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Holy crap! Castro quit!

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Just like it said up there ^^

Ch ch check it out!


I wasn't expecting to see this when I got home. But then again, I wasn't expecting to see Heath Ledger had died when I got to work either... So does this mean that with Raul in charge, things may thaw a little between the US and Cuba?

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Depends, Raul has to be first elected by the National Assembly of People’s Power.


I'm guessing he might be elected, but then again anything can happen.

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Was there last year, and had frequent discussions like "what if..."

and I guess now it's there.....

Cuba as we know/knew it will change.

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Depends, Raul has to be first elected by the National Assembly of People’s Power.


I'm guessing he might be elected, but then again anything can happen.


Very true.

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I'm wondering how many of the millions of Cubans in S Florida will ever move back?

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Lots has happened this month.

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It's Castro's shell-suit suppliers I feel sorry for, they'll be out of business when he shuffles off to that big tobacco leaf in the sky. :blink:

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Guest Bounder

Well now we worry about the replacement. Remember they are only about 90 miles off shore. A terrorist linked leader there bothers me more there then Middle East. :blink:

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Of course, this is the only one we've ever had PROOF had nukes on his soil. :wink:

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All those years of embargo and Castro leaves due to old age. I don't think our policy is working.

Free elections dont matter to the U.S. goverment either. Their boy Batiste who allowed companys to walk all over the Cuban people laid the footwork for crazies like Castro to take power with just a few hundred soilders. I love my country but I know that U.S. foreign policy could care less about the willof a one countries free choice. i.e. 1953 Iran, Agusto Pinochet in Chile, Greek Colonels, East Timor, South Korea and on and on. Once again I love my country but severly distrust my goverment.

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I'm glad Castro finally quit! Cuba has never really been as threat to us after the missile crisis, but i hear his brother is worse than him and i hope he doesn't get put into power. As for the U.S., i think we should lift the embargo with Cuba and open up free trade so i could get my hands on some cigars.

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I wouldn't expect to see any dramatic overnight changes from what I have read Raul is everybit as hardline as Castro used to be and will not be keen to relenquish his hold on the reins and chance to occupy the big chair, but who knows stranger things have happened in eastern europe and elsewhere.



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I'm glad Castro finally quit! Cuba has never really been as threat to us after the missile crisis, but i hear his brother is worse than him and i hope he doesn't get put into power. As for the U.S., i think we should lift the embargo with Cuba and open up free trade so i could get my hands on some cigars.


It hasn't been about Castro's possible threat to the US in decades. It's all about resentment and punishment which is why it's so stupid.

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Good point Jedi Master. By the way because of your avatar everytime I read your post its in Ewan McGregors voice in my head. I sure hope that people hear Dio when they read mine.


A terrorist linked leader there bothers me more there then Middle East. - Bounder


The justice department is protecting a Cuban terroist who blew up an Cuban airliner and tortured people to include

kicking a woman till she had misscarraige and putting cigerettes out on another womens baby.


Look up Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch.

Edited by herman01

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I heard he actually showed up on TV and proved he wasn't dead afterall. Can anyone confirm this?


They really should end the embargo, the trade and tourism would bring Cuba out of poverty and everyone would wonder just why they put up with castro for so long.

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I heard he actually showed up on TV and proved he wasn't dead afterall. Can anyone confirm this?


He's done this a bunch of times since just before Hugo Chavez came to visit. By the way, big shout out to Perez Hilton for making the call about Castro's alleged death last year! Way to go tiger! I've got four words for you: "Swing and a miss." :biggrin:

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I doubt to anything will change uder Raul. Democracy is not the the natural form of goverment and only comes when the people inside a country decide its time to take control of their own goverment. It can only occur if it is organic which is lesson that we should of learned a long time ago.

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Ironically I think the proximity to Florida has HURT them. It's been far too easy for them to get out of Cuba and come here, or for others to make regular trips and bring US $$ with them. Castro needs the money and with US $$ you can get whatever you want in the country (that's there, naturally). With family in the US regularly visiting and bringing them $$ they're happy to sit there and complain about Castro but aren't actually motivated to DO anything about it.

Meanwhile, those in Miami rail against the US for NOT taking out Castro decades ago and decided that since they can't live in Cuba the way they want, they'll turn Miami into a new Cuba and the rest of us can just leave.

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