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UFO MiGs - anything like this ever happen to you?

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Greeting all,


Just thought I'd share this experience I had the other night.


I was using the Korean Air War full mod (offline), conducting a fighter sweep over Antung - (with a flight of 4 F-86F's). Once over the Antung area, 4 - 6 MiGs were launched. I targeted one of the MiGs, and after some (not so) skillful flying and shooting, I downed one of the MiGs. At that point, I was informed that the mission was complete and we should return to base.


But hey! There are still MiGs in the air, and my guns aren't empty yet! So I target the next closest MiG and go into a shallow dive toward it at 100% power (the target info says it's at 5000' -about 2000' - 3000' below me, and it's speed is only 157 tks!). Which is fine - I'm not above shooting down a plane in the landing pattern!


As I get closer, I see that it is 2 MiGs flying in a very tight formation - dang, those AI are good!


Now, I notice my closure rate is WAY to high - I chop the throttle and extend the speedbrakes. No good, I'm overshooting big time! Speedbrakes in, throttle back to 100 %. I go into a climbing right hand turn to bleed off some speed and drop in behind them.


According to the target info they're accelerating - 250 tks now. I tighten the turn to get an angle on them. As I approach, I notice I'm coming in at their 2 o'clock position, not their rear as I had expected - (Hmm, they must've turned into me.) -so I overshoot again.


I pull up into a steep climb to loop over and get behind them. Near the top of the loop, I look for the MiGs - they're nearly directly below me (2000' - 3000') still flying straight and level, in close formation (Hmm again - I would have thought they would be further away).


UH-OH!!! I'VE STALLED!!! By the time I've straightened out and built up some speed, I'm pulling out just above ground level. I start to climb back up to the MiGs, but don't quite have enough speed to get up to them.


As I go past them, I notice their exhaust is drifting upward just behind them - like they're HOVERING ! :blink:


On my next pass, I hit one, and it burns in place - stationary at 5000' !


At this point, I'm out of ammo, so I return to base.


In retrospect, I believe these 2 MiGs were stationary (due to some glitch) all along. Even though the target info showed their speed as 150 - 250 kts.


My question is: At the debrief, should I have reported that the commies are flying UFOs, or would that have been detrimental to my flying career? :sorry::haha:

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ROTFLMFAO thats awesome, good wisecrack at the end, lol

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Judging from your description, it sounds as if the MiGs you'd encountered had gone "off the map".

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I've had this happen in the Iran-Iraq and Falkans Islands campains. Wierd watching a squadron of MiG-23s or Mirage IIIs hovering with full burner. Of course since I thought that this was stupid the MiG-23s became Tomcat food.

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What, you mean like this:




or this;




or maybe these???











kevin stein


ps: and if/when folks respond, DON'T do a copy/paste or 'reply with quote' that includes the pictures, it wastes time d/lding, clogs the server, and makes people upset. We've had some complaints.

W, The Moderator

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Every terrain has an "invisible" wall around, so that you cant go out of the terrain. Maybe the MiG's run against this wall.

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Had the 'glowing ball' thing one time...never did figure out what the hell caused it...was wierd!!!


And yep, I've hit the edge of the map a few times...



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Had the 'glowing ball' thing one time...never did figure out what the hell caused it...was wierd!!!


The game models random ufo encounters or its a bug? :blink:

Can u get abducted? :biggrin:

Edited by Mladuna

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Guest Saganuay82

Yes the terrain wall. Something made too close to the wall and traffic is routing into it. Makes for good kills when you find them.



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What, you mean like this:


Ehh...this is Wolfpack Lead, i'm surrounded by a number of...ehh...glowing UFOs..please advise... :biggrin:


Say what aircraft are you flying in the screenshots?

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It's an F11F.


Those balls, were those specifically modded to look like ufos or where their Nav lights too big and bright and look like a single light at distance.


I remember reading about something like that happening in real life. I think it was a B-29, or another large 50's bomber that just got 'stuck' and hovered in place for an hour in the bermuda triangle.

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the last one's are a formation of F11F's, before the landing light fix. (it wasn't set to "IsLandingLight=TRUE", so it stayed on all the time)


The others.... :dntknw::rofl:



kevin stein

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AirEast 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind to us?


I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center.

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TWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over.

Negative. We don't want to report.

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AirEast 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind to us?


I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center.


I just know those little gray buggers are gonna prob my @nus. :crazy:

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I just know those little gray buggers are gonna prob my @nus. :crazy:


Why does everything tonight involve something going into or coming out of my @ss? :dntknw:

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Are you going to start dancing and singing

"I love to sing-a, about the moon-a and-a June-a in the spring-a..."

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Are you going to start dancing and singing

"I love to sing-a, about the moon-a and-a June-a in the spring-a..."



DAMN YOU!!!!!!


... Now I got that frick'n song stuck in my head. :crazy:

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Better than a 40 foot satellite dish sticking out of your butt!!! :rofl:


You know, cows just turn themselves inside out sometimes.



kevin stein

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