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Siemka wszystkim (PL)




Mam taki mały problem jeśli chodzi o MIG-a 29...


Mianowicie chodzi mi o to że w czasie gry jedynie mój MIG jest uzbrojony a cała reszta eskadry lata nieuzbrojona, może mi ktoś wyjaśnić o co tu chodzi?? Bo kombinowałem na wszelkie możliwe sposoby. Czy trzeba coś edytowac w plikach konfiguracyjnych?? A może trzeba ściągnąć jakiś mod?? Plz pomózcie będe niezmiernie wdzięczny za pomoc :):):)


To by było chyba na tyle...





(ENG-warning my english is very bad)


Such small problem beguile about it MIG-29...


My walks be arm about it from in time of game namely me only mig but it is necessary whole the rest of squadron lat me that not armed...As it is possible to change it was armed whole squadron in order to? It thanks for assistance :):):)


There was on so many...

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Siemka wszystkim (PL)




Mam taki mały problem jeśli chodzi o MIG-a 29...


Mianowicie chodzi mi o to że w czasie gry jedynie mój MIG jest uzbrojony a cała reszta eskadry lata nieuzbrojona, może mi ktoś wyjaśnić o co tu chodzi?? Bo kombinowałem na wszelkie możliwe sposoby. Czy trzeba coś edytowac w plikach konfiguracyjnych?? A może trzeba ściągnąć jakiś mod?? Plz pomózcie będe niezmiernie wdzięczny za pomoc :):):)


To by było chyba na tyle...





(ENG-warning my english is very bad)


Such small problem beguile about it MIG-29...


My walks be arm about it from in time of game namely me only mig but it is necessary whole the rest of squadron lat me that not armed...As it is possible to change it was armed whole squadron in order to? It thanks for assistance :):):)


There was on so many...


Get Bunyaps weapon pack. Load it. you shouldnt have the same prpblem. if you do then go into the loadout ini, and change the NATO codenamed missiles to their rooskie names. eg aa-11 is r-73m1 or r-73m2, aa-12 is r-77; those missiles ought to give you a fighting chance, depending on your tactics and opponent type. If your up aginst an f-18 or eagle make sure you have the whole squad in the air.

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For complete data and loadout in adjustments, from the "Loadouts For Bunyaps Weapons Pak" thread:










MiG-29G (West German, post re-unification):




the BLW versions, 29G included weapons data for the 'NATO"ized ex-soviet missiles



kevin stein

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Hi Przybysz :biggrin:


I am your neighbour, I am from Slovakia :wink:


As you can see, we have moded many good Mig-29 variants. And we are waiting for another one...


I just want to say you this - we are waiting for new Mig-29A by Mirage factory. If you are Mig-29 lover, it is another mod, which you must need :biggrin: But release date is unknown :dntknw:


Take a look on these screenshots:

Mig-29 cockpit - post nm 368 by Paladrian: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...6201&st=360


Mig-29A external model - post nm 78 by USAFMTL: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...26201&st=60


My english is not hard for you I hope. I am not good englishman too :wink:

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... But release date is unknown :dntknw:



That's not true... The release date is in two weeks :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Look she comes :haha:



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Come to me sweetie :biggrin: Together we will be great team :bb:



Ooooh, legendary two weeks :tumbleweed::smile:

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Jeśli dobrze kumam to uzbrajasz swój samolot ręcznie tzn w menu gry. Jeśli tak to możesz też tam uzbroić inne samoloty w eskadrze. Natomiast, żeby wsio było automatycznie to nazwy uzbrojenia w pliku LOADOUT.ini muszą być takie same jak te które widzisz w weaponedytorze. Ktoś tam Ci pisał zebys ściągnął weaponpacka więc to zrób jak go nie masz.

Edited by CIACHO

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Przybysz, ściągnij Weapon Packa, oraz uaktualnienie dla MiG-29 jak podał Wrench, The

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Polish language mode on:


He he powinniśmy poprosić Adminów o dodanie polsko-języcznego forum skoro są rosyjskie, czeskie itd... :clapping:


Polish language mode off.

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or come to czech - slovak forum ;) i little understand polish language

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That's not true... The release date is in two weeks :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Look she comes :haha:



nice afterburner effect!!!


can i download just that?

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nice afterburner effect!!!


can i download just that?


A short answer: "NO"


Dude, you been around here long enough...you know you can only get new effects by getting the entire airplane!!!!


It looks like you'll just have to suffer through with a new, improved, and certainly superb model of the Fulcrumb. You'll just have ta live that!!! :rofl: Sorry, that's just the way it is!!! :wink:



kevin stein

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A short answer: "NO"


Dude, you been around here long enough...you know you can only get new effects by getting the entire airplane!!!!


It looks like you'll just have to suffer through with a new, improved, and certainly superb model of the Fulcrumb. You'll just have ta live that!!! :rofl: Sorry, that's just the way it is!!! :wink:



kevin stein


Oh no, you mean that we've got to wait a whole twwwoooooo weeks for this? Life just is just soooo unfair!!!!!





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This looks like a angry beast! O.o

Anyway, who modelated it is a mad man!(Bpao?)

Damn' look at these landing gears and the wing pylons! this is Madness!!!

fantastic detailed model, like Fubar said, this is unfair hehe

Damn, how many polys can you cound just on landing gear?!


anyway, im really shocked with this model!

Edited by Silverbolt

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Oh no, you mean that we've got to wait a whole twwwoooooo weeks for this? Life just is just soooo unfair!!!!!



It'll be a hard two weeks for sure. Are those new R-27s under the wings?

Edited by HrntFixr
Do NOT repost pics in reply's!

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hot goddamn!!!!

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Oh no, you mean that we've got to wait a whole twwwoooooo weeks for this? Life just is just soooo unfair!!!!!


It'll be a hard two weeks for sure. Are those new R-27s under the wings?


Edited by kukulino

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That plane looks so friggin' hot. I don't even play Red air most of the time, but damn...another masterpiece by the MF.

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And looking at those pit shots, I feel a quick and dirty Flogger-D cockpit mod in the offing, too.....something to replace the cockpit we can't use!!


The R27s are in the TMF Wep Pak ... nicer models and skins



kevin stein

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Nice new MiG-29.

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Why are You do this people?!?!?!?!? The MiG-29 (9-12,9-13) who has 6 wings pylons can carry ONLY 2 R-27 missiles. ONLY MiG-29M/K with 8 wings pylons take 4 R-27... :salute:


P.S. What is: "TMF Wep Pak" ?????

Edited by CIACHO

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TMF Wep Pak is "The Mirage Factory Weapon Pack". It's got a lot of updated weapon skins/models, but doesn't have as many specific weapons for specific countries, primarily NATO and WP to cut down on the numbers (i.e. there's not 10 types of Sidewinder for 10 different countries). Anything I missed?

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TMF Wep Pak is "The Mirage Factory Weapon Pack". It's got a lot of updated weapon skins/models, but doesn't have as many specific weapons for specific countries, primarily NATO and WP to cut down on the numbers (i.e. there's not 10 types of Sidewinder for 10 different countries). Anything I missed?


Its strange because I have this pack but I don't have this new R-27 version.... :dntknw:


But maby I think about somethink else... Is this weaponpack exist on CA downloads???

Edited by CIACHO

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