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What's going on in the Far East....

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Still plugging away at the Korea rebuild, using Brain 32 fantabulous tiles and trees. Just thought I share a few screenies


a very famous water-storage unit



and it's associated hydro-electirc plants


(you'll note the standing hydo-electric turbine buildings -- I don't just repurpose cockpits, I repurpose entire objects!!


Wonsan Harbor



Gammons protecting The Motherland's Far East interests in the North....



on the southern side of the 38th Paralell...


Protection for the Hyundai and Samsung plants :rofl: You'll note the new obects? EricGen's new bits (old HIPAR, however)btw, this layout is NOT yet finalized...still need to dial in a few things


doing all sorts of little bits....just putting off the inevitable in throwing brides across the rivers at Seoul & Pyongyang. I'm shooting for a 'all inclusive' type of terrain...meaning I'm using the ActiveYear= line to prevent things from showing up in the 1950s that shouldn't be there.

I don't even want to think about the movements ini yet...Oi!!!



kevin stein

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:wacko::shok: :spartak: :fans:

MacAuthor Campaigns would work great for this if i can ever get done with it :slow: .Always loved your work Wrench and especially your editing tutorials to enhance the TW series.Thanks Brady

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Oh my heart!!!!



but ......where's the Hyundai factory?

Edited by Silverbolt

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I'm glad that you've 'Chosen' this project! :)

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I'm nearly speechless...I can't even describe how good it feels to see something I've put so many hours in finally getting to be what I wanted it to be :)


Just a small note, I started working on Korea BEFORE GermanyCE ;)


This is apsolutely fantastic, thx Wrench :yahoo:

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But YOUR work is not yet done, my brother! Expect a PM soon with a link to a file zip, as I kinda need some retiling done due to my ineffecient/deficant skills in the TE. Flattening airfileds (and other places that need it) is relatively easy, comparted to moving whole forests!! And the occasiional stray TOD building!


So, I thought I'd share a few more shots, as work progresses. And I certainly need the break...took me over 5 hours to get 2 cursed bridges across the river at Ping-pyongyang


speaking of which....



the 2 bridges of which I spoke....there's a third I'm still debating on adding at the south western end of the city


Incheon port facilities...the conatiner ship is 'borrowed' from Kesselbrut's Falklands mod, and is just for testing purposes. It WILL be listed in the types ini, so end users can simply copy it's folder over for use.




I really REALLY hate the stock cranes... they're at least a third too big, and my other ones are a bit on the small side. No matter!


a generic North Korean army camp, in the central region...bonus points to those that ID that 'odd little box' in the center of picture...



of course, no map of Korea would be complete without this place. BTW, this IS the major easter egg on this map. You'll note the "new" ground vehicle




2 more views...close ups




This concludes today's progress report. I've got more bridges to build ... north of Suwon, and a valley in the north...



kevin stein


ooppsy edit: forgot to show the entry for one of the "new" taget items...




FullName=MASH Latrine




















Please note the TYPE of target, it's value, and the destroyed effects. This one is expecially for Dave!!! :rofl:

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Nothing I can say! (I still have to get my jaw back where it belongs :biggrin: ). :good::cool:



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Just a couple of quick ones today...I been up to my neck in not only North Koreans, but the Han and Imjin rivers!! I can truely feel for Army Combat Engineers (one of whom I actaully KNOW, -ex husband of a friend of my sisters, and now a general contractor, who actually served in Korea. Boy, was HE ever glad to get back to the States, even if it was only Ft. Lewis, WA)


Anyway....the world renowned and semi-famous Imjin River bridge. Please ingnore the fact that Farmer in the foreground is Soviet/Russian. They were "just visiting".... :haha: (in other words, I forgot to go to the loadout screen, and change the nationality...oopps!)




You can just make out Camp Dodge off the 19s nose.


One of the best things of having all the super duper trees Brain32 added, is you can have masked batteries hidden in them. (those that know artillery, know what I'm talking about)



(apologies that it's so dark...shadows from the trees, doncha know!)


I 'borrowed' one of the objects from the DS mod; the stack of ammo boxes. Note the Zil ready to pull them out, if needed. (yes, I know the ammo is in the way...it'll get moved later -- all 15 of them!!). US/ROK units also gets several operational arty batteries along the Imjin, and at several 'fall back positions' down the length of the pennisula. Just in case...


Now, if I can just figure out the placement of some of the targets from the original...Pork Chop Hill, Old Baldy, Toko-ri....oi!! More bridges to lay!!!


...and a radar for the US AAA units that get them (ok, well only one that needs it...). BTW, anybody working on Skysweeper???? :dntknw:



kevin stein

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of course, no map of Korea would be complete without this place. BTW, this IS the major easter egg on this map. You'll note the "new" ground vehicle




Incoming wounded! All personnel report to operating tent four! Repeat, four! I mean five! Repeat, four!


All personnel, prepare to evacuate - and not just because it's meatloaf night!

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So...I could land my plane, jump into The Swamp and shoot back some dry martinis with Hawkeye, Duke and Trapper, then take back off and bag some Commies? You rock, Wrench!

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Don't forget the menu IS posted outside the mess tent!! :bad:


Gotta repaint them parked hueys...they're also "borrowed" from DS.


Hmm...didn't Geo make a horse for First Eagles???? Need to build Sophie's paddock.....and Radar's Zoo.


The 4077 is a 'no end date' type of target area, so it's there from 1950-2010 (as far uptime as I've tested)


When it's finally done, I really think you all will quite enjoy it...MASH is NOT the only easter egg...



kevin stein

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So...I could land my plane, jump into The Swamp and shoot back some dry martinis with Hawkeye, Duke and Trapper, then take back off and bag some Commies? You rock, Wrench!


Afraid not. It's eight hours bottle to brief, big guy. :good:

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Hi Wrench


Just wondering how your Korean mod is going?




Snapper 21

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Very nice work Wrench!



[Afraid not. It's eight hours bottle to brief, big guy.]


That's what 100% Oxygen lever is for! 50 feet bottle to throttle is better..........................

Edited by Jug

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