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Updated WOE Highway Airfield Mod

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I'll upload this tonight for those interested.


It's updated for the current patch, including static aircraft. You shouldn't see anything parked there but one of the Harrier variants. Also, with the patch you won't get placed at these airfields during single missions, unless you have MinBaseSize=SMALL for that aircraft. IE, no more F-15's taking off from the road.


I've moved things around so they'll fit nicely with Brain32's & CA_Stary's hi-res tiles & tree's.


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Oh yeah.....

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kewl... just the shelters look somewhat "out of place" on a highway .... :ph34r:

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kewl... just the shelters look somewhat "out of place" on a highway .... :ph34r:


Yeah I agree, I'm going to go back to the camo netting/sandbags I used in my harrier campaign.


Just trying to think out of the box for a minute.

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Nice work!JSF_Aggie this will fit nicely with the NFS#3 package that up and coming by Column5.Maybe,I'll break out the Harrier Campaign and have another go at it.Nothing like the element of surprise in CAS.

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Damn dude, after all that work I did getting your airfields to work with Brain32s and CA_Stary's terrain...:biggrin:


Well, I still have the airfield lights...



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I asked if something like this existed the other day on SimHQ and now it does! Superb, can't wait to get my hands on it.


Does the Harrier campaign work with the latest patch? Can someone paste a link to it?


Thanks so much.


- Alex

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Harriers weren't the only NATO aircraft that could be deployed to highway airfields.....



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There were several Cold War aircraft that could use unprepared strips, Jaguars, Viggens and as far as I recall ALL Russian fighters were designed to take off and land on unprepared strips. The MiG-29 actually has its nose wheel behind its air intakes purely so if its on a muddy road, mud doesn't get kicked into the air intakes (furthermore it has auxiliary air intakes on top when its gear is down - the front ones close up!)


The actual point to this post however is to say, it would be great to have some other aircraft on the highway airfields, BUT I kind of felt up til now the Harrier was almost superfluous in this sim (and its one of my favourite aircraft) so i'd really love it if there were some dedicated woodland clearings, for example, that *needed* VTOL to operate from. Would be great in campaigns to have them really close to advancing troops. Would there be a way to move these bases as the campaign progressed? - or perhaps for troops to capture them.


Looking forward to this, hope I can get it tonight.


- Alex

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One of the best Mods ever makes a comeback - great to see :groupwave:

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The highway airfields weren't that unprepared. At both ends there were turning and refuelling areas and the lenght of the strip was comparable to a normal runway. I remember driving on a newly opened stretch of German Autobahn near Ahlhorn AB south of Oldenburg where the tiremarks of the landing planes were clearly visible. Just a week or so before the opening they had used the strip for just about everything flying around at that time, including F4's, F 16's, NF 5's, A 10's, F 15's, Buccaneers, Mirage's, F 111's F 104's etc. etc. A German F4 was damaged when it touched down a bit short and hit the last few meters of the barrier dividing the two lanes of the highway with it's afterburner cans.... (expensive noises I'm afraid)

The Harrier hideouts were quite a different matter, rather more primitive, tucked away in wooded areas, for instance in a corner of the former Luftwaffe airfield at Venlo and at army training areas and just about anywhere where there was tree cover. They could not be used by the conventional fighters, having only a very short stretch of road for short take offs, that could hardly be called a runway. Landing, after expending weapons and light on fuel was often done vertically . There were camouflaged dispersals on steel matting.

JSF Aggies work reminds me more of the Swedish type of dispersion, where a simple stretch of public road (not even a motorway)was used, maybe 1000m long with camouflaged dispersals alongside, often connected by road acting as taxiway to the nearby main airfield. (see Google Earth around Satenes Airbase northeast of Trollhättan for instance).

Lots of MiG's were prepared for grass runways (E. Germany had a lot of them, up to 3000m. long) and of course they also used highway strips (also in Poland and Checho Slovakia).

Preschen AB and Laage AB were even connected by taxiway to nearby highways (see also Google Earth)

The highway strips are a great addition !!!!




Derk :smile:

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Does the Harrier campaign work with the latest patch? Can someone paste a link to it?


No, it won't work out of the box with the current patch. However, the first thing I'm going to do after Desert Storm is get it updated.






Guys, I'll spread out the taxi positions a little, so if you want to use other aircraft, they won't be on top of eachother waiting to takeoff.


All you'll need to do is change MinBaseSize=MEDIUM to MinBaseSize=SMALL in the aircraft's _data.ini. If it's set to SMALL, the engine will put you on one about 80% of the time, for Single Missions.


For campaigns, it's just changing the BaseArea in the campaign's _data.ini.


Give me an hour or less and I'll have it up. Thanks

Edited by JSF_Aggie

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Give me an hour or less and I'll have it up.


Takes you that long Brian? :rofl::haha:

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Sweet. I broke about 3 modded terrains trying to get your previous version to work with the tiles and atmosphere. Thanks for saving my sanity.



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Hey JSF_Aggie,


You might want to take a look at the positioning of Kleinalmerspann Highway Strip. I started a Red Lightning in an A-10 at that strip and had ZSU's in all the AAA emplacements, making it very difficult to take off! According to the briefing map, it's still in friendly territory, but maybe it's too close to the front...? After I failed the mission, the debrief said the squadron was being re-located...


Otherwise, lookin' good!

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