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Just a question is this just a redone EF-111A or will you redo every version?! I think we have only 2 LOD modells of all those versions?! (the old one)

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There were in fact several MAX files...one for each version of the F-111. However, most of them had the same 'core' group of meshes, with only specific things added or deleted.


The current plan is this will be F-111 version 1.2. It is NOT a full up rebuild of the mesh, but more of a repair. It is planned that there will be one unified MAX file, only having to hide and unhide particular meshes in order to get the version of the aircraft you want. It also means all mapping will be very similar. The one version not to be included (so far) is the F-111B.


Things changed include:


Almost all 'holes' in the meshes have been closed up...including filled in polygons, welded vertices, sealed edges.

Mapping completely redone to a more logical layout (will require higher resolution bitmaps though for max effectiveness).

External model of the cockpit closed up (no more seeing through walls).

Canopy frame now 3-d (includes opening canopy animation).

Gear wheels/tyres smoothed out and better shaped.

Speedbrake/main gear doors, bombbay and nose gear doors redone with no gaps.

Wings partially rebuilt...no more 'floating' spoilers or gaps in the slats.

Wingtip shapes more representative of the real aircraft (include wingtip position lights).

Fuselage mesh now 'symmetrical' in shape (sliced mesh in half and mirrored, then resealed).

Intakes completely rebuilt...'tunnel' is longer, smoother, engine 'bullet nose' is 3D, and experimental 'spinning blades seen behind stator vanes' animation added.

Intakes will now have 'splitter vanes' depending on which model had them.


Several significant limitations will remain however, but may be worked on in future iterations.



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Hey Fast:


Where is the file?




Not out yet dude.

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F-111 1.2?


Cool, I'm looking forward to its release. :good:

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Sorry, bt what are vanes? Are vanes those parts in the intakes wich can move when the plane reach different speeds? Don`t knwo hwo to explain it, but I think you what I mean.


But this sounds really as a new aricraft, I hated those holes in the modell. Will add my F-111X parts to it, so it will look a bit better.

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Sorry, bt what are vanes? Are vanes those parts in the intakes wich can move when the plane reach different speeds? Don`t knwo hwo to explain it, but I think you what I mean.


Yes, but not in this case.


The early models of the F-111 had a 'splitter vane' (basically a large, flat piece of metal) between the inner wall of the intake and the fuselage. The main reason this existed AFAIK was to keep the turbulent boundary layer air from the fuselage from being digested by the engines and causing a compressor stall or worse.


Later models of the F-111 got rid of this plate by moving the intakes outward 4 inches (.1 meter). The old F-111 LOD files did not have this splitter plate at all. Version 1.2 has them for the appropriate versions.


Stator vanes on the other hand are something completely different and are engine specific. Normally, you only can visually see these on lower bypass turbofans and turbojets. They basically are the non-rotating airfoils within the engine. They may or may not be movable to help direct airflow. You normally won't visibly see them on large bypass engines (airliners) because they are hidden behind the big ol rotating fan.



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Thanks for your information, I saw those vanes in a vid on youtube about the F-111. And as I saw it first it looks a bit wired, I knew for what it is but never saw it n action before.


I will really enjoy your F-111, it`s a nice lady

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Gentlemen (and Dave :biggrin: ) I present the Raven.










Big thanks to JAT for the skin...sexy ain't it!



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Nicccccccceeeeeeee :)

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Holy Molly,my snitches are busting!Where's it at?HUH?HUH?OH lookey lookey!

Edited by WDH

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Gentlemen (and Dave :biggrin: ) I present the Raven.


(Images edited)


Big thanks to JAT for the skin...sexy ain't it!



Very well done, FC. Great job!

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Words cannot even describe how awesome that is.

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WOW! Looks very much like a competely new model!


Nice job. :yes:

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