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Georgia moves against separatists

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It's unbelievable here, all media are showing Red China damn propaganda -oh, I wanted to say "olympic games"- but I came accross this:




What's worrying is that those separatists entities are closely supported by Russia since they broke away from Georgia in the early 1990's. And you sure have heard about the numerous military incidents.

I hope it won't go too far...

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Georgia and Russia don't seem to have stopped bickering for 15 years now and it's coming to a boil.

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Wasn't this how the war in the original ghost recon started? And wasn't that in 2008? creepy........

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Georgia claims it shot down a Su-24 today.


Meanwhile, Russian tanks are rolling into South Ossetia  --> link


Look like this will be an actual russo-georgian conflict.

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Wasn't this how the war in the original ghost recon started? And wasn't that in 2008? creepy........


You beat me to it!


Talk about a game being 'ripped from tomorrow's headlines...'

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I do not like what I'm hearing. Rumors of air raids against Tbilissi, heavy fightings in whatever-the-city's-name, capital of Ossetia, Russian President Medvedev saber rattling and sending his tanks.

I wonder how it will evolve...

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Wings over South Ossetia anyone ?

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For some reason the caspian sea isn't showing up. Either on DEM or autotextured.


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For some reason the caspian sea isn't showing up. Either on DEM or autotextured.


you've got a terrain in work for this already?!!!!


I take back (some) of what I said about you!!



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Not a good news.




I won't superise.....If someday Russian "got" Georgia.


the city council in Atlanta will be upset.......

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Yeah, I had the DEM files already for the black sea terrain I'm ever so slowly building. Just a little shift in coordinates and viola!


If someone could help with getting a decent tileset and texturelist together for the area, it just might be servicable in time for world war 3.

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Georgia is trying to join the European Union as well as NATO. I watched some of the Russian Today video on youtube that accuses Georgia of starting the violence. Interesting to see all of the propaganda still present in this coverage. It would be almost comical if there weren't people being killed. South Ossetia has always been considered part of Georgia. A russian even said this is ethnic cleansing against South Ossetia. Of course the Russians are being portrayed as the noble peace keepers. At least until they start driving their tanks into the Georgian heartland. Putin is completely innocent in all of this since he is in China at the opening of the Olympics. Yeh... right. Does anyone see through this BS? Didn't they start their Afghanistan war this way also? The more I read about the history of this, the more it just stinks. Yet perfectly consistant with their increasingly aggressive actions as per the Bear bomber threat in Cuba in relation to a missile shield for Czechoslavakia. Here is a story from a UK source: [LINK]

Edited by Roopod

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Do you have ever been in Kaukasus region? Shurely not. If you had been there, as i had been, then you would know that you all tell BS.

Saakashvili is the aggressor, not the russians . He ordered his forces to attack last night. His forces attacked South Ossetia, killed innocent people. The Ossetians as all rights of the world to defend themself and they have all rights of the world to demand help. Russia has the same right to defend the Ossetians as the NATO has had the right to defend the Albanians in Kosovo. Saakashvilis Georgia is the aggressor in Ossetia in the same way as Milosevics Serbia was the aggressor in Kosovo.

To start a war at the same day when the Olympic Games starts is a babarian act. Catch Saakashvilli and send him as prisioner to the International Court of Den Haag!



And by the way if someone believe i love the russians, no way, as East German i cant be russofil.


Edited to remove the name calling. Gepard, please refrain from doing so in the future. You can make your point without it.



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But then again why are we allowing NATO to expand into territories they agreed they wouldnt (AFAIK) - does EU membership mean they have to join NATO? France hasnt been part of NATO for most of its history - there is no good reason we have to see how far Russia will be pushed - because they obviously are not happy.


I really dont want to be part of pissing off one of the few countries that can wipe the face of the earth clean in 30 mins - if thats okay!

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"Oh my goodness. Are you as stupid as your lines indicated? The Russians as "bad guys"? Do you still life in the bunkiers of the cold war? Do you feel good there? Blockheads!!

