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Guess What Happens in 2 weeks?

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yes i am serious and don't call me Shirly

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{Unplugs Runway Lights}


Just kidding

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Get that finger outta your ear, you don't know where that finger's been!

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Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked, in the head, with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. It's a dumb question, Ted. Skip it.

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A date with Poppy Montgomery or the MiG-29 is being released. OK, I give up.


Hottest chick on TV.

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Jedi Master, you're a member of this crew. Can you face some unpleasant facts?

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Lemme guess what happens...


Harry Potter XIV comes out and it's Octember 45th.


Annnd, once you're finished slaughtering all the eels, give them to me- roasted eel marinated in soy sauce is heaven (no joke) :yes:

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He's all over the place, 900 feet up to 1300 feet...what an a** hole!

Edited by Caesar

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He's all over the place, 900 feet up to 1300 feet...what an a** hole!


One of my favorite lines in the movie.

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Yeah, great bit. Don't know if anyone recognized him, but he usually plays a bad guy in other films of the 80s/early 90s, including the original Beverly Hills Cop.


"Striker was the squadron leader. He brought us in real low. But he couldn't handle it."

"Buddy couldn't handle it? Was Buddy one of your crew?"

"Right. Buddy was the bombardier. But it was Striker who couldn't handle it, and he went to pieces."

"Andy went to pieces?"

"No. Andy was the navigator. He was all right. Buddy went to pieces. It was awful how he came unglued."

"Howie came unglued?"

"Oh, no. Howie was a rock, the best tailgunner in the outfit. Buddy came unglued."

"And he bailed out?"

"No. Andy hung tough. Buddy bailed out. How he survived, it was a miracle."

"Then Howie survived?"

"No, 'fraid not. We lost Howie the next day."

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I'd really like to have my blip switch blipped by some hot young girls with hard blipples. Can I say that here?

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Zip it!

You want to have a suckle on my zipple?

Zip It!......... zip it good!

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You want to have a suckle on my zipple?


Do I get a blip-around afterward?

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This is blippin crazy, what the blip is going on here???????????

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Now this is blippin gone off the deep end....

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Guest 531_Ghost

What happens? BLIP HAPPENS!

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*reads topic* Uhhhh....



Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Blip, Blip, Blipidy, Blip! What the blip have I missed in three days?

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You blippin missed blip!

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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This is blippin crazy, what the blip is going on here???????????


Nothing. You saw nothing. There was no circle blip. You were at home the whole day.

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Awwwwwwwwwww Motherrrrrrrrrrr Blipperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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