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I am not panicking but could someone please.......GET THIS SU OFF MY TAIL......................WIIIIIILLLLMMMMMAAAAA

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YEAH MAN!!! DO A FLIP OVER!!!!!!! :crazy::crazy::rofl::rofl::biggrin:

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go full burner then drop your tanks....oh wait i don't even do that,, nvm i wont tell someone to do something i wont do...umm hug the deck?? and pray

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Chop the throttle and throw out the speedbrakes, Maverick! He'll fly right by ya! Iceman out.

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Wait for Wedge to make a head on pass and blow up the TIE Fighter.....oops...I mean SU on your tail?

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The only advice I can give you is to kiss the F-16 goodbye :diablo:!

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The pic was more of a joke as my wingman smoked him about 3 sec after that pic was taken. I just thought it was a cool view to have.

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The pic was more of a joke as my wingman smoked him about 3 sec after that pic was taken. I just thought it was a cool view to have.


Your WINGMAN smoked him? Stop the presses Margaret, we have a new front page story!

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Nice looking skin on the flanker.


My wingmen have gotten kills before, but a flanker?!

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Your WINGMAN smoked him? Stop the presses Margaret, we have a new front page story!


Yeah when you tell your wingman to cover you he will do that. Its getting the other ones to something that would be amazing.




My wingmen have gotten kills before, but a flanker?!


Not sure what is so unusual about that. My wingman gets all sorts of kills when covering me.

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I think a lot of it has to do with the skill level of the others in your flight. You know in the flight roster it has thier kills, skill level and morale. I found that if i took the guys with a level of 80 or more, they were pretty good. Its the guys with the lower levels that are target practice.

I found also that in CAS missions, i'll load up planes 3 & 4 with clusters, and myself and wingman (with a high skill level), can fly CAP while they attack the ground targets. The more they destroy, the better their skill level gets.

Does anyone else think this?

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I shot down Su-27's alot of times by putting airbrakes and pull a hard lift up and roll over and

Get a Aim-9M or AIM-120 lock on it and boom!!!!!

Or I'll just use my gun for fun!!!

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I think a lot of it has to do with the skill level of the others in your flight. You know in the flight roster it has thier kills, skill level and morale. I found that if i took the guys with a level of 80 or more, they were pretty good. Its the guys with the lower levels that are target practice.

I found also that in CAS missions, i'll load up planes 3 & 4 with clusters, and myself and wingman (with a high skill level), can fly CAP while they attack the ground targets. The more they destroy, the better their skill level gets.

Does anyone else think this?


exactly :wink:

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I didn´t knew that...

I used to say to them to attack my target ort engage air,but they didn´t anything...

That Flanker is looking like the artic camo F-22 from Top Gun Combat Zones.

But if you can´t shake him,call Luke or Wedge!Or fasten your belt...

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I think a lot of it has to do with the skill level of the others in your flight. You know in the flight roster it has thier kills, skill level and morale. I found that if i took the guys with a level of 80 or more, they were pretty good. Its the guys with the lower levels that are target practice.


Try setting every pilot's abilities to 100 using my Squadron Editor. You will see some improvement, but nothing miraculous as I was hoping. Every little bit helps though. What gets me is why the friendly AI always seems to be more stupid than the enemy AI? :dntknw:

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The pic was more of a joke as my wingman smoked him about 3 sec after that pic was taken. I just thought it was a cool view to have.


How the heck did you get your wingman to be useful? Because mine seem to bee to chicken to fight! Example: I was flying a MIG CAP in an F-18 with 6 wingman, when we got suprised by 4 SU-27's and 4 MIG-29A's. As I was engaging one of the Flankers it got on my tail and got lock on to me! So I started to bank and evade and noticed that my wingman had it in perfect fireing poistion but did not fire even when I gave him the order to cover my six! Needless to say he watched as an R-131 fired, evaded my flares and destroyed me! Well anyway I am quite surprised that your wingman is smart and my are total DEE-DEE-DEE's

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How the heck did you get your wingman to be useful? Because mine seem to bee to chicken to fight! Example: I was flying a MIG CAP in an F-18 with 6 wingman, when we got suprised by 4 SU-27's and 4 MIG-29A's. As I was engaging one of the Flankers it got on my tail and got lock on to me! So I started to bank and evade and noticed that my wingman had it in perfect fireing poistion but did not fire even when I gave him the order to cover my six! Needless to say he watched as an R-131 fired, evaded my flares and destroyed me! Well anyway I am quite surprised that your wingman is smart and my are total DEE-DEE-DEE's


I said my wingmMAN is smart. You know the number 2 guy. The others are not.

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I know what meant, but all of my wingmen are REALY STUPID! Even my number 2! But I bet you were relieved that your wingman took him out in the nic of time.

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I know what meant, but all of my wingmen are REALY STUPID! Even my number 2! But I bet you were relieved that your wingman took him out in the nic of time.


I just haven't ever had a problem with my number 2. I always have him cover me and does a good job of it too.

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OOPS! Never mind found out that I wasnt giving orders correctly! Damn I am so STUPID :crazy:!

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Attack My Target ! Works every time.


Eh, not when the wingman is flying a F-14 I guess.

Loaded up with Sidewinders, right behind the enemy who is about three miles away and what does he do?


Tries to get closer and shoot him down with his gun. Needless to say that in most cases their gunnery skills suck.

Needless to say, this was not a single event. Sometimes they do manage to follow orders and achieve something, but IMHO for the most part they are ineffective.


"Cover me" seems indeed to be more effective, but not much.

Edited by Gocad

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It also goes back to which wingman are flying with you. Try and load up a LCDR or above as your #2 and watch him wax some arse!

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