Do you have ever been in Kaukasus region?"


Georgia is the aggressor against Russia, within Georgian territory, and the innocent Russian "peacekeepers" are merely defending Georgian territory from the Georgian military, within the internationally recognized borders of Georgia?


no doubt all those airstrikes and SRBM launches are also defending the Georgian territory against those evil Georgian military forces operating within those internationally recognized borders of Georgia.


If'n I was going to weigh in on this, I might at least spell the Caucasus correctly.........

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Right before I offend anyone, my cards on the table, I have family involved in this region. Now as far as I have knowledge and correct me if I am mistaken but the region of Osettia was not considered part of Georgia untill Stalin, a Georgian, rose to power in the former USSR. I think sometimes we are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of what Russia says/does now equals in some way what the former USSR said/did, this is ignorant of the fact that Lenin was a Lithuanian and Stalin was Georgian and they both pushed agendas that have very little to do with Russia today, Stalin pushed for Georgia to have control of Osettia, currently Russia is promoting the opposite of this situation and it has much more to do with language and culture than with politics, the people who live in Osettia do not nor have they ever felt part of Georgia despite Stalin's big ideas. Anyways, piece said, peace out. Hope this ends soon before more innocent civvies are blown a new ar$5 hole.

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Right before I offend anyone, my cards on the table, I have family involved in this region. Now as far as I have knowledge and correct me if I am mistaken but the region of Osettia was not considered part of Georgia untill Stalin, a Georgian, rose to power in the former USSR. I think sometimes we are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of what Russia says/does now equals in some way what the former USSR said/did, this is ignorant of the fact that Lenin was a Lithuanian and Stalin was Georgian and they both pushed agendas that have very little to do with Russia today, Stalin pushed for Georgia to have control of Osettia, currently Russia is promoting the opposite of this situation and it has much more to do with language and culture than with politics, the people who live in Osettia do not nor have they ever felt part of Georgia despite Stalin's big ideas. Anyways, piece said, peace out. Hope this ends soon before more innocent civvies are blown a new ar$5 hole.


no argument there. The interwoven political and ethnic divisions through all of the Caucasus region is bewildering and mind wrenching. The situation in the Mid-East is, by comparison, relatively simple.


At the present time the Osettian region is split into North (within Russia) and South (within Georgia). South Osettia in relation to the "central government" in Georgia is a separatist region with regional autonomy but still under Georgian control. The Russian peacekeepers are there to safeguard the ethnic Russian population (installed by Stalin). So all of the ingredients are mixed for a very dangerous, volatile flashpoint where absolutely no one will win. This has been building for years and is but one of several regional conflicts, including another section of Georgia, that could easily erupt into war.


My prayers for your family and their safety and for a peaceful resolution soon before this spins further out of control.

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no argument there. The interwoven political and ethnic divisions through all of the Caucasus region is bewildering and mind wrenching. The situation in the Mid-East is, by comparison, relatively simple.


At the present time the Osettian region is split into North (within Russia) and South (within Georgia). South Osettia in relation to the "central government" in Georgia is a separatist region with regional autonomy but still under Georgian control. The Russian peacekeepers are there to safeguard the ethnic Russian population (installed by Stalin). So all of the ingredients are mixed for a very dangerous, volatile flashpoint where absolutely no one will win. This has been building for years and is but one of several regional conflicts, including another section of Georgia, that could easily erupt into war.


My prayers for your family and their safety and for a peaceful resolution soon before this spins further out of control.


My thanks and prayers to you and your family too! We seem to have a similar view on this region/situation, most of all it is an ethnic conflict although to say that the ethnic Russian part was installed by Stalin conflicts with my knowledge that it was in fact, the Georgian ethnic part that was instead encouraged by Stalin.

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i think this Thread will sunk in some posts....

btw, yes Georgia Start with hostilities

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"although to say that the ethnic Russian part was installed by Stalin conflicts with my knowledge that it was in fact, the Georgian ethnic part that was instead encouraged by Stalin. "



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