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Guest pfunkmusik

Question for Our Noobs

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Im not sure of my noobness, but, campaigns that dont require a new install or retriving lots of aircraft would be soooo greatly appreciated! and multiplayer would be even better!

I second that!!! :yes:

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Like to see some Helicopter traffic in TK sims,now I got my "big" computer from IKE.(Trust me IKE took it!)Especially,sub hunters or SAR stand bys,when doing carrier take offs is just eye candy and realistic.Need SAR campaigns to add to the feel of WOV for the historical value.If you don't like copters..fine!Alot of "us" do and copters are working better in series due to knowledge base and discussion.Really!

I for one,love the challenge of the new AI and do well against it,just can't keep a dedicated wingman.But,there times wingman gotten flight out of a pickle a time or 2.So,I'll take what I can get.

Need random real observation aircraft to update battlefield.Not just fly but to really do BDA,SAR help and FAC.Snoopy is alright but,never marks the targets.And I know the flight engine cannot handle this for now but,it can be in the future.

Take a number on approach...wouldn't you like to see the "wounded" aircraft in 1st?Besides,it would be like holy cow!What hornets nest did they stir up?Or your landing status has changed to closest base due to condition of flight or me :blush2: because of a bonehead move like turning burning on a Su-27SM when your driving a Weasel.Don't ask!

Stock inflight refueling from various countries.And stock AWACS....need!

This just for starters and enjoy the dream!


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Another thing "we" would like to see is static aircraft on "moving" carrier decks.With the beautiful carrier(s) that will be released in the future,"we" would think now is the time to incorp. in are thoughts of progression for this mod.Wondering if could build the a/c on deck like building other stationary objects on deck?

Working Tomahawk ships like the working Hawks mod for WOE.

Active weather fronts,a really far out idea :crazy: .I mean,you should be able to fly out of the rain into other conditions,like fair or colder changing altitude turning to snow or whatever.

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Take a number on approach...wouldn't you like to see the "wounded" aircraft in 1st?


I was under the impression that for a single runway, or at the boat, you'd want to get the non-damaged jets down first, since they could expedite and have the least risk of leaving a foul deck for any jets to follow.

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I was under the impression that for a single runway, or at the boat, you'd want to get the non-damaged jets down first, since they could expedite and have the least risk of leaving a foul deck for any jets to follow.

You know thanks for that thought,more likely a fact!So,would it be fesilbe to have wounded aircraft to divert to an airfield than a carrier when avail?

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I guess I'm a noob because I'm returning to this sim, but I did play Striker Fighters and WoV in their 1st year. I'll ditto all that Icarus999 stated; great suggestions. What I'd like to see most is a Korean war theatre from 3rd Wire, but I suspect that's already eventually coming. If we do indeed roll back to an earlier time frame where prop aircraft were more common, I'd really like to see trim controls added with at least elevator trim at a bare minimum. Having to auto level the Skyraider in WoV kills the immersion for me. And while we're on the topic of control I'd really like to see improvements in rudder control.


If a Korean theatre does indeed materialize, I'd like the terrain to finally be done right by 3rd Wire and for TK not to rely on 3rd parties for it. The korea terrain is spectacular and poses some challenges as anyone who's played F4 or Mig Alley knows, and it'd be nice if 3rd Wire finally put some focus on that aspect, especially since there won't need to be many new avionic and weapon systems. I'd also love to see helicopters properly introduced to the engine starting with the Korean War era Sikorsky H-19/HRS-1, hopefully doing it well enough so that 3rd parties can more easily build more modern helis for the current Wings Over.. sims. I'd also love to see RECON/rescue missions added to enhance helicopters.


I don't just want the past though, I'd also really like the SF engine to support more sophisticated targeting systems, i.e. I'd really like a DIANE for the A-6 in WoV. I'm not saying make it a 100% accurate, but add enough so that at least the viusal aspect can be created. I know that 3rd parties are currenlty working on a Desert Storm theatre, but I don't see how it'll be possible to do it realistically with the current status of the weapon system.


And last but not least, but I suspect it's the least likely to ever happen, I'd like much better multiplay, especially Team vs Team and co-op campaign play.

Edited by Arrow

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I know that 3rd parties are currenlty working on a Desert Storm theatre, but I don't see how it'll be possible to do it realistically with the current status of the weapon system.


In what respect?

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This ought to be priceless!

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I'd like to be able to set waypoints for individual aircraft in your flight,like on the run-in to the target.

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In what respect?


I wasn't very clear, I was actually thinking more weapon targeting systems than weapons. From the little time I've spent in WoE, from what I've seen most of the weapons used in Desert Storm are there or at least their earlier incarnations. The targeting systems I'm thinking of are the DIANE on the A-6E, and the the A-G MPD's in the F-15E. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the radar modeled in WoE is the APG-63 in the F-15A, whereas the newer F-15E's in Desert storm had the APG-70. As well the absense of at least a 2nd MPD in the cockpit seems a bit too limitting just for the immersion factor alone. And I can't see how this sim in it's current state would support a HRM or GMT display in a MPD. Also, the Apache was a huge part of that war and it seems to me the current engine wouldn't allow for an accurate modelling of it, let alone it's advanced targeting systems.


Now if you were to correct me and say, "but clever modders have added those extra sytems", I wouldn't be surprised and I'd stand to be corrected. :biggrin:

Edited by Arrow

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The F-15E does not have a dedicated cockpit, it is in fact is using a modification of a cockpit meant for the F-15A, so that would explain the absence of a second working display. But you're correct in saying that those advanced modes are missing from the avionics code. TK never intended his titles to be anything more than a "sim lite" (his words).

