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New WOI Pics From TK

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Gawd, read the comments under that video. Egyptian "scientists" have apparantly made great modifications to the MiG-21. :haha:

I try to avoid reading the comments on YT, once I was stuck trying to explain to some guy that Corsair and P51D couldn't brake the sound barrier in a dive I think he accepted that in the end :rofl:

After that I decided not to enter aviation debates on YouTube anymore lol

Maybe it's the same guy from TW forums :grin:

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Who would have thought that Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich were really Egyptian "scientists" :rolleyes:

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I try to avoid reading the comments on YT, once I was stuck trying to explain to some guy that Corsair and P51D couldn't brake the sound barrier in a dive I think he accepted that in the end :rofl:

After that I decided not to enter aviation debates on YouTube anymore lol

Maybe it's the same guy from TW forums :grin:


that was you, but I was sure that p-51 can break sound barrier! :rofl:


joke :yes:

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Really? :biggrin:



but, i guess this screen is from that USAF recruitment game who TK make.

theres a M1ABRAAMS and a F-22, but i guess all of those are from USAF:air dominance



sorry, i want see the reply before

Edited by Silverbolt

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hmmm, nice. :biggrin::good:

I will buy it too. I love the work from TK.

can´t wait for WoI...

the only thing that i would like to see is,

that the red-side is flyable (in campaigns too).

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me 2. And some little things, like more life in air bases automaticaly, and engine turn on and off.

somewone now what will be the real changes in WOI?

and...pics of the cockpits

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Guest Seal
Really nice, I hope EB Games, or Best Buy or Future Shop end up carrying this title in quantity. Honestly, SFP1 was a hard one to get a hold of here in Toronto.

That was my priblem too. I just could't find SFP1 in Toronto.

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I remember back in 2002 seeing Strike Fighters Project 1 on the shelf at some store and bought it. I got to thinking as I was driving home what the "project one" in the title might mean. Nice to see how far the game has come over these last few years. Looks like I'll be ponying up the dough for another iteration... :ok:

Edited by pcpilot

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Really nice, I hope EB Games, or Best Buy or Future Shop end up carrying this title in quantity. Honestly, SFP1 was a hard one to get a hold of here in Toronto.


Found Wings Over Europe in mass quantities at a Future Shop in Kingston and Belleville, no problem. :biggrin:

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..hmm looking from the screenshots there doesn`t seem to be any advancements to the SFP1 engine.

I know that I will get slated for this but, I was hoping that we would get something more than a new campaign on a new terrain with new aircraft in a new era. I understand the efforts the team put into each title but this is now the end of 2007 and the game engine is still 2002 with higher resolution textures.

I have got WoV and WoE, but there is not enough sparkle for me to buy WOI for £30.

This game needs a major overhaul, give it some real DX9 eye candy to make us drool - FSX is doing it (but you can`t shoot); LOMAC has done it for years (but not moddable as SFP series) so why can`t TK?

To be honest, I would have paid for a War over Falklands than Israel as it offered a more diverse range of aircraft than another Phantom, MiG-21 or F-16. Playing WoE with the newly released Vulcan and the Valiant aircraft is a different breath of fresh air and I will stick with the games for this diversity.

So, come on TK, just give us a little bit more please?

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This game needs a major overhaul, give it some real DX9 eye candy to make us drool - FSX is doing it (but you can`t shoot); LOMAC has done it for years (but not moddable as SFP series) so why can`t TK?


Yeah well, I don't want to know what FSX would have looked like had it been made under the same conditions TK is putting out these fine sims...

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Hey is the Netz carrying Python 5?

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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..hmm looking from the screenshots there doesn`t seem to be any advancements to the SFP1 engine.

I know that I will get slated for this but, I was hoping that we would get something more than a new campaign on a new terrain with new aircraft in a new era. I understand the efforts the team put into each title but this is now the end of 2007 and the game engine is still 2002 with higher resolution textures.

I have got WoV and WoE, but there is not enough sparkle for me to buy WOI for £30.

This game needs a major overhaul, give it some real DX9 eye candy to make us drool - FSX is doing it (but you can`t shoot); LOMAC has done it for years (but not moddable as SFP series) so why can`t TK?

To be honest, I would have paid for a War over Falklands than Israel as it offered a more diverse range of aircraft than another Phantom, MiG-21 or F-16. Playing WoE with the newly released Vulcan and the Valiant aircraft is a different breath of fresh air and I will stick with the games for this diversity.

So, come on TK, just give us a little bit more please?



Maybe he will in the future when more resources are at his disposal - at the moment hes still pretty much a 1 man band who hires a few people to help out with game development. I think he is pretty limited to doing enough to keep food on his table tbh and that involves looking at what type of game might make money/time scales and what the publisher wants. At least the game is stable - in fact remarkably stable even after modding the cr*p out of it. If you know much about game development and the time it takes what he has achieved is not short of amazing.


