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A really bad week...

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Last monday i decided it was time to re-install First Eagles because i had started running into CTDs that i couldn't trace to a cause, i did a clean install and then installed each terrain,aircraft and edited all loadouts and .inis to use the stock weapons. I've Got a great running install now, but i haven't touched it.


That night my Girlfriend came home and said her arm was hurting and we figured it was just a pulled muscle or maybe carpal tunnel. well she made it through the night and tuesday we had Tropical Storm Fay come through and her arm was really hurting, We talked about going to the hospital but we didn't want to go out in the storm because her 05 mustang handles really bad on wet roads and my camaro isnt much better so she made a Drs appointment for wednesday and she went to work wednesday morning. At around 2pm she called me crying and asked me to go with her to a specialist the Dr had told her to go see.


The Specialist took one look at her arm which was now a dark shade of purple and her hand was almost black and said to get her to the hospital asap. It turns out she had a blood clot just above the elbow and it had cut the blood flow off since sometime monday or tuesday. Shes been through several surgerys now and they have removed the clot and put her in a hyperbolic chamber a couple times but they think they might have to remove some fingers or the whole hand.


Her Mom,Sister and I have been at the Hospital from morning to night everyday and I am kicking myself for not getting her to the hospital tuesday. Hindsight being 20/20 i have realized i could have just called the squad to take her, but i didnt think of it at the time and we still thought it was just a pulled muscle.


I'm going insane, I'm useless at the hospital and when i'm at home i just want to go back there.Im trying to keep her sprits up but I'm pretty sure her thumb and index finger will have to be removed at the least, they can't seem to get any color back into them and they are cold as ice. I don't even know why i'm writing this, i just need to vent i guess. Please say a prayer for her or send some positive thoughts her way.


Thanks Everyone!

Edited by WarlordATF

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I felt the same (about going insane) when my buddy was in ICU with a kidney infection. At least she knows you're there, and that alone helps more than you realise! Really hope she pulls though ASAP dude! Best wishes!

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I felt the same (about going insane) when my buddy was in ICU with a kidney infection. At least she knows you're there, and that alone helps more than you realise! Really hope she pulls though ASAP dude! Best wishes!


Thanks,Its really means alot!


I'm trying to keep it together for her. This november we have been together for 11 years so she might as well be my wife. Its rough, but as long as they havent cut anything off there is still hope. I guess i should just be glad the clot didnt go into her heart or brain and killed her, but i never dreamed it was anything more than a pulled muscle.

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Don't be kicking yourself for not taking her to the hospital immediately. There is no way that you could've have known what was happening, and with that tropical storm comming in, who knows what could've happened... could've gotten into a really bad wreck, in which you might be kicking yourself even more now if that happened. You did what everyone else would have done. You annalized the situation, current synopsis didn't indicate an immediate emergency concern (which didn't warrant the need to have your squad to come out and assist - in which case, if it was just a pulled muscle, you probably would've gotten ragged on it by them for quite a while - which might or might not complicate things for you), current conditions to deal with it on your own were poor and a hazard to her's and your safety. Honestly, you did the best thing possible, wait it out untill either conditions to deal with it improved, or if the synopsis of the situation became more clear to what was happening. Unfortunately, the later happened, but you can't control that, and you shouldn't punish yourself for it. You're not a fortune teller, just human like the rest of us. So anyways, I hope she makes it out well. Keep praying for her 'cause she'll need that. Good luck bro, and I hope things turn out for the best.

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Just terrible, hopefully everything turns out alright. I'd be hysterical if I could lose even part of a hand.


I've been through a couple of similar situations. My brother wound up getting rushed to the ER one night with a bizarre allergic reaction, he passed out and started turning purple. Myself, I had some lower back and stomach pain and thought I pulled a muscle or something carrying things at work, it turned into 3 surgeries in 3 days and a week in the hospital because I had gallstones that were blocking the duct between my liver and intestines. Then I wound up with appendicitis after that operation.


