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Fast Eagle sick....

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Ok shipmates,


Fast Eagle has pneumonia. Keep him in your prayers.


I will keep you posted.


Chief Ward

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Guest Ranger332

rgr will do

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I got double pneumonia last year about this time and spent a week in the hospital. :( I know how he feels. I will keep him in my prayers and hope he feels better. Thanks for the heads up Chief, by the way.

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Hey, get well soon Fast Eagle!

Hope to c ya in the F-14 forum real soon.

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It will take more than phuemonia to take down FE. :0

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The Eagle has landed.....DOUBLE PNEUMONIA....this sucks


I'm back home after a 5 hr stint at sick bay, where the evil bloodsuckers filled me with IV's of antibiotics.

Now I'm supposed to be on bedrest for 10 days then a recheck, so for now I can atleast still keep up with the goings on of the community






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Guest Ranger332

did you ever dought it BRo :D

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thank god, he's okay, the squad would have fallen apart in no time without him... well maybe. :)


Well atleast now I can feel relieved, now that my brief stint as CO is over. :lol:

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Uh oh, I feel a power strugle in the works. Throwing down a coup while the head of state is ill. You should know better Snapple. It's okay Eagle. 332nd squadron will run counter-insurgency for you in your absence. :wink:

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Glad yur doin better Eagle. I grew up and became the man I am today thanks to all those anti-biotics I took as a kid for pnuemonia. Germs dont even come close to me anymore...


Just do what the Doc says and REST. The squadron will keep runnin more or less in yur absence. Then, when yur over the illness, you can chew out all the dopes that screwed things up while you were away. That always made me feel better, hehehe. :D

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Hey skipper


Glad you are on the way to recovery, shipmate.


Thought I would give you an update on our X-plane issue. My computer guru friend finally made it over yesterday, but he wasn't of any help, directly. He is, however, very much involved with the DSL Reports website, and they are looking at solutions to the problem. I was thinking that the easiest solution to this, would be to contact someone who regularly uses the Internet connection feature of X-Plane, and perhaps using Teamspeak, or some other voice comm program - I could solve this problem?


Anyway, let me know how you are doing.


Fly Navy!


Chief W.

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Is pneumonia really that dangerous? I mean, you don't normally hear of anybody dying from it unless they are really old anymore, right?


Well, it must certainly be uncomfortable, so *raises mug* Here's to a quick recovery!

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If you have respiratory problems or do not take care of it properly, it can make you very sick, and yeah, it could kill you. It is mostly just an accumulation of fluid in your lungs, so you would drown. Yuck!

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