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Frightening Encounter

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I felt honored and privileged to be among those fortunate enough to be assigned to the fleet aviation arm's first Yakovlev 141M squadron. What a beast! It is, in many regards, far superior to NATO's Harrier, and will not be taken lightly by the opposition (as was the Yakovlev 38).


While on our first operational cruise, we were tasked with providing support for our Parani allies. As a show of strength and socialist solidarity, we patrolled along the Parani border airspace, daring the imperialists to come within range of our advanced R-73 rockets. They would not come up to play, cowardly dogs that they are...or so we thought.


We were on the last leg of our patrol, and our GCI and AWACs Tupolev reported that they had zero contacts on their radars. This was all too easy. Suddenly, comrade Captain Marchenko reported a strange "tingle" on his radar warning gear. It was far too weak to be a radar source, but it came and went at steady intervals, as if someone were probing for us with some strange and clever piece of electronic gear. We reported this to our controller, and were quickly ordered to investigate, as the bearing showed that the source was behind us, in Parani airspace.


Just as we completed our turn, I caught the sun glinting off a canopy...and there it was!




I stood my aircraft on its tail, pushed the throttles well past the reheat detent, and selected an R-73. What's this? No lock tone! I quickly switched to my other R-73, and it too, failed to lock. Despite the reassuring sound of the seeker head searching for a target, it failed to acquire the target. My wingman Nico, warned me that another of the strange aircraft had positioned itself on my six o'clock, and he too, could not acquire infrared lock tone, nor even see it on his radar, for that matter!


Taking a cue from this, I immediately selected my gun, and much to my dismay, the gun radar would not track, either. I was astounded..




My reverie was broken by the air group commander on our ship, who ordered us not to engage. I broke off, and then saw the aircraft that had been sitting behind, pass by my starboard side...




What manner of sorcery is this?

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You are such a tease!!


Nicely written though!



kevin stein

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What burns me, Wrench, is that while we (as virtual pilots) cannot utilize pitch-linked thrust vectoring, the fracking AI can, and does it well! Notice that the buner flames are at the same deflection angle as the stabs in the last image. TK needs to fix this.

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I felt honored and privileged to be among those fortunate enough to be assigned to the fleet aviation arm's first Yakovlev 141M squadron. What a beast! It is, in many regards, far superior to NATO's Harrier, and will not be taken lightly by the opposition (as was the Yakovlev 38).


While on our first operational cruise, we were tasked with providing support for our Parani allies. As a show of strength and socialist solidarity, we patrolled along the Parani border airspace, daring the imperialists to come within range of our advanced R-73 rockets. They would not come up to play, cowardly dogs that they are...or so we thought.


We were on the last leg of our patrol, and our GCI and AWACs Tupolev reported that they had zero contacts on their radars. This was all too easy. Suddenly, comrade Captain Marchenko reported a strange "tingle" on his radar warning gear. It was far too weak to be a radar source, but it came and went at steady intervals, as if someone were probing for us with some strange and clever piece of electronic gear. We reported this to our controller, and were quickly ordered to investigate, as the bearing showed that the source was behind us, in Parani airspace.


Just as we completed our turn, I caught the sun glinting off a canopy...and there it was!




I stood my aircraft on its tail, pushed the throttles well past the reheat detent, and selected an R-73. What's this? No lock tone! I quickly switched to my other R-73, and it too, failed to lock. Despite the reassuring sound of the seeker head searching for a target, it failed to acquire the target. My wingman Nico, warned me that another of the strange aircraft had positioned itself on my six o'clock, and he too, could not acquire infrared lock tone, nor even see it on his radar, for that matter!


Taking a cue from this, I immediately selected my gun, and much to my dismay, the gun radar would not track, either. I was astounded..




My reverie was broken by the air group commander on our ship, who ordered us not to engage. I broke off, and then saw the aircraft that had been sitting behind, pass by my starboard side...




What manner of sorcery is this?


Had me hanging on every word! So did you make it home safe?

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Great story Ed, give us some more.

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That's a good story Fubur512... :smile:

Nice :victory:


Also nice HUD!!!!

Edited by gerald14

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UGGGHHHHH! Damn I want, I want!!!!!!!!!!! Damn good dude! You are such a tease though! Good story, I think there should be a section where we can post made up stories like that because I know I can make some yall will like (I think).

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What burns me, Wrench, is that while we (as virtual pilots) cannot utilize pitch-linked thrust vectoring, the fracking AI can, and does it well! Notice that the buner flames are at the same deflection angle as the stabs in the last image. TK needs to fix this.



Looking great Fubar!! My first impression was tease also :wink: . I'm looking forward to that F-22.


About the thrust vectoring, I've seen the AI do it also. It happened with the F-4E in a WOE single mission. The only thing I've changed is the cockpit. I'm using the photo real mod here on CA. I saw the 3 AI in my flight with the exhaust vectored down about 45 degrees during the approach for landing.





If the image attached, I'm in 161 on the right wing, and AI is in 163 with the vectored exhaust.

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Next time try a heat seeker :biggrin:

Edited by CoolHand29

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You mean the F-22 is possible,but for AI only by now?


BTW,I also VTOLed when I was trying to do the same.

I accidentally pressed "A" and the Freestyle started to VTOff!( avery poor VTOL,but...)

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Can the game model a situation where a plane goes to burner and gives off a better heat signal to track? Ive never noticed any difference in this regard.



The know it alls at f-16.net certainly think the F-22 is conventional when it comes to modern heaters - it still gives off heat friction on the airframe etc

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Can the game model a situation where a plane goes to burner and gives off a better heat signal to track? Ive never noticed any difference in this regard.

The know it alls at f-16.net certainly think the F-22 is conventional when it comes to modern heaters - it still gives off heat friction on the airframe etc


Truth be told, I had the Raptor's IR signature value set so low, that it was virtually an Infrared "black hole".


Unfortunately, setting RCS values seems to currently be an "all or nothing" deal. It'd be nice if it worked to the point that it was tunable.


LPI radar is likewise not modeled.

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I don't think ANY sim has ever modeled LPI radar.

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Why not to link Vectorthrust with a slider on a Joystick, like on my X-52 and model the VT in normal position, fligh straight, the sliders has to be in the middle to. Then you can control the VT with the slider like the engine output on the Harrier. But with the posibillity to turn it upwards and downwards...


What about this.. ok it`s not the real Joystick control but near...

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The thing is, pitch linked thrust vectoring seems to work to a degree, at least visually in the Mig-29OVT. The visual only seems to work for downward though.


Regarding the Yak, having the AB and thrust vectoring was supposed to be impossible as well, but thats been proven otherwise.

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Pitch-linked thrust only works with forward (downward) stick displacement.


The actual thrust vector (not just the effect), can be set to work at a negative pitch angle, or pitch up. While that may sound good, the controls are then at odds to one another. The thrust vector is such that it is trying to pitch the nose of the aircraft up, while the stabs are trying to pitch it down. TK needs to allow thrust-pitch for the full range, and also to reverse the pitch-linking.

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