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The F-15E does not have a dedicated cockpit, it is in fact is using a modification of a cockpit meant for the F-15A, so that would explain the absence of a second working display. But you're correct in saying that those advanced modes are missing from the avionics code. TK never intended his titles to be anything more than a "sim lite" (his words).


Well the F-15E actually had 3 MPD's, but I guess you could argue the RWR is the equivalent of one for display purposes. This is the reason why I think TK's idea of doing the Suez and then Korea -at least that's the rumor I've heard - is a good decision. There's nothing in those time periods that the WO engine can't currently accomodate. That factor should allow him to focus on other areas like terrain and heli avionics / flight models. I think it's unfortunate that the ability to host additional MPD's hasn't been added yet as it would really help someone trying to make Gulf War era aircraft, but it's all good with me. I still look forward to and appreciate whatever the mod community can come up with in a Desert Storm campaign.


Since I posted earlier I fired up WOE and jumped into a F-15A strike mission and I had a blast with it. I even managed to take out a SAM launcher with my Vulcan and land on road when I went bingo on fuel. :biggrin: This sim has plenty enough to offer in it's current state for what the asking price is. It's just that if it went a few extra steps I'd never need to fire up F4AF or torture myself trying to get my Janes sims flying again.


TK may refer to this as a "sim lite", but considering that people who would have been flying liter sims on PC's a decade ago our now flying them on Xboxes and PS3's now, I wouldn't classify this sim with that term. Games like Blazing Angels and Air Combat 6 are what sim lites have become.

Edited by Arrow

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The one thing that stands out when i'm on a mission is once my wingman has been taken out and for some odd reason i miss the target :whistle2: I'd enjoy the game a lot more if i could get the 2nd,3rd etc flight to take out the dang primary instead of hitting every target around it.


Perform this experiment:


Set up a (non-scripted) strike mission, in say, the F-4E. Make sure that your wingman (#2) has no air to ground ordnance. Fly towards the objective. Find an enemy aircraft, and tell your wingman to attack it, and then, try to either get yourself shot down, or just simply auger in :biggrin:


Don't exit the game just yet.... :wink: Instead, sit back and watch what your #3, #4 (etc.) wingmen do. They will go on to hit the primary :good:

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Well, they would EVENTUALLY make their mark.

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single mission carrier ops would be cool, I still only fly singles because the campaign always freezes after the 23rd mission.

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ok here is one that is doable; The ability to edit the stock campaings in WOV and WOE WITHOUT all the extracting, making a copy of this and that, re-writing ini stuff, re-naming, praying and crying. Hey Now!

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Hmm I've got a low post count here, so I'll play ;)


First off though, TK and the modders have done an amazing job so far. Hat's off to the entire community for continuing to expand and improved on a series most thought was DOA upon it's initial release.


All right my list:


- Improved avionics functionality as an option. For that matter, just the adding the ability for them to be created by 3rd parties if desired. Much as MSFS gauges can be used to wondrous things (GPS, simulate VTOL flight capabilities, etc.) through scripting having that ability in the engine would open up a lot of areas. Want a working TFR for you're FB-111, write one. Want to have a working bombing lobbing system, write one, etc.


- Improved FAC's. Yep sometimes all you've got is a bearing and a target description. On the other hand.... I'd love to see the airborne FAC's mark target's, or have ground units pop smoke or the like. Also having a lot more radio chatter from the ground to the CAS would be great. Rolling in hot towards a unit under fire, getting a nine line CAS request, and having to formulate you're attack on the go would be an awesome experience IMO.


- Dynamic mission re-tasking. Get pulled off of an Armed Recon flight for a SAR mission, or have you're pre-planned CAS loiter time cut short by a "broken arrow" call. Have to divert to an alternate target as the first wave already blew up the comm building (die comm building, die!) Get pull off of CAP for an intercept etc. However have them be related to what's going on in the battle space. Don't have a single aircraft just auger in to create a SAR diversion, if an aircraft goes down on a CAS or strike run though...


- As a tie in to the above, Improved world busyness for lack of a better term. Campaign missions where you are just one plane in a big war are great. Single missions seem to lose a lot of this. Having just a busier world, with other aircraft and ground units going on and doing there thing would add immensely to immersion.


- Improved ground attack options. First off being able to adjust the reticle depression on your sight while in game. That alone would give manual bombing a tremendous boost in accuracy and immersion. You only have yourself to blame if you forgot to depress your sight before you rolled in hot. Secondly and much more of a long term issue would be to have an increase in weapons fidelity in terms of locking on and selecting targets. LGB's are basically useless in the CAS or armed recon role. In reality so long as you or another aircraft can designate you can "tank plink" all day long with them.


- An In-game mission creator, rather then an external program (something like F4 or LOMAC). Also as noted previously a way to tweak single missions in-game.


I know a lot of that isn't going to happen as it would take a fundemental re-write of a lot of code I'm guessing. Little things from it though, like maybe just more audio chatter on CAS missions from the ground I think would be easily implemented and add to the sim.





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A thread for noobs? That's me!


Things I'd love to see from Thirdwire in the near future:

-Working (pitch-linked) thrust vectoring

-Support for simultaneous launch/guidance of active homing missiles in TWS mode

-Support for designating ground targets in ground map radar mode (for long-range AGM/ASM shots)


Things I'd love to see from the modding community some time:

-An updated F-16C cockpit using Avionics70.dll

-Some modern bombers (B-1, B-2, F-117, Tu-160)

-GBU-32 (1000lb JDAM)

-A few modern capital ships (Udaloy? Arleigh Burke?)


That's pretty much everything I could want, aside from some things that others have mentioned. I don't post here much, but I'm totally loving this game.

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