templates by Pappychksix. The templates are included in a separate named folder in this download. For those skins with painted on national markings, my patent pending "fake insigina decal" trick was used to activate the Nation Name displayed. The same trick, with my patent pending "fake SqTail" decal, now activates any and all squadrons that are listed in the stock 3W Squadronlist.ini. Reminder: the Squadronlist ini ONLY has full units, not, for example, the various Staffels of the BLW T-streaks.
All new skin specific Hangar screens (SF2 style), and one of my famous "AvArt" style loading screens are included. All drop tanks, pilots, weapons and sounds needed are included (see Notes about camo tanks). The Canopy opens with the Standard Animaiton keystroke (shift/0 -shift/Zero).
In this pack you have many skins. Most use the 'SF2 date switch' to go from Natural Metal to the End Users (TM) national camoflague finishes. Please note, some skins are in their original "as issued" bitmap format. Some have been rebuilt, or new builds, in jpg format. The skins supplied are:
78th TFS, USAFE, RAF Bentwaters
168th FBS, Illinios Air National Guard (1961 Berlin Crisis)
4510th CCTS, Luke AFB (called 'USAF_Silver')
= Belgian Air Force:
3rd Squadron (NM 1956)
2nd Squadron (NATO Camo) -switches on in 1958
= Netherlands KLU:
311 Sqn, KLU (Camo) -starts 1964, when F-84Fs were recieved
= France:
EC 1/1 Corse (1955-1960) -folder called "AdA"; NM. see notes.
EC 3/1 Argone (1956 Suez and post-Suez, 1957-ish)
= West German BLW:
JaboG 31 2nd Sqn "Alma" (NM 1956) (new by me)
JaboG 31 2nd Sqn "Alma" Camo
JaboG 32 3rd Sqn Camo
JaboG 33 3rd Sqn Camo
JaboG 34 "Allgäu" 1st Sqn
JaboG 35
*Note all except II/JBG 31 NM 56 are Camo, and start in 1962. All BLW skins/decals, except where noted are from Soulfreaks GAF Thunderstreak Pack*
= Greek Hellenic Air Force:
348 Sqdn, HAF, NM (1958)
346 Sqdn, HAF, SEA Camo (1971)
*Note: in between the NM and SEA, many HAF T-streaks carried NATO 2-tone. That skin is not supplied. See Notes.*
Also included is a 'generic natural metal' for any other skinners that wish to fiddle with new skins. As many of the NATO 2-tone camo aircraft use all decals for markings, and the template is supplied, it should be easy to create other skins as needed. Even though the header reads "Full 5 Merged", it can be used in any SF2 mods folder.
When in game, on the aircraft selection drop down menu, you'll see:
F-84F ThunderStreak (TMF)
This differentiates it from the stock 3rd Wire version.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, I've included the original readme for the various skin sets; the original TMF aircraft readme is in the main aircraft folder.
On behalf of my brother Mod Mafiosos...
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
For bpao ... you are sorely missed
UPDATED 5/16/2019:
Data ini updated with Cliff7600's fuel tank fixes. If you have the aircraft already, you need not re-download the full package. Follow this url:
and download JUST the data ini
Republic F-84E Thunderjet by RussoUK, for SF2
By Wrench
Republic F-84E Thunderjet by RussoUK
=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)=
*Expansion Pak 1 may be necessary for WW2 era weapons, if not using the GunnyPak*
Some modifications, tweeks, and general fiddlating on Russo's fine F-84E Thunderjet.
Skins provided are:
36th FBW, USAFE circa 1952 when commanded by Col. Robert L. Scott (yes, that guy!)
49th FBG, FEAF/5th AF, Tageu, Korea circa 1951/53 -yes, the entire group, all 3 squadrons:
7th FBS (Blue/White)
8th FBS (Yellow/Black)
9th FBS (Red/White)
All new, 100% historically correct serial and BuzzNumber decals have been created for all skins. It should be noted, that while those for the 36th FBW =ARE= for those aircraft from the 36th, I was unable to pin down exactly which squadron(s) in the Wing.
Some of the 49th FBW skins have stars (*) in their number lists (7th & 8th FBS) next to the ID number, denoting those with 100% positive identification; excepting the 9th FBS, where =ALL= have been 100% positively IDed as serving in that squadron. Those without stars (*) served in the 49th, but not to my full satisfaction as to which squadron. Rest assured, if I say they're correct for The Wing, they are.
