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Greets from Afghanistan

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Hey guys,


I got in country nearly a month ago, and here I am, 7 years after 9-11 to the day. I feel right, like I should be here, but I hope I can help make a difference here. I took some pics, so check 'em out. Hopefully the link works: http://picasaweb.google.com/cwmichels/OEF8...ey=8WsL24PCUOw#


I'll post when I get a chance. Take care

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Thanks for what you are doing!

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stay safe my friend!

keep up the good work


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Just landed from a sortie over Iraq myself. We flew 40 flags in rememberance.


Stay safe! Might be over your way in the next day or two.



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Hey Jeff and Zag stay safe. Also Zag see if you run into EricJ over there, the kick him in the ass for me. LOL

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Thanks for your service and stay safe, and if at all possible id like a souviner from afghanistan,



P.S. what the he|| was that they stuck in that soldiers throat? (video)

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Hey guys,


I got in country nearly a month ago, and here I am, 7 years after 9-11 to the day. I feel right, like I should be here, but I hope I can help make a difference here. I took some pics, so check 'em out. Hopefully the link works: http://picasaweb.google.com/cwmichels/OEF8...ey=8WsL24PCUOw#


I'll post when I get a chance. Take care

zagnut, you take care. Got a family to come home to and this motley crew as well. You get a shot at Osama, take it. We'll still recognize him with a bullethole in his eye. God bless and keep you every day!

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Keep your ass down and your weapon ready. Stay safe and thanks.

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Keep safe, Zag, and thank you for your service!

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keep the sun to your back! Stay safe.

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It should feel right,because it is.

The last war the US fought to protect IT'S freedom was WW2.

All the rest were to secure peace and freedom for someone else far away.

The greatest thing a US serviceperson can do,is to fight for someone elses freedom.

So,to all of you on active or reserve duty,and all of you who have served your time,Semper Fi and WELL DONE!!! :salute:

In the meantime,Zag,as Firehawk says Keep your A-- down and your weapon close.



ezlead-a former Marine

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