It was a unpleasant 3 months between when I first started getting that pain until I wound up in the hospital lemon yellow with jaundice. So don't feel like you could have done something earlier after only a day. Without anything other than pain, its near impossible to determine what is wrong or how serious it is.

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I hope everything turns out ok Warlord. Just be there for her. My prayers for you and your girlfriend.

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It is realy sad to hear that happens to someone. I hope that she gets better. You have my prayers.

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Last monday i decided it was time to re-install First Eagles because i had started running into CTDs that i couldn't trace to a cause, i did a clean install and then installed each terrain,aircraft and edited all loadouts and .inis to use the stock weapons. I've Got a great running install now, but i haven't touched it.


That night my Girlfriend came home and said her arm was hurting and we figured it was just a pulled muscle or maybe carpal tunnel. well she made it through the night and tuesday we had Tropical Storm Fay come through and her arm was really hurting, We talked about going to the hospital but we didn't want to go out in the storm because her 05 mustang handles really bad on wet roads and my camaro isnt much better so she made a Drs appointment for wednesday and she went to work wednesday morning. At around 2pm she called me crying and asked me to go with her to a specialist the Dr had told her to go see.


The Specialist took one look at her arm which was now a dark shade of purple and her hand was almost black and said to get her to the hospital asap. It turns out she had a blood clot just above the elbow and it had cut the blood flow off since sometime monday or tuesday. Shes been through several surgerys now and they have removed the clot and put her in a hyperbolic chamber a couple times but they think they might have to remove some fingers or the whole hand.


Her Mom,Sister and I have been at the Hospital from morning to night everyday and I am kicking myself for not getting her to the hospital tuesday. Hindsight being 20/20 i have realized i could have just called the squad to take her, but i didnt think of it at the time and we still thought it was just a pulled muscle.


I'm going insane, I'm useless at the hospital and when i'm at home i just want to go back there.Im trying to keep her sprits up but I'm pretty sure her thumb and index finger will have to be removed at the least, they can't seem to get any color back into them and they are cold as ice. I don't even know why i'm writing this, i just need to vent i guess. Please say a prayer for her or send some positive thoughts her way.


Thanks Everyone!


I feel your frustration and pain, but thank god you got her to the hospital before something worse happened, like a stroke or heart attack.

Things will work out I can guarantee you that...

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Hospitals are never an easy place to find yourself as a patient or a loved one. The week leading in to 4th of July weekend I was heading home after a 12 hour day shift (approx 1830). I had passed vallejo (the town my inlaws live in) and was almost home to Vacaville when my wife called. Apparently her mom wasn't breathing well. She has FTD (frontal temporal dementia) and as a result ALS. My wife called in a panic asking me to turn around and come help (her dad is quite incapable in the crisis situations). I turned around and was there in 20 minutes. Got her to hospital and she had a near fatal pneumonia case with toxicity and a whole mess of problems. The ICU doc thought she was done. She spent a week in th hospital and rec'd a feeding tube to prevent aspiration). At the time all my wife had to do was call the paramedics and it would have been handled with so much less stress given their situation.



The point of this all is that it is natural to avoid that trip, the hospital and home all at the same time.


"Of all the forms of wisdom, hindsight is by general consent the least merciful, the most unforgiving."


Don't beat yourself up (i tell my wife all the time), Take care of yourself and your loved one.

Edited by Hawk MMS

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hope everything will turn out okay...

don't kick yourself for something you couldn't have known about, sh!t happens

and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it!


take care and keep us updated!


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my prayers are with you.


Had something similar happen.


On the 4th of July the "bombs bursting in mid-air" was my wife's appendix. But she didn't recognize it as such and therefore, no one else did either. At one point she walked upstairs (actually a couple days before the 4th), sat down, and said that she had 'some pain' in her side.


So we watched it for a few days....


We had a camping trip planned for the fourth and the morning that I left with all of the rest of the family she stayed behind because she "wasn't feeling well".