Like the recently released F-84G, it has a new 'experimental' SF2-level flight model, uses the same Sabre drop tanks, and uses the same manual keyed animation (surprise! Shift/0) to open and close the canopy. It also uses the same sound file, not included. The same 'generic-style' hangar screen from the G is included as well. A userlist is included; it may need some adjustments as to other NATO/MAP users -which are welcomed!
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
Republic F-84C Thunderjet by RussoUK, for SF2
By Wrench
Republic F-84C Thunderjet, 59th FIS, 33 FIW (by RussoUK)
=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)
*Expansion Pak 1 may be necessary for WW2 era weapons, if not using the GunnyPak*
Some modifications, tweeks, and general fiddlating on Russo's early Thunderjet.
AKA: revamping of my very old F-84B/C mod, refocused on just the C model (Bs did a lot of crashing and self-disassembly, and wound up back at the factory, or on 'fire training')
Serial/Buzz number are 100% correct for the 33rd FIW; those marked in the Numbers.lst with a star (*) have 100% positively IDed as being from the 59th FIS. All others are, again, from the 33rd, but was unable to 'attach' them to any specific squadron(s) within The Wing. Decal radomazation is set to "TRUE"
Like the recently released F-84E & G, it has a new 'experimental' SF2-level flight model, uses the same Sabre drop tanks, and uses the same manual keyed animation (surprise! Shift/0) to open and close the canopy. It also uses the same sound file, not included. The same 'generic-style' hangar screen from the G is included as well. A userlist is included; as these were ONLY used by the USAF, it may be moot!
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
Good Hunting
kevin stein
Republic F-84G Thunderjet by RussoUK , For SF2
By Wrench
Republic F-84G Thunderjet by RussoUK
=For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc)
*Expansion Pak 1 may be necessary for WW2 era weapons, if not using the GunnyPak*
Some modifications, tweeks, and general fiddling on Russo's fine F-84G Thunderjet.
Skins provided are:
159th FBS, USAF in Korea
468th SFS, 508th SFW, USAF/SAC, Turner AFB, GA (both by JSF_Aggie)
6th Aerobrigata AMI (originally by Stephan S, with all new decals by me)
Royal Danish Air Force
Portugese Air Force, 20th Squadron
Generic Natural Metal (above 3 by me)
All new decals for the RDAF (historicaly correct, but representing no particular squadron) and a 'generic' set of serials and Buzz Numbers for the G-NM are included. As generic in nature, they represent no particular squadron, but these along with the G-NM skin can be used for other NATO operative countries (Greece, Turkey, etc). The 6 ACB skin has several actual, historic serials. These are marked with a star (*) on the number lst. All others ARE those as used by AMI T-Jets, but was unable to lock in a particular unit.
Some of the additions/changes are locating the node-name so the nose wheel now piviots for steering, addition of a landing light (nose only), canopy operated via manual animation key (use, as expected, Shift/0). Armor protection has also been upgraded. The avionics have been adjusted to activate the radar-ranging gunsight. A new userlist was also created -it may not be fully accurate, and adjustments are welcomed! Loadouts use WW2 era bombs from the GunnyPak, but is easily readjusted to use those from SF2 expansions 1 & 2. External drop tanks use the everpresent F-86 tanks for those under-fuselage mounts (closest shape and size). A new AN-M81 260 lb fragmentation bomb (from KAW) is included and used for CAS/Armed Recon.
The inner hardpoints have been split into 2 groups, as the G model had a nuclear delivery mode, with a bomb on one inner hardpoint, and a drop tank on the other. These early bombs are available in my 3W F-84F upgrade kit, available here at CA. For mission builders, an "alternative loadout for CAS/Attack/SEAD is included using the Triple rocket racks.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! PLEASE read the extensive "Notes" section ... there's Vital Information on operation uses and glitches that you need to be aware of.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
RF-84F Thunderflash Superpack
By Gunrunner
Discussion and screenshots here
This mod is NOT released under the Combat Ace Freeware Licensing Agreement (http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/) as it includes content NOT subjected to it.
The only content you can reuse freely following the CA Freeware Licensing are the SKINS and DECALS as they are my creation based on freely released template or from scratch;
For all the rest you MUST contact the original author beforehand.
To my knowledge you only need SF2:E, however you might also need the Exp2, if you have finflashes not showing, just tell me and I'll include mine rather than using TW's.
