About This File
F-4D Cockpit Pack
includet in this pack are
- F-4D cockpit
- F-4D_67 cockpit
- F-4D_71 cockpit ( full aircraft folder )
- F-4D_75 cockpit
- F-4D_78 cockpit
- weapons pack
- nuclear effects for B61 and Walley Mk6 ( only in case you dont have this files )
if you have the BETA cockpits for testing than PLEASE delete them before you install the new ones , to install just drop the files in to the respective aircraft folder
i corrected the existing position lights and added the missing position lights as well as the landing lights , i also addet the cockpit open/close function and the functioning arresting hook , the top fuselage position light ( behind the cockpit ) is more or less on the right position ( i did not change this position ) but the texture for it on the skin is on the wrong position , maybe somebody can come up with some new and corrected skins for this F-4D aircraft
NOTE: the files includet in the Effects folder are only in case you dont have them , if you have this files than there is no need to install them again , the files are neede to have the nuclear effects for the B61 bombs and the Walley Mk6
NOTE: Before installing the new weapons i strongly recomend to delet or remove the existing ones with the same name as the new ones ( i know that this is time consuming but this way you make sure that this weapons work as they should )
i made a lot of test with the cockpits and the changed data.ini´s and loadout.ini´s if there are still problems please let me know
have fun , ravenclaw_007
What's New in Version 1.0.3
Version 1.03
what is new
- F-4D Cockpit Pack is updated
- F-4D Cockpit Fix updated
- F-4D_Radar_PPI removed from cockpit folder
- New F-4D_Radar texture
- Radar and TV Display texture size is set to1024 x 1024 in Avionics.ini
- Gunsight Depression optimised
- Gun Sight Mode Selector Knob is set to HUD_MODE_INDIDCATOR , to work with CAGE mode
- F-4D_IRIAF and F-4D_IRIAF_76 cockpits are added
F-4D Cockpit Pack = F-4D cockpits and ini´s , Weapons Pack and Nuclear Effects for B61 and Walleye Mk6 ( no need to add the Effects if you have this Effects already )
F-4D Cockpit Fix = F-4D cockpits and ini´s , for everybody whop has the latest F-4D cockpits
NOTE: i added a F-4D Cockpit Fix for everybody who has already downloaded the F-4D Cockpit pack , Please REMOVE the existing Cockpit folder before adding the new one in to the respective aircraft folder , copy and drop the new ini´s in to the respective aircraft folder and let overwrite if ask to
i have tested all cockpits and could not find any problems , if you find something wrong Please inform me so i can fix it
regards ravenclaw_007