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I'm out for a while

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Just to inform any of you willing to contact me, I won't be around for several weeks. Real life seriously needs all of my attention now. My studies (faculty of architecture&urbanism, if you ask) finally comes to an end, so I have to put all my spare time and skills to do all required work to finish the tasks & exams ahead of me. There's also that little cute princess in another castle, waving her white flag, so I have to take care of her too.


In fact I haven't launched any of the sims in almost three weeks now. Shame on me.


@ Brain32, Wrench, The:

Go on with the Korea terrain, I'd be happy to see the final version released. My treemod ain't perfect, but fits ok IMUHO.



Of course I'll be back in about 8 weeks from now on.






(any lack of sense or typos caused by hangover)

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See you when we see you Stary.

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All the best in RL,


See you when you get back :good:


Cheers mate,



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Let us know when this fairy tale is over.

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Invite us for the graduation Party ! :fans:




Good luck Stary, i hope you finish it good!

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2 months?? I sure HOPE I have Korea done by then!!!! :rofl: The more I work on it, the more I keep adding! And with the patch, I may have to move those parked Hueys at the airbases.


I think you'll be very pleased with the results.


Good luck on the studies! We'll be here, waiting for you to get back.



kevin stein

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Well you are a fabulous contributor to this forum and as I suspect, many of the workers here need some rest. Best to you!

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Good luck and until then Stary!

Do not forget us!

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All the best my good man... thanks for everything, hurry back now...

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Good luck! We will be waiting for YOU Stary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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