My daughters went home on the 5th to check on her and found her in very bad condition. They took her to the emergency room and called me back down from the state park. It was still several hours in the ER before they figured it out and took her into surgery. The doctor later told me that she had probably burst the appendix about 48 hours earlier and she now had massive infection taking her down. Had my daughters not taken her in when they did, she probably would not have lived through the next night.


Point being - don't beat yourself up about having not taken her in earlier. Neither you nor her knew what the problem was and generally speaking not feeling well or having some pain is not a major issue. We did not know either. My wife had a phone next to her and we had cell coverage where we were. No calls and no concerns. She thought she had a cold.


July was a bad month for me and I didn't do much else for a couple of weeks other than sit with her in the hospital and then at home. Now is a hard time for you and I know all to well what you are probably going through. Don't beat yourself up about not having gotten her in for the simple reason, again, that you did not know and you acted on the best info that you had at the time. Just hang in there and keep going. She needs your support, and you certainly have all of ours.

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I just got home again, They are continuing treatment with the hyperbolic chamber and they have her on morphine but its still wait and see. She can move her fingers but there still isnt much circulation to the thumb and index finger and it turns purple/black shortly after she returns from the chamber. She seems to be coping better than i would, Shes worried about us,her job and all that stuff but i think we convinced her that we will take care of all that and she just needs to rest and heal.


Thanks Again Everyone!

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I just got home again, They are continuing treatment with the hyperbolic chamber and they have her on morphine but its still wait and see. She can move her fingers but there still isnt much circulation to the thumb and index finger and it turns purple/black shortly after she returns from the chamber. She seems to be coping better than i would, Shes worried about us,her job and all that stuff but i think we convinced her that we will take care of all that and she just needs to rest and heal.


Thanks Again Everyone!


Hope everything will be sorted out there mate. My thoughs are with you and your girlfriend, take care of her and of yourself.

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Last Update for awhile and at last a little good news...


They released her tonight and i took her to her Mom and Dads house to recover because she will need 24hr attention and daily nurse visits. At this point they have not removed anything, they are waiting 10-14 days to see what is really dead before they cut into any of the bones. Looks like the thumb will be a loss from the socket down, gangreen has already set in and its slowly decaying, the index finger and the rest of the fingertips look pretty bad but its going to be a wait and see situation.


I'm a little surprised they released her but i have faith that the Doctors would not have released her unless they were pretty sure she is stable now. She passed all her EKGs and Heart Tests with flying colors and we think the clot was caused by her Depo birth control shot and smoking. She has always gotten her shot in the hip, less than a week before this happened the doctor put the shot into the same arm about 3 inches above where the clot formed. Not proof, but enough to even make the Docs suspect it. She is already 1 week smokefree and well on the way to quiting and i am going to try to quit also. If any of your Wives or Girlfriends get the Depo shot, please be careful, Blood clots are a known side effect.


The time for blame is over and now this is something we will live and deal with not matter how it turns out, it could have been so much worse and just being out of the hospital has made her feel alot better so i consider it a blessing.


Oh yeah, I wanted to explain that when i mentioned calling the Squad, i meant an ambulance. I was raised by a retired police officer and he always called it the Emergency Squad or the Squad, it kinda rubbed off on me.


Thank you all again! :salute:


You guys have been great about letting me vent through this. Now that she is home i think i'll be able to sleep well for the first time in a week, I know shes home safe tonight and being watched over by people who love her as much as i do so i'm going to relax tonight and go see her sometime in the afternoon tommarrow and they have my cell # if anything changes. Now we just have to see how it goes and learn to live with it.

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Glad to hear she's on the mend and back at home with loved ones to take care of her. That alone is probably doing a lot to help her. Will keep praying.

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good to hear she is at home, better than being in the hospital IMHO

hope she'll be 100% okay soon!

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Glad to hear things are getting better now.


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No words to describe how I feel, praying for a healthy recovery. What is her 1st name? so when my daughter and I pray tonight we can ask the Lord to watch over her. Tell her she is not alone in this and not to worry about trivial things her workplace im sure feels like we do.

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Happy to hear she's at home, please stop smoking will be easier to her too

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