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Georgia moves against separatists

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lindr2 what was the Russian army doing in Georgia an independant and sovergn nation.

Edited by MAKO69

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My sympathies are with the civilian caught in the middle, but my respect for Russian Intervention lost when they started attacks on Georgian Soil and I also doubt they do this for good will. They are moving abit too fast towards the Georgian border for that...

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lindr2 what was the Russian army doing in Georgia an independant and sovergn nation.


I expect they will try to push back the Georgian Military as far as they can from the border and continue to launch airstrikes on Military targets - nothing short of what we would do tbh.


If the Georgian military really was stupid enough to attack Russian peacekeepers (and their own some reports say) then they deserve every thing they get.


BBc are putting reports in from both sides:






NATO have probably done all they can to intervene politically - so will just have to sit back now and hope for the best

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I agree with you MigBuster. Diplomatic efforts were made in the last weeks. I know the german foreign minister was in Abchasia for negotiations 2 or 3 weeks ago. That something was cooking in this area was obviesly, but that the explosion came so fast was unexpected.

Both sides should go back to status quo ante as soon as possible.

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God Bless Kab-500R?

at my point of view it was an irresponsable act f both sides....it could start the WW3.

Edited by Silverbolt

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1999 Operation Desert Fox


Operation Desert Fox was in December 1998. I was there.

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God Bless Kab-500R?


90% Habitants of S Osethia & Abkhazia is Russian citizens, they participate in Russian Elections, can serve in Russian Army, move to Russia an back without visa. The Russian laws do not acknowledge dual citizenship, Habitants of S Osethia & Abkhazia Is ONLY RUSSIAN citizens.


Georgian agressors kills up to 2000 RUSSIAN citizens!!!, and 15 peacemakers. What Country will stand and look, as agressors kills it citizens?



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The Russian government's "display" of military prowess goes far beyond what is necessary to secure the area in question. Ballistic missiles and strategic bombers? They are spilling the blood of Georgians to send a message to the West. Russia is on a very dangerous path. They will, once again, force the West to take a hard line against them. Seems to me that paranoia and self-destruction is still the norm in the Kremlin.

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difference was Iraq was in violation of 16+UN resolutions and the UN voted that if Iraq didn't comply there would be dire consiquences.



There are so many papers and articles written on the legality of the Iraqi war - and the government over here completely fell apart over it.


Hussein had to be taken out IMO for regional stability - Iran war and attacking his own people (Kurds) in Northern Iraq - but I am unclear whether there was any actual full international legal justification allowing a full scale invasion.


regardless its over and done with now - however it does raise the point that if this Mikhail Saakashvili classes South Essetia as part of Georgia why did he launch a ground and air attack that was sure to kill his own civies?


Judge for yourself - shouldnt be in power IMO:



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Russia is in the right here. S.O has been indepent since 1992 when they seceded from Georgia following a civil war. Thus Georgia has attacked a de facto independent state and the russians have the right to intervene as they see fit. All in all this is the result of Sakashvili's retarded dickwaving gesture.


And as for the Olympics, they are traditionally seen as all nations competing as brothers laying aside their differences, and starting a war on the same day as the opening like Sakashvili just did is essentially pissing on that ideal, so f*** him.


And what the f*** does he think he's trying to accomplish by posing with the EU flag while holding his speeches? Georgia doesn't even rank as a potential candidate for EU membership.

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And what the f*** does he think he's trying to accomplish by posing with the EU flag while holding his speeches? Georgia doesn't even rank as a potential candidate for EU membership.



And If After this horrible war and attempts ethnic cleaning Georgia will be NATO member, then next candidate to NATO must be Sudan!

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The Russian government's "display" of military prowess goes far beyond what is necessary to secure the area in question. Ballistic missiles and strategic bombers? They are spilling the blood of Georgians to send a message to the West. Russia is on a very dangerous path. They will, once again, force the West to take a hard line against them. Seems to me that paranoia and self-destruction is still the norm in the Kremlin.



Well - in military conflict if you want to win you use everything you have to minimise the losses on your side - and overwhelming force is a must if you have it. Do you realise we are using B-1s for CAS against the Taliban?


In 2003 Iraqs AF was buried underground but we didnt say - "okay to make it a bit fairer Saddam we will keep our jets at home btw"

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90% Habitants of S Osethia & Abkhazia is Russian citizens, they participate in Russian Elections, can serve in Russian Army, move to Russia an back without visa. The Russian laws do not acknowledge dual citizenship, Habitants of S Osethia & Abkhazia Is ONLY RUSSIAN citizens.


Georgian agressors kills up to 2000 RUSSIAN citizens!!!, and 15 peacemakers. What Country will stand and look, as agressors kills it citizens?




i saw, most of casualities were made by georgians.


but i saw some thing about Russian AF striking residential buildings.

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Russia can't be considered good guys here, Georgia isn't either, but they've agreed to an immediate ceasefire and have pulled out of ossetia. Russia however is ignoring the ceasefire.


B-1s for CAS? Do they actually have the loiter time for a CAS mission? An A-10 or Apache would have a better view, loiter longer and be cheaper than using a B-1 IMO.

