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Would someone please make a tu_160 for Woe and tell me when its done thanks

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At the moment it doesn't appear to be on any of the WIP lists. You can take a look at the lists that are either here or at C5 to see if I missed a WIP note. I do know that there are quite a few projects going at this time though :).

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Guest Saganuay82

Are you on a schedule? Would you like to have it before a certain date? We'll have to notify the Modeling, Effects, Flight Model and Paint Depts separately and I'm sure there are a few projects in the list ahead in the production schedule.


Please stand by and we will send out notifications to your account when the model is completed.

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Would someone please make a tu_160 for Woe and tell me when its done thanks


What's up with these single post-and-goes...


They all need to have a nice cup from Smilin Joe...



Edited by FastCargo

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What's up with these single post-and-goes...


They all need to have a nice cup from Smilin Joe...




What amazes me, is this is about the third post from someone asking about a model, that was mentioned as a WIP in another post, just a few threads down.


In fact, I found it quite ironic (and hilarious) that one individual actually started a thread inquiring as to the F-22's status, when there was a thread that mentioned the '22 in its title, just two posts beneath his! :rofl:


As Hrntfixer would say...DUR TA DUR!

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What amazes me, is this is about the third post from someone asking about a model, that was mentioned as a WIP in another post, just a few threads down.


In fact, I found it quite ironic (and hilarious) that one individual actually started a thread inquiring as to the F-22's status, when there was a thread that mentioned the '22 in its title, just two posts beneath his! :rofl:


As Hrntfixer would say...DUR TA DUR!


Remember when this used to happen in regards to the Su-27... Ahhh, takes me back. :no:

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I want a hamburger... no, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake...

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Would someone please make a tu_160 for Woe and tell me when its done thanks


Dude, that's just down right rude. These people spend their own time to make this game better for the community and they don't get paid to do it. I noticed that this is your first post so I'll go off with a little bit of grace here and excuse your arrogance for simple innocent ignorance. But next time, don't be demanding for a model to be made and to be kept on an update on when it will be ready (well, that's how it sounds like from your post). The correct way to ask that question would be... "I was searching for a Tu-160 and couldn't find one. Is there any information available about one that possibly in the works?" However, don't ever as for when it will be done, 'cause that just pisses modders off. They got a real life to live, and modeling isn't the main part of it. Please think about what you want to say before you say it. Thank you.

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As Hrntfixer would say...DUR TA DUR!


No, no, no...if he's quoting Carlos Menica, it's 'Dee Dee Dee'! He even reiterated this on his latest episode! :)


And like other people have said to the OP, dude, learn to ask better, or even more than that, learn to and do it yourself!


And for you newbies...for the love of God, stop asking about an F-22...


I could never be a moderator...I'd end up squashing people like bugs! At least 'English is a second language' folks have an excuse...



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Well i didn't ask carlos for permissions like we have to in SF so I'm going with DUR TA DUR!





And for the love of everything holy......


I want this is SF , you do all the work and then tell me when it's done. Or better yet let me

get all the free info from the people in the know and then I'll sell it back to you. Oh or how about this one....

You use my stuff and I'll get legal on you!!!!!!!!!! It's a FREAKIN game



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Ditto what HrntFxr said!

Remember the "How is this done", "How is this done", "How is this done"; that turned into "Buy this", "Buy this", "Buy this"!

This community freely gives of itself; unfortunately there will always be those that freely take for themselves.

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No, no, no...if he's quoting Carlos Menica, it's 'Dee Dee Dee'! He even reiterated this on his latest episode! :)


And like other people have said to the OP, dude, learn to ask better, or even more than that, learn to and do it yourself!


And for you newbies...for the love of God, stop asking about an F-22...


I could never be a moderator...I'd end up squashing people like bugs! At least 'English is a second language' folks have an excuse...




Trust me man, it's one of those jobs where you just walk the fine line sometimes, and it's hard, maybe for me in light of recent events, to not cross it, but once you do... Game on and then you're dodging your other Moderators, or whoever, and sometimes you gotta be defanged but that's something else. Matter of fact I still have Moderator nightmares from the Ubi forums. I just don't go back there man, there's nothing more for me there. EDIT: Well I stopped back there and still have Moderator status, so I guess I'm still "active" though I figured Xinterface would have let me go.. oh well..


And the bad thing is, I'm in the training environment (well okay, this is my last week!!!!), and I see the same crap here online, that I see with the Privates. There's no escape, but Friday there will be!


But the point is we get the same stuff, gimme gimme gimme. Sure there are somethings I can't do, but there somethings I can, and I try and stay within those limits. And if I can't help modelling or texture-wise (last one hypothetically), then hell I can always take the time to find ref photos, whatever.

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Wow... this post remindes me of me when I first started posting...Im trying to figure out how to do the whole modding thing myself. I would be happy to take on these types of projects...If I knew how... :biggrin:

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Would someone please make a tu_160 for Woe and tell me when its done thanks





Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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That made my day :smile:

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That made my day :smile:


I recall doing that to someone, once, myself. I believe that it was Maverick, back when he was spamming the boards regarding the F-14A's progress.


But at least Lexx's looks more like an airplane than mine did; If I'm not mistaken Column5 said that my rendering looked like a "Klingon Bowel Movement" :biggrin:

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There are times when you just don't want to know, and this is one of them :smile:

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There´s a waeird Tupolev interceptor that I would to see ingame too...

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New Topic header: Problem with TU-160 Model!!


Ummmm........... uhhhhhh.......... ummmmmmm........

is there a better skin for it?? :rofl:

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However, don't ever as for when it will be done, 'cause that just pisses modders off.



When's your F-35 gonna be ready? I really wanna fly it! Thanks! jk :tongue:


Don't hurt me... you're the kinda guy who looks like who owns a colt commando... :tomato2: :rofl:

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Wow... this post remindes me of me when I first started posting...Im trying to figure out how to do the whole modding thing myself. I would be happy to take on these types of projects...If I knew how... :biggrin:



Don't get me wrong...................



I don't mind helping out, but the whole turn around and ..... well i'll let it lay with that....


If you want to mod,skin, etc etc... there are tons of tutorials and advice to be found not just here but at other sites as well. The more people modding the better it gets!!!!

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Guest Saganuay82

Time to close this one isn't it? Any more points to be made? I think everything has been covered and ridiculed.

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Funny you should mention asking for permission to use Dee Dee Dee, as Mencia is so known in comedy circles for ripping off other people's stuff he's known as "Carlos Menstealia".


That said, his show is funny and I have both seasons on DVD. I never get to catch it live, though. That's ok, uncensored is better. :wink:

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Why cant people just learn to be patient! That irritates me alot! What also irritates me is the fact that people have become just to arrogant or lazy to even search

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Funny you should mention asking for permission to use Dee Dee Dee, as Mencia is so known in comedy circles for ripping off other people's stuff he's known as "Carlos Menstealia".


That said, his show is funny and I have both seasons on DVD. I never get to catch it live, though. That's ok, uncensored is better. :wink:


I know comedy central produces both shows, but I thought Menstealia was a piss poor version of the Chappelle show...

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