Also you can forget about any new features if you dont support the bloke by buying his games!

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This is complete speculation, but I would lay money on more significant enhancements appearing in the next jet game after WOI.

Edited by column5

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I think the game only goes to 1983 so probably not - though its already in the free weapons pack if you need it.




1983...well maybe we will be able to destroy the Osirak reactor then. Man I need to spend more time in the weapons pack.

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One thing I do not understand, and maybe you can clue me in...why does TK seem to always do planes we already have? I mean right when the mod-community really hashed-out the Viet Nam era (with F-105 and A-7 to name just two) then poof Wings Over Viet Nam


Now I see the Mysterie, and Kfir, and here comes Wings Over Israel...


Is it marketing? Does 3Wire go "look, they made it themselves, therefore they must want it"? I mean that stands to reason, but what gives?


Not complaining, just curious...

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One thing I do not understand, and maybe you can clue me in...why does TK seem to always do planes we already have? I mean right when the mod-community really hashed-out the Viet Nam era (with F-105 and A-7 to name just two) then poof Wings Over Viet Nam


Now I see the Mysterie, and Kfir, and here comes Wings Over Israel...


Is it marketing? Does 3Wire go "look, they made it themselves, therefore they must want it"? I mean that stands to reason, but what gives?


Not complaining, just curious...


a new version of some planes by thirdwire are always a interesting thing especially if it have some new features.


i just hope that those new planes will have a better finition than those in woe (the f-15 eagle have a unfinished cockpit, the mig-23 had no damage model, the a-10 had some buggy rear area and so on)


really can't what this will bring to us.

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well said...I guess what I really meant was, how about instead we put static planes and air traffic and fix the medal system and maybe make some more targets besides a comm building and a fuel tank?


Heck, maybe incorporate planes from the modders if that would free up resources. I know I have done pro bono stuff for game companies (way back in the MSFS 98 days) and if one modder was not willing to acquiesce then others probably would, just to get their name out there or be a part of a project.


So it is not my show and if I really didnt like it I could move on, I know...

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well said...I guess what I really meant was, how about instead we put static planes and air traffic and fix the medal system and maybe make some more targets besides a comm building and a fuel tank?


Heck, maybe incorporate planes from the modders if that would free up resources. I know I have done pro bono stuff for game companies (way back in the MSFS 98 days) and if one modder was not willing to acquiesce then others probably would, just to get their name out there or be a part of a project.


So it is not my show and if I really didnt like it I could move on, I know...



in FE we got statics planes on the tarmac, so i guess this feature will be included in the game.

Edited by Murphy'S

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One thing I do not understand, and maybe you can clue me in...why does TK seem to always do planes we already have?

This is my guess (& I'm just as likely to be way off track):

TK looks at what he imagines that will sell either to a wider audience (most of whom may never visit a forum & know what is available or whom don't want to mess around with adding/editing files) or what he can sell to a publisher as appealing to a wider audience.

We know that he's not planning to go head to head with IL2/Falcon 4 (or indeed LOMAC).

So, what gaps are there that you think that the general public might be interested in buying?

Vietnam was an obvious one especially as he already had the F-4.


Having decided on a scenario he then has a budget - so much for coding, so much for a new terrain, so much for new aircraft models etc.

That's why he has always said that he would love to do some other/more aircraft, more features etc. but e.g. he only has the budget for a couple of new user flyables per new release.

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One thing I do not understand, and maybe you can clue me in...why does TK seem to always do planes we already have? I mean right when the mod-community really hashed-out the Viet Nam era (with F-105 and A-7 to name just two) then poof Wings Over Viet Nam


I'm not sure that every user of SF/WOV/WOE is aware of the vast amounts of mods that have been released for this series.


Based on your argument it is almost pointless to do any kind of scenario. Why not just sell some sort of developer kit and wait for the mod-community to come up with some content?


SSI once made such a "build your own AD&D game".

Edited by Gocad

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Hmm...not really pointless, just if planes take so long to get into the game and requires such a large percentage of the budget...then why not get free help with that in order to allow time to fix things that the modders can not get at...kind of like the ejection sequence and how the game records information.


Far from pointless, we call it efficient. There are things that people can do for you, and things that only TK can do...like fix the anti-shipping missions. See, not saying here is the SDK, give me $29.99 rather hey you guys that like this game and can make planes, who wants to build plane x for free, just credit in the credits in order so that my limited budget can go to other areas that you can not do...

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Guest Saganuay82

Probably be a good idea other than for those guys on dialup and would take forever to get the downloads for the aircraft if they were not included with the game.


It would be nice to see the dll work that only TK can do done by him. I do see your point on models already released.

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