Edited by eraser_tr

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Russia can't be considered good guys here, Georgia isn't either, but they've agreed to an immediate ceasefire and have pulled out of ossetia. Russia however is ignoring the ceasefire.


They are claiming that Georgian troops are still in SO - but no body knows - there are still reports of heavy fighting.


They showed pics of Georgia pulling heavy Artillery out of SO - why was it even in there in the first place? - did they expect to win a full scale ground war against Russia???

Edited by MigBuster

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"RUSSIAN ARMY SAVED 80 000 peoples S-Osethians nations from PHISICALLY elimination. I alltimes seen on Russian TV horrible pictures of destroyed houses, more death bodies on the streets, and escaped peoples, whos talk horrible things about georgians soldiers."


Weather or not this is happening to believe it only because it's on Russian TV is really scary.I'm not disputing wether it's true or not I would only believe it if it is independently confirmed.Any information on Russian TV is to be treated as highly suspect.You'll only see or hear what the state wants you to see.Any first year film student can re-edit footage to show what ever point of view they want.


Also it seems the UN will introduce a condemnation of Russian over these actions and then we will see Russias actions.If they keep up the fight after Georga has called for a cease fire and withdrawn and now the UN calling on the Russians to stop.If they don't the world will know whats up.if they do and they withdrw too then they may have noble motives.but if tens of thousands stay then ocupier rather than peace keeper is a more likely tag to hang on Russia.

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Russia only retaliated after Georgia attacked first and killed Russian soldiers first. What is wrong in that? They are only sending a strong message that "if you attack us, you will have hell to pay". Georgia is dead wrong in this conflict. The Georgians were follish to do what they did.

If Russia's actions are considered wrong, then people may even consider India's actions in the 1965 &1971 war as wrong. No wonder India was branded as the aggressor in those wars inspite of what pakistan did.

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B-1s for CAS? Do they actually have the loiter time for a CAS mission? An A-10 or Apache would have a better view, loiter longer and be cheaper than using a B-1 IMO.


OT for this bit only:


Plenty about it - I think only the B-52 has a longer loiter time than a B-1 - could be wrong - the A-10 / AH-64 are no where near a B-1s loiter time or weapons load and I bet the B-1 is still accurate with delivery.




Edited by MigBuster

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B-1s for CAS? Do they actually have the loiter time for a CAS mission? An A-10 or Apache would have a better view, loiter longer and be cheaper than using a B-1 IMO.




B-1s have become the darlings of the ground troops in the sandbox because of 3 factors:


1) Speed - B-1s can get there RIGHT NOW compared to other assets.

2) Loiter time - Apaches and A-10s outloitering Bones? Are you kidding me? A Bone can low level from Los Angeles to New York at 500 feet and .9 mach on internal fuel only. Good luck getting getting a Hog or Apache to do that...even without the speed.

3) Weapons available - Bones can carry 2000 and 500 lb JDAMS, JSOWs, CBUs or dumb weapons...all on one aircraft. And can carry a ****load of them. Commanders are using them by calling them in, delivering the weapons they need, then sending them back to loiter station.


There's a reason the Sniper pod attachment was fast tracked...it's because theatre commanders wanted that capability on Bones ASAPly.


Now we've got that cleared up...back to the discussion at hand.



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All in all this is the result of Sakashvili's retarded dickwaving gesture.


Well, uh, the media potrayed him as an 'English-speaking, Western-educated president', so yeah.


Remember the fuss about a Georgian UAV getting shot down by an MiG-29? This is considering that we are talking about a country that could not even hold their own National Day celebrations (at least from what I heard).


As far as I'm concerned, anyone can be saying anything they like about the conflict, but whoever started it is in the wrong, and should be held responsible for misleading the people. Just my 2 cents.


To those making comments and name-calling about the ruling regimes and ideologies of certain countries in the wake of the Olympics: Drop it. This is not going to benefit anyone in the long run if we bicker because of our political differences. I am seeing a lot of political bickering in this country these days, and I hope none of the brand of bickering happens in CA, because personally, its painful to see that happening all the time.

Edited by kct

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No, Saakashvili didn't go to war with russia in the winter :wink:

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Yes I know we are using B-1s for CAS and we used them, and B-52s, and B-2s in Iraq, but our intention to remove the government of Iraq was clear. Why not just carpet bomb all the Al Qaeda and Taliban "assets" in western Pakistan? That would probably save some lives in Afghanistan and would surely make it more difficult for our enemies. To hell with the consequences.


If the Russians are smart they won't put themselves in a position of appearing to have had to back down in the face of pressure from the West. Further escalation won't do them any good in the long run.

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Russian army contineues fight, because Georgian forces NOT cease fire and NOT withdraw from S-Osetia. Saakashvili is patalogy liar!


When Russia offered Saakashvili sign pact of non-using power in conflict zone, He said "..I wil never start war against my people, this pact not needed"


At ~ 22.00 07.aug.2008 He said : "... Georgia newer start war first" . And after 2 Hours ar 00:00 08.08.2008 The Georgian artillery began to convert SO cities to blazing ruins...


Is it possible to trust this man on a word?



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