10 files
Improved Ground Gun Accuracy
By orsin
The purpose of this mod is to improve the ground gun accuracy especially the AA Guns. It changes the game's default ballistic coefficient entries and make better speed retention for trajectory items. Thus it makes guns perform much better for anything flying straight line.
I have included 2 types of data in this mod. Please choose the one that works better for you.
Type A = Ballistic Coefficient changed to 1.1 times, better gun accuracy.
Type B = Ballistic Coefficient changed to 1.2 times, even higher gun accuracy but may influence AI plane in missions.
Also included the ballisticdata change program which when open in a folder that contains G1.dat, will allow you to change the entries.
For artillery, in addition to this mod, you can also change the accuracy in the gun data to 125 (yes, you can actually exceed 100)
Extract the G1.dat file under Type A or Type B folder under Objects folder in your mod directory
Delete G1.dat file under Objects folder in your mod directory
DLC 28: AVIA S-99/S-199 Flaps Fix
By gerwin
Strike Fighters 2 - DLC 28: AVIA S-99/S-199 Flaps Fix
Fix for the bugged flaps of the aircraft Avia S-99 and S-199.
Fixes the meshes and adjust the data.ini for both planes.
This is a patch for the file DLCData028.DLC of 121.878.708 bytes
Found in your SF2\DLC folder.
For safety backup your original DLCData028.DLC file.
The distance LODs will not be fixed, so it is advisable to change the distance in S-99.ini and S-199.ini like below:
[LOD001] Filename=S-99.lod //Distance=120 Distance=300 Gerwin 4-7-2019
RAF-style mirror object addon to match Stary's early WWII cockpit
By StephenM
This mod is for WWII themed SF2 installs. It uses Fastcargo's Fake Pilot and seat method to attach a new RAF-style rear-view mirror LOD that matches the shape of the one in Stary's Early WWII pit to the aircraft of your choice. Instructions on how to do this are provided.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement.
SF2 YAP F-100F Fuel Probe Shadow Line Fix
By Geary
SF2 YAP F-100F Fuel Probe Shadow Line Fix
This mod is for the payware YAP F-100F Super Sabre.
Thanks and Credit go to:
yakarov79 - for creating this new, shadow free fuel probe. Thank you Jarek.
FastCargo - for creating the FakePilot.
This mod uses the Fake Pilot method to fix the YAP F-100F shadow line.
A .psd file is included if you wish to repaint the fuel probe. It is currently painted in the USAF SEA paint scheme.
This will not work in SF1.
Drop the F-100F and FakePilot folders into your installation's Pilot Folder.
Back up your F-100F_Data.ini file in your aircraft F-100F plane folder and overwrite it with the provided F-100F_Data.ini file. (This file hides the old/original fuel probe and adds the new fuel probe to the plane.)
That's it. The fuel probe shadow line is gone.
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's work or property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me.
SF2_mesa Radar
By acesfakia
this is the 3d max and a Lod ..... file that i make......for the Multi-Role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) Surveillance Radar
So if someone want to use it as a fake Pilot......is a Lod inside file.....with uv map...!!! Also a 3d's max file to save time. The cordinates...are not 100...%...
Need recalculate.....with the plane...737....for 100% size....!!!
A friend ask me.....about the file...so i give it to all....! This is more.....for beginners..in modelling....with 3d max..
The MESA radar provides air-to-air coverage, air-to-surface coverage, integrated identification friend or foe, special track beams and focused sector operation.
MESA builds on the company's expertise acquired from the AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) to bring military airborne surveillance capabilities to mid-size Boeing 737 aircraft.
MESA enables sophisticated air-to-air and maritime coverage and integrated identification of friend-or-foe systems.
Advances in technology have caused a revolution in the capabilities and flexibility of airborne surveillance systems and sensors used in Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems. Developments in distributed transmitters, commercial off-the-shelf processing and high-performance antenna arrays have enabled ES multirole electronically scanned array (MESA) radar to be cost effectively applied to the next generation Boeing 737-700 series aircraft.
source= http://www.northropgrumman.com/Capabilities/mesa/Pages/default.aspx
sf2 MM40 Exocet for land launcher
By acesfakia
This is a 3ds max file for mod...... for the mm40 exocet missile
Include bmp file
I will make the truck also in the future
This is a freeware
SF2 Ground personal 3ds max file
By acesfakia
this is from my first try ...in max files
is only a max file for any one want to make .....a ground mechanic's or in the tower personal
i hope you like it
Attention is only the 3ds file......for max 2008,2009 ....!!!!
for new mod's
SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
SF2 Lavochkin La-9 FM Tweeks Pak 8/21/2013
= For SF2 (Any/All; Full5 Merged Reccomended!)
**This mod will -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs**
This pak contains a new _data.ini for the recently re-released La-9 packakage by PauloPanz.
It incorporates a new FM, much closer to SF2 standards, that will prevent the aircraft from 'mushing' into the ground on AI controled wingmates. See "Notes" for (mostly) coherent Change List
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
ps: wilches prop fix has already been applied to this data ini
Lavochkin static prop fix
By Wilches
Dear simmers
This files are made to fix the Bunyap´s great Lavochkin La-9/11 wich´s lacking the static prop. To install place the DATA.INI files inside the respective plane. The SLOWPROP.TGA goes to every skin folder replacing the older one. Now the Lavs got props when parked and start engine! Hope you guys like it.
It´s a freeware, so you can use freely wich means that you don´t need to ask any kind of permission to post, change or anything else.
Claudio Wilches - August 2013
BOL countermeasures fix for the F-15C, EF-2000, JAS-39C, Tornado F3, NF4 Tornado F3, F-14A/B, F-14D, F/A-18
By dtmdragon
This pack corrects the countermeasures on the following aircraft to include the Saab BOL Advanced Countermeasure Dispenser:
*F-15C http://combatace.com...ck-version-231/
*EF-2000 Eurofighter http://combatace.com...urofighter-sf2/
*JAS-39C Gripen http://combatace.com...for-sf2-series/
*Tornado F3 http://combatace.com...ado-f3-for-sf2/
*Tornado F3 (NATO Fighters 4) http://combatace.com...-update-pack-4/
*F-14A & B http://combatace.com...d-f-14b-tomcat/
*F-14D http://combatace.com...297-sf2e-f-14d/
*RAAF F/A-18 http://combatace.com...ike-fighters-2/
The BOL countermeasure dispenser is a 160 shot dispenser that has been integrated into a AIM-9/ AMRAAM launching rail (LAU-7, LAU-127/128/129,CRL,MPRL). The BOL is a non pyrotechnic dispenser that uses air scoops on the dispenser and the wing vortex of the aircraft to disperse its packets of Chaff. The countermeasure is launched rearward from a port in the rear end of the rail. For IR threats a new burning chaff product is being developed. For the above aircraft the BOL launchers are normally loaded with 160 chaff each which frees up the aircrafts existing pyrotechnic launcher/s for a full load of flares. That is what this mod recreates. The weapon station that carries the BOL launcher on the above aircraft has been made to stay even when the station is not loaded otherwise you would have chaff launching from mid air when you had no weapon loaded on that rail to make the node show up.
-USAF and ANG F-15C fighters had the four wing sidewinder/AMRAAM rails replaced with BOL versions around 2000.
-USN F-14A/B/D Tomcats had the BOL launchers fitted in the early 90’s in place of their two sidewinder rails.
-Australian F/A-18 Hornets had BOL dispensers added to the sides of the outer wing pylons, I have been able to paint these onto the skin.
-Unsure when the Tornado F3 was equipped with the BOL but they are on the two inside AIM-9 rail positions. I am unable to make the dispensing position move with the swinging wings so the chaff is launched from the position the rear of the sidewinder rails are in when the wing is in the fully swept position.
-I have been able to paint on the details of the BOL launchers on the Gripen rails as the way the skin was done allowed for it. The Gripen rails still disappear when not loaded as there is no dedicated position for short range missile rails like the other aircraft and the BOL launcher is only used when an air-to-air missile is loaded on that station.
Credit goes to the Authors of the original aircraft as all I have done is made a few alterations.
Instillation: Simply copy and paste the included data.ini files into the correct aircraft folder and overwrite.
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