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OMG SECKS PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111



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I will need a change of underwear after seeing that!

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I will need a change of underwear after seeing that!





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OUT-SMEGGING-STANDING..... The BEST low level strike aircraft EVER!!!!!

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Is that my model I donated ...or another one?


We are trying to figure it out...NFG is not a MF member (yet) so it must be a new model. Unless Dave leaked again...eewww....

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Yes..definitely a Buccaneer!Great looking screenshot!Sweet......

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Im not complaining...lol...just glad to see a bucc up and flying at least....lol

I was gonna try and finish the one I started.....if I know what version that one is...I was dong the smkIIB

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I was gonna try and finish the one I started.....if I know what version that one is...I was dong the smkIIB



Russ, please continue with your S.2B.














Okay folks, I was just being naughty :wink: (hey, I never said it was mine, ever - now did I).


It's not real (yet!) but see how good the Bucc' looks.


Intended as a spur to whomever is now doing the Mighty Buccaneer.


With all the excellent a\c uploaded of late this would be a worthy addition.


Ha ha. Gotcha !

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One good turn deserves another.....Lookee what I got!!!!!! (I can just hear C5 groaning all the way up here )




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Unless Dave leaked again...eewww....


Someone help me, I sprung a leak. I canna take no more o' this.....the hull cap'n, she wont lass.....

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Buccaneer is an amazing aircraft (RAF should have had TSR-2 though!) can't wait to fly it.


Sr-71 will be amazing... will the MiG-25s be clever enough to catch it or will the AI fly too low?


- Alex

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TSR.2 would have been sublime.


You'll get your chance with it in the Thirdwire world soon enough.


Personally, I still prefer Blackburn's finest - the second best thing ever to come out of Brough :wink:

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I can understand how the Bucc could take your fancy, but I really think if you'd ever seen a TSR-2 in flight (which I haven't!) you would never go back.


It was really way ahead of its time, and to be honest it was destroyed by wise American businessmen so they wouldn't lose the Aussie '111 contract. The TSR-2 was actually in many ways far superior to the F-111 and it has been suggested would have far surpassed even the B-1 had it been fully developed.


Just siting a little story about its thrust - I know when they were testing the reheat (with gear down!) the Lightning chase plane couldn't keep up... and if you know anything about the Lightning, you know that's something.


Anyway, this is probably off topic but basically, can't wait for the Bucc! :good: (carrier ops too!?)


- Alex

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Ahh, an S.2B before they modded it back to the S.1 wingtip to reduce fatigue, sometime in the mid 80's I think. Having just started a project to model both versions for FSX I now know far too much about Buccaneers!


As an aside about the TSR.2 I remember reading somewhere, possibly Pprune, that when the program was cancelled there was no way it'd make it's operating range as you couldn't get enough fuel on the aircraft to keep the engines running that long. It was however the only aircraft to go supersonic with the airbrakes open, in fact they never got them to close properly I think the airflow reduced the pressure in that area and sucked them open!

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