This should work without trouble with NATO Fighters 5 (however the versions already included in NF5 have a slightly different file organization and naming convention).
This mod should not rewrite anything except itself and the relevant campaign files.
All planes marked with a * in the numbers list are considered historically correct, all others are as correct as sources allow, at worst they come from the pool of planes available to the nation in the given timeframe and bear possibly existing squadron numbers.
There's a topic on CA (http://combatace.com/topic/68436-rf-84f-thunderflash-request-for-information-and-superpack-wip/) tracking my progress and meant to receive any feedback and information you might want to share.
NOTES FOR 1956 :
The Suez and Norwegian skins are bonuses and not useful for a Europe '56 campaign.
I initially planned of including slightly anachronistic camouflage versions for Belgium and Netherlands, however, given the time needed for the operation and the fact that the campaign takes place in the heart of winter, camouflage would have made no sense.
If you feel the need to properly install the Squadrons, you should add the following to your SQUADRONLIST.INI (if they squadrons are not already there), but everything is set up to work without it.
DisplayName=32nd TRS
DisplayName=38th TRS
DisplayName=302nd TRS
DisplayName=303rd TRS
DisplayName=ER 1/33 'Belfort'
DisplayName=ER 2/33 'Savoie'
DisplayName=ER 3/33 'Moselle'
DisplayName=ER 4/33 'Fumassol'
DisplayName=42nd Squadron
DisplayName=306° Squadron
DisplayName=717 Skv.
DisplayName=4th CRS
All serial numbers involved in Suez are correct, 8 squadron numbers are attributed to the proper plane, 3 were used at Akrotiri but randomly assigned, the rest are randomly chosen from the most probable squadron numbers at the time.
French RF-84F in late 1956 would have been stationned at Cognac, but would probably have been detached in Alsace or Germany in case of conflict, one squadron relieving the previous, given the involvement in Operation 700 and the readiness of the squadrons in late 1956, the order of detachement would have been ER 2/33 first then ER 3/33 and finally ER 1/33 (remember, the last planes reached France from Cyprus in late December, and the last ground personnel and equipment in early January 1957, so even accounting for a rushed move, the attrition of planes and personnel would mean they'd probably take no part in the conflict unless it lasted into the Spring of 1957).
3 or 4 stripes of different colors denote a plane assigned to the Wing Commander, 2 stripes or the same color to the Squadron Leader and 1 stripe to a Flight Leader.
These planes are meant to use specific pilots however this is strictly optional, if you don't add them, the game will use the default pilot, so it's only a matter of adding more pilot variety and a more authentic feel to things.
To respect the LOD author's wish not to have a situation where his work might be unknowingly used without proper attribution or worse you'll have to download the pilots separately or as part of the packs in which they are bundled.
All are based on Old Diego's pilot, with skins by Corktip14 for the French version, ravenclaw_007 for the German ones.
For USAF and ROCAF planes, you'll need the KUSAF01 pilot from Diego's pilot pack : http://combatace.com/files/file/9197-diegos-pilot-pack/
For French planes, you'll need the Guen312 pilot from the Israel 48/56 mod : http://combatace.com/files/file/11024-1948-war-for-independence1956-suez-crisis/
For German planes, you'll need the PilotGAF pilot from the German Pilots pack : http://combatace.com/files/file/9210-german-air-force-pilot%C2%B4s/
For other planes, you'll need the Euro001 pilot included with NATO Fighters 4+ Update 1 : http://combatace.com/files/file/11099-nato-fighters-4-patch-post-dec-2009-patch-level/
The necessary campaign files have been modified to add the Taiwanese RF-84F, just overwrite the original files.
Due to JonathanRL's way of implementing squadrons (without a proper squadron list) I've had to use a specific variant for Taiwan rather than use it as a skin for the US variant, as should be.
It also means that unless you add the squadrons properly, the ROCAF 4th CRS will appear show up as a USAF unit (without impact on anything else than text displayed on the loadout screen).
It was the best compromise to be both working with Formosa Freedom and still be compatible with the standard implementation.
At the moment I'm not interested in providing a package solely for that purpose.
The necessary campaign files have been modified to use the updated RF-84F, just overwrite the original files.
Be aware that it will leave the RF-84F using my old naming convention in place, it's up to you to delete it if it creates confusion in single mission play.
At the moment I'm not interested in providing a package solely for that purpose.
v0.2 (10/08/2012) (6 variants, 15 skins, 2 campaign updates)
Skin naming convention changed to make maintenance easier, you should remove the older skins, the "new" ones are identical
RF-84F_NATO1 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Camo skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 16 planes, circa late 1960, Brustem, BE
RF-84F_NATO2 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, late Republic Seat)
1 Camo skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 15 planes, circa late 1962, Brustem, BE
RF-84F_TW (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for 4th CRS (ROCAF), 22 planes, circa late 1958, SongShan, TW
RF-84F_US (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for 38th TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1955, Sembach, DE
Operation Formosa Freedom
1 set of files to add to JonathanRL's Operation Formosa Freedom v1.1
1956 Suez Crisis
1 set of files to update the Israel 45-56 mod to use the new RF-84F naming convention (and benefit from the updated skins and inis)
v0.1 (11/03/2011) (4 variants, 11 skins)
RF-84F_FR1 (based on the updated RF-84F, no spoilers, no brake chute, French pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for ER 4/33 "Fumassol" (France), 14 planes, for Operation 700 / Musketeer / Suez War, Akrotiri, Cyprus, UK
RF-84F_FR2 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, French pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for ER 1/33 "Belfort" (France), 24 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
1 Silver skin for ER 2/33 "Savoie" (France), 23 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
1 Silver skin for ER 3/33 "Moselle" (France), 23 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
RF-84F_NATO1 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for 306 Sqn. (Netherlands), 16 planes, circa late 1956, Eindhoven, NL
1 Silver skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 14 planes, circa late 1956, Brustem, BE
1 Silver skin for 717 Esk. (Norway), 21 planes, circa late 1956, Rygge, NO
RF-84F_US (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
1 Silver skin for 32nd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Sembach, DE
1 Silver skin for 38th TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Sembach, DE
1 Silver skin for 302nd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Spangdahlem, DE
1 Silver skin for 303rd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Spangdahlem, DE
- The spoilers are not part of the model and are only painted on.
- The brake chute fairing is there even on early models.
- Some skins are not "right" due to subtle mapping problems and a model not 100% accurate.
- Some parts inherit the global skin lighting values instead of having these set to fixed values.
- There may be some decal bleeding on lower visual settings as in some cases I only leave a 1 pixel margin.
- Some more panel changes and details
- Normal and specular maps, maybe, when/if Florian has the time and motivation to do so
- 15th TRS and 45th TRS PACAF planes
- 1962 and 1968 European planes
- Greek, Turkish and Italian planes
- 1955, 1957 variants for USAFE, various others (French early camo trials, Luftwaffe WS50...)
- Templates and full documentation
- NF5 updates
- Version specific hangars and loading screens
- Integration of feedback
Original 3D Model : Michael Davies & Alphasim (porting rights granted to GMG)
3D Conversion & Animations : Amokfloo / Florian
Cockpit : Zurawski (taken from his F-86)
INI work : Amokfloo / Florian, Soulfreak / Soulman, NeverEnough
Damage textures : Amokfloo / Florian
Model update for SF2 : Amokfloo / Florian
Various small fixes : Israel 48/56 Team
Ejection Seats
Republic Ejection Seats : Steve_S
Martin Baker Gw5 Ejection Seat : ravenclaw_007
Original Skins and templates : Soulfreak / Soulman, ravenclaw_007
Enhanced templates, skins and compilation of bits : Gunrunner
A huge thanks to all the modders allowing me to bundle their work with my skins or taking the time to explain why they'd rather not, to eburger68 for his work on NATO Fighters motivating me to get back to work and of course to CA and TK for a wonderful toy and the community to go with it.
If I forgot someone or believe I've included your work without proper credits, permissions or respect for your terms of use, do not hesitate to contact me on Combat Ace forums.
Wings over Suez by Brian Cull
Tactical Reconnaissance in the Cold War by Doug Gordon
Squadron/Signal Fighting Colors #6504 - USAF Europe in Color, Vol.1 : 1948-1965 by Robert Robinson
Squadron/Signal Fighting Colors #6563 - USAF Europe in Color, Vol.2 : 1957-1963 by Robert Robinson
Squadron/Signal Aircraft in action #1061 - F-84 Thunderjet by Larry Davis, David Menard and Don Greer
Wing Masters HS 11 : Suez 1956 : Opération Mousquetaire
And of course the Internet...
With first and foremost, the unavoidable Joe Baugher : http://www.joebaugher.com
Nathan Decker's Forgotten Jets : http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html
and countless others...
- rf-84f
- suez crisis
- (and 6 more)
F-84G Thunderjet - US Red Star Vol. 1
By paulopanz
A complete SF-2 plane made using current Russo's F-84G model but following original SF-1 by Omer (readme included).
The Silver skins (3) are new and I have to thank Shusjake for his temps.
The Camo Skins (3) are old one edited and fixed on.
This is only the first of US planes with red stars on I made.
For the experts: silver ones have early and camo late airbrakes.
Thirdwire F-84F Mega Skin & update Pack
By Soulfreak
F-84F Mega Skin-Pack & update.
By Ludo.m54, Soulfreak & Ravenclaw_007
This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire F-84F for StrikeFighters 2 (latest standart).
Addet new Tanks. some Parts on the model and some ini changes done.
This Mod is optimizrd for the latest SF2 Standart (Exp. Pack 2)
- Wing Pitot (pressure probe) for the J-65-W-7 Engine
- New Drop Tanks
- New Weapons
- New Hangar & Loading Screens
- 2 New USAF Skins
- 12 New West-German Skins (All Units covered)
- 11 New Armée de l'Air Skins
- addet Zurawskis F-86 cockpit to make the F-84F flyable
- Edited the inis (Loadout, Data)
Skins are all in High Rez.
User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024.
- Ludo.m54 for the outstanding Templates, the French & 78TFS Skins
- Ravenclaw_007 for the new Tanks, weapons, Pressure Probe & Ini edits
- Zurawski for the F-86 cockpit
- Wrench for his Work before on the F-84F
- Soulfreak for the German & the 4512th CCTS Skins and the new hangar & loading screens
- Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock F-84F
Special Thanks to Harald Hensel from www.hahen.de who providet great references to me about the F-84F in the GAF.
Mod is for SF2 Serie (latest Standart)!!!
integrated tanks removed and addet Ravenclaw´s tanks.
Mod is tested only in SF2 europe Exp. 2
this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
I hope you´ll like this Mod.
Schapen, 04th Decembre 2010
Carlo "Souli" Vecchi
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits
By NeverEnough
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits 06-04-10
F-86F Cockpit by Zurawski
Early 1960's French Pilot by Corktip 14, based on Diego's USAF Korean War pilot.
Martin Baker Mk3 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007
F-84f Hangar Screen from the Mirage Factory F-84F Package
F-84F Loadout tga by Paulopanz
F-84F Data.INI tweaks and F-84F Loading Screens by NeverEnough
The Thirdwire F-84F model is very nicely done for an AI only model, and can be easily finished into a real fine ride.
The latest version included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, so these have been
added in this tweaked Data.ini. The taillight was located about six feet behind the aircraft, and the navigation lights on each side of the tail
are modeled but have no entries in the stock Data.ini. The tailight location was corrected and the tail navigation lights are added in the included
Data.ini. The front landing light has also been added, and SHIFT 0 will open and close the cockpit canopy.
The early 1960's French pilot is a nice addition, and he looks great sitting in ravenclaw_007's beautiful new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat.
The new loading screen is a French F-84F with Suez campaign stripes, which looks especially fitting when used with Paulopanz's Suez SuperPack skins!
An alternate loading screen of a beautifully restored Italian F-84F is also included for a SF2E installation.
Give this kite a test drive, and discover what a treat it is. Be sure to include Paulopanz's Suez skins, and you will be looking good.
Installation notes:
Simply copy the contents of the included Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Exp1, or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe folder.
To use the Italian F-84F Loading Screen, change the line in the F-84F.INI as shown below:
AircraftFullName=F-84F Thunderstreak
Loadingscreen=F84F_Loading.bmp <<<<<<<< Change this to F-84F_Loading.bmp
SF2 F-84G v1.2
By suhsjake
Updated, Bunch O' Fixes. Added F-84B/C variant.
RussoUK2004 ~ F-84G and F-84D model
Wrench ~ F-84B/C/D mod
SteveS ~ Republic Seat
Spillone104 ~ J47 Exhaust Effects
PauloPanz ~ Testing and UserList.ini
Zur ~ F-86 Tanks
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.
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