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RGR found two fixes that work


1.Download the MF WOI pack at CA. Change Israel to Europe or Vietnam and it will work with no tweaking.



the extreme one is


2.1. Clean install


2. Apply patch.


3. Apply weapons pack.


4. Download new Weapons Editor Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08 here: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm


5. Delete WEAPONDATA.dat


6. Open WEAPONDATA.INI with new weapons editor and save.

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Also just noticed some other glitches...like Canopy and airbrakes opening up after plane is rolling for take off

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Did not delete the WEAPONDATA.dat in my case. Copied them over from my backup folder, opened them once through the WoI/FE editor, saved them, and it worked like a charm.


Veltro2k: The other problem you mentioned is something to do with the FM (at least for the airbrakes, and swing-wing aircrafts do get their fair share of problems too), although you can check for the canopies with the 'opening canopies' mods around here.

Edited by kct

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Yeah i just noticed the open canopy on the YF-23, I'm sure this has been covered for WOI already but search didnt turn up anything and i didnt see anything about it in the KB. I'll look some more, i'm sure that i'm just missing something.

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I made a secure copy and installed the patch, after this I copied the weaponsdata.ini into the weaponsfolder and used the WOI editor and voila it works fine without doing more !!!!!

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A number of my aeroplanes does not function after the updating :dntknw:

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Well, uh, it's a question about the FMs needs some major tweaking. But Flankers are extremely fun to play with this time.

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A number of my aeroplanes does not function after the updating :dntknw:


A lot of the FMs may need revising - no new info on this thread - look at the Wings Over Israel thread because much of it has been said already.

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Again, does everyone understand that these patches bring WOV and WOE up to the WOI standard? So like MigBuster said...look at the WOI threads for guidance as to what's changed.



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One Airplane I have found out that don't like the new patch is the SAAB 21

21R seems fine here....except... :blink:


What's wrong? **If** its a model grafic problem, this bird came with the new "open cockpit" thing and one may try setting FALSE in cockpit.ini (the new near clip distance can be experimented with also). You can lose alot of the cockpit OR lose external model. This open pit does not seem like what I hoped it would be.

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Alright, performed another fresh install for my WoE and used only WoI WP...and now, the problem I faced is that some weapons did not show up (Soviet ones, that is). What gives?

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Alright, performed another fresh install for my WoE and used only WoI WP...and now, the problem I faced is that some weapons did not show up (Soviet ones, that is). What gives?


Soviet versus NATO designations, and limitations in the WoI pack (no advanced Sov/WP weps, etc). You need the full Mirage Factory weapons pack to get, say, R-27s (etc.), and then you need to edit all the loadout.ini files on your aircraft to reflect the NATO designations.

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Wait. I found out WHAT caused all this (the problem is that the missiles does not show up at all in the loadout screen, as in, they are not available (in other words missing). Checked all the attachment points (WP,SOVIET, so it should work) etc, they seemed to be correct). Answer is...the SpecificStationCode variable (all the Russian missiles have something written in the variable, removing the variable entry solved the problem)...what does it do anyway?


(no advanced Sov/WP weps, etc)


I don't know, but seeing R-77s/AA-12s and R-74s/ later AA-11s in the WoI pack seems to tell me something else.

Edited by kct

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ahhhhh...I must have a beta pack, as all it contains are upgraded skins and models for the TW-default WoI weapons.

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The SpecificStationCode variable is used to mount specific weapons to specific weaponstations. If you put that line in the weaponstation entry, it will only load the weapon with the exact same entry (assuming it conforms to the other limitations) on that station. The code is in the ANNN format, where A is a alphabetical character and the NNN is a 3 digit number. Works great for weird entrys where you don't want anything else other than your specific weapon at that station.



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Thanks for answering that guys, we need to tell the others about this so they won't get confused. So how does the variable work, by adding SpecificStationCode to the WEAPON_STATION?

Edited by kct

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The SpecificStationCode variable is used to mount specific weapons to specific weaponstations. If you put that line in the weaponstation entry, it will only load the weapon with the exact same entry (assuming it conforms to the other limitations) on that station. The code is in the ANNN format, where A is a alphabetical character and the NNN is a 3 digit number. Works great for weird entrys where you don't want anything else other than your specific weapon at that station.




Is there a limit to how many weapon entries we can put on a station? Say for example I wanted a station to hold only JSOW's and SDB's???

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Is there a limit to how many weapon entries we can put on a station? Say for example I wanted a station to hold only JSOW's and SDB's???


Yes, if you put a SpecificStationCode on a weapon station, it will ONLY load weapons with that code and NO others.


A SpecificStationCode is not something to be thrown around...it should be used in only very specific cases.


A better option is use the following parameters for your weapon stations:






A lot of weapon stations don't use these parameters nearly enough, which causes some ridiculous loadouts to occur (Tomahawks on F-22s for example).



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Actually I was asking more if I can do this to a weapons station


SpecificStationCode=JSOW,SDB,etc ?

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only ONE station specific code can be used per station & weapon --- just look at the stock Mig-23 Flogger for your example.


Like FC said....use it ONLY when you really need to - like the Flogger, with the IR and radar Apexs.


This really isn't rocket science people ... and has been covered in numerous threads. Like the "things you need to update thread" and the "Official Patch Threads", stickied above.


as to canopies; you can comment out the auto-speed sections or convert them to an animiation key; also covered in numerous threads.



